How can I change Joomla admin URL - joomla

By default Joomla admin URL is yoursitename/administrator. How can I change this for Joomla 1.5 so that it doesn't affect my modules and components or any other thing on the backend.

I don't think that would be a good idea, because some links to '/administator' in modules/components are hardcoded (static), so you better should use some of these plugins or just try something with .htaccess (ask for password, IP filtering etc...)

Install the jSecure Authentication plugin.
Every Joomla back-end has the same URL. If you install a security plugin, you can add a suffix to your back-end URL to make it look like this:
If the URL is not entered with a correct suffix, the site will redirect to a 404 (not found) page. Change the suffix regularly.

I use the changeadmin component to kind of hide the admin url:

Here is a Simple Step(And it's not a correct method but it works for me),
Just Create a new folder in your root directory.
create index.php (or some other name) in that folder, and add the following code
header("Location: ../administrator/index.php");
Then add the following code inside administrator/index.php . Please make sure to add this immediately after opening the PHP tag.
if($_COOKIE['JoomlaAdminSession']!= "159753987456321")
Then try to access the administrator login by typing your root_joomla_address/new_folder_name. Then it will automatically redirect to your admin page. If you tried to access the default admin login page directly then it will redirect to the Joomla home page.
Hope this will works. I don't claim this a correct procedure. But if you looking to avoid a plugin, then this hack will help you.

with simple step you can restrict to access your administrator login page
Follow bellow steps:
before going through all steps first find your id address from this link
Create a .htaccess file in administrator folder.
Now write following code in .htaccess file
<Limit GET POST> deny,allow deny from all allow from</Limit>
3.Now write your own ip instead of
4.Finally save the file and try to access your administrator page from your ip and different ip.
Hope it'll help. Thanks.


Laravel - how to protect /public/files/uploads/ from web acces by customers

I've got a question.
the admin and employee can upload stuff into /public/files/uploads/
and the customers are only allowed to see a part of the files in uploads.
but when I login as customer and visit: /public/files/uploads/
I can open and view every file.
I would like to know how to protect this from customers, like when they try to open /public/files/uploads/ they redirect back to the home view.
This would need some sort of .htaccess but I can't seem to figure out how to get it working.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Try to put an empty index.html file in this folder.
Also, are your normal URLs contain public? If so, you have wrong web server configuration and you should point your web server (Apache, Nginx) to a public directory instead of Laravel project's root folder.

Access Denied Magento Admin after domain change: correct password

After migrating from an amazon instance to GoDaddy hosting, I am unable to login to Magento backend when using the same username and password,
Adding a new user with a new password gives the same error: access denied
web/unsecure/base_url are set correctly in the database table core_config_table
My cookies are setup as follows
web/cookie/cookie_lifetime 3600
web/cookie/cookie_path NULL
web/cookie/cookie_domain NULL
web/cookie/cookie_httponly 1
web/cookie/cookie_restriction 0
Please let me know any thoughts you may have as I have searched google many times and none of the guides help, and I am starting to feel like I am the only one with this specific issue.
Thanks in advance!
Found the Solution myself after many weeks,
Save this file as newadmin.php in your magento root, then uncomment and replace the credentials with the ones you want, then go to
The reason is because administrator permissions were contravened, as far as I know this is the only way to add a working user.
Unfortunately one problem led to the next and I started getting index.php inserted into all of my links when I go into admin panel ex:********
I would be fine with this if it didn't send it to a 404 page, the correct page is:********
when I remove index.php from the url it works, but if I click on any link or try to save chages in admin panel, it reinserts the index.php in the url and doesn't POST anything to the page, because it gets sent to a 404 page
Click This Link if you want to follow my bug-fixing adventures:
try after delete var/* folder for remove cache
if not worked then change password from db admin_user table then try it.
Did you name your database and users exactly the same as before?
Some CPanels will automatically choose the first part of the MSQL database for you...
check app/etc/local.xml and see if it's all correct

Joomla administrator re-directs to homepage in localhost

I am trying to access my localhost version of the Joomla Administrator, however each time I navigate to the administrator directory, my Joomla website index page loads instead?
I suspect the htaccess file may be the issue but not 100%?
Any ideas?
Ok seeing as you have some protection plugin which re-directs the user from the admin panel if they try and access the page, you won't be able to to either.
And seeing as you can't login to disable it, you will have to do it manually via PhpMyAdmin. Follow these instructions:
Enter PhpMyAdmin
Open the table called jos_extensions (jos is the prefix which may be different for you)
Find the protection extension you have installed which is causing the redirect and go to edit it.
You will find a column called enabled. You need to change the value from 1 to 0
You should then be able to login to the Joomla admin panel
Hope this helps

URL rewrites do not work after moving Magento installation to new server

After duplicating our web store onto a new server, copying the database over and changing the base url/safe base url in the db, all we get from the copied installation is the front page. That is, no custom url redirects work (for products, the admin panel, etc.), they all result in a 404 (and not the magento 404, the server default). Do you have any ideas what I could check out? Could there be an issue with one of the libraries included in magento?
I tried reindexing with /shell/indexer.php - which executed successfully but didn't fix the redirects.
Any ideas? Note I cannot access the admin panel via /admin because of this issue.
Edit: solution was .htaccess file missing in root directory
I added the sample htaccess file from the magento installation (I uploaded a copy in case someone finds it useful:, and mod_rewrite was activated the next time I visited the site.
Make sure your vhosts file is setup correctly to allow mod_rewrite
Make sure your .htaccess file is setup correctly
How to enable mod_rewrite for Apache 2.2
You can access your admin through /index.php/admin in the meanwhile.

magento category url,admin 404 error

I am a magento newbie.
I've observed that when I make an installation of magento by copying all contents of the extraction directly to localhost.... i.e (when app, media, skin, index.php etc all pasted directly in localhost) I am unable to access the admin by simply typing in localhost/admin.
Whereas I have to type in localhost/index.php/admin to get into the admin panel.
Also when i click on any category i have the same problem.
I have to append index.php/ before the category name to get the category link working.
Can anyone please tell me how to get them working.
Check your Base URL in the Admin Panel, go to System | Configuration | Web and make sure the Secure and Unsecure Base URL does not include the 'index.php' part.
If you do not have index.php in my secure or unsecure web configuration and this happening on front end and back end, try to enable url rewrites and see if that solves it. You need mod_rewrite enabled on your localhost.
What is your local server?
