DataColumn Expression Divide By Zero - expression

I'm using basic .net DataColumns and the associated Expression property.
I have an application which lets users define which columns to select from a database table. They can also add other columns which perform expressions on the data columns resulting in a custom grid of information.
The problem I have is when they have a calculation column along the lines of "(C2/C3)*100" where C2 and C3 are data columns and the value for C3 is zero. The old "divide by zero" issue.
The simple answer would be to convert the expression to "IIF(C3 = 0, 0, (C2/C3)*100)", however we don't expect the user to know to do that and at compile time I don't know what columns are defined. So I would have to programmatically determine which columns are being used in a division in order to construct the IIF clause. That could get quite tricky.
Is there another way to not throw an error and replace the result with 0 if a "Divide By Zero" error occurs?

Ok, I found a way. The key is to use Double and not Decimal for the column type, e.g. in the example above C3 should be a Double. This will result in a result of Infinity instead, which can be evaluated against using the expression as a whole.
IIF(CONVERT(([C4] / [C3] )*100, 'System.String') = 'NaN' OR CONVERT(([C4] / [C3] )*100, 'System.String') = 'Infinity' OR CONVERT(([C4] / [C3] )*100, 'System.String') = '-Infinity', 0, ([C4] / [C3] )*100)
Decimal it seems doesn't provide that Infinity option.


Relational Algebra: Problems with division operator

I am writing a query, where I am using the division operator. For some reason I can't get it to work properly, and I can't see why.
pol = pi allergen (sigma allergy_type = 'pollen' (allergies))
tmp = (patient_allergies/pol)
The above is my query. In pol I am retrieving all allergens, who has the allergy type pollen. This gives me a 1 column, two rows table, which content is the two allergens who has allergy_type pollen.
Patient_allergies is a 2 column, 23 row table. The first column is allergens, second column is ssn for the people with those allergens.
What I am trying to do, is to get everyone in patient_allergies, who has the two allergens I found in pol. I'm pretty sure I need to division operator for this, but it returns an empty list, which is incorrect for what I am trying to do.
EDIT: I am using this relational algebra calc, provided by our university: There is a division operator with another symbol, but yields the same result

If Statement error: Expressions that yield variant data-type cannot be used to define calculated columns

I'm new in Power BI and I'm more used to work with Excel. I try to translate following Excel formula:
=IF(A2="UPL";0;IF(MID(D2;FIND("OTP";D2)+3;1)=" ";"1";(MID(D2;FIND("OTP";D2)+3;1))))
in Power Bi as follows:
Algo =
VAR FindIT = FIND("OTP",Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Date],1,0)
IF(Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Type] = "UPL", 0,
IF(FindIT = BLANK(), 1, MID(Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Date],FindIT+3,1))
Unfortunately I receive following error message:
Expressions that yield variant data-type cannot be used to define calculated columns.
My values are as follows:
Thank you so much for your help!
You cant mix Two datatypes in your output; In one part of if, you return an INT (literally 0/1), and is second you return a STRING
MID(Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Date],FindIT+3,1)
You must unify your output datatype -> everything to string or everything to INT
Your code must be returning BLANK in some cells therefore PowerBI isn't able to choose a data type for the column, wrap your code inside CONVERT(,INTEGER).

Oracle regexp_like failing on FLOAT from view

I'm trying to use regexp_like to find and remove overly-precise floating point numbers.
select c from t order by c asc;
returns many results like this: 0.0000000012345678
Using regexp_like I can get results for two decimal places (0.25):
select * from t where REGEXP_LIKE(c,'^\d+\.\d{2}');
However, when I try anything more than two places, I get no results:
select * from t where REGEXP_LIKE(c,'^\d+\.\d{3}');
select * from t where REGEXP_LIKE(c,'^\d+\.\d{10}');
The only add'l info is that I'm selecting against a view of a second view and the column I'm searching (c, above) is designated as a FLOAT.
You can treat them as numbers. You can truncate the value to a fixed number of decimal places:
The TRUNC (number) function returns n1 truncated to n2 decimal places.
and then see if it matches. For example, to find any values with more than 2 significant digits after the decimal point:
select * from t where c != trunc(c, 2);
or to find those with more than 10 significant digits:
select * from t where c != trunc(c, 10);
I've used != rather than > in case you have negative values.
You can also use that as a filter in a delete/update, or as the set part of an update if you want to reduce the precision - though in that case you might want to use round() instead fo trunc().
When you use regexp_like you're doing an implicit conversion of your float value to a string, and as the docs for to_char() note:
If you omit fmt, then n is converted to a VARCHAR2 value exactly long enough to hold its significant digits.
which means that 0.25 becomes the string '.25', with no leading zero; which doesn't match even your first pattern.
You can allow for that leading zero not being there by using * instead of +, e.g. to find values with at least 10 significant digits after the decimal point:
select * from t where REGEXP_LIKE(c,'^\d*\.\d{10}');
or with exactly 10:
select * from t where REGEXP_LIKE(c,'^\d*\.\d{10}$');
etc.; but it seems simpler to treat them just as numbers rather than as strings.

Comparing values of type Text with values of type True/False

I have a data column of strings containing a lead status. I only want to count if the lead is qualified or nurture. I have this expression:
Is Qualified = If('Lead'[Status] = OR("Qualified", "Nurture"),1,0)
But I am getting this error:
DAX comparison operations do not support comparing values of type Text
with values of type True/False. Consider using the VALUE or FORMAT
function to convert one of the values.
I'm new with DAX and haven't been able to fix this one. Any help would be great, thanks.
OR() returns a boolean value. I assume 'Lead'[Status] is a text field, in which we will find some strings with the values "Qualified" or "Nurture". If this is the case you want to do the following:
IsQualified =
'Lead'[Status] = "Qualified"
|| 'Lead'[Status] = "Nurture"
This is performing two tests, and combining them with a logical or ( || - the double pipe is DAX's or operator ).

USing AddExpression / MathExpression in Weka

I am working on a very basic WEKA assignment, and I'm trying to use WEKA to preprocess data from the GUI (most current version). I am trying to do very basic if statements and mathematical statements in the expression box when double clicking on MathExpression and I haven't had any success. For example I want to do
if (a5 == 2 || a5 == 0) then y = 1; else y = 0
Many different variations of this haven't worked for me and I'm also unclear on how to refer to "y" or if it needs a reference within the line.
Another example is -abs(log(a7)–3) which I wasn't able to work out either. Any ideas about how to make these statements work?
From javadoc of MathExpression
The 'A'
letter refers to the value of the attribute being processed.
Other attribute values (numeric only) can be accessed through
the variables A1, A2, A3, ...
Your filter applies to all attributes of your dataset. If I load iris dataset and apply following filter.
weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.MathExpression -E log(A).
your attribute ,sepallength values change as following.
Before Filter After Filter
Minimum 4.3 Minimum 1.459
Maximum 7.9 Maximum 2.067
Mean 5.843 Mean 1.755
StdDev 0.828 StdDev 0.141
Also if you look to javadoc, there is no if else function but ifelse function. Therefore you should write something like
ifelse ( (A == 2 || A == 0), 1,0 )
Also this filter applies to all attributes. If you want to change only one attribute and according to other attribute values ; then you need to use "Ignore range option" and use A1,A2 to refer to other attribute values.
if you need to add new attribute use AddExpression.
An instance filter that creates a new attribute by applying a mathematical expression to existing attributes.
