exit not working as expected in Bash - bash

I use SSH Secure Shell client to connect to a server and run my scripts.
I want to stop a script on some conditions, so when I use exit, not only the script stops, but all the client disconnects from the server!, Here is the code:
if [[ `echo $#` -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Missing argument- must to get a friend list";
for user in $*; do
if [[ !(-f `echo ${user}.user`) ]]; then
echo "The user name ${user} doesn't exist.";
A picture of the client:
Why is this happening?

You use source to run the script, this runs it in the current shell. That means that exit terminates the current shell and with that the ssh session.
replace source with bash and it should work, or better put
on to of the file and make it executable.

exit returns from the current shell - If you've started a script by running it directly, this will exit the shell that the script is running in.
return returns from a function or sourced file (TY Dennis Williamson) - Same thing, but it doesn't terminate your current shell.
break returns from a loop - Similar to return, but can be used anywhere within a loop to stop processing more items. This is probably what you want.

if you are running from the current shell, exit will obviously exit from the shell and disconnect you. try running it in a new shell ( use a . before the script) or else use 'return' instead of exit


How can I write and reference global bash scripts which halt the parent script's execution upon conditions?

I have written a simple script
echo Would you like to continue [y/n]?
read response
if [ "${response}" != 'y' ];
exit 1
I have added this script to ~/.bashrc as an alias
alias getConsentToContinue="source ~/.../get-consent-to-continue.sh"
My goal is to be able to call this from another script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# do stuff
# do other stuff IF given consent, ELSE stop execution without closing terminal
I want to be able to
bash ~/.../do-stuff.sh
And then, when getConsentToContinue is called, if I respond with anything != 'y', then do-stuff.sh stops running without closing the terminal window.
The Problem
When I run
bash ~/.../do-stuff.sh
the alias is not accessible.
When I run
source ~/.../do-stuff.sh
Then the whole terminal closes when I respond with 'n'.
I just want to cleanly reuse this getConsentToContinue script to short-circuit execution of whatever script happens to be calling it. It's just for personal use when automating repetitive tasks.
A script can't force its parent script to exit, unless you source the script (since it's then executing in the same shell process).
Use an if statement to test how getConsentToContinue exited.
if ! getConsentToContinue
exit 1
or more compactly
getConsentToContinue || exit
You could pass the PID of the calling script
For instance say you have a parent script called parent.sh:
# do stuff
echo "foo"
check_before_proceed $$
echo "bar"
Then, your check_before_proceed script would look like:
echo Would you like to continue [y/n]?
read response
if [ "${response}" != 'y' ];then
kill -9 $1
The $$ denotes the PID of the parent.sh script itself, you could find the relevant docs here. When we pass $$ as a parameter to the check_before_proceed script, then we would have access to the PID of the running parent.sh via the positional parameter$1 (see positional parameters)
Note: in my example, the check_before_proceed script would need to be accessible on $PATH

Run a command right before a script exits due to failure

Let's say there's this script
python -c 'a'
which will fail since a isn't defined. Just before the shell script exits, I want to run a command, say echo bye. How can that be achieved?
Flow is to be:
Python command above fails.
bye appears in terminal.
The zsh script exits.
I'd prefer it to affect the python command as little as possible such as indent, putting it in an if block, checking its exit code etc. In real life, the command is in fact multiple commands.
In the script you posted, the fact that the shell exits is unrelated to any error. The shell would exit, because the last argument hast been executed. Take for instance the script
python -c 'a'
echo This is the End
The final echo will always be exeuted, independent of the python command. To cause the script to exit, when python returns a non-zero exit code, you would write something like
python -c 'a' || exit $?
echo Successful
If you want to exit a script, whenever the first one of the commands produces a non-zeror exit status, AND at the same time want to print a message, you can use the TRAPZERR callback:
echo You have an unhandled non-zero exit code in your otherwise fabulous script
exit $?
python -c 'a'
echo Only Exit Code 0 encountered

I want to write a shell script to authorize the user but doesn't work

I call the hello.sh in my .bash_profile.
I try to exit when the user enters a wrong name, but it doesn't work. I think this is because the profile is read before the shell actually runs, so the exit will not affect the shell running. How to reach my goal?
The code is:
echo "What's you name?"
read name
if [ $name = "Frank" ]
echo 'Hello' $name
echo 'So happy to see you'
echo 'Happy coding :)'
echo 'You are not the right user.'
echo `exit`
Calling a shell file directly implicitly starts and executes in a new shell. That means the exit statement is only exiting from the subshell.
Calling with ". hello.sh" will execute hello.sh in the existing shell, so the exit statement will terminate that shell and the window with it.

How to prevent direct bash script execution and allow only usage from other script?

I have one script with common functions that is included in other my scripts with:
. ~/bin/fns
Since my ~/bin path is on the PATH, is there a way to prevent users to execute fns from command line (by returning from the script with a message), but to allow other scripts to include this file?
(Bash >= 4)
Just remove the executable bit with chmod -x . ~/bin/fns. It will still work when sourced, but you can't call it (accidentally) by its name anymore.
Some scripts at my workplace use a special shebang
#!/bin/echo Run:.
which returns
Run:. <pathname>
when you use it as a command.
Add the following at the beginning of the script you want to be only allowed to be sourced:
if [ ${0##*/} == ${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/} ]; then
echo "WARNING"
echo "This script is not meant to be executed directly!"
echo "Use this script only by sourcing it."
exit 1
This will check if the current script and executed shell script file basenames match. If they match, then obviously you are executing it directly so we print a message and exit with status 1.
if (return 0 2>/dev/null) ; then
echo "Error: script was executed."
exit 1

Best Option for resumable script

I am writing a script that executes around 10 back-end processes in sequence, depending on if the previous process was executed without any errors.
Now let's assume the scenario, in which lets say 5th process failed and script came out. But I want to code it in a way such that, when next time user runs it(after removing the error because of which script exited last time), he should be able to run from 5th process onwards and not again from 1st process.
To be more specific, assume following is the script:
Script Starts
if [ $? -eq 0 ] then
if [ $? -eq 0 ] then
if [ $? -eq 0 ] then
if [ $? -eq 0 ] then
So here the script will exit anytime if any one of the process fails to complete with status 0. So again, if process5 fails, and user corrects the problem and restarts script, the script should start with process5 again and not process1 or at least there should be an option to user if he wants to resume the script or start it back from beginning i.e. process1.
What all possible ways we can code this kind of script, also please bear in mind, I am not allowed to use a temporary db, where I can store the status of each process.
I need to code in sh (shell script) in unix.
A simple solution would be to write stamp files:
set -e # Automatically abort if any simple command fails
if ! test -f cmd1-stamp; cmd1; fi
touch cmd1-stamp
if ! test -f cmd2-stamp; cmd2; fi
touch cmd2-stamp
When the script executes, if cmd1-stamp exists, cmd1 is not executed. Otherwise, cmd1 is executed. The script will abort if it fails. Note that it is very tempting to write test -f cmd1-stamp || cmd1, and this seems to work ( in bash ) but the shell specs state that the shell shall abort if the simple command that fails is not a part of an AND or OR list, and I suspect this is (yet another) instance of bash not conforming to the spec. (Although it doesn't seem to specify that the shell shall not abort if the failing command is part of an AND or OR list.)
