Spring Bean Extensions - spring

I have a Spring MVC project with a generic application context xml file. This file defines the generic configuration of my applciation such as the base property file for i18n and data source to connect to the database and so on. While i define this context file i also want to define the session factory which will have base configurations such as the data source to use, the second level caching (eh-cache) and so on. But this will not contain the list of entity beans that my application would load. I want to keep the mapping of the entity beans only in separate file and load them based on need.
Is there a possibility to extend the session factory that i had defined in the base file and only add the additional entity beans? I will eventually have several spring configuration files which will load a separate set of entities. can this be achieved?

There are several posibilities.
You can use PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer to externalize the entity list to a property file. (You can use SPEL in the property file).
You can use an abstract bean definition and use it as parent in other sessionFactory beans, then you can import thems based on a Enviroment PropertySource.
Note that Hibernate SessionFactory is inmutable after building it and SessionFactoryBean build SessionFactory in afterPropertiesSet method so the work of setting up the SessionFactoryBean that you want must be done by some BeanFactoryPostProcessor
After reading your comment, I think that you could declare a EntityClassHolder bean and use the Autowire collections facility to get all entities in a EntityClassFactoryBean that you can inject in a single SessionFactoryBean. But i don't sure if that is that you want to do:
public class EntityClassHolder {
List<Class<?>> entityClasses;
public List<Class<?>> getEntityClasses() {
return entityClasses;
public void setEntityClasses(List<Class<?>> entityClasses) {
this.entityClasses = entityClasses;
public class EntityClassFactoryBean extends AbstractFactoryBean<List<Class<?>>> {
List<EntityClassHolder> list;
public Class<?> getObjectType() {
return List.class;
protected List<Class<?>> createInstance() throws Exception {
ArrayList<Class<?>> classList = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
for (EntityClassHolder ech : list) {
return classList;
Now, if you have several applicatonContext-xxx.xml for example, the SessionFactory will be configured with entity classes definied in EntityClassHolder beans when you load one of them.


Inject/Access Spring Bean into Log4j2 Plugin

I have a configuration properties class that I want to inject into a custom log4j2 RewritePolicy.
#Plugin(name = "MyPolicy", category = "Core", elementType = "rewritePolicy", printObject = true)
public class MyPolicy implements RewritePolicy {
private MyPolicyProperties myPolicyProperties; // <-- want to inject/autowire this
public MyPolicy() {}
public static MyPolicy createPolicy() {
return new MyPolicy();
public LogEvent rewrite(LogEvent logEvent) {
// do something with myPolicyProperties here
return Log4jLogEvent.newBuilder()
// ... etc
public class MyPolicyProperties {
private String property1;
private int property2;
// ... etc
I've tried implementing an ApplicationListener to reconfigure log4j as described here but was can't seem to get the appender and/or rewritepolicy to configure. Also tried implementing ApplicationContextAware described here but also didn't work.
Is there anyway to access the MyPolicyProperties in MyPolicy?
It can be done but it is almost never pretty. This is because Log4j Plugins are loaded by Log4j's plugin system while Spring Beans are loaded by Spring. Furthermore, they are not instantiated at the same time.
If you are using Spring Boot the very first thing that will happen is for Log4j2 to initialize because SpringApplication requests a Logger. So there would be no way to resolve the Spring Bean at that point as it doesn't exist. Later, Spring's bootstrap process will initialize Log4j again and then during application setup it will initialize once or twice more. During these subsequent initializations the bean may be available.
Depending on the type of application you are using you may be able to locate Spring's ApplicationContext so that you can call getBean() and inject it.
There is no automatic way to do this via an annotation or something similar.
The simplest way to do it is to either add a static method in the target class that gets initialized to reference itself when Spring is initialized or to create another class with a method that initializes a static method to reference the Spring created bean. So Spring will cause these static methods to reference the bean it creates. Then have your Log4j plugin call that static method to get the bean reference. Once it is non-null you can save it in the plugin and after that it should function as you want.

Spring Boot configuration for non-beans [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Injecting beans into a class outside the Spring managed context
(8 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have some business logic properties in the application.yml file.
They are loaded into the application via a #ConfigurationProperties annotated class.
How could I use these properties in a class which is not a Spring Bean? It cannot be a singleton, because many objects of it must be created during run-time.
business.foo: 2
#Getter // lombok
#Setter // lombok
public class BusinessProperties {
private int foo;
public class TypicalBean {
private final BusinessProperties properties;
public TypicalBean(BusinessProperties properties) {
this.properties = properties;
public void printFoo() {
System.out.println("Foo: " + properties.getFoo()); // "Foo: 2"
public class NonBean {
public void printFoo() {
System.out.println("Foo: ???"); // How to access the property?
Is there some way to create a non-singleton class, which can have access to configuration (or even other Spring beans) but otherwise works the same as a regular java class? Meaning that I can control its creation, it is collected by the garbage collector if not used anymore, etc.
You can still define the NonBean.class as a Component with Scope.Prototype
#Scope(value = BeanDefinition.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE)
public class NonBean {
public TypicalBean(BusinessProperties properties) {
this.properties = properties;
public void printFoo() {
System.out.println("Foo: " + properties.getFoo());
The trick is how you create an instance of NonBean.class. In the code where you'll be creating an instance of NonBean.class, use Spring's ObjectFactory<T>
private final ObjectFactory<NonBean> nonBeanFactory;
NonBean nonBean = nonBeanFactory.getObject();
The instantiated nonBean object will have been autowired.
All spring-beans creates by SpringApplicationContext. Bean - it's simple POJO-object, but created by Spring and saved in his container. If you want to get access to bean from outside of container - see this:
Getting Spring Application Context
Spring beans are really meant to be used within the application context but you might be able to achieve what you want by autowiring the properties to a static field in a Spring bean.
public class BusinessPropertiesUtils {
public static BusinessProperties INSTANCE;
public setBusinessProperties(BusinessProperties properties) {
this.INSTANCE = properties;
And then:
public class NonBean {
public void printFoo() {
System.out.println("Foo: " + BusinessPropertiesUtils.INSTANCE.getFoo());
PS: this is very hacky and definitely not the "Spring way".
You can configure beans with the prototype scope, which will give you a new instance of the bean every time it's requested.
From the Spring documentation:
In contrast to the other scopes, Spring does not manage the complete lifecycle of a prototype bean. The container instantiates, configures, and otherwise assembles a prototype object and hands it to the client, with no further record of that prototype instance.
In some respects, the Spring container’s role in regard to a prototype-scoped bean is a replacement for the Java new operator. All lifecycle management past that point must be handled by the client.
Example of how you can convert the TypicalBean class to a prototype scoped bean:
public class TypicalBean {
Another alternative is to manually instantiate the bean class (or any POJO) and injecting the dependencies (configuration, spring beans, etc.) through the constructor or setter methods, if you have them available or can get them from the Spring Context.
new TypicalBean(properties);

Autowire specific implementations of persistence layer in Spring with Java based configuration

In a Spring MVC proyect I'm using Spring Data in the persistence layer so I have a bunch of repositories to access the data. I also have a layer for services so I have things like UserService or AuthorityService that use that repositories.
The problem is that I've been asked to create an interface to be able to change the implementation of the persistence layer (using DAOs for example) without have to touch a single line in the services. How can I specify in an Autowired of that interface what implementation to use? I´m using Java based config and I don't see how to inject it.
I also have a problem with the name of these new interfaces. Normally I would use a name like UserService but Spring use Service for the service layer so, What name is suitable for this type of interface?
You could mark the new implementation of the DAO as #Primary. Indicates that a bean should be given preference when multiple candidates are qualified to autowire a single-valued dependency. If exactly one 'primary' bean exists among the candidates, it will be the autowired value.
public class FooService {
private FooRepository fooRepository;
public FooService(FooRepository fooRepository) {
this.fooRepository = fooRepository;
public class JdbcFooRepository {
public JdbcFooService(DataSource dataSource) {
// ...
public class HibernateFooRepository {
public HibernateFooService(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {
// ...
Because HibernateFooRepository is marked with #Primary, it will be injected preferentially over the jdbc-based variant assuming both are present as beans within the same Spring application context, which is often the case when component-scanning is applied liberally.
This annotation is semantically equivalent to the element's primary attribute in Spring XML.
I didn't completely follow your second question.

How are components managed in Spring MVC and how to inject a customized component in Spring 3.2.5?

I’m considering to replace the DefaultSessionAttributeStore implementation of Spring MVC 3.2.5 with some class of my own, and I’ve known from the source code that in my 3.2.5 spring source, it’s SessionAttributesHandler which possesses a SessionAttributeStore interface reference and invokes the session store function. My question is how to replace that by DI? The SessionAttributesHandler holds a final private sessionAttributeStore reference and can only be set by the constructor:
public class SessionAttributesHandler {
private final SessionAttributeStore sessionAttributeStore;
public SessionAttributesHandler(Class<?> handlerType, SessionAttributeStore sessionAttributeStore) {
Assert.notNull(sessionAttributeStore, "SessionAttributeStore may not be null.");
this.sessionAttributeStore = sessionAttributeStore;
SessionAttributes annotation = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(handlerType, SessionAttributes.class);
if (annotation != null) {
for (String attributeName : this.attributeNames) {
this.knownAttributeNames.put(attributeName, Boolean.TRUE);
Are all the components of spring mvc managed in the spring DI container? How to inject my own SessionAttributeStore implementation into SessionAttributesHandler? What does the "Class handlerType" argument mean in the constructor? From source, it seems like it's the "controller" class. Since SessionAttributesHandler is invoked and held by a ModelFactory, and in ModelFactory there is no code instantiating the SessionAttributesHandler, is there any "XML" bean configuration file for the Spring MVC inner components and how to overwrite them?
If you want to provide your own implementation of a SessionAttributeStore you need to manually configure the RequestMappingHandlerAdapter and set your custom implementation on there. That will take care of using it through-out the rest of the infrastructure.
Assuming that you use java config you can do the following
public class MyConfiguration extend WebMvcConfigurationSupport {
public SessionAttributeStore sessionAttributeStore() {
return new MyCustomSessionAttributeStore();
public RequestMappingHandlerAdapter requestMappingHandlerAdapter() {
RequestMappingHandlerAdapter rmha = super.requestMappingHandlerAdapter();
return rmha;
If you want to do this in XML you either have to write a BeanPostProcessor which sets it on the default RequestMappingHandlerAdapter instance created by <mvc:annotation-driven /> or configure it manually and drop the namespace support.

Can we configure a service class with multiple DAO's..?

I have hit this peculiar problem where I need to fetch the data from two different datasources. I am using myBatis and as per their documentation one sqlSessionFactory can refer only one datasource and since the sqlSessionFactory is injected into DAO, the idea of a DAO with multiple sources is out of the window. I was thinking to create a generic service class that would interact with mutiple DAO's.Is it possible.? If yes, how..? And if not, why not..?
I have hit this peculiar problem where I need to fetch the data from two different datasources.
--> As you are using two data sources, you may use/create two SessionFactory. I am not aware of myBatis. What you can do is create BaseDao class, extend it by all dao classes. Autowire two SessionFactory and DataSource. Create two different getter methods to get sessions from two Session factories. You can access both SessionFactories from all Dao classes.
public class BaseDao {
// Declare and autowire session factory 1 -> defined in configuration
// Declare and autowire session factory 2 -> defined in configuration
// getter method to get session from factory 1
// getter method to get session from factory 2
public UserDaoImpl extends BaseDao implements UserDao {
// here you can directly access sessions from factory 1 & 2 using getter methods in BaseDao
If you need to inject several beans which implement the same interface into your service - check this answer, it may be what you are looking for. Simple approach would be:
interface DevService
void add(Device d);
String getName();
class DevServiceLocalImpl implements DevService
void add(Device d) {...}
String getName() {return "local";}
class Controller
Collection<DevService> services;
void doSomethingWithService()
// TODO: Check type somehow
String servType = "local";
for(DevService s: services)
// Call service methods
