ElasticSearch index unix timestamp - elasticsearch

I have to index documents containing a 'time' field whose value is an integer representing the number of seconds since epoch (aka unix timestamp).
I've been reading ES docs and have found this:
But it seems that if I want to submit unix timestamps and want them stored in a 'date' field (integer field is not useful for me) I have only two options:
Implement my own date format
Convert to a supported format at the sender
Is there any other option I missed?

If you supply a mapping that tells ES the field is a date, it can use epoch millis as an input. If you want ES to auto-detect you'll have to provide ISO8601 or other discoverable format.
Update: I should also note that you can influence what strings ES will recognize as dates in your mapping. http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/mapping-date-format.html

In case you want to use Kibana, which I expect, and visualize according to the time of a log/entry you will need at least one field to be a date field.
Please note that you have to set the field as date type BEFORE you input any data into the /index/type. Otherwise it will be stored as long and unchangeable.
Simple example that can be pasted into the marvel/sense plugin:
# Make sure the index isn't there
DELETE /logger
# Create the index
PUT /logger
# Add the mapping of properties to the document type `mem`
PUT /logger/_mapping/mem
"mem": {
"properties": {
"timestamp": {
"type": "date"
"free": {
"type": "long"
# Inspect the newly created mapping
GET /logger/_mapping/mem
Run each of these commands in serie.
Generate free mem logs
Here is a simple script that echo to your terminal and logs to your local elasticsearch:
while (( 1==1 )); do memfree=`free -b|tail -n 1|tr -s ' ' ' '|cut -d ' ' -f4`; echo $load; curl -XPOST "localhost:9200/logger/mem" -d "{ \"timestamp\": `date +%s%3N`, \"free\": $memfree }"; sleep 1; done
Inspect data in elastic search
Paste this in your marvel/sense
GET /logger/mem/_search
Now you can move to Kibana and do some graphs. Kibana will autodetect your date field.


Why are my parser types not picked up in my elastic index?

I'm using fluent-bit to forward logs to an elastic db. All my fields are being indexed in elastic under the default string type but I want some fields indexed as numbers.
I've attempted to set the types in my fluent-bit config by adding a types entry to both the docker parser and the json parser (not sure which one is being used here, these are container logs from a k8s cluster):
Name json
Format json
Time_Key time
Time_Format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
Types my_float_field:float my_integer_field:integer
Name docker
Format json
Time_Key time
Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L
Time_Keep On
Types my_float_field:float my_integer_field:integer
But these fields continue to appear as string types in fresh elastic indexes under the ids log_processed.my_float_field and log_processed.my_integer_field. I'm sure I'm doing something obviously wrong but I can see what.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Use Elasticsearch index templates.
AFAIK the JSON parser plugin doesn't support "Type" parameter. It keeps the original JSON data types, so if my_float_field and my_integer_field contain quoted values, JSON parser will interpret them as strings as well. See this example from the docs:
A simple configuration that can be found in the default parsers
configuration file, is the entry to parse Docker log files (when the
tail input plugin is used):
Name docker
Format json
Time_Key time
Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z
The following log entry is a valid content for the parser defined
{"key1": 12345, "key2": "abc", "time": "2006-07-28T13:22:04Z"}
After processing, it internal representation will be:
[1154103724, {"key1"=>12345, "key2"=>"abc"}]
If you are using Logstash format in Elasticsearch output plugin, you can define an Elasticsearch index template containing the desired type mapping. The template will be applied to each newly created index (not to existing indices). The format changed in Elasticsearch 7, so be sure to check the correct documentation version. For the 7.7 version:
PUT _template/template_1
"index_patterns": ["fluent-bit-*"],
"settings": {
"number_of_shards": 1
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"my_float_field": {
"type": "float"
"my_integer_field": {
"type": "integer"

Field [] used in expression does not exist in mappings

The feature I try to fullfit is to create a metric in kibana that display the number of users "unvalidated".
I send a log sent when a user registers, then a log when a user is validated.
So the count I want is the difference between the number of registered and the number of validated.
In kibana I cannot do such a math operation, so I found a workaround:
I added a "scripted field" named "unvalidated" which is equal to 1 when a user registers and -1 when a user validates his account.
The sum of the "unvalidated" field should be the number of unvalidated users.
This is the script I defined in my scripted field:
doc['ctxt_code'].value == 1 ? 1 : doc['ctxt_code'].value == 2 ? -1 : 0
ctxt_code 1 as the register log
ctxt_code 2 as the validated log
This setup works well when all my logs have a "ctxt_code", but when a log without this field is pushed kibana throws the following error:
Field [ctxt_code] used in expression does not exist in mappings
I can't understand this error because kibana says:
If a field is sparse (only some documents contain a value), documents missing the field will have a value of 0
which is the case.
Anyone has a clue ?
It's OK to have logs without the ctxt_code field... but you have to have a mapping for this field in your indices. I see you're querying multiple indices with logstash-*, so you are probably hitting one that does not have it.
You can include a mapping for your field in all indices. Just go into Sense and use this:
PUT logstash-*/_mappings/[your_mapping_name]
"properties": {
"ctxt_code": {
"type": "short", // or any other numeric type, including dates
"index": "not_analyzed" // Only works for non-analyzed fields.
If you prefer you can do it from the command line: CURL -XPUT 'http://[elastic_server]/logstash-*/_mappings/[your_mapping_name]' -d '{ ... same JSON ... }'

how to change elasticserach query result type?

I saved a type of datetime data to ES, in the search results, this field type was converted into a timestamp(integer), is there any way to turn into a string(just by modifying the query parameters)?
You can specify fields in the query then elasticsearch returns the fields in the format that you originally stored it:
You have two options ,
You can specify the date format at index time and return the same.
You can use scripts to format the date in the format you need.
curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/myindex/test/_search?pretty -d '
"match_all":{ }
"script":"if (!_source.myDate?.equals('null')) new java.text.SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd\\'T\\'HH:mm:ss').format(new java.util.Date(_source.myDate));"
I would choose the firat one as scripts are generally a lot more expensive.

Field-specific versioning in Elasticsearch

There is a good deal of documentation about how Elasticsearch supports document level external versioning. However, if one wants to do a partial update (say, to a specific field), it'd be useful to have this type of version checking at the field level.
For instance, say I have an object field name, with primitive fields value and timestamp. I only want the partial updates to succeed if the timestamp value is greater than the value currently in Elasticsearch.
Is there an easy way to do this? Can it be done with a script? Or is there a more standard way of doing it?
Yes it's very easy, using a script. See here https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/2.0/docs-update.html.
I've written an example here to update the "value" field if and only if the specified timestamp value (given in parameter update_time) is greater than the "timestamp" field. If the timestamp field value is less than the update_time parameter then it will be updated, otherwise the update will not be performed.
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/test/type1/1/_update' -d '{
"script" : {
"inline": "if(ctx._source.name.timestamp > update_time){ ctx.op = \"none\"};
ctx._source.name.value = value; ctx._source.name.timestamp = update_time;",
"params" : {
"update_time" : 432422,
"value": "My new value"
You can get the current time in the script if desired, rather than passing as a parameter e.g.:
update_time = DateTime.now().getMillis()

Timestamp not appearing in Kibana

I'm pretty new to Kibana and just set up an instance to look at some ElasticSearch data.
I have one index in Elastic Search, which has a few fields including _timestamp. When I go to the 'Discover' tab and look at my documents, each have the _timestamp field but with a yellow warning next to the field saying "No cached mapping for this field". As a result, I can't seem to sort/filter by time.
When I try and create a new index pattern and click on "Index contains time-based events", the 'Time-field name' dropdown doesn't contain anything.
Is there something else I need to do to get Kibana to recognise the _timestamp field?
I'm using Kibana 4.0.
You'll need to take these quick steps first :
Go to Settings → Advanced.
Edit the metaFields and add "_timestamp". Hit save.
Now go back to Settings → Indices and _timestamp will be available in the drop-down list for "Time-field name".
In newer versions you are required to specify the date field before you send your data.
Your date field must be in a standard format such as miliseconds after Epoch (long number) or - just as suggested by MrE - in ISO8601.
See more info here: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/date.html
Again, before you send your data to the index, you must specify the mapping for this field. In python:
import requests
mapping = '{"mappings": {"your_index": {"properties": {"your_timestamp_field": { "type": "date" }}}}}'
requests.put('http://yourserver/your_index', data=mapping)
My es version is 2.2.0
You have to the right schema.
I follow the guide
"memory": INT,
"geo.coordinates": "geo_point"
"#timestamp": "date"
If you have the #timestamp, you will see the
ps: if your schema doesn't have "date" field, do not check "Index
contains time-based events
The accepted answer is obsolete as of Kibana 2.0
you should use a simple date field in your data and set it explicitly using either a timestamp, or a date string in ISO 8601 format.
you also need to set a mapping to date BEFORE you start sending data apparently.
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/myindex' -d '{
"mappings": {
"my_type": {
"properties": {
"date": {
"type": "date"
Go to Settings->Indices, select your index, and click the yellow "refresh" icon. That will get rid of the warning, and perhaps make the field available in your visualization.
