Spring MVC with Front Controller - spring

I'm developing a web server using MVC with multiActionController. However, now I want to handle any request (/*) with a Front Controller. After that, this Front Controller will forward this request to the View in ModelAndView. However, after many searches with Google, I still don't know how to implement it.
I appreciate your help.

In that case you need to have a controller class defined with the annotation #RequestMapping("/")
and one function which will catch the GET request for the same mapping and from that function you can return whatever model and view you want to return.
Hope this helps you.


springmvc with rest - delegating request to different versions of rest controllers

I am designing a REST controller layer with the concept of different versioning which might happen in the future.
I am thinking of having separate classes with version number as follows.
class V1RestController {
class V2RestController {
Or V2RestController might extend V1RestController depending on the requirements. This is just a draft idea. But my question is if there is any Spring MVC api which can catch the URL and look up the version '/v1/api or /v2/api' and delegate the request to the right controller.
Based on my research, the best way is to make it backward-compatible, but i am sure that the reality is different and there would be some cases to have different implementations.
I know that there are other ways to design the rest controller layer for different versioning, but for now, i would like to take this approach.
Any help would be appreciated.
But my question is if there is any Spring MVC api which can catch the URL and look up the version '/v1/api or /v2/api' and delegate the request to the right controller.
DispatcherServlet intercepts the request (what to intercept it looks in "web.xml" ), and then DispatcherServlet looks at the request URL and looks for the controller whose "value" parameter (the "#RequestMapping" annotation) matches the request URL, if a match is found: control is transferred in the corresponding controller. Something like this.

REST and spring-mvc

Since REST based controller methods only return objects ( not views ) to the client based on the request, how can I show view to my user ? Or maybe better question what is a good way to combine spring-mvc web app with REST, so my user always get the answer, not in just ( for example ) JSON format, but also with the view ?
So far as I understood, REST based controller would be perfectly fitting to the mobile app ( for example twitter ), where views are handled inside the app and the only thing server has to worry about is to pass the right object to the right request. But what about the web app ?
I might be wrong in several things ( correct me if I am ), since I am trying to understand REST and I am still learning.
To simplify things - you basically have two options:
1) Build Spring MVC application.
2) Build REST backend application.
In case of first option - within your application you will have both backend and frontend (MVC part).
In case of second option you build only backend application and expose it through REST API. In most cases, you will need to build another application - REST client for your application. This is more flexible application because it gives you opportunity to access your backend application from various clients - for example, you can have Android, IOS applications, you can have web application implemented using Angular etc...
Please note, that thins are not so simple, you can within one application have both REST backend and REST client etc... This is just very very simplified in order that you get some general picture. Hope this clarified a little things.
There is some additional clarification related to REST and views worth learning. From your question, I can see that you mean "view" in a sense of UI(user interface) and typical MVC usage. But "view" can mean different things in a different contexts.
JSON can be considered as a view for data
JSON is a representation of the resource, just like HTML is
JSON doesn't have style (unless you are not using a browser
extension, which most the users are not using)
The browser is recognizing HTML as a markup language and applying a
style to it
Both are media types
Both JSON and HTML are data formats
Both can be transferred over the wire
This method returns a view
String home(Model model) {
return "home"; // resources\templates\home.html
This method Returns String
#RequestMapping(value = "/home")
public String home() {
return "Success";
If you annotate a method with #ResponseBody, Spring will use a json mapper to generate the response. Instead of annotating every method with #ResponseBody you can annotate your class with #RestController.
If you want to return a view, you need to annotate the class with #Controller instead of #RestController and configure a viewresolver. Bij default spring will use thymeleaf as a viewresolver if you have spring-web as a dependency on the classpath. The return type of the method is a String that references the template to be rendered. The templates are stored in src/main/resources/templates.
You can find a guide on the spring website: https://spring.io/guides/gs/serving-web-content/

Spring MVC Load page automatically

I have a quick question about how to use the Spring MVC.
I just started with it and i was used to have pages that always had their data loaded calling some controller that you setted ON THE PAGE.. calling some methods on controllers to load objects at the page at load time.
Is it the same in Spring MVC? Cuz what im seeing so far is that if you want to load a page with data, you always have to use a modelandview object which is loaded by a method that you must call before... and them you return the modelandview object with its destination to the view that you want.
What im trying to know is if there is a way that the page requests some data from the controller before it gets loaded... automatically...
Dont know if im making my self clear... thanks anyway for the help!
in spring mvc, using Controllers, it is always Request->Controller(populates model and chooses view)->Response.
you could use ajax to load data from any resource (even Controllers) or jsp:useBean to explicitly call some business logic or jsp:include to include a certain fragment or a custom jsp tag.
I also face the same situation.
check the below link for getting the data from the controller before view(JSP) load.
how to load the data into index page

Spring MVC 3.0 - restrict what gets routed through the dispatcher servlet

I want to use Spring MVC 3.0 to build interfaces for AJAX transactions. I want the results to be returned as JSON, but I don't necessarily want the web pages to be built with JSP. I only want requests to the controllers to be intercepted/routed through the DispatcherServlet and the rest of the project to continue to function like a regular Java webapp without Spring integration.
My thought was to define the servlet-mapping url pattern in web.xml as being something like "/controller/*", then have the class level #RequestMapping in my controller to be something like #RequestMapping("/controller/colors"), and finally at the method level, have #RequestMapping(value = "/controller/colors/{name}", method = RequestMethod.GET).
Only problem is, I'm not sure if I need to keep adding "/controller" in all of the RequestMappings and no matter what combo I try, I keep getting 404 requested resource not available errors.
The ultimate goal here is for me to be able to type in a web browser "http://localhost:8080/myproject/controller/colors/red" and get back the RGB value as a JSON string.
You are not correct about needing to add the entire path everywhere, the paths are cumulative-
If you have a servlet mapping of /controller/* for the Spring's DispatcherServlet, then any call to /controller/* will be handled now by the DispatcherServlet, you just have to take care of rest of the path info in your #RequestMapping, so your controller can be
public class MyController{
public String myMappedMethod(#PathVariable("name") String name, ..){
So now, this method will be handled by the call to /controller/colors/blue etc.
I don't necessarily want the web pages to be built with JSP
Spring MVC offers many view template integration options, from passthrough to raw html to rich templating engines like Velocity and Freemarker. Perhaps one of those options will fit what you're looking for.

Set request attribute and then redirect to another app in a Spring Controller

How can I set a request attribute and then redirect that to another app in a Spring Controller.
Please look at this answer, I think this is what are you looking for
How to pass model attributes from one Spring MVC controller to another controller?
