Jenkins Sonar plugin throws duplicate source file error during analysis - maven

I have set up Sonar with MySQL Database. My project is a multi module eclipse project, which means it has multiple plugins.
I have set up a Jenkins build with Maven to build this project and also installed Jenkins Sonar plugin to analyse the code with sonar.
All the configurations seem to be correct. However, when sonar tries to analyse this project after the build, it complains of duplicate source code and the build fails.
Each eclipse plugin has class and Sonar complains that this is duplicate. I have excluded this class from analysis, but Sonar complains of classes in a particular plugin that is added as a dependency to lot other plugins.
Incomplete analysis of the code leads to other issues in Sonar for this project. like, even though the project is visible in the Sonar dashboard, it asks for authentication again on clicking the project, even though I am logged in as admin.
Any inputs on pointing me to the right direction would be very helpful.
Please let me know if any additional inputs are necessary to better understand my problem.

IMO, the best example you can follow is our Sonar Eclipse project: This is also a multi-module Eclipse project.
In this example, you want to have a look at the parent module ( which goal is only to define the parent POM. Almost everything happens there.
I guess that you should find your way thanks to this.

I was able to fix this issue by removing the test tag in the parent pom.xml. This was somehow causing sonar to throw the duplicate source error. It was a tedious task to figure out the root cause and I had to reconstruct pom.xml from scratch, adding section by section.
Thanks to all for the help.


Why refresh of Maven repository is not enough for IntelliJ?

I had a NoClassDefFoundError problem with some test, launched from IntelliJ. In order to repair the situation, I had to make several changes in many poms of the project - adding new packages and excluding some old ones for to escape the overlapping of them. Also, I reapired the situation with different versions. But the situation did not improve. Again, some package, declared in pom, was not found where it should be.
I refreshed the maven repository by
mvn -e clean install -U
, as is advised in - so old and upvoted answer, that it surely looks as Santa.
The problem remained unchanged.
I output the maven map. It was correct and it contained all needed.
I looked at the list of the External Libraries of the project. It was the old uncorrected list of overlapping jars with same names and different versions, and without good packages I added just now, and well seen in maven tree output!
Already hapless,
I reimported packages in IntelliJ
Ctrl+Shift+A, Reimport All Maven Projects.
Ho! The list of libraries got repaired. And the problem, mentioned in subj, disappeared.
The question is: How it could happen, that the same project has that very pom for everything, but gets packages differently being launched in maven and in IntelliJ?
I know about that feature "delegate IDE build to Maven". And I keep it turned off. But I am NOT talking about the different SW for building. Whether they are different or not, they should be up to the actual pom's. And whereas maven, if turned off from the automatic building won't know about changes in poms, IntelliJ KNOWS about them. It could have jars up to pom, or up to maven - it has sense, but it simply has some old rubbish. Was there some deep thought under that construction?
Every time you manually change the pom.xml file, including the dependencies you need to load these changes into IDE. IDE does it on Reload from Maven action. See also Import Maven dependencies.
Intellij doesn't use maven to bulid and run a project except you are delegating build and run action to maven:
Since, IDEA doen't really use maven to run and build, it uses the pom.xml to import the project structure and "tries" to build the project the same way was maven does.
Actually, there are quite a few differences between these to build processes.
Generating sources or filtering resources (don't know if this is still an issue) aren't done during building the project with Intellij IDEA.
In case you are using code generation you have to build the project via maven first and then - when all the resouces are filtered and additional sources are generated - you are able to run, debug aso. the project with Inellij IDEA.
That's an important thing to be aware of and that's the reason why maven and IntelliJ IDEA project structures might get out of sync.
You can enable the "Reload project after changes in build scripts" feature and select the Any changes checkbox to keep your project structure updated:
Why should you disable this feature anyway
If you are working on a build file (gradle or maven is not important) reloading the structure on any change can be very anoying. It's cpu intense, dependcies are fetched aso.
Therefore, I prefer to reload project structure only in case of an external change. This happens when pulling an updated version of the build file for example.

Gradle composite build with custom gradle plugin fails in IntelliJ: "Could not find method api() for arguments"

I have a Gradle composite build project which contains a custom Gradle plugin. This project builds fine when using Gradle CLI, but IntelliJ fails.
I tried a few different variations on the plugin version within the resolutionStrategy block: org.test:test-plugin:0.0.1 and test-plugin:test-plugin.gradle.plugin:0.0.1 as described here: - both of those work from the CLI; changing to invalid values ("blah:blah") causes a failure.
I've made a sample Github project that contains the code to reproduce, here: along with instructions to reproduce and a workaround. The workaround is something that's not really feasible for me, as it requires repeating configuration code (dependencies, plugins etc.) and I have many, many projects that require the same/common configuration.
I would expect IntelliJ to load the project successfully, just like the CLI does. It seems like IntelliJ is loading the sub-project (:project-1:library-a) before the parent (:project-1), such that the java-library is not actually applied to the sub-project when it's evaluated.
Thanks for the sample project! Indeed, it is an issue in IntelliJ IDEA, see this ticket.
Gradle projects can have only one settings.gradle. You can include subproject "library-a" with include 'project-1:library-a' in the main settings.gradle.

Ant to maven conversion

I need to convert few projects from ant to maven. I know the basics of both, also read a lot of articles on how to. However, is it a good idea to write a pom using eclipse? Or is it better to write it without using eclipse? The M2Eclipse plugin needs maven to be tweaked more, will the changes related to M2Eclipse cause problems when the war is built on jenkins?
Pros of using Eclipse IDE:
The formatting of pom.xml will be taken care, when you add the 'maven-eclipse-codestyle.xml' to the code formatter, as mentioned here. Formatting will be harder when you do it without an IDE.
The auto-completion feature of eclipse will make your coding easier, since it will automatically sense the open tags and close them. You need to close all the open tags manually, if you don`t use an IDE.
You can view the dependency hierarchy of the dependencies added and hence it might be a bit helpful while managing the dependencies.This can be extremely useful ,when you have transitive dependencies (Dependencies within other dependencies). You can find more about transitive dependencies here.
An IDE will warn you of common mistakes that may occur while coding (something like, 'forgetting to close an open tag','placing a tag in an incorrect location'). This will save a whole lot of time. If you don`t use an IDE, you need to correct the mistakes only when you get an exception after executing a maven command.
Eclipse will warn of missing artifacts (when the dependencies are not present in the local repository), which can help you to fix it before executing the maven goal.
Cons of using Eclipse IDE:
m2e plugin will throw 'Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration' errors all over your pom.xml files. These errors won`t affect your build, but may be quite annoying.
I personally have done migration from Ant to Maven2. IMO it is better to write pom.xml on your own so that you wont face any last minute surprises as well as you will get complete overall knowledge on what you are exactly doing with your pom file.
However if you still want to go with m2e, from my experience it did not create any problems at all. Regarding the build - I guess there shouldn't be any issue. You can refer this link if you need more info about m2e and jekins - m2e and jenkins

maven lifecycle configuration

I'm playing with maven plugins, specifically i'm trying to develop a custom maven plugin for eclipse. All goes well, it builds from console ... etc until:`
"Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration"
appears. I research and find this:;
obviously i do not want to ignore the plugin's execution, the execute instruction does not seem to work, as for the delegate to project configurator, i am not able to find
I've searched in org.eclipse.jdt , core and source but there is no reference to what i am searching, best match i could find was here:
All in one, what i want to achive is this: "Starting with m2e 1.1, maven plugin developers are able to provide lifecycle mapping metadata as part of the plugin itself." as stated in the first link i inserted. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
To simply bypass the mojo execution or telling m2e to simply execute your mojo via maven embedder you need the following:
a proper lifecycle mapping as explained in your link. Reference:
However I put it in the root of the eclipse project to be able to debug it (finding those extra resources sometimes failes if you put them in src folders).
A build properties to embedd it into build:
Activation via dependencies and extension:
Hope this helps. I was confused about the project configurator too. But the above example does not require any project configurator.

STS M2E 'Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" Error - Flex-Mojos

I am trying to write my pom.xml for a multimodal flex application. I have been using this resource as an example:
I am using M2E v1.01 but I am faced with a number of 'Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" errors. As far as I can see - there are no m2E connectors available to resolve this and I have tried all the Maven advice I can find - to include:
Update dependencies
Update project configuration
The problem only occurs if the project is declared as swc or swf package. My next move to ask Eclipse to 'permanently mark goal as ignored' - which seems a little brash.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
With STS 2.8.0, we have upgraded m2eclipse to be version 1.0. However, this can cause a bit of trouble with existing projects. I wrote a blog on this a couple of months ago.
Essentially, the new architecture for m2eclipse requires that each maven plugin you use must be mapped to one Eclipse plugin to handle the plugin's execution inside of Eclipse. This obviously causes problems since not every maven plugin author has the knowledge or time to create also create and maintain an Eclipse plugin.
By marking the plugin as ignored, you are saying that the plugin should never be executed inside of Eclipse (implying that whenever you need it to be executed, you will do so from the command line). Once marked as ignored, you can then change it to execute, which means that it should always be executed whenever the associated lifecycle is performed in Eclipse. This may cause performance problems, and so only do it if you know the risks.
If all this is too much for you, then STS provides a downgrade option to revert to an older version of m2eclipse. Go to the Dashboard extensions page. Unfortunately, you will have to manually revert all changes to your .project and .classpath files (we provide an auto-upgrade mechanism, but not a downgrade mechanism...presumably everything is in version control).
Any questions or problems should be sent to the STS forums:
You can check this alpha connector "Flex Maven Integration for Flash Builder" on the eclipse marketplace:
