Refer to the current directory in a shell script - shell

How do I refer to the current directory in a shell script?
So I have this script which calls another script in the same directory:
#! /bin/sh
#Call the other script
# do something ...
For this I got ./ No such file or directory
So I changed it to:
#! /bin/sh
#Call the other script
# do something ...
But this would call the foo script which is, by default, in the PATH. This is not what I want.
So the question is, what's the syntax to refer ./ in a shell script?

If both the scripts are in the same directory and you got the ./ No such file or directory error then the most likely cause is that you ran the first script from a different directory than the one where they are located in. Put the following in your first script so that the call to works irrespective of where you call the first script from:
my_dir=`dirname $0`
#Call the other script

The following code works well with spaces and doesn't require bash to work:
SCRIPTDIR="$(dirname "$0")"
#Call the other script
Also if you want to use the absolute path, you could do this:
SCRIPTDIR=`cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd`

This might help you:
Unix shell script find out which directory the script file resides?
But as sarnold stated, "./" is for the current working directory.

In order to make it POSIX:
a="/$0"; a=${a%/*}; a=${a:-.}; a=${a#/}/; BASEDIR=$(cd $a; pwd)
Tested on many Bourne-compatible shells including the BSD ones.
As far as I know I am the author and I put it into public domain. For more info see:

script_dir="${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" # rm the last / and the file name from BASH_SOURCE
Reference: Alex Che's comment above.

The accepted solution does not work if you have a space in the path to the directory containing the scripts.
If you can use bash, this worked for me:
SCRIPTDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"


In bash, what's the best way for a script to reference the path of another script?

scripts/ calls scripts/ through source or through sh.
But I cannot be sure that the working directory will be scripts or the parent of scripts or something else.
What is the best practice for referencing I can find the directory of the current script, then cd to that directory, and then simply call ./ But that seems like a lot of code to put into every script that calls another.
There is no need for a cd, cause source or command take a full path. Just get the dir name of the full path of your script and run the script from there.
From bash manual:
($0) Expands to the name of the shell or shell script. ....
From man readlink:
-f, --canonicalize
canonicalize by following every symlink in every component of the given name recursively; ...
From man dirname:
dirname - strip non-directory suffix from file name
. "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"/
I've seen some bash scripts that start with something similar to:
DIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")
cd "$DIR"
So the current working directory in a script stays the same, even if user runs it from another directory.
Like #GordonDavisson suggested in comments, we can also add your dir to PATH:
export PATH="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")":"$PATH"
Then running:
will search for script through inside directories listed in PATH variable, which it will find in the first dir.

Get current directory and concatenate a path

This is a shell script (.sh file). I need to create an absolute path based on the current directory. I know about pwd, but how do I concatenate it with another string? Here is an example of what I am trying to do:
Sounds like you want:
The $( opens a subshell (and the ) closes it) where the contents are executed as a script so any outputs are put in that location in the string.
More useful often is getting the directory of the script that is running:
dot="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)"
That's more useful because it resolves to the same path no matter where you are when you run the script:
> pwd
> ./my_project/
rather than:
> pwd
> ./my_project/
> cd my_project
> pwd
> ./
More complex but if you need the directory of the current script running if it has been executed through a symlink (common when installing scripts through homebrew for example) then you need to parse and follow the symlink:
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == *darwin* ]]; then
dot="$(cd "$(dirname "$([ -L "$0" ] && $READLINK_CMD -f "$0" || echo "$0")")"; pwd)"
More complex and more requirements for it to work (e.g. having a gnu compatible readlink installed) so I tend not to use it as much. Only when I'm certain I need it, like installing a command through homebrew.
Using the shell builtin pwd in a command substitution ($(...)) is an option, but not necessary, because all POSIX-compatible shells define the special $PWD shell variable that contains the current directory as an absolute path, as mandated by POSIX.
Thus, using $PWD is both simpler and more efficient than $(pwd):
"$PWD/some/path" # alternatively, for visual clarity: "${PWD}/some/path"
However, if you wanted to resolve symlinks in the directory path, you DO need pwd, with its -P option:
"$(pwd -P)/some/path"
Note that POSIX mandates that $PWD contain an absolute pathname with symlinks resolved.
In practice, however, NO major POSIX-like shell (bash, dash, ksh, zsh) does that - they all retain symbolic link components. Thus, the (POSIX-compliant) pwd -P is needed to resolve them.
Note that all said POSIX-like shells implement pwd as a builtin that supports -P.
Michael Allen's helpful answer points out that it's common to want to know the directory of where the running script is located.
The challenge is that the script file itself may be a symlink, so determining the true directory of origin is non-trivial, especially when portability is a must.
This answer (of mine) shows a solution.
with "dirname $0" you can get dynamin path upto current run scipt.
for example : your file is locateted in shell folder file name is xyz and there are anthor file abc to include in xyz file.
so put in xyz file LIke:
php "`dirname $0`"/abc.php

How to find script directory in an included shell script

We now to find the directory of a shell script using dirname and $0, but this doesn't work when the script is inluded in another script.
Suppose two files and
/tmp/ :
. "/tmp/test/"
/tmp/test/ :
echo $0
by running the second script also prints How the code in can find the directory of itself? (Searching for a solution that works on bash/csh/zsh)
There are no solution that will work equally good in all flavours of shells.
In bash you can use BASH_SOURCE:
$(dirname "$BASH_SOURCE")
$ cat /tmp/
. /tmp/sub/
$ cat /tmp/sub/
$ bash /tmp/
As you can see, the script prints the name of,
although you start /tmp/, that includes with the source command.
I must note, that this solution will work only in bash. In Bourne-shell (/bin/sh) it is impossible.
In csh/tcsh/zsh you can use $_ instead of BASH_SOURCE.

How to get parent folder of executing script in zsh?

In bash i get the executing script's parent folder name by this line
SCRIPT_PARENT=`readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/..`
Is there any way to achieve this in zsh in a way that works both in zsh and bash?
Assume i have got a file /some/folder/rootfolder/subfolder/script with the contents:
echo `magic-i-am-looking-for`
I want it to behave this way:
$ cd /some/other/folder
$ . /some/folder/rootfolder/subfolder/script
$ . ../../folder/rootfolder/subfolder/script
$ cd /some/folder/rootfolder
$ . subfolder/script
$ cd subfolder
$ . script
This should work in bash and zsh. My first implements this behavior, but does due to $BASH_SOURCE not work in zsh.
So basically its:
Is there a way to emulate $BASH_SOURCE in zsh, that also works in bash?
I now realized that $0 in zsh behaves like $BASH_SOURCE in bash. So using $BASH_SOURCE when available and falling back to $0 solves my problem:
There is a little zsh edge case left, when sourcing from $PATH like:
zsh> cat ../script
echo \$0: $0
echo '${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}:' ${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}
zsh> . script
$0: script
${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}: script
bash> . script
$0: bash
$BASH_SOURCE: /home/me/script
${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}: /home/me/script
I could do a which script but this would not play nice with other cases
While it would be easy to do this in zsh, it is just as easy to use pure bash which is able to be evaluated in zsh. If you cannot use any command that may or may not be on your path, then you can only use variable alteration to achieve what you want:
This is likely to be a relative path. If you really want the full path then you will have to resort to an external command (you could implement it yourself, but it would be a lot of work to avoid using a very available command):
SCRIPT_SOURCE=$(/bin/readlink -f ${0%/*})
This doesn't depend on your $PATH, it just depends on /bin/readlink being present. Which it almost certainly is.
Now, you wanted this to be a sourced file. This is fine, as you can just export any variable you set, however if you execute the above then $0 will be the location of the sourced file and not the location of the calling script.
This just means you need to set a variable to hold the $0 value which the sourced script knows about. For example:
The script you will source:
echo ${LOCATION%/*}
The script that sources that script:
<source script here>
But given that the ${0%/*} expansion is so compact, you could just use that in place of the script.
Because you were able to run the command from your $PATH I'll do something like that:
SCRIPT_PARENT=$(readlink -f "$(which $0)/..")
Is that your desired output?

How can I set the current working directory to the directory of the script in Bash?

I'm writing a Bash script. I need the current working directory to always be the directory that the script is located in.
The default behavior is that the current working directory in the script is that of the shell from which I run it, but I do not want this behavior.
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
The following also works:
cd "${0%/*}"
The syntax is thoroughly described in this StackOverflow answer.
Try the following simple one-liners:
For all UNIX/OSX/Linux
dir="$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P)"
dir="$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd -P)"
Note: A double dash (--) is used in commands to signify the end of command options, so files containing dashes or other special characters won't break the command.
Note: In Bash, use ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} in favor of $0, otherwise the path can break when sourcing it (source/.).
*For Linux, Mac and other BSD:
cd "$(dirname "$(realpath -- "$0")")";
Note: realpath should be installed in the most popular Linux distribution by default (like Ubuntu), but in some it can be missing, so you have to install it.
Note: If you're using Bash, use ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} in favor of $0, otherwise the path can break when sourcing it (source/.).
Otherwise you could try something like that (it will use the first existing tool):
cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f -- "$0" || realpath -- "$0")")"
For Linux specific:
cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f -- "$0")")"
*Using GNU readlink on BSD/Mac:
cd "$(dirname "$(greadlink -f -- "$0")")"
Note: You need to have coreutils installed
(e.g. 1. Install Homebrew, 2. brew install coreutils).
In bash
In bash you can use Parameter Expansions to achieve that, like:
cd "${0%/*}"
but it doesn't work if the script is run from the same directory.
Alternatively you can define the following function in bash:
realpath () {
[[ "$1" = /* ]] && echo "$1" || echo "$PWD/${1#./}"
This function takes 1 argument. If argument has already absolute path, print it as it is, otherwise print $PWD variable + filename argument (without ./ prefix).
or here is the version taken from Debian .bashrc file:
function realpath()
if [ -d "$f" ]; then
base="/$(basename -- "$f")"
dir="$(dirname -- "$f")"
dir="$(cd -- "$dir" && /bin/pwd)"
echo "$dir$base"
How to detect the current directory in which I run my shell script?
How do I get the directory where a Bash script is located from within the script itself?
Bash script absolute path with OS X
Reliable way for a Bash script to get the full path to itself
See also:
How can I get the behavior of GNU's readlink -f on a Mac?
cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
It's easy. It works.
The accepted answer works well for scripts that have not been symlinked elsewhere, such as into $PATH.
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
However if the script is run via a symlink,
ln -sv ~/project/ ~/bin/;
This will cd into the ~/bin/ directory and not the ~/project/ directory, which will probably break your script if the purpose of the cd is to include dependencies relative to ~/project/
The symlink safe answer is below:
cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")" # cd current directory
readlink -f is required to resolve the absolute path of the potentially symlinked file.
The quotes are required to support filepaths that could potentially contain whitespace (bad practice, but its not safe to assume this won't be the case)
This script seems to work for me:
mypath=`realpath $0`
cd `dirname $mypath`
The pwd command line echoes the location of the script as the current working directory no matter where I run it from.
There are a lot of correct answers in here, but one that tends to be more useful for me (making sure a script's relative paths remain predictable/work) is to use pushd/popd:
pushd "$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE:0})"
trap popd EXIT
# ./xyz, etc...
This will push the source file's directory on to a navigation stack, thereby changing the working directory, but then, when the script exits (for whatever reason, including failure), the trap will run popd, restoring the current working directory before it was executed. If the script were to cd and then fail, your terminal could be left in an unpredictable state after the execution ends - the trap prevents this.
I take this and it works.
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
Get the real path to your script
if [ -L $0 ] ; then
ME=$(readlink $0)
DIR=$(dirname $ME)
(This is answer to the same my question here: Get the name of the directory where a script is executed)
cd "`dirname $(readlink -f ${0})`"
Most answers either don't handle files which are symlinked via a relative path, aren't one-liners or don't handle BSD (Mac). A solution which does all three is:
HERE=$(cd "$(dirname "$BASH_SOURCE")"; cd -P "$(dirname "$(readlink "$BASH_SOURCE" || echo .)")"; pwd)
First, cd to bash's conception of the script's directory. Then readlink the file to see if it is a symlink (relative or otherwise), and if so, cd to that directory. If not, cd to the current directory (necessary to keep things a one-liner). Then echo the current directory via pwd.
You could add -- to the arguments of cd and readlink to avoid issues of directories named like options, but I don't bother for most purposes.
You can see the full explanation with illustrations here:
echo $PWD
PWD is an environment variable.
If you just need to print present working directory then you can follow this.
$ vim test
:wq to save the test file.
Give execute permission:
chmod u+x test
Then execute the script by ./test then you can see the present working directory.
