What is the most concise way to source a file (only if it exists) in Bash? - bash

In Bash scripting, is there a single statement alternative for this?
if [ -f /path/to/some/file ]; then
source /path/to/some/file
The most important thing is that the filename is there only once, without making it a variable (which adds even more lines).
For example, in PHP you could do it like this
#include("/path/to/some/file"); // # makes it ignore errors

Is defining your own version of #include an option?
include () {
[[ -f "$1" ]] && source "$1"
include FILE

If you're concerned about a one-liner without repeating the filename, perhaps:
FILE=/path/to/some/file && test -f $FILE && source $FILE

If you are concerned about warning (and lack of existence of sourced file isn't critical for your script) just get rid of the warning:
source FILE 2> /dev/null

You could try
test -f $FILE && source $FILE
If test returns false, the second part of && is not evaluated

This is the shortest I could get (filename plus 20 characters):
F=/path/to/some/file;[ -f $F ] && . $F
It's equivalent to:
test -f $F && source $F
To improve readability, I prefer this form:
FILE=/path/to/some/file ; [ -f $FILE ] && . $FILE

If you want to always get a clean exit code, and continue no matter what, then you can do:
source ~/.bashrc || true && echo 'is always executed!'
And if you also want to get rid of the error message then:
source ~/.bashrc 2> /dev/null || true && echo 'is always executed!'

If you are not concerned with the output of the script, you could just redirect standard error to /dev/null with something like this:
$ source FILE 2> /dev/null

[I can post but I can't comment because I don't have enough reputation, so this is an expansion of the answer way up there. If I could comment, I wouldn't be posting what looks like a duplicate response. Please re-read what I just said before getting all pedantic and complaining that it's a duplicate.]
include () { test -f "$1" && . "$#"; }


Prevent "mv" command from raising error if no file matches the glob. eg" mv *.json /dir/

I want to move all JSON files created within a jenkins job to a different folder.
It is possible that the job does not create any json file.
In that case the mv command is raising an error and so that job is failing.
How do I prevent mv command from raising error in case no file is found?
Welcome to SO.
Why do you not want the error?
If you just don't want to see the error, then you could always just throw it away with 2>/dev/null, but PLEASE don't do that. Not every error is the one you expect, and this is a debugging nightmare. You could write it to a log with 2>$logpath and then build in logic to read that to make certain it's ok, and ignore or respond accordingly --
mv *.json /dir/ 2>$someLog
executeMyLogParsingFunction # verify expected err is the ONLY err
If it's because you have set -e or a trap in place, and you know it's ok for the mv to fail (which might not be because there is no file!), then you can use this trick -
mv *.json /dir/ || echo "(Error ok if no files found)"
mv *.json /dir/ ||: # : is a no-op synonym for "true" that returns 0
see https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Conditional-Constructs.html
(If it's failing simply because the mv is returning a nonzero as the last command, you could also add an explicit exit 0, but don't do that either - fix the actual problem rather than patching the symptom. Any of these other solutions should handle that, but I wanted to point out that unless there's a set -e or a trap that catches the error, it shouldn't cause the script to fail unless it's the very last command.)
Better would be to specifically handle the problem you expect without disabling error handling on other problems.
shopt -s nullglob # globs with no match do not eval to the glob as a string
for f in *.json; do mv "$f" /dir/; done # no match means no loop entry
c.f. https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/The-Shopt-Builtin.html
or if you don't want to use shopt,
for f in *.json; do [[ -e "$f" ]] && mv "$f" /dir/; done
Note that I'm only testing existence, so that will include any match, including directories, symlinks, named pipes... you might want [[ -f "$f" ]] && mv "$f" /dir/ instead.
c.f. https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Bash-Conditional-Expressions.html
This is expected behavior -- it's why the shell leaves *.json unexpanded when there are no matches, to allow mv to show a useful error.
If you don't want that, though, you can always check the list of files yourself, before passing it to mv. As an approach that works with all POSIX-compliant shells, not just bash:
# using a function here gives us our own private argument list.
# that's useful because minimal POSIX sh doesn't provide arrays.
move_if_any() {
dest=$1; shift # shift makes the old $2 be $1, the old $3 be $2, etc.
# so, we then check how many arguments were left after the shift;
# if it's only one, we need to also check whether it refers to a filesystem
# object that actually exists.
if [ "$#" -gt 1 ] || [ -e "$1" ] || [ -L "$1" ]; then
mv -- "$#" "$dest"
# put destination_directory/ in $1 where it'll be shifted off
# $2 will be either nonexistent (if we were really running in bash with nullglob set)
# ...or the name of a legitimate file or symlink, or the string '*.json'
move_if_any destination_directory/ *.json
...or, as a more bash-specific approach:
files=( *.json )
if (( ${#files[#]} > 1 )) || [[ -e ${files[0]} || -L ${files[0]} ]]; then
mv -- "${files[#]}" destination/
Loop over all json files and move each of them, if it exists, in a oneliner:
for X in *.json; do [[ -e $X ]] && mv "$X" /dir/; done

how to check if a file exist and is a text file?

Hi everyone I need to check if a file exist with a shell script. I did some digging and ended up with this syntax but I'm not sure why it isn't working
(please bear in mind that you are talking to beginner)
I've found that you can add -e for example to check if it exist but I didn't get where these shortcuts came form or their names
#! /bin/bash
if [ "$#" = "1" ]
if [ -e $($1) ] && [ -f $($1) ]
then echo 'the file exists'
In idiomatic Bash:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [[ -f "${1-}" ]]
echo 'the file exists'
Correct shebang
[[ rather than [
-f implies -e
No need for semicolons or single-use variables.
Please keep in mind that this does not tell you whether the file is a text file. The only "definition" of a text file as opposed to any other file is whether it contains only printable characters, and even that falls short of dealing with UTF BOM characters and non-ASCII character sets. For that you may want to look at the non-authoritative output of file "${1-}", for example:
$ file ~/.bashrc
/home/username/.bashrc: ASCII text
More in the Bash Guide.
if [ "$#" == 1 ]; then
if [[ -e "$1" && -f "$1" ]]; then
echo 'The file exists';
You should put every conditional && between [[ ]] symbols otherwise it will be interpreted as execute if success.
#! /bin/sh
FILE=$1 # get filename from commandline
if [ -f $FILE ]; then
echo "file $FILE exists"
See the fine manual page of test commands, which are built-in in the different shells: man test; man sh; man bash
You will also find many shell primers which explain this very nicely.
Or see bash reference manual: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.pdf

Shellscript - Show error for specific argument when using mv

I'm currently writing code for a script to move files to a "dustbin".
As it stands - the code works fine but I want it to produce a message when a file has been moved correctly and a message when a specific file has failed to move/doesn't exist.
My code will accept multiple filenames for input, e.g.
# del test1.txt *.html testing.doc
# Successfully moved to Dustbin
However if only one of these does not exist it still produces an error message.
How do I do this but still allow it to accept arguments as seen in the above example?
My code is as follows:
mv -u "$#" /root/Dustbin 2>/dev/null
Sorry for what is probably an obvious question! I'm completely new to shellscript !
Many thanks
You would have to iterate over the arguments and try to move each one:
for path in "$#"; do
if mv -u "$path" /root/Dustbin 2>/dev/null; then
echo "Success"
printf 'Failed to move %s\n' "$path"
As a shorthand for iterating over the arguments you can omit in "$#" like
for path; do
if mv -u "$path" /root/Dustbin 2>/dev/null; then
echo "Success"
printf 'Failed to move %s\n' "$path"

shell script to remove a file if it already exist

I am working on some stuff where I am storing data in a file.
But each time I run the script it gets appended to the previous file.
I want help on how I can remove the file if it already exists.
Don't bother checking if the file exists, just try to remove it.
rm -f /p/a/t/h
# or
rm /p/a/t/h 2> /dev/null
Note that the second command will fail (return a non-zero exit status) if the file did not exist, but the first will succeed owing to the -f (short for --force) option. Depending on the situation, this may be an important detail.
But more likely, if you are appending to the file it is because your script is using >> to redirect something into the file. Just replace >> with >. It's hard to say since you've provided no code.
Note that you can do something like test -f /p/a/t/h && rm /p/a/t/h, but doing so is completely pointless. It is quite possible that the test will return true but the /p/a/t/h will fail to exist before you try to remove it, or worse the test will fail and the /p/a/t/h will be created before you execute the next command which expects it to not exist. Attempting this is a classic race condition. Don't do it.
Another one line command I used is:
[ -e file ] && rm file
You can use this:
if [ -f "$file" ] ; then
rm "$file"
If you want to ignore the step to check if file exists or not, then you can use a fairly easy command, which will delete the file if exists and does not throw an error if it is non-existing.
rm -f xyz.csv
A one liner shell script to remove a file if it already exist (based on Jindra Helcl's answer):
[ -f file ] && rm file
or with a variable:
[ -f $file ] && rm $file
Something like this would work
if [ -fe FILE ]
-f checks if it's a regular file
-e checks if the file exist
Introduction to if for more information
EDIT : -e used with -f is redundant, fo using -f alone should work too
if [ $( ls <file> ) ]; then rm <file>; fi
Also, if you redirect your output with > instead of >> it will overwrite the previous file
So in my case I wanted to remove a FIFO file before I create it again, so this worked for me:
rm -rf $file | true
mkfifo $file
| true will continue the script even if file is not found.

How do I check whether a file or file directory exist in bash?

I currently have this bash script (which is located in my home directory, i.e., /home/username/ and I am running it as root as it's necessary for the icon copying lines):
cd /home/username/Pictures/Icon*
declare -a A={Arch,Debian,Fedora,Mageia,Manjaro,OpenSUSE}
declare -a B={Adwaita,Faenza,gnome,Humanity}
for i in $A; do
for j in $B; do
if test -e /usr/share/icons/$j/scalable ; else
mkdir /usr/share/icons/$j/scalable/
if test -e /usr/share/icons/$j/scalable/$i.svg ; else
cp -a $i*.svg /usr/share/icons/$j/scalable/$i.svg
What I want this script to do is to copy icons from my Pictures/Icons and logos directory to the scalable theme (specified in $B) subdirectories in /usr/share/icons. Before it does this, however, I'd like it to create a scalable directory in these theme subdirectories if it does not already exist. The problem is that the else part of the conditionals is not being read properly, as I keep receiving this error:
./copyicon.sh: line 8: syntax error near unexpected token `else'
./copyicon.sh: line 8: ` if test -e /usr/share/icons/$j/scalable ; else'
If you're wondering why the test -e ... in the conditional it's based on a textbook on bash scripting I've been following.
Checking file and/or directory existence
To check whether a file exists in bash, you use the -f operator. For directories, use -d. Example usage:
$ mkdir dir
$ [ -d dir ] && echo exists!
$ rmdir dir
$ [ -d dir ] && echo exists!
$ touch file
$ [ -f file ] || echo "doesn't exist..."
$ rm file
$ [ -f file ] || echo "doesn't exist..."
doesn't exist...
For more information simply execute man test.
A note on -e, this test operator checks whether a file exists. While this may seem like a good choice, it's better to use -f which will return false if the file isn't a regular file. /dev/null for example is a file but nor a regular file. Having the check return true is undesired in this case.
A note on variables
Be sure to quote variables too, once you have a space or any other special character contained in a variable it can have undesired side effects. So when you test for existence of files and directories, wrap the file/dir in double quotes. Something like [ -f "/path/to/some/${dir}/" ] will work while the following would fail if there is a space in dir: [ -f /path/to/some/${dir}/ ].
Fixing the syntax error
You are experiencing a syntax error in the control statements. A bash if clause is structured as following:
if ...; then
Or optional with an else clause:
if ...; then
You cannot omit the then clause. If you wish to only use the else clause you should negate the condition. Resulting in following code:
if [ ! -f "/usr/share/icons/$j/scalable" ]; then
mkdir "/usr/share/icons/$j/scalable/"
Here we add an exclamation point (!) to flip the expression's evaluation. If the expression evaluates to true, the same expression preceded by ! will return false and the other way around.
You can't skip the then part of the if statement, easiest solution would be to just negate the test
if [[ ! -e /usr/share/icons/${j}/scalable ]] ; then
mkdir /usr/share/icons/${j}/scalable/
if [[ ! -e /usr/share/icons/${j}/scalable/${i}.svg ]] ; then
cp -a ${i}*.svg /usr/share/icons/${j}/scalable/${i}.svg
I left it with -e (exists), but you might consider using -d for directories or -f for files and some error handling to catch stuff (e.g. /usr/share/icons/$j/scalable/ exists, but is a file and not a directory for whatever reason.)
I also noticed that in your original code you are potentially trying to copy multiple files into one:
cp -a $i*.svg /usr/share/icons/$j/scalable/$i.svg
I left it that way in my example in case you are sure that it is always only one file and are intentionally renaming it. If not I'd suggest only specifying a target directory.
