How to generate a seed from an xy coordinate - random

Iv'e been working on a perlin script but have been having problems with creating simple pseudo random values.
I need to be able to create a seed value from an xy coordinate but x+y has obvious problems with recurring values. Also they go into negative space so x^y doesn't work.
Sorry if this has been already answered somewhere else but either I didn't understand or couldn't find it.

Do you want to assing a repetible random number to each x,y pair ?
Using a linear or in general function combination of the x,y as a seed will give artifacts in the distribution (at least if you don't use a very complex function).
Try with this, I've the same problem ant it worked for me
//seeded random for JS - integer
function irnd2()
return rnd2.r;
//seeded random for JS - double [0,1]
function rnd2()
return rnd2.r/m;
//seed function
function seed2(s)
//my smart seed from 2 integer
function myseed(x,y)
seed2(x);//x is integer
var sx=irnd2();//sx is integer
seed2(y);//y is integer
var sy=irnd2();//sy is integer
seed2(sx^sy);//using binary xor you won't lose information
In order to use it :
In this manner you can obtain a good uncorrelated random sequence.
I use it in JS but it should work also in other languages supposing the argument of seed and the returned value of rnd is an integer.

You need to better define the problem to get an optimal answer.
If your x and y values are relatively small, you could place them into the high and low portions of an integer (is the seed in your language an integer), e.g. for a 32-bit platform:
int seed = x << 16 + y;
If the seed value is not allowed to be negative (I didn't fully understand what you meant by "negative space" in your question, whether you were referring to geography or the seed value), you can take the absolute value of the seed.
If you meant that the coordinates can have negative values, your best course of action depends on whether you want the same seed for a coordinate and for it's inverse.

Take the absolute value of both x and y first; then x^y will work fine. One of the easiest ways to create a pseudo-random source is with time. You might try multiplying x^y by the current system time; this method has an extremely low chance of generating recurring seed values.

If you know the range of values you have, you could simply cast x and y as strings padded with zeroes, append the two strings, then run the resulting string through a hash function.

In C#, adapted and improved from alexroat's answer. Just set Random.seed = MyUtils.GetSeedXY(x, y) and you're good to go.
public static class MyUtils
static int seed2(int _s)
var s = 192837463 ^ System.Math.Abs(_s);
var a = 1664525;
var c = 1013904223;
var m = 4294967296;
return (int) ((s * a + c) % m);
public static int GetSeedXY(int x, int y)
int sx = seed2(x * 1947);
int sy = seed2(y * 2904);
return seed2(sx ^ sy);


Encode a byte array with an alphabet, output should look randomly distributed

I'm encoding binary data b1, b2, ... bn using an alphabet. But since the binary representations of the bs are more or less sequential, a simple mapping of bits to chars results in very similar strings. Example:
encode(b1) => "QXpB4IBsu0"
encode(b2) => "QXpB36Bsu0"
I'm looking for ways to make the output more "random", meaning more difficult to guess the input b when looking at the output string.
Some requirements:
For differenent bs, the output strings must be different. Encoding the same b multiple times does not necessarily have to result in the same output. As long as there are no collisions between the output strings of different input bs, everything is fine.
If it is of any importance: each b is around ~50-60 bits. The alphabet contains 64 characters.
The encoding function should not produce larger output strings than the ones you get by just using a simple mapping from the bits of bs to chars of the alphabet (given the values above, this means ~10 characters for each b). So just using a hash function like SHA is not an option.
Possible solutions for this problem don't need to be "cryptographically secure". If someone invests enough time and effort to reconstruct the binary data, then so be it. But the goal is to make it as difficult as possible. It maybe helps that a decode function is not needed anyway.
What I am doing at the moment:
take the next 4 bits from the binary data, let's say xxxx
prepend 2 random bits r to get rrxxxx
lookup the corresponding char in the alphabet: val char = alphabet[rrxxxx] and add it to the result (this works because the alphabet's size is 64)
continue with step 1
This appraoch adds some noise to the output string, however, the size of the string is increased by 50% due to the random bits. I could add more noise by adding more random bits (rrrxxx or even rrrrxx), but the output would get larger and larger. One of the requirements I mentioned above is not to increase the size of the output string. Currently I'm only using this approach because I have no better idea.
As an alternative procedure, I thought about shuffling the bits of an input b before applying the alphabet. But since it must be guaranteed that different bs result in different strings, the shuffle function should use some kind of determinism (maybe a secret number as an argument) instead of being completely random. I wasn't able to come up wih such a function.
I'm wondering if there is a better way, any hint is appreciated.
Basically, you need a reversible pseudo-random mapping from each possible 50-bit value to another 50-bit value. You can achieve this with a reversible Linear Congruential Generator (the kind used for some pseudo-random number generators).
When encoding, apply the LCG to your number in the forward direction, then encode with base64. If you need to decode, decode from base64, then apply the LCG in the opposite direction to get your original number back.
This answer contains some code for a reversible LCG. You'll need one with a period of 250. The constants used to define your LCG would be your secret numbers.
You want to use a multiplicative inverse. That will take the sequential key and transform it into a non-sequential number. There is a one-to-one relationship between the keys and their results. So no two numbers will create the same non-sequential key, and the process is reversible.
I have a small example, written in C#, that illustrates the process.
private void DoIt()
const long m = 101;
const long x = 387420489; // must be coprime to m
var multInv = MultiplicativeInverse(x, m);
var nums = new HashSet<long>();
for (long i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
var encoded = i*x%m;
var decoded = encoded*multInv%m;
Console.WriteLine("{0} => {1} => {2}", i, encoded, decoded);
if (!nums.Add(encoded))
private long MultiplicativeInverse(long x, long modulus)
return ExtendedEuclideanDivision(x, modulus).Item1%modulus;
private static Tuple<long, long> ExtendedEuclideanDivision(long a, long b)
if (a < 0)
var result = ExtendedEuclideanDivision(-a, b);
return Tuple.Create(-result.Item1, result.Item2);
if (b < 0)
var result = ExtendedEuclideanDivision(a, -b);
return Tuple.Create(result.Item1, -result.Item2);
if (b == 0)
return Tuple.Create(1L, 0L);
var q = a/b;
var r = a%b;
var rslt = ExtendedEuclideanDivision(b, r);
var s = rslt.Item1;
var t = rslt.Item2;
return Tuple.Create(t, s - q*t);
Code cribbed from the above-mentioned article, and supporting materials.
The idea, then, is to take your sequential number, compute the inverse, and then base-64 encode it. To reverse the process, base-64 decode the value you're given, run it through the reverse calculation, and you have the original number.

Random Numbers with OpenCL using Random123

I have been looking at this lib Random123 and associated quote:
One mysterious man came to my booth and asked what I knew about generating random numbers with OpenCL. I told him about implementations of the Mersenne Twister, but he wasn't impressed. He told me about a new technical paper that explains how to generate random numbers on GPUs by combining integer counters and block ciphers. In reverential tones, he said that counter-based random number generators (CBRNGs) produce numbers with greater statistical randomness than the MT and with much greater speed.
I was able to get a demo running using this kernel:
__kernel void counthits(unsigned n, __global uint2 *hitsp) {
unsigned tid = get_global_id(0);
unsigned hits = 0, tries = 0;
threefry4x32_key_t k = {{tid, 0xdecafbad, 0xfacebead, 0x12345678}};
threefry4x32_ctr_t c = {{0, 0xf00dcafe, 0xdeadbeef, 0xbeeff00d}};
while (tries < n) {
union {
threefry4x32_ctr_t c;
int4 i;
} u;
u.c = threefry4x32(c, k);
long x1 = u.i.x, y1 = u.i.y;
long x2 = u.i.z, y2 = u.i.w;
if ((x1*x1 + y1*y1) < (1L<<62)) {
if ((x2*x2 + y2*y2) < (1L<<62)) {
hitsp[tid].x = hits;
hitsp[tid].y = tries;
My questions are now, will this not generate the same random numbers every time its run, a random number is based on the global id ? How can I generate new random numbers each time. Possible to provide a seed as a parameter for the kernel and then use that somehow?
Anyone who have been using this lib and can give me some more insight in the use of it?
Yes. The example code generates the same sequences of random numbers every time it is called.
To get different streams of random numbers, just initialize any of the values k[1..3] and/or c[1..3] differently. You can initialize them from command line arguments, environment variables, time-of-day, saved state, /dev/urandom, or any other source. Just be aware that:
a) if you initialize all of them exactly the same way in two different runs, then those two runs will get the same stream of random numbers
b) if you initialize them differently in two different runs, then those two runs will get different streams of random numbers.
Sometimes you want property a). Sometimes you want property b). Take a moment to think about which you want and be sure that you're doing what you intend.
More generally, the functions in the library, e.g., threefry4x32, have no state. If you change any bit in the input (i.e., any bit in any of the elements of c or k), you'll get a completely different random, statistically independent, uniformly distributed output.
P.S. I'm one of the authors of the library and the paper "Parallel Numbers: As Easy as 1, 2, 3":
If you're not a subscriber to the ACM digital library, the link above may hit a pay-wall. Alternatively, you can obtain the paper free of charge by following the link on this page:
I can't help you with the library per se, but I can tell you that the most common way to generate random numbers in OpenCL is to save some state between calls to the kernel.
Random number generators usually use a state, from which a new state and a random number are generated. In practice, this isn't complicated at all: you just pass an extra array that holds state. In my codes, I implement random numbers as follows:
uint rand_uint(uint2* rvec) { //Adapted from
#define A 4294883355U
uint x=rvec->x, c=rvec->y; //Unpack the state
uint res = x ^ c; //Calculate the result
uint hi = mul_hi(x,A); //Step the RNG
x = x*A + c;
c = hi + (x<c);
*rvec = (uint2)(x,c); //Pack the state back up
return res; //Return the next result
#undef A
inline float rand_float(uint2* rvec) {
return (float)(rand_uint(rvec)) / (float)(0xFFFFFFFF);
__kernel void my_kernel(/*more arguments*/ __global uint2* randoms) {
int index = get_global_id(0);
uint2 rvec = randoms[index];
//Call rand_uint or rand_float a number of times with "rvec" as argument.
//These calls update "rvec" with new state, and return a random number
randoms[index] = rvec;
. . . then, all you do is pass an extra array that holds the RNG's state into random. In practice, you'll want to seed this array differently for each work item.
0xdecafbad, 0xfacebead, 0x12345678 and 0xf00dcafe, 0xdeadbeef, 0xbeeff00d are just arbitrarily chosen numbers, they're not special. Any other number (even 0) could be used in their place -- I'll add a comment to the example code.
You can replace any of them with variables that you pass in; the only requirement for avoiding undesirable repetition in the output random "stream" is that you avoid repeating the (c, k) input tuple. The example code uses the thread id and loop index to ensure uniqueness, but you can easily add more variables to ensure uniqueness -- e.g. count the kernel invocations in the host code and pass that counter in, use that in place of one of the elements of k or c.
By the way, despite the name 'Counter-based random number generator', there's no requirement that the inputs (c, k) be 'counters', it's just that counters happen to be the most convenient idiom for ensuring that inputs don't repeat.

How to generate a number in arbitrary range using random()={0..1} preserving uniformness and density?

Generate a random number in range [x..y] where x and y are any arbitrary floating point numbers. Use function random(), which returns a random floating point number in range [0..1] from P uniformly distributed numbers (call it "density"). Uniform distribution must be preserved and P must be scaled as well.
I think, there is no easy solution for such problem. To simplify it a bit, I ask you how to generate a number in interval [-0.5 .. 0.5], then in [0 .. 2], then in [-2 .. 0], preserving uniformness and density? Thus, for [0 .. 2] it must generate a random number from P*2 uniformly distributed numbers.
The obvious simple solution random() * (x - y) + y will generate not all possible numbers because of the lower density for all abs(x-y)>1.0 cases. Many possible values will be missed. Remember, that random() returns only a number from P possible numbers. Then, if you multiply such number by Q, it will give you only one of P possible values, scaled by Q, but you have to scale density P by Q as well.
If I understand you problem well, I will provide you a solution: but I would exclude 1, from the range.
N = numbers_in_your_random // [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8] will be 5
// This turns your random number generator to return integer values between [0..N[;
function randomInt()
return random()*N;
// This turns the integer random number generator to return arbitrary
// integer
function getRandomInt(maxValue)
if (maxValue < N)
return randomInt() % maxValue;
baseValue = randomInt();
bRate = maxValue DIV N;
bMod = maxValue % N;
if (baseValue < bMod)
return N*getRandomInt(bRate) + baseValue;
// This will return random number in range [lower, upper[ with the same density as random()
function extendedRandom(lower, upper)
diff = upper - lower;
ndiff = diff * N;
baseValue = getRandomInt(ndiff);
return lower + baseValue;
If you really want to generate all possible floating point numbers in a given range with uniform numeric density, you need to take into account the floating point format. For each possible value of your binary exponent, you have a different numeric density of codes. A direct generation method will need to deal with this explicitly, and an indirect generation method will still need to take it into account. I will develop a direct method; for the sake of simplicity, the following refers exclusively to IEEE 754 single-precision (32-bit) floating point numbers.
The most difficult case is any interval that includes zero. In that case, to produce an exactly even distribution, you will need to handle every exponent down to the lowest, plus denormalized numbers. As a special case, you will need to split zero into two cases, +0 and -0.
In addition, if you are paying such close attention to the result, you will need to make sure that you are using a good pseudorandom number generator with a large enough state space that you can expect it to hit every value with near-uniform probability. This disqualifies the C/Unix rand() and possibly the*rand48() library functions; you should use something like the Mersenne Twister instead.
The key is to dissect the target interval into subintervals, each of which is covered by different combination of binary exponent and sign: within each subinterval, floating point codes are uniformly distributed.
The first step is to select the appropriate subinterval, with probability proportional to its size. If the interval contains 0, or otherwise covers a large dynamic range, this may potentially require a number of random bits up to the full range of the available exponent.
In particular, for a 32-bit IEEE-754 number, there are 256 possible exponent values. Each exponent governs a range which is half the size of the next greater exponent, except for the denormalized case, which is the same size as the smallest normal exponent region. Zero can be considered the smallest denormalized number; as mentioned above, if the target interval straddles zero, the probability of each of +0 and -0 should perhaps be cut in half, to avoid doubling its weight.
If the subinterval chosen covers the entire region governed by a particular exponent, all that is necessary is to fill the mantissa with random bits (23 bits, for 32-bit IEEE-754 floats). However, if the subinterval does not cover the entire region, you will need to generate a random mantissa that covers only that subinterval.
The simplest way to handle both the initial and secondary random steps may be to round the target interval out to include the entirety of all exponent regions partially covered, then reject and retry numbers that fall outside it. This allows the exponent to be generated with simple power-of-2 probabilities (e.g., by counting the number of leading zeroes in your random bitstream), as well as providing a simple and accurate way of generating a mantissa that covers only part of an exponent interval. (This is also a good way of handling the +/-0 special case.)
As another special case: to avoid inefficient generation for target intervals which are much smaller than the exponent regions they reside in, the "obvious simple" solution will in fact generate fairly uniform numbers for such intervals. If you want exactly uniform distributions, you can generate the sub-interval mantissa by using only enough random bits to cover that sub-interval, while still using the aforementioned rejection method to eliminate values outside the target interval.
well, [0..1] * 2 == [0..2] (still uniform)
[0..1] - 0.5 == [-0.5..0.5] etc.
I wonder where have you experienced such an interview?
Update: well, if we want to start caring about losing precision on multiplication (which is weird, because somehow you did not care about that in the original task, and pretend we care about "number of values", we can start iterating. In order to do that, we need one more function, which would return uniformly distributed random values in [0..1) — which can be done by dropping the 1.0 value would it ever appear. After that, we can slice the whole range in equal parts small enough to not care about losing precision, choose one randomly (we have enough randomness to do that), and choose a number in this bucket using [0..1) function for all parts but the last one.
Or, you can come up with a way to code enough values to care about—and just generate random bits for this code, in which case you don't really care whether it's [0..1] or just {0, 1}.
Let me rephrase your question:
Let random() be a random number generator with a discrete uniform distribution over [0,1). Let D be the number of possible values returned by random(), each of which is precisely 1/D greater than the previous. Create a random number generator rand(L, U) with a discrete uniform distribution over [L, U) such that each possible value is precisely 1/D greater than the previous.
A couple quick notes.
The problem in this form, and as you phrased it is unsolvable. That
is, if N = 1 there is nothing we can do.
I don't require that 0.0 be one of the possible values for random(). If it is not, then it is possible that the solution below will fail when U - L < 1 / D. I'm not particularly worried about that case.
I use all half-open ranges because it makes the analysis simpler. Using your closed ranges would be simple, but tedious.
Finally, the good stuff. The key insight here is that the density can be maintained by independently selecting the whole and fractional parts of the result.
First, note that given random() it is trivial to create randomBit(). That is,
randomBit() { return random() >= 0.5; }
Then, if we want to select one of {0, 1, 2, ..., 2^N - 1} uniformly at random, that is simple using randomBit(), just generate each of the bits. Call this random2(N).
Using random2() we can select one of {0, 1, 2, ..., N - 1}:
randomInt(N) { while ((val = random2(ceil(log2(N)))) >= N); return val; }
Now, if D is known, then the problem is trivial as we can reduce it to simply choosing one of floor((U - L) * D) values uniformly at random and we can do that with randomInt().
So, let's assume that D is not known. Now, let's first make a function to generate random values in the range [0, 2^N) with the proper density. This is simple.
rand2D(N) { return random2(N) + random(); }
rand2D() is where we require that the difference between consecutive possible values for random() be precisely 1/D. If not, the possible values here would not have uniform density.
Next, we need a function that selects a value in the range [0, V) with the proper density. This is similar to randomInt() above.
randD(V) { while ((val = rand2D(ceil(log2(V)))) >= V); return val; }
And finally...
rand(L, U) { return L + randD(U - L); }
We now may have offset the discrete positions if L / D is not an integer, but that is unimportant.
A last note, you may have noticed that several of these functions may never terminate. That is essentially a requirement. For example, random() may have only a single bit of randomness. If I then ask you to select from one of three values, you cannot do so uniformly at random with a function that is guaranteed to terminate.
Consider this approach:
I'm assuming the base random number generator in the range [0..1]
generates among the numbers
0, 1/(p-1), 2/(p-1), ..., (p-2)/(p-1), (p-1)/(p-1)
If the target interval length is less than or equal to 1,
return random()*(y-x) + x.
Else, map each number r from the base RNG to an interval in the
target range:
[r*(p-1)*(y-x)/p, (r+1/(p-1))*(p-1)*(y-x)/p]
(i.e. for each of the P numbers assign one of P intervals with length (y-x)/p)
Then recursively generate another random number in that interval and
add it to the interval begin.
const p;
function rand(x, y)
r = random()
if y-x <= 1
return x + r*(y-x)
low = r*(p-1)*(y-x)/p
high = low + (y-x)/p
return x + low + rand(low, high)
In real math: the solution is just the provided:
return random() * (upper - lower) + lower
The problem is that, even when you have floating point numbers, only have a certain resolution. So what you can do is apply above function and add another random() value scaled to the missing part.
If I make a practical example it becomes clear what I mean:
E.g. take random() return value from 0..1 with 2 digits accuracy, ie 0.XY, and lower with 100 and upper with 1100.
So with above algorithm you get as result 0.XY * (1100-100) + 100 = XY0.0 + 100.
You will never see 201 as result, as the final digit has to be 0.
Solution here would be to generate again a random value and add it *10, so you have accuracy of one digit (here you have to take care that you dont exceed your given range, which can happen, in this case you have to discard the result and generate a new number).
Maybe you have to repeat it, how often depends on how many places the random() function delivers and how much you expect in your final result.
In a standard IEEE format has a limited precision (i.e. double 53 bits). So when you generate a number this way, you never need to generate more than one additional number.
But you have to be careful that when you add the new number, you dont exceed your given upper limit. There are multiple solutions to it: First if you exceed your limit, you start from new, generating a new number (dont cut off or similar, as this changes the distribution).
Second possibility is to check the the intervall size of the missing lower bit range, and
find the middle value, and generate an appropiate value, that guarantees that the result will fit.
You have to consider the amount of entropy that comes from each call to your RNG. Here is some C# code I just wrote that demonstrates how you can accumulate entropy from low-entropy source(s) and end up with a high-entropy random value.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace SO_8019589
class LowEntropyRandom
public readonly double EffectiveEntropyBits;
public readonly int PossibleOutcomeCount;
private readonly double interval;
private readonly Random random = new Random();
public LowEntropyRandom(int possibleOutcomeCount)
PossibleOutcomeCount = possibleOutcomeCount;
EffectiveEntropyBits = Math.Log(PossibleOutcomeCount, 2);
interval = 1.0 / PossibleOutcomeCount;
public LowEntropyRandom(int possibleOutcomeCount, int seed)
: this(possibleOutcomeCount)
random = new Random(seed);
public int Next()
return random.Next(PossibleOutcomeCount);
public double NextDouble()
return interval * Next();
class EntropyAccumulator
private List<byte> currentEntropy = new List<byte>();
public double CurrentEntropyBits { get; private set; }
public void Clear()
CurrentEntropyBits = 0;
public void Add(byte[] entropy, double effectiveBits)
CurrentEntropyBits += effectiveBits;
public byte[] GetBytes(int count)
using (var hasher = new SHA512Managed())
count = Math.Min(count, hasher.HashSize / 8);
var bytes = new byte[count];
var hash = hasher.ComputeHash(currentEntropy.ToArray());
Array.Copy(hash, bytes, count);
return bytes;
public byte[] GetPackagedEntropy()
// Returns a compact byte array that represents almost all of the entropy.
return GetBytes((int)(CurrentEntropyBits / 8));
public double GetDouble()
// returns a uniformly distributed number on [0-1)
return (double)BitConverter.ToUInt64(GetBytes(8), 0) / ((double)UInt64.MaxValue + 1);
public double GetInt(int maxValue)
// returns a uniformly distributed integer on [0-maxValue)
return (int)(maxValue * GetDouble());
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var random = new LowEntropyRandom(2); // this only provides 1 bit of entropy per call
var desiredEntropyBits = 64; // enough for a double
while (true)
var adder = new EntropyAccumulator();
while (adder.CurrentEntropyBits < desiredEntropyBits)
adder.Add(BitConverter.GetBytes(random.Next()), random.EffectiveEntropyBits);
Since I'm using a 512-bit hash function, that is the max amount of entropy that you can get out of the EntropyAccumulator. This could be fixed, if necessarily.
If I understand your problem correctly, it's that rand() generates finely spaced but ultimately discrete random numbers. And if we multiply it by (y-x) which is large, this spreads these finely spaced floating point values out in a way that is missing many of the floating point values in the range [x,y]. Is that all right?
If so, I think we have a solution already given by Dialecticus. Let me explain why he is right.
First, we know how to generate a random float and then add another floating point value to it. This may produce a round off error due to addition, but it will be in the last decimal place only. Use doubles or something with finer numerical resolution if you want better precision. So, with that caveat, the problem is no harder than finding a random float in the range [0,y-x] with uniform density. Let's say y-x = z. Obviously, since z is a floating point it may not be an integer. We handle the problem in two steps: first we generate the random digits to the left of the decimal point and then generate the random digits to the right of it. Doing both uniformly means their sum is uniformly distributed across the range [0,z] too. Let w be the largest integer <= z. To answer our simplified problem, we can first pick a random integer from the range {0,1,...,w}. Then, step #2 is to add a random float from the unit interval to this random number. This isn't multiplied by any possibly large values, so it has as fine a resolution as the numerical type can have. (Assuming you're using an ideal random floating point number generator.)
So what about the corner case where the random integer was the largest one (i.e. w) and the random float we added to it was larger than z - w so that the random number exceeds the allowed maximum? The answer is simple: do all of it again and check the new result. Repeat until you get a digit in the allowed range. It's an easy proof that a uniformly generated random number which is tossed out and generated again if it's outside an allowed range results in a uniformly generated random in the allowed range. Once you make this key observation, you see that Dialecticus met all your criteria.
When you generate a random number with random(), you get a floating point number between 0 and 1 having an unknown precision (or density, you name it).
And when you multiply it with a number (NUM), you lose this precision, by lg(NUM) (10-based logarithm). So if you multiply by 1000 (NUM=1000), you lose the last 3 digits (lg(1000) = 3).
You may correct this by adding a smaller random number to the original, which has this missing 3 digits. But you don't know the precision, so you can't determine where are they exactly.
I can imagine two scenarios:
(X = range start, Y = range end)
1: you define the precision (PREC, eg. 20 digits, so PREC=20), and consider it enough to generate a random number, so the expression will be:
( random() * (Y-X) + X ) + ( random() / 10 ^ (PREC-trunc(lg(Y-X))) )
with numbers: (X = 500, Y = 1500, PREC = 20)
( random() * (1500-500) + 500 ) + ( random() / 10 ^ (20-trunc(lg(1000))) )
( random() * 1000 + 500 ) + ( random() / 10 ^ (17) )
There are some problems with this:
2 phase random generation (how much will it be random?)
the first random returns 1 -> result can be out of range
2: guess the precision by random numbers
you define some tries (eg. 4) to calculate the precision by generating random numbers and count the precision every time:
- 0.4663164 -> PREC=7
- 0.2581916 -> PREC=7
- 0.9147385 -> PREC=7
- 0.129141 -> PREC=6 -> 7, correcting by the average of the other tries
That's my idea.

Collision free hash function for a specific data structure

Is it possible to create collision free hash function for a data structure with specific properties.
The datastructure is int[][][]
It contains no duplicates
The range of integers that are contained in it is defined. Let's say it's 0..1000, the maximal integer is definitely not greater than 10000.
Big problem is that this hash function should also be very fast.
Is there a way to create such a hash function? Maybe at run time depending on the integer range?
ADDITION: I should say that the purpose of this hash function is to quckily check if the particular combination was processed. So when some combination of numbers in the data structure is processed, I calculate the hash value and store it. Then when processing another combination of numbers within the data structure I will compare the hash values.
I think what you want is a "perfect hash" or even a "minimal perfect hash":
Edit: That said, if you're sure and certain you'll never go above [0...1000] and depending on what you need to do you probably can simply "bucket" your results directly in an array. If you don't have many elements, that array would be sparse (and hence a bit of a waste) but for at most 1001 elements going from [0...1000] an Object[1001] (or int[1001] or whatever) will probably do.
what if you just use a 64-bit value and store the location in each level of the hierarchy into one section of bits?
something like(off the top of my head): hash = (a << 34) | (b << 17) | (c)
A perfect hash is likely not feasible, because it can take a lot of computation time to find one for your data set.
Would a bool[][][] work for you, where true means a certain x,y,z combination has been processed? Below is a prototype for a three-dimensional bit array. Because of the limits of an Int32, this will only work up to a maximum index of about 1,024 (but would fit within 128 MB). You could get to 10,000 by creating a BitArray[][]. However, this is probably not practical at that size, because it would occupy over 116 GB of RAM.
Depending on your exact problem size and needs, a plain old hash table (with collisions) may be your best bet. That said, here is the prototype code:
public class ThreeDimensionalBitArray
// todo: consider making the size configurable
private const int MAX_INDEX = 1000;
private BitArray _bits = new BitArray(MAX_INDEX * MAX_INDEX * MAX_INDEX);
public bool this[int x, int y, int z]
get { return _bits[getBitIndex(x, y, z)]; }
set { _bits[getBitIndex(x, y, z)] = value; }
public ThreeDimensionalBitArray()
private static int getBitIndex(int x, int y, int z)
// todo: bounds check x, y, and z
return (x * MAX_INDEX * MAX_INDEX) + (y * MAX_INDEX) + z;
public class BitArrayExample
public static void Main()
ThreeDimensionalBitArray bitArray = new ThreeDimensionalBitArray();
Console.WriteLine(bitArray[500, 600, 700]); // "false"
bitArray[500, 600, 700] = true;
Console.WriteLine(bitArray[500, 600, 700]); // "true"

How best to sum up lots of floating point numbers?

Imagine you have a large array of floating point numbers, of all kinds of sizes. What is the most correct way to calculate the sum, with the least error? For example, when the array looks like this:
[1.0, 1e-10, 1e-10, ... 1e-10.0]
and you add up from left to right with a simple loop, like
sum = 0
numbers.each do |val|
sum += val
whenever you add up the smaller numbers might fall below the precision threshold so the error gets bigger and bigger. As far as I know the best way is to sort the array and start adding up numbers from lowest to highest, but I am wondering if there is an even better way (faster, more precise)?
EDIT: Thanks for the answer, I now have a working code that perfectly sums up double values in Java. It is a straight port from the Python post of the winning answer. The solution passes all of my unit tests. (A longer but optimized version of this is available here
* Adds up numbers in an array with perfect precision, and in O(n).
* #see
public class Summarizer {
* Perfectly sums up numbers, without rounding errors (if at all possible).
* #param values
* The values to sum up.
* #return The sum.
public static double msum(double... values) {
List<Double> partials = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (double x : values) {
int i = 0;
for (double y : partials) {
if (Math.abs(x) < Math.abs(y)) {
double tmp = x;
x = y;
y = tmp;
double hi = x + y;
double lo = y - (hi - x);
if (lo != 0.0) {
partials.set(i, lo);
x = hi;
if (i < partials.size()) {
partials.set(i, x);
partials.subList(i + 1, partials.size()).clear();
} else {
return sum(partials);
* Sums up the rest of the partial numbers which cannot be summed up without
* loss of precision.
public static double sum(Collection<Double> values) {
double s = 0.0;
for (Double d : values) {
s += d;
return s;
For "more precise": this recipe in the Python Cookbook has summation algorithms which keep the full precision (by keeping track of the subtotals). Code is in Python but even if you don't know Python it's clear enough to adapt to any other language.
All the details are given in this paper.
See also: Kahan summation algorithm It does not require O(n) storage but only O(1).
There are many algorithms, depending on what you want. Usually they require keeping track of the partial sums. If you keep only the the sums x[k+1] - x[k], you get Kahan algorithm. If you keep track of all the partial sums (hence yielding O(n^2) algorithm), you get #dF 's answer.
Note that additionally to your problem, summing numbers of different signs is very problematic.
Now, there are simpler recipes than keeping track of all the partial sums:
Sort the numbers before summing, sum all the negatives and the positives independantly. If you have sorted numbers, fine, otherwise you have O(n log n) algorithm. Sum by increasing magnitude.
Sum by pairs, then pairs of pairs, etc.
Personal experience shows that you usually don't need fancier things than Kahan's method.
Well, if you don't want to sort then you could simply keep the total in a variable with a type of higher precision than the individual values (e.g. use a double to keep the sum of floats, or a "quad" to keep the sum of doubles). This will impose a performance penalty, but it might be less than the cost of sorting.
If your application relies on numeric processing search for an arbitrary precision arithmetic library, however I don't know if there are Python libraries of this kind. Of course, all depends on how many precision digits you want -- you can achieve good results with standard IEEE floating point if you use it with care.
