Despite all known blogs about this issue i always doubt some results and my personal tests shows that the well-said standard isn't the best.
Declaring variables inside the loop, to keep them close to its scope and make it faster to be reached by the method but allocating more memory or declaring outside the for scope to save memory allocation but increase processing to iterate in a distant instance.
My results shows that method B is faster(sometimes), i want to know the background around this.
results vary and im not a bit-brusher guru.
So what you guys think about it?
Method A
var object:Object = new Object();
var loop:int = 100000
for (var i:int = 0; i < loop; i++)
object = new Object(); = foo; = bar;
Method B
var loop:int = 100000
for (var i:int = 0; i < loop; i++)
var object:Object = new Object() = foo; = bar;
AS3 compiler moves all the variable declarations to the top of the method which is called variable hoisting. And the minimum scope for a variable is a complete method. Your method B is equivalent of the following:
var loop:int = 100000;
var i:int;
var object:Object;
for (i = 0; i < loop; i++) {
object = new Object(); = foo; = bar;
Note that it only moves the declaration up, not the associated assignment with this. This is the reason you can declare a variable after using it. For example try this code:
var a:int = 10;
This will compile. It's because this code is equivalent of:
var a:int;
a = 10;
This is also the reason that you will get a duplicate variable declaration warning with the following code:
for (var i:int = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { // i is already declared once
The concept of variable scope in AS3, JS is different from that of C, C++, Java etc.
tldr; they are semantically equivalent and perform identically.
There is only one variable called object in both cases presented. ActionScript, like JavaScript, "hoists" declarations. That is, var is really just a function-scoped annotation. This differs from C and Java where a new scope (and thus new variable) would have been created in the 2nd case.
There is no difference in AS, however. The engine effectively treats the 2nd code identical to the first. (That being said, I prefer to "keep the var close" to where it is used, while understanding it is not relevant to the scope and has no bearing on performance.)
See Action Script 3.0: Variables and, the Scope section in particular:
The scope of a variable is the area of your code where the variable can be accessed by a lexical reference... In ActionScript 3.0, variables are always assigned the scope of the function or class in which they are declared.
Happy coding.
std::vector<VkWriteDescriptorSet> writeDescriptorSets;
for (int index = 0; index < descriptorBindings.size(); index++)
VkWriteDescriptorSet writeDescriptorSet = {};
// Binding 0 : Uniform buffer
writeDescriptorSet.dstSet = descriptorSet;
// Binds this uniform buffer to binding point 0
writeDescriptorSet.dstBinding = index;
writeDescriptorSet.descriptorCount = descriptorBindings[index].Count;
writeDescriptorSet.pNext = nullptr;
writeDescriptorSet.pTexelBufferView = nullptr;
if (descriptorBindings[index].Type == DescriptorType::UniformBuffer)
VkDescriptorBufferInfo uniformBufferDescriptor = {};
uniformBufferDescriptor.buffer = descriptorBindings[index].UniformBuffer->buffer;
uniformBufferDescriptor.offset = 0;
uniformBufferDescriptor.range = descriptorBindings[index].UniformBuffer->size;
writeDescriptorSet.descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER;
writeDescriptorSet.pBufferInfo = &uniformBufferDescriptor;
else if (descriptorBindings[index].Type == DescriptorType::TextureSampler)
VkDescriptorImageInfo textureDescriptor = {};
textureDescriptor.imageView = descriptorBindings[index].Texture->imageView->imageView; // The image's view (images are never directly accessed by the shader, but rather through views defining subresources)
textureDescriptor.sampler = descriptorBindings[index].Texture->sampler; // The sampler (Telling the pipeline how to sample the texture, including repeat, border, etc.)
textureDescriptor.imageLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL; // The current layout of the image (Note: Should always fit the actual use, e.g. shader read)
//printf("%d\n", textureDescriptor.imageLayout);
writeDescriptorSet.descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER;
writeDescriptorSet.pImageInfo = &textureDescriptor;
vkUpdateDescriptorSets(logicalDevice, writeDescriptorSets.size(),, 0, nullptr);
I am really scratching my head over this. If I enabled optimizations inside Visual Studio then the textureDescriptor.imageLayout line, and probably the rest of the textureDescriptor, gets optimized out and it causes errors in Vulkan. If I comment out the printf below it then no problem. I suspect that the compiler detects that imageLayout is being used and doesn't get rid of it.
Do I even need optimizations? If so how can I prevent it from removing that code?
textureDescriptor is not being "optimized out". It's a stack variable whose lifetime ended before you ever give it to Vulkan.
You're going to have to create those objects in some kind of way that will outlive the block in which they were created. It needs to the call to vkUpdateDescriptorSets.
This question already has answers here:
JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example
(44 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have a big problem in JS.
I have a function where I make a promise chain. A promise is "added" to the last promise in a for loop. Inside this loop there are some variables. Each function of each then needs to access these variables, that is, their values corresponding to the correct for iteration.
The problem is, I believe, since the promise is executed when the functions ends, each promise will read the same values of those variables (which have the values of the last for iteration).
I don't want this to happen. How can I do to solve it?
I have written a code that mimics my problem:
function test() {
var p = Promise.resolve();
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var j = i * 10;
p = p.then(function() {
p.then(function() {
As you can see, each time the function inside then fires, it always reads value 90 of j, instead of reading all the correct values.
Thank you for your help
Change var to let and then each invocation of the loop will have its own set of variables.
function test() {
let p = Promise.resolve();
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
let j = i * 10;
p = p.then(function() {
p.then(function() {
let is block scoped so each block (in this case each iteration of the for loop) gets its own version of the i and j variables. So, when you do your alert(j), it will be using the correct variable.
FYI, I changed alert(j) to console.log(j) because using alert() can mess with asynchronous timing (since it blocks JS execution) whereas console.log() just reports and lets the code keep running so you get a better picture of how things actually run with console.log().
first of all I admit I'm a newbie in C++ addons for node.js.
I'm writing my first addon and I reached a good result: the addon does what I want. I copied from various examples I found in internet to exchange complex data between the two languages, but I understood almost nothing of what I wrote.
The first thing scaring me is that I wrote nothing that seems to free some memory; another thing which is seriously worrying me is that I don't know if what I wrote may helps or creating confusion for the V8 garbage collector; by the way I don't know if there are better ways to do what I did (iterating over js Object keys in C++, creating js Objects in C++, creating Strings in C++ to be used as properties of js Objects and what else wrong you can find in my code).
So, before going on with my job writing the real math of my addon, I would like to share with the community the nan and V8 part of it to ask if you see something wrong or that can be done in a better way.
Thank you everybody for your help,
#include <map>
#include <nan.h>
using v8::Array;
using v8::Function;
using v8::FunctionTemplate;
using v8::Local;
using v8::Number;
using v8::Object;
using v8::Value;
using v8::String;
using Nan::AsyncQueueWorker;
using Nan::AsyncWorker;
using Nan::Callback;
using Nan::GetFunction;
using Nan::HandleScope;
using Nan::New;
using Nan::Null;
using Nan::Set;
using Nan::To;
using namespace std;
class Data {
int dt1;
int dt2;
int dt3;
int dt4;
class Result {
int x1;
int x2;
class Stats {
int stat1;
int stat2;
typedef map<int, Data> DataSet;
typedef map<int, DataSet> DataMap;
typedef map<float, Result> ResultSet;
typedef map<int, ResultSet> ResultMap;
class MyAddOn: public AsyncWorker {
DataMap *datas;
ResultMap results;
Stats stats;
MyAddOn(Callback *callback, DataMap *set): AsyncWorker(callback), datas(set) {}
~MyAddOn() { delete datas; }
void Execute () {
for(DataMap::iterator i = datas->begin(); i != datas->end(); ++i) {
int res = i->first;
DataSet *datas = &i->second;
for(DataSet::iterator l = datas->begin(); l != datas->end(); ++l) {
int dt4 = l->first;
Data *data = &l->second;
// TODO: real population of stats and result
// test result population
results[res][res].x1 = res;
results[res][res].x2 = res;
// test stats population
stats.stat1 = 23;
stats.stat2 = 42;
void HandleOKCallback () {
Local<Object> obj;
Local<Object> res = New<Object>();
Local<Array> rslt = New<Array>();
Local<Object> sts = New<Object>();
Local<String> x1K = New<String>("x1").ToLocalChecked();
Local<String> x2K = New<String>("x2").ToLocalChecked();
uint32_t idx = 0;
for(ResultMap::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); ++i) {
ResultSet *set = &i->second;
for(ResultSet::iterator l = set->begin(); l != set->end(); ++l) {
Result *result = &l->second;
// is it ok to declare obj just once outside the cycles?
obj = New<Object>();
// is it ok to use same x1K and x2K instances for all objects?
Set(obj, x1K, New<Number>(result->x1));
Set(obj, x2K, New<Number>(result->x2));
Set(rslt, idx++, obj);
Set(sts, New<String>("stat1").ToLocalChecked(), New<Number>(stats.stat1));
Set(sts, New<String>("stat2").ToLocalChecked(), New<Number>(stats.stat2));
Set(res, New<String>("result").ToLocalChecked(), rslt);
Set(res, New<String>("stats" ).ToLocalChecked(), sts);
Local<Value> argv[] = { Null(), res };
callback->Call(2, argv);
Local<Object> datas = info[0].As<Object>();
Callback *callback = new Callback(info[1].As<Function>());
Local<Array> props = datas->GetOwnPropertyNames();
Local<String> dt1K = Nan::New("dt1").ToLocalChecked();
Local<String> dt2K = Nan::New("dt2").ToLocalChecked();
Local<String> dt3K = Nan::New("dt3").ToLocalChecked();
Local<Array> props2;
Local<Value> key;
Local<Object> value;
Local<Object> data;
DataMap *set = new DataMap();
int res;
int dt4;
DataSet *dts;
Data *dt;
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < props->Length(); i++) {
// is it ok to declare key, value, props2 and res just once outside the cycle?
key = props->Get(i);
value = datas->Get(key)->ToObject();
props2 = value->GetOwnPropertyNames();
res = To<int>(key).FromJust();
dts = &((*set)[res]);
for(uint32_t l = 0; l < props2->Length(); l++) {
// is it ok to declare key, data and dt4 just once outside the cycles?
key = props2->Get(l);
data = value->Get(key)->ToObject();
dt4 = To<int>(key).FromJust();
dt = &((*dts)[dt4]);
int dt1 = To<int>(data->Get(dt1K)).FromJust();
int dt2 = To<int>(data->Get(dt2K)).FromJust();
int dt3 = To<int>(data->Get(dt3K)).FromJust();
dt->dt1 = dt1;
dt->dt2 = dt2;
dt->dt3 = dt3;
dt->dt4 = dt4;
AsyncQueueWorker(new MyAddOn(callback, set));
Set(target, New<String>("myaddon").ToLocalChecked(), GetFunction(New<FunctionTemplate>(AddOn)).ToLocalChecked());
NODE_MODULE(myaddon, Init)
One year and half later...
If somebody is interested, my server is up and running since my question and the amount of memory it requires is stable.
I can't say if the code I wrote really does not has some memory leak or if lost memory is freed at each thread execution end, but if you are afraid as I was, I can say that using same structure and calls does not cause any real problem.
You do actually free up some of the memory you use, with the line of code:
~MyAddOn() { delete datas; }
In essence, C++ memory management boils down to always calling delete for every object created by new. There are also many additional architecture-specific and legacy 'C' memory management functions, but it is not strictly necessary to use these when you do not require the performance benefits.
As an example of what could potentially be a memory leak: You're passing the object held in the *callback pointer to the function AsyncQueueWorker. Yet nowhere in your code is this pointer freed, so unless the Queue worker frees it for you, there is a memory leak here.
You can use a memory tool such as valgrind to test your program further. It will spot most memory problems for you and comes highly recommended.
One thing I've observed is that you often ask (paraphrased):
Is it okay to declare X outside my loop?
To which the answer actually is that declaring variables inside of your loops is better, whenever you can do it. Declare variables as deep inside as you can, unless you have to re-use them. Variables are restricted in scope to the outermost set of {} brackets. You can read more about this in this question.
is it ok to use same x1K and x2K instances for all objects?
In essence, when you do this, if one of these objects modifies its 'x1K' string, then it will change for all of them. The advantage is that you free up memory. If the string is the same for all these objects anyway, instead of having to store say 1,000,000 copies of it, your computer will only keep a single one in memory and have 1,000,000 pointers to it instead. If the string is 9 ASCII characters long or longer under amd64, then that amounts to significant memory savings.
By the way, if you don't intend to modify a variable after its declaration, you can declare it as const, a keyword short for constant which forces the compiler to check that your variable is not modified after declaration. You may have to deal with quite a few compiler errors about functions accepting only non-const versions of things they don't modify, some of which may not be your own code, in which case you're out of luck. Being as conservative as possible with non-const variables can help spot problems.
Basically, I am looking for something more or less equivalent to the following C code:
int theGlobalCount = 0;
theGlobalCount_get() { return theGlobalCount; }
theGlobalCount_set(int n) { theGlobalCount = n; return; }
You could use a neat trick: declare a mutable global variable, and make a ref (aka mutable reference) point to it (no GC is required to make this work!). Then, implement functions to provide access to the mutable reference.
var theGlobalCount_var : int = 0
val theGlobalCount = ref_make_viewptr (view# theGlobalCount_var | addr# theGlobalCount_var)
in // in of [local]
theGlobalCount_get () : int = ref_get_elt (theGlobalCount)
theGlobalCount_set (n: int): void = ref_set_elt (theGlobalCount, n)
end // end of [local]
Note that declarations inside local-in are visible only to code inside in-end. Therefore, neither theGlobalCount_var nor theGlobalCount are visible outside the scope of the local.
Full code:
You can also use the extvar feature to update an external global variable (declared in the target language). This is very useful if you compile ATS to a language that does not support explicit pointers (e.g., JavaScript). Here is a running example that makes use of this feature:
Actually, I am confronted with a code base and have a questions concerning the std::vector concerning stack and heap.
Somewhere in a member function I encounter some code similar to this:
Member declaration:
//member variable in DataHelper class
std::vector<Data::Point> mDataPoints;
Member function:
void DataHelper::LoadData(int nPoints)
//mDataPoints is a member variable
for (UINT i = 0; i < nPoints; i++)
Data::Point point; //some data class
point.X = 1; //dummy values
point.Y = 2;
point.Z = 3;
So the Data::Points are stored in the vector for later use.
I thought that the Data::Point point; is allocated on the stack and that it's storage for later use in this sense will lead to errors. Is this right?
In fact, when you do a push_pack in a std::vector, you copy the data points. So, you will have 2 identical instances, one in the heap and the other one in the vector.
You have to make sure that your Data::Point implements a copy constructor if needed (for instance, if contains pointers).