How can I change the position I want a article in joomla? - joomla

I'm currently developing a website in Joomla, I wanted to know how can I change the location of a article, like all the articles will by the default go in the center position, I wanted to make a article to go to the right position, under my search menu, so I make links there.

I have found the resolution to my problem by using the module Module as Article joomla module:


How to insert a slider of 5 images on each article pages (selected article) in joomla

I am new to Joomla.
I am working on a Joomla website for a construction company.
I have created pages for each projects of the company as article page with following regions:
Project Title [article/page title]
Banner Slider [5 images of particular project using any slider]
Project Description
An image of the Project Plan.
My requirement is:
How can I insert the slider pluggin into each article page to have my second region working (BANNER SLIDER). I cant do it globally because for each project/article page the whole 5 images differ.
Thanks in advance for any sort of lead.
Seeing as it's a module and not a plugin, what you can do is duplicate the module and assign each one to different articles.
To do this, go to your Module Manager, select the module and click "Copy". Not sure what the slider module is called but I assume you can select which images you wish to use, so be sure to do this for each one. You then need to give each module a custom position. Simply type one in rather that selecting one.
And finally, in each article, you can call a specific module by adding the following code:
{loadposition XXX}
where XXX is the position you have assigned to your module.
Hope this helps
Use the Slideshow CK module, which can be found here:
We use it for our clients and they all love it. It also works right out of the box.
you can use Widgetkit component and create custom slide show for each article and show each article slider in article with Widgetkit short code.

Trouble configuring a module in joomla 3

I have been searching for a good carousel in joomla and found this one
SJ Carousel Free It also came with a user guide
I cannot make any sense out of the guide. I want to display a few images from a folder. I have been breaking my head over the "External Path" attribute in the module. It say images/{id}.jpg. What exactly does it mean? Where should I place my images.
I have posted in the official forum but didn't get any answer.
I'd also be grateful if some of you can suggest a few good joomla carousels. I cannot find some easily configurable carousels
I gathered that when the module is installed, some sample articles and a category are created which the module is then linked to. You should see how the images are displayed with the sample data. I assume that there is an image with a class and a description within a <p> or <span> tag in each article. If this is the method used, simple edit the current articles and copy them should you need any more.
The user guide is pretty straight forward. Should you need support, you should really contact the developer of the module else find an extension that is easier to use.
It appears that you need to create a category with articles containing the pictures you want to display. (I think each pic needs to be in a separate article) Then, you select that category in the Data Source box in Source Options Tab, while editing the SJ Carousel module.

How would i edit this vertical navigation menu - MAGENTO

Ok. all i am trying todo now is add an image to the top of the navigation bar.
I photoshopped a picture of what i have now and what i am trying to achieve.
here is my site
and here is a link to the naviation module in magento
Thanks guys you are always helpful here!
I find this question a bit specific, because it's related to specific plugin.
I suggest you to use template path hints to find out what file you have to edit. You could enable template path hints for specific store view in System/Configuration/Developer/Debug/Template Path Hints. This option will appear only when you enable specific store view in Current Configuration Scope on the top of left column. It will display hints around blocks on frontend.
You might also find useful official magento design guide:

Gallery of images with long descriptions in Joomla

I need to make something like gallery of magazine covers in joomla, and after clicking one image, it should open a page, where viewer would see an image of cover (that he could open in full size) and table of contents with links to some articles. Administrator should also be able to (reasonably) easily add a new covers with content to a gallery. I'm more like a Drupal guy, so I'm asking Joomla guys - what would be the best/easiest way to achieve this (including using extensions etc)? :)
You should be able to do that within the standard Joomla framework. In this case -
Have a main category that each issue would be a subcategory of.
Each issue of the magazine would be a new category, the magazine cover would be the image for that category.
Add the content as articles in the appropriate category
Display the parent category to get the listing of each issue.
Clicking the category would then display a list of links to the articles within the category.
This can definitely be accomplished with the K2 extension, but you can probably do it within the Joomla category/article framework with some simple template overrides.
To suit your needs, you will be best off using a Photo Gallery component and changing the link from opening an iframe/full size image, to an article OR a Portfolio component which I think might be the easier option.
One of my personal favorites is BT Content Slider. I have used it on multiple pages and adapted the code to suit our own needs and it works like a charm. Would also recommend it for you too.

Add component into Article?

I need to add a component into my Joomla articles.example(i have create a article in joomla this article i needed added image gallery.. that gallery functions are in one joomla component..) how to create it?
There are a couple of ways to do this. First, the easiest is to get a plugin specifically designed to do this. I prefer Simple Image Gallery Pro. There is a free version as well With this plugin, you simply upload your images to a folder for the gallery you wish to create, then reference that folder in the article you want the gallery to appear in with {gallery}myphotos{/gallery}
You can also replace the Joomla article with the extension K2. It has galleries within content items built in. It uses Simple Image Gallery and is written by the same developers.
Last, you can also use a plugin that allows you to load components within an article -
I forgot one. Last, last some of the good image gallery components also come with modules that allow you to display galleries in a module position. You would need to have a menu item or advance module manager in order to assign the module to the correct article, but it would give you a lot of flexibility in where you place the gallery.
