Joomla Virtuemart Credit Card Issues - joomla

I am using the Joomla 1.5 and VM 1.1.9 V, as i am adding the Credit Card option from and working on it, throws the following error
Error : Failed Payment Processing. Technical Notes: The required transaction key is empty! The payment method settings must be reviewed. Error : Failed Payment Processing (ps_authorize)
Please help me out from this issues. What to configure next to make it workable.

It means that you haven't setup the transaction key, which means you didn't choose an online marchant service, I think this is a good tutorial to get your payment system working:


Legder Nano S can't effective authorization

I use ledger nano S for, and the ledger nano S successful configuration. after I delete all key from my account and just keep 1 Full Access Key(create by ledger nano S).
Now I can't add other fullaccess key. Whatever method is used.when I did: near login --useLedgerKey. the web verify page will show:
An error occurred while approving this action. Please try again!
When I did add Seed Phrase enable, on the [Enter the following word from your recovery phrase to complete the setup process.] page, When I confirm it in the Ledger it will show:
An error occurred while setting up seed phrase recovery. Please try again!
Actually , my ledger still will show confirm info:
DANGER: This gives full access to a device other than Ledger
when I make a transaction push √ button. it still show the error:
An error occurred while approving this action. Please try again!
I think it's a bug, when use just keep 1 access key form ledger nano S.
enter image description here
enter image description here
my account : catcatcat.test
This is probably an error on the NEAR Wallet side. If you don't mind me asking, what is your account ID? I can better understand what is happening by viewing the chain activity associated with this.
Unfortunately it takes time to get new app version published in Ledger Live (even in Developer Mode). First version that got published (1.0.0) has the bug with adding full access keys.
As far as I know this bug is fixed in latest version available here:
Best shot for now is to try compiling it from source following instructions in README:

SagePay V4.0 CHALLENGE has stopped working for me

I am working on a c# service that uses the V4.0 protocol of sagepay. I am trying to simulate a 3DAUTH request by passing in CHALLENGE as the Cardholder name.
It was working fine earlier this week but today the response status returned is OK and the 3DSecureStatus is ERROR.
Looking at the test MySagePay Fraud Results screen, there is a red shield with the message "The Authentication callback message was Malformed..."
I have set the ThreeDSNotificationURL to a page that doesn't exist but could the error be Sage is somehow trying to validate this page?
I was expecting a status response of "3DAUTH".
Any help greatly appreciated including any tips on getting more info from the mysagepay console error.
this is part of the message I am sending in
I think it (the test sandbox) is working again now.
You need the ThreeDSNotificationURL. This is the page the bank posts back to after the challenge.
There you have to get the post values for cres, VPSTxID and threeDSessionData from the form and post them to SagePay. Then handle the SagePay response to find out if the payment was successful or failed or if an error occured.
We have the same issue. Our code was working fine. We would pass "CHALLENGE" as the CardHolder and we would get the expected status but, at some point, we started receiving "3DSecureStatus=ERROR".
Has anything changed with the sandbox?
Seems to be working again now. Getting this response
StatusDetail=2021 : Please redirect your customer to the ACSURL, passing CReq.
Must have been a blip on the test site. Be good to know if Sage post release notes for these instances so deployment history can be tracked.
For info, you don't need a valid ThreeDSNotificationURL when posting using Cardholder=Challenge.
Thanks all

Cannot upload hosted content for In-App purchases to iTunesConnect

I am trying to upload hosted content for in-app purchases, however I have been unable to succeed so far.
I have previously uploaded around 100 in-app purchases packages for my app using Application Loader. I used to be able to upload these packages before without any issues. Now I’ve noticed that the latest version of Application Loader (Version 3.0) doesn’t even give me the option to upload hosted content (see attached)?
So instead I’ve taken the time to use the iTMSTransporter bash script instead. However when I try to upload the content packs using:
iTMSTransporter -m upload
I am getting the following error:
Package Summary:
1 package(s) were not verified because they had problems:
/Users/Cortana/Documents/iOS/Clients/AccentKit/InAppContent/854413379.itmsp - Error Messages:
ERROR ITMS-90320: "The archive for In-App Purchase 'com.accentkit.AustraliaFemale1' is invalid. The 'IAPProductIdentifier' in the ContentInfo.plist must match the In-App Purchase Product ID."
[2018-04-14 07:12:45 MYT] DBG-X: Returning 1
I’ve double checked and the value for IAPProductIdentifier on the ContentInfo.plist matches exactly with what’s setup on the In-App Purchase Product ID on iTunesConnect. (see attached screenshots) This error is making no sense to me.
Any ideas?
If there was an issue with banking and your sales contract are according to you theoretically back in effect, they may not be effectively back in effect, that is, from Apple's servers point of view.
perhaps this is a process that takes up to a week and the only way to speed it up is to call their technical support.
this is where that'll happen :
I suspect it's likely that your app having been on monetary lockdown at any one point while the bank was an issue may have led into this buggy situation that apple may not have accounted for or that they have accounted for and want you to first go through their IT support process in order for them to first be able to asses that everything is in order.
cheers! :)

FAILED_PRECONDITION when trying to create a new Google API project

I am getting an error when attempting to create a new project for Google API at
I was hoping the error was temporary, but I have been unable to create a new project for a couple weeks now.
The error seems to have changed, as it used to include server ip information and a lot of other data. An example with some potentially private information removed:
Now the error is a lot shorter, although still seems to be related to the same cause: generic::FAILED_PRECONDITION:
The spinner in the dashboard appears to spin forever, while the error appears underneath alerts after a few seconds. I have tried numerous project names and all fail with the same error.
Is there some type of quota I am missing that is preventing this? The quota menu item requires me to select a project, which I don't have any.
Clicking on the error brings me to a page with the following message:
You don't have permissions to perform the action on the selected resource.
Make sure that the Google Developers Console is on for the user that is trying to create the project. > Apps > Additional Google services > Google Developers Console and turn on for any org or user that needs it.
Looks like there's another possible cause, in addition to the one that #AndrewL provided in his solution.
Short answer:
I ran into the same error when I attempted to associate a new GCP project with our billing account via Terraform. Our billing account has a default limit of 5 projects (which we had already met), and this blocked the association of new accounts and generated the Error 400: Precondition check failed., failedPreconditionerror message. To fix, I had to remove/delete one of the already associated projects before I could add a new one.
Long answser:
Here is the error message I encountered in Terraform (sensitive data and IDs redacted):
An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
~ update in-place
Terraform will perform the following actions:
~ module.<MY MODULE PATH>.project
billing_account: "" => "<MY BILLING ACCOUNT ID>"
Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
Do you want to perform these actions?
Terraform will perform the actions described above.
Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
Enter a value: yes
module.<MY MODULE PATH>.project: Modifying... (ID: <MY PROJECT ID>)
billing_account: "" => "<MY BILLING ACCOUNT ID>"
Error: Error applying plan:
1 error(s) occurred:
* module.<MY MODULE PATH>.project: 1 error(s) occurred:
* google_project.project: Error setting billing account "<MY BILLING ACCOUNT ID>" for project "projects/<MY PROJECT ID>": googleapi: Error 400: Precondition check failed., failedPrecondition
Terraform does not automatically rollback in the face of errors.
Instead, your Terraform state file has been partially updated with
any resources that successfully completed. Please address the error
above and apply again to incrementally change your infrastructure.
My billing account was at its maximum of 5 projects. As a test, I removed one of the projects and then ran Terraform again. It then successfully added the new project to the billing account. To double check, I attempted to add yet another new project to the billing account (to push the amount to 6) and then received the same error message again.
Straight up deleting one of the associated projects also works.
It stands to reason that requesting a limit increase for your billing account's associated projects will also fix this issue.
Another possible reason for this error can be accessing the .xlsx file. If you are accessing this file using Google spreadsheet then you need to save the .xlsx file in to save as google sheets by choosing the option available in the File menu at the top.
Another possible reason for this is Organization policy, denying the particular API on ORG/Folder/project level.
For me the error was working because I was trying to read the file from a shared google folder. Check if the drive where the file lives is your drive and not a shared one.

Magento payment bridge "This payment method is currently unavailable"

Recently I have upgrade enterprise magento to Also set up payment gateway as it is mandatory.We are using cybersource payment gateway. On checkout page shows an error 'This payment method is currently unavailable'.
Generally this means that the payment method is properly setup but is not enabled in the backend admin panel.
Navigate to...
Or if your payment method settings are in a custom route search your core_config_data table for it:
SELECT * FROM core_config_data WHERE path LIKE '%cybersource%';
OR similar...
Find the value that corresponds with 'enabled' and ensure it is set to 1 for default scope and all the store/website scopes you're testing.
If the value for enabled/active is not present in core_config_data you need to find your payment method route through admin and save it that way as the configuration entries are only populated after the initial save.
Ensure you flush cache and check if the issue persists.
If it does, search your repo for the error message text and var_dump/die above to understand what's missing.
This might cause by following reasons;
1) Ips are not allowed
2) If its in stage/test server, this issue may come if the site is password protected
3) SSL is not properly installed or have error(If ssl is using)
Before checking above points make sure you have added correct merchant_id and transaction key;
php tools/merchant.php -i your_merchant
My issue was due to #2.
