I'm talking about this guy, right here: λ
In Microsoft Word, you can type 03BB followed by ALT+X to get that character. This does not work in Visual Studio 2013. Any ideas?
To specify: I intend to enter the 'λ' character as part of C# source code, not as part of a string literal.
A good question, and one that bugged me into trying to get this to work. I do second OP's comment that you can compile code with lambda characters for variables just fine.
However, after an hour of trying various methods I knew of and found for typing special characters (using Windows 8.1 Professional, Windows display language set to "English (United States)" and Keyboard layout set to "US") I could not get Visual Studio 2013 (with update 4) to type a lambda.
Although I'm not sure, I'd think that different input languages and/or keyboard layouts would change the situation, and might make this possible.
For the general case, until proven otherwise, I'd hazard a guess that it's not easily possible. The workarounds that probably would work are plugins and unicode-typing-tools. Also, if you already use it, AutoHotkey is probably capable of helping out here.
The easy solution is that copy this symbol "λ" from here and paste it in your VS Code editor. It works!!
Since a few weeks whenever some app needs our password our needs our permission for something, it no longer displays it as understandable language, but with weird characters. How can we fix this?
It is probably a problem with your language for some inputs / options.
Look at this documentation about how to change your language for specific options:
Depending on which version of OSX you are running, you might want to try Font Book (in the Applications folder) and specifically search for Look for Enabled Duplicates. Sometimes having duplicate or misnamed fonts can cause rendering problems like this.
There are other utilities as well, such as Font Doctor that can do similar (and more extensive) searches.
In Visual Studio 2008 double clicking in a large section of whitespace would select all the contiguous whitespace only. Now I am using Visual Studio 2010 and double clicking in a large section of whitespace selects the word preceding and the word following the whitespace as well. This makes cleaning up large sections of whitespace more difficult (for alignment or other reasons). Is there a setting or way to get the older behavior?
This issue is killing me... glad I'm not the only one. Misery loves company. Anyway, here's a couple of links of MS acknowledging the issue, and a MS feedback post about it. Bottom line, they "may" try to fix it for the next version of VS. Ouch. It's on the Won't Fix list. The work around is a joke. I hope someone figures out a better fix or work around.
Acknowledgment of issue
Feedback post
This sort-of circumvents the question, but you can do Ctrl+E+D to format the document or Ctrl+E+F for format the selection (which removes the need to select any whitespace).
You can use the shortcut MAJ + HOME to reproduce the desired behaviour. I know it makes you use the keyboard, but you get used to it, and sometimes it's even helpful.
I know its not really a real solution but I can't write comments yet.
When I open any code file, whether something i've written or something from another developer, I want it to automatically format it with my preference of bracing, indentation, line spacing, etc..
Ideally, when saving a file to disk, it would only save the formatting for code/lines i've touched. It would still display the rest of the code formatted, however it would not save these to disk (so as to not piss off other developers).
You could use Resharper for this. It will show warnings for formatting inconsistencies (via colored underscores, much like warnings for spellcheckers), and you could instruct it to reformat a selection or a whole file based on either the default formatting rules or your own.
Formatting rules are customizable to fit your own coding standards.
Visual Assist X works for both C/C++ and C#. I use it extensively whenever I have the unfortunate needs to do things in Windows :-).
The refactoring tool is awesome. It fixes Visual Studio smart completion. In fact, after you use Visual Assist X, Visual Studio smart completion looks so dump that you won't believe you paid so much for such crappy "smartness".
Of course, Visual Assist X also adds the much needed snippets. You can finally stop drooling when you see those snippet "special moves" when viewing those Textmate screencasts.
In my department, we are currently using ReSharper 4.0 and deciding whether to upgrade to 4.5 upon its release next week. I personally am a huge fan of ReSharper however a number of my colleagues have pointed out that they have been using a plug in from DevExpress called Refactor Pro that performs similar functionality.
Has anyone previously compared these tools and hold any strong views on which tool would give us the greatest increase in productivity and why?
In my department, we also use ReSharper. Today, I installed 4.5, but had already used 3.something, 4.0 and 4.1 before. It really offers many great refactoring and code-writing supporting functions, renaming methods and functions, reordering parameters...
What I really like is that according to your corporate code style, you can configure ReSharper to give you hints on style violations in different severity levels (and quickly apply according changes, like MS StyleCop, but much easier to configure and more subtle).
My absolute favorite feature is Class-Searching by entering only the CamelCases, i.e. you type TSHWLOV and ReSharper will know that you mean the class from some referenced library named 'TerrificSearchHelperWithLotsOfVoodoo'.
Last year I have tried the DevExPress CodeRush/RefactorThis-Alternative, after I was quite impressed by the things that Oliver Sturm did with it on BASTA Spring 08.
The interface catchier and more impressive than Resharper, there are huge arrows flipping around your IDE and things like that, though the core functionality is rather similar.
I had the feeling that CodeRush is more focussed on code creation than on refactoring, i.e. more shortcuts for tasks like creating variables etc.
My favorite feature there was a sidebar, which always shows you all keyboard-shortcuts available in your current context. This makes you learn those commands quickly, where in ReSharper you have to look up most of them in nested submenus.
Both suites are really powerful and it after months of using them you will probably still discover new functions, which you have always needed without knowing it.
However, I decided in favor of ReSharper mostly because of I was more familiar with it and DevExpress was using much resources on my notebook and occasionally even slowed it down. By now, I use a much more powerful machine again, maybe I will give it another try soon.
I personally prefer CodeRush.
I find R#'s interface drives my (admittedly minor) OCD tendencies crazy. The little lightbulb insists on appearing on the far left of the screen, even if it's advice pertains to something in the middle or on the right. I find it garish and distracting.
By contrast, CodeRush's equivalent smart tag is lower contrast and smaller. It is therefore capable of locating itself within the code without distracting from said code. I find I can ignore this SmartTag when I need to, and it is always right in front of me when I decided I need it.
It is mainly this, that has prevented me from wanting to explore R# any further.
As far as CodeRush's feature set: Code Analysis, Refactorings, CodeProviders, Templates, TabToNextReference, QuickNavigation and many more.
I especially like CodeRush's extensibility which has allowed myself and several others to create many plugins for use within it. (http://code.google.com/p/dxcorecommunityplugins/)
CodeRush also has some top quality support and a very active community of users.
Certainly neither R# or CodeRush will suit all users. Every one has their own preferences. However, if you've not tried both, you should certainly do so.
If you come from the R# side of the equation and are looking to test out CodeRush, then you may find the compatibility plugin useful (http://code.google.com/p/dxcorecommunityplugins/wiki/CR_ReSharperCompatibility)
In addition CodeRush has a Free edition 'CodeRush Xpress' which Microsoft commissioned DevExpress to create, and which they have licensed on behalf of every user of Visual Studio 2008. This partnership will continue into VS2010 upon it's release.
If you have any questions regarding CodeRush you can find details for contacting me at the bottom of my community wiki page.
I should say that I do not work for DevExpress. I am what you might call a DevExpress MVP. To maintain this position, I answer questions in the DevExpress forums (and nothing else).
Everything I say is my own honest opinion.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me :)
I'm using DevExpress which has a lot of "hidden" functionality, so you need to read the manuals to know how to activate some of the functionality. I find it very passive and subtle.
I used ReSharper and found it buggy and very invasive in my coding style. Bracket-closing drove me nuts, it ignored my preferences and couldn't cope with how I write my lines of code - which may not be most efficient but it's one of those things that ain't gonna change!
I've tried both, and really didn't get along with ReSharper. I found it to be just too intrusive for my coding style. When I switched to CodeRush / Refactor! it was like I'd found the perfect aid to my productivity. The refactorings are, for the most part, exactly what I wanted to see from this kind of product.
It is, however, horses for courses and you may well find that you prefer ReSharper. The best advice I can give is to try the other products and see which you prefer.
The only correct answer is to use both, of course! I do. You need a beefy laptop though. If I had to choose only one, I'd choose ReSharper... I think the static code analysis is a lot better.
ReSharper has a lot of great features, and DevExpress has a lot of great features.
When you put the two together, you end up w/ whole lot of AWESOME.
You need to jump through a few hoops to make them play nicely together: http://frazzleddad.blogspot.com/2010/01/making-devexpress-resharper-play-nicely.html
R# 4.5 is a free upgrade if you have a 4.0 license. So I'd suggest to get and use it - changing the "productivity tool" is always a pain because you'll have to get used to different ways, keyboard shortcuts etc. of doing things - no matter how good the tool actually is.
I have a personal copy of Refactor Pro but I use R# 4.1 at work with the StyleCop add-in as that is the team standard tool. I like RfP's arrows and code positioning stuff which is better than R#. Otherwise the tools are very similar.
However, at this time, its the StyeCop add-in that swings it in favor of R# for me.