Multilanguage site in Joomla, specific page not loading modules - joomla

I've got a site built in Joomla, and it is using Joom!Fish for translating articles, which seems to work great.
However there's one page on my site, which in just one of the four languages currently active does not load two of my modules.
I've nailed this down to a SEF-urls problem, de-activating it in Joomla-admin fixes the issue, but I need to have SEF-urls.
Why is the SEF-url working on 3 of my languages, but on the fourth it seems to ignore the itemid parameter and not load my modules.
Using Joomla 1.5x, for SEF-urls I'm using the built-in solution, will perhaps using a SEF-plugin solve this?
Best Regards // Ninja

Fixed it by recreating articles menus, modules etc. That was connected to the broken page, and it started working. However it's prolly just a matter of time before the same problem will occur on a new page.
Seems to be an issue with SEF-urls and modules not really supporting it fully. JoomFish seems fairly bad at this.
So if someone else runs into this problem, try recreating everything thats connected to the problem, and hope nothing else will break.


Taking a screenshot of html without dependencies

I want to be able to save an image of either a div or a page (whichever easiest) without using dependencies.
So I have been browsing around for awhile to find many solutions to this problem, most of them I have found use dependencies such as BrowserShot or something else. I was wondering if there was some way to do this without dependencies other than ImageIntervention to manage the images.
I decided to use google's speed API for taking screenshots. I originally was trying to avoid this due to not being able to use it for development since that would be hosted locally.
The solution is described pretty well here.

Joomla SobiPro search results in a 404

(Apologies if I'm breaking any community guidelines here with this question, I just don't know how else to ask?)
I've recently migrated one of my Joomla sites from 2.5 to 3+ and one of the most important components I use on the site is SobiPro.
I've upgraded SobiPro to the latest version as well and made sure that everything is in order.
Now this is where I'm having a problem. On just one single section, when I do a search I get a 404 when going to the results page and for the life of me I don't know what is wrong.
This is not happening on any other section, just this one. I've checked all settings and I've literally run out of ideas as to where to look and what to do to get to the bottom of this.
I'm happy to provide further info, I just don't know what to provide?
Any help that could possibly point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
I have seen this happen in various ways and the fix usually tends to be the following.
Turn "Search Engine Friendly URLs and Use URL Rewriting" off.
Navigate the site on the frontend, to the area affected.
Then turn "Search Engine Friendly URLs and Use URL Rewriting" on.
May need to clear the cache afterwards, and make sure your hosting doesnt have some extended cache on, via php.ini.

How can I make a one page websites on joomla?

i'm trying out joomla! CMS, and in my job we're very fond of one-page sites. Is there any way of making a fully functional website with it? The main reason we need the CMS is because of the way the client wants to update they're webpage.
Ok before you do anything, have a real think to yourself, is Joomla really the best option? Your client requires a 1 page website, therefore what would be the point in loading a full blown CMS just for that. Joomla, when zipped up, is more or less 8MB. Out of all honestly, I would even find the likes of Wordpress still too big for a project of this size.
What I would really recommend is having a look round on the web for a very small CMS that simply includes a small backend with the ability to create, update and delete articles.
Have a look at this for example:
This would be a brilliant way to start. It has a small backend for you to manage articles, and you can start building up a completely custom template, exactly to your client's liking. I'm not too sure on the programming skills but if you're fairly new to it, then this would be a good place to start and gain knowledge.
Given that the above is what I would personally recommend, you may not want to do that or may not have the time, therefore if you really want to stick with Joomla, you should find a template that fits your needs in regards to module positions. Else you can add your own custom positions to the template. Have a read through the documentation as it will give you the necessary information
Hope this helps
I was looking for a solution myself for quite a while. I came up with the following two soutions:
Like #mattosmat said for a joomla one page site the simplest solution actually is it to declare one section as the main componenent and create the other section with cusom-made joomla modules.
Use wordpress with the advanced field plugin to create a single-page website.
Actually if a clients wish is it to create a single page website with cck and cms features i create these projects in wordpress and not in joomla anymore in my opinion its the wrong plattform.
I Have One Word!!!
BOOTSTRAP!!!! IS the way to go.. simple,succinct,beginner friendly. Doesnt matter if you really make it in Joomla! or anything else.
And for head start, look up "Scrollspy" in Bootstrap.

Joomla 2.5 Add Option Groups to Article

I'm playing with Joomla 2.5.9 (The latest 2.X download). Do you know how you can add additional menu's to the "Article Manager: Edit Article" page? (This is in the Administration)
Their API gives me some hint on several things but I am don't know what this right "Slide Down Option Area" is called in the Administration.
In the right area there are things such as:
Publishing options
Article Options
Configure Edit Screen
Images and Links
I want to know where to start to add my own, or where they are already built in the system so I can base mine off it -- Is this a plugin, module, or something else? :)
As i say don't change any of the core file in Joomla. If you want to add any functionality into the article manager you can make your own plugin to add functionality in it. For doing this see this link :
Creating a content plugin
I hope this is what you looking for.Good luck.
There are some extensions that allow you to do that.
I recommend (although somewhat buggy and a code mess) this one:
It does exactly what you want.
Or, you could make your own as Toretto suggests, there are some tutorials on creating a plugin for extra items in the article form, but the already-made-extension route seems to make more sence.
I've been using FieldsAttach for this sort of thing, for a few years, the code is often a little messy, that is true, but the the concepts are clean and eloquent. Brian Teeman explains it well from an integrator point of view in his talk at but in some ways it is even more compelling from a developer's perspective.
However, after watching Marco Ding's Joomla Day UK 2016 talk on I think DPFields may be a better choice. The architecture is perhaps more rugged and neater, but also because it may well end up being a core extension in Joomla in the near future. More info on DPFields is at , and .

Magento sites in IE9, prototype bugs

Internet Explorer 9 was released today, and I decided to check a few Magento sites we build in the last couple of months to see if everything continues to work with the new version.
But unfortunately it doesn't. I came across one particular problem that is caused by the version of the prototype library which is shipped with Magento, version
It looks like the cancelling events in eventhandlers isn't working.
For example, if you try to log in to a Magento shop, and just leave the login and password fields empty, IE9 submits the form even if there were errors, and the errors disappear after the refresh.
So that's quite a big problem I think.
So my question is: how can we deal with this problem? I see a couple of ways to deal with this:
Wait for Magento to release a new version with fixes
Upgrade the prototype library to the latest version which probably already has fixed the issue
Mess around in the existing library and try to fix the bug in there
Waiting for a new Magento release isn't a good idea because it probably will take a few weeks before there is one, and because it will cause a whole lot of other problems if you are running a very old version of Magento.
Upgrading to the latest prototype library is probably the best idea, but will everything in Magento continue to work with the latest version of prototype, does anybody has any experience with this?
So what's everybody's opinion about this problem?
Any ideas other than mine?
As upgrading Prototype has the potential to break a lot of things in Magento (and, honestly, doing anything in Magento has the potential to break a lot of things in Magento), I created a theme override for my
file and slapped the following as the first element under the head tag:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />
This tells IE to pretend as if it is IE 8, where possible. This solved an issue where, for example, you could not check out and complete the payment process if you only have one payment method enabled, as in IE 9 the fields will all be grayed out.
Note that it really must be the first tag underneath the <head>.
Since upgrading Magento in any way has the potential to cause problems, I feel this is the least intrusive way to solve the issue in the near term.
I spent a couple days on this, and discovered the only thing that truly works is disabling things at the form level. This should solve all your problems.
As a quick fix, I think I would take the same approach you are advocating, and upgrade Prototype to a version that does not contain this issue. However, Magento will be coming along with a patch (this is too big to ignore), and at that point, it would be wise to undo your changes and apply the patch they provide to keep in line with normal upgrades.
It is rarely worth it to manually dig in the internals of Magento's JS, so that option seems a bit off to me. There are probably several places where this semantic is used and you may miss some of them.
Hope that helps!
Joseph Mastey
I've updated the prototype.js file to 1.7 and so far it's correct. I dont see any errors. If you apdate and find errors please notify!
The proper fix is in the Magento forums.
In template/catalog/product/view/tabs.phtml, change the line that reads:'li', 'ol').each(function(el){
