How to print out the number of lines in an output command - bash

For example:
cat /etc/passwd
What is the easiest way to count and display the number of lines the command outputs?

wc is the unix utility which counts characters, words, lines etc. Try man wc to learn more about it. The -l option makes it print only the number of lines (and not characters and other stuff).
So, wc -l <filename> will print the number of lines in the file <filename>.
You asked about how to count number of lines output from a command line program in general. To do that, you can use pipes in unix. So, you can pipe the output of any command to wc -l. In your example, cat /etc/password is the command line program you want to count. For that you should do:
cat /etc/password | wc -l


Why is wc -l counting lines incorrectly? [duplicate]

I have a text file which has over 60MB size. It has got entries in 5105043 lines, but when I am doing wc -l it is giving only 5105042 results which is one less than actual. Does anyone have any idea why it is happening?
Is it a common thing when the file size is large?
Last line does not contain a new line.
One trick to get the result you want would be:
sed -n '=' <yourfile> | wc -l
This tells sed just to print the line number of each line in your file which wc then counts. There are probably better solutions, but this works.
The last line in your file is probably missing a newline ending. IIRC, wc -l merely counts the number of newline characters in the file.
If you try: cat -A file.txt | tail does your last line contain a trailing dollar sign ($)?
Assuming the last line in your file is lacking a newline character, you can append a newline character to correct it like this:
printf "\n" >> file.txt
The results of wc -l should now be consistent.
60 MB seems a bit big file but for small size files. One option could be
cat -n file.txt
cat -n sample.txt | cut -f1 | tail -1

See only the first line change using `diff` command [duplicate]

Can I use the diff command to find out how many lines do two files differ in?
I don't want the contextual difference, just the total number of lines that are different between two files. Best if the result is just a single integer.
diff can do all the first part of the job but no counting; wc -l does the rest:
diff -y --suppress-common-lines file1 file2 | wc -l
Yes you can, and in true Linux fashion you can use a number of commands piped together to perform the task.
First you need to use the diff command, to get the differences in the files.
diff file1 file2
This will give you an output of a list of changes. The ones your interested in are the lines prefixed with a '>' symbol
You use the grep tool to filter these out as follows
diff file1 file2 | grep "^>"
finally, once you have a list of the changes your interested in, you simply use the wc command in line mode to count the number of changes.
diff file1 file2 | grep "^>" | wc -l
and you have a perfect example of the philosophy that Linux is all about.

bash: how to implement the output of 'wc -l' as an argument to another script

I have a script: '' where the number of lines in a separate file are required as an input argument:
perl ./ max=[input number of lines in separate file]
It would be very useful if I could give the output of 'wc -l separate_file' as input to the perl script.
max=`wc -l NRL.txt`
echo $max
perl ./ max=$max
The problem is that wc -l gives the number of lines and the file name which returns an error as the argument can only take one input....
perl ./ max=150000 separate_file ####error
So how can I get wc -l to only return the number of lines and not the file name?
when passing file as standard input wc doesn't echo filename
wc -l < NRL.txt
There are many ways to solve this specifically, but one way is to pipe the output of wc to awk and pull the number out of the output of wc:
max=`wc -l NRL.txt | awk '{print $1}'`

Counting commas in a line in bash

Sometimes I receive a CSV file which has a carriage return inside a cell. This is not an acceptable format to a program that will use it as input.
In order to detect if an input line is split, I determined that a bad line would not have the expected number of commas in it. Is there a bash or other common unix command line tool that would allow me to count the commas in the line? If necessary, I can write a Python or Perl program to do it, but if possible, I'd like to add a line or two to an existing bash script to cause it to fail if the comma count is wrong. Any ideas?
Strip everything but the commas, and then count number of characters left:
$ echo foo,bar,baz | tr -cd , | wc -c
To count the number of times a comma appears, you can use something like awk:
string=(line of input from CSV file)
echo "$string" | awk -F "," '{print NF-1}'
But this really isn't sufficient to determine whether a field has carriage returns in it. Fields can have commas inside as long as they're surrounded by quotes.
What worked for me better than the other solutions was this. If test.txt has:
Then cat test.txt | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo % | tr -cd , | wc -c' produces
This works very well for streaming sources, or tailing logs, etc.
In pure Bash:
while IFS=, read -ra array
echo "$((${#array[#]} - 1))"
done < inputfile
while read -r line
echo "${#count}"
done < inputfile
Try Perl:
$ perl -ne 'print 0+#{[/,/g]},"\n"'
Depending on what you are trying to do with the CSV data, it may be helpful to use a wrapper script like csvquote to temporarily replace the problematic newlines (and commas) inside quoted fields, then restore them. For instance:
csvquote inputfile.csv | wc -l
csvquote inputfile.csv | cut -d, -f1 | csvquote -u
may be the sort of thing you're looking for. See [][1] for the code and more information
An example Python command you could run (since it's going to be installed on most modern shells) is:
python -c "import pathlib; print({l.count(',') for l in pathlib.Path('my_file.csv').read_text().splitlines()})"
This counts the number of commas per line, then makes a set from them (so if your lines all have the same number of commas in, you'll get a set with just that number in).
Just remove all of the carriage returns:
tr -d "\r" old_file > new_file

UNIX wc -l with line length restriction

I need to count the number of lines in a file, in a UNIX shell script, but I need the number of lines under 80 characters, and if there are more than 80 characters, count it as multiple lines.
I know wc -l counts the number of lines, and I know there aren't any options to specify this kind of thing, so how would I do this?
Use fold to break lines > 80 characters and then pipe the output to wc, e.g.
$ fold file | wc -l
This may do what you want:
sed -r 's,(.{80}),\1\n,g' filename | wc -l
While the fold answer best fits the unix way:
awk '{n += 1+int(length/80)} END {print n}' filename
