net_device and net_device_ops struct - linux-kernel

I would like add a new operation at the struct net_device_ops but I am a really newbye in this type of things and I am a bit worried to follow a wrong way from the begin.
I added a ops like this:
static const struct net_device_ops wl_netdev_ops =
/* The other operations..
.ndo_clear_stats = clear_stats
What is not clear from my point of view is how I can call from user space that, I usually take statisincs from
But now I really don't understand where my new operation is placed, can someone help me telling a good tutorial or link where I can find a simple example or tutorial ?
Thanks in advance,
Interesting material

You can't call it directly. You need to export its functionality somehow to userspace, e.g. via an ioctl, netlink, a procfs entry, etc. Which one of these is recommended depends largely on what exactly you're trying to achieve.
Usually it's also advised not to change core kernel structures like this, even if you don't plan to distribute your changes - sometimes order of kernel structure members or the size of it matters, and there are assumptions internally in the kernel regarding this. I'm pretty sure there is some other way to do what you want.


Using std::move, and preventing further use of the data

I have been using c++11 for some time but I always avoided using std::move because I was scared that, while reading a library where the user does not have the access to the code, it would try to use the variable after I move it.
So basically something like
void loadData(std::string&& path);
Would not be enough to make the user understand that it will be moved.
Is it expected that the use of && would imply that the data will be moved. I know that comments can be used to explain the use case, but a lot of people dont pay attention to that.
Is it safe to assume that when you see a && the data will be moved, or when should I use std::move and how to make it explicit from the signature.
Is it expected that the use of && would imply that the data will be moved.
Generally speaking yes. A user cannot call loadData with an lvalue. They must provide a prvalue or an xvalue. So if you have a variable to pass, your code would generally look like loadData(std::move(variable)), which is a pretty good indicator of what you're doing from your side. forwarding could also be employed, but you'd still see it at the call site.
Indeed, generally speaking it is extremely rude to move from a parameter which is not an rvalue reference.

What is the rationale of Go not having the const qualifier?

I'm a C++ senior programmer. I'm currently doing some Go programming. The only feature I really miss is the const qualifier. In go, if you want to modify an object, you pass its pointer. If you don't want to modify it, you pass it by value. But if the struct is big, you should pass it by pointer, which overrides the no-modification feature. Worse, you can pass an object by value, but if it contains a pointer, you can actually modify its contents, with terrible race condition dangers. Some language types like maps and slices have this feature. This happens in a language that's supposed to be built for concurrency. So the issue of avoiding modification is really non-existent in Go, and you should pass small objects that do not contain pointers (you must be aware that the object does not contain a pointer) by value, if they aren't gonna be modified.
With const, you can pass objects by const pointer and don't worrying about modification. Type-safety is about having a contract that allows speed and prevents type-related bugs. Another feature that does this too is the const qualifier.
The const type qualifier in C/C++ has various meanings. When applied to a variable, it means that the variable is immutable. That's a useful feature, and one that is missing from Go, but it's not the one you seem to be talking about.
You are talking about the way that const can be used as a partially enforced contract for a function. A function can give a pointer parameter the const qualifier to mean that the function won't change any values using that pointer. (Unless, of course, the function uses a cast (a const_cast in C++). Or, in C++, the pointer points to a field that is declared mutable.)
Go has a very simple type system. Many languages have a complex type system in which you enforce the correctness of your program by writing types. In many cases this means that a good deal of programming involves writing type declarations. Go takes a different approach: most of your programming involves writing code, not types. You write correct code by writing correct code, not by writing types that catch cases where you write incorrect code. If you want to catch incorrect code, you write analyzers, like go vet that look for cases that are invalid in your code. These kinds of analyzers are much much easier to write for Go than for C/C++, because the language is simpler.
There are advantages and disadvantages to this kind of approach. Go is making a clear choice here: write code, not types. It's not the right choice for everyone.
Please treat it as an expanded comment. I'm not any programming language designer, so can't go deep inside the details here, but will present my opinion as a long-term developer in C++ and short-term developer in Go.
Const is a non-trivial feature for the compiler, so one would have to make sure whether it's providing enough advantage for the user to implement it as well as won't sacrifice the simplicity of syntax. You might think it's just a const qualifier we're talking about, but looking at C++ itself, it's not so easy – there're a lot of caveats.
You say const is a contract and you shouldn't be able to modify it at any circumstances. One of your arguments against using read only interfaces is that you can cast it to original type and do whatever you want. Sure you can. The same way you can show a middle finger to the contract in C++ by using const_cast. For some reason it was added to the language and, not sure I should be proud of it, I've used it once or twice.
There's another modifier in C++ allowing you to relax the contract – mutable. Someone realised that const structures might actually need to have some fields modified, usually mutexes protecting internal variables. I guess you would need something similar in Go in order to be able to implement thread-safe structures.
When it comes simple const int x people can easily follow. But then pointers jump in and people really get consfused. const int * x, int * const x, const int * const x – these are all valid declarations of x, each with different contract. I know it's not a rocket science to choose the right one, but does your experience as a senior C++ programmer tell you people widely understand these and are always using the right one? And I haven't even mentioned things like const int * const * * * const * const x. It blows my mind.
Before I move to point 4, I would like to cite the following:
Worse, you can pass an object by value, but if it contains a pointer,
you can actually modify its contents
Now this is interesting accusation. There's the same issue in C++; worse – it exists even if you declare object as const, which means you can't solve the problem with a simple const qualifier. See the next point:
Per 3, and pointers, it's not so easy to express the very right contract and things sometimes get unexpected. This piece of code surprised a few people:
struct S {
int *x;
int main() {
int n = 7;
const S s = {&n}; // don't touch s, it's read only!
*s.x = 666; // wait, what? s is const! is satan involved?
I'm sure it's natural for you why the code above compiles. It's the pointer value you can't modify (the address it points to), not the value behind it. You must admit there're people around that would raise their eyebrow.
I don't know if it makes any point, but I've been using const in C++ all the time. Very accurate. Going mental about it. Not sure whether is has ever saved my ass, but after moving to Go I must admit I've never missed it. And having in mind all these edge cases and exceptions I can really believe creators of a minimalistic language like Go would decide to skip on this one.
Type-safety is about having a contract that allows speed and prevents
type-related bugs.
Agreed. For example, in Go, I love there're no implicit conversions between types. This is really preventing me from type-related bugs.
Another feature that does this too is the const qualifier.
Per my whole answer – I don't agree. Where a general const contract would do this for sure, a simple const qualifier is not enough. You then need a mutable one, maybe kind of a const_cast feature and still – it can leave you with misleading believes of protection, because it's hard to understand what exactly is constant.
Hopefully some language creators will design a perfect way of defining constants all over in our code and then we'll see it in Go. Or move over to the new language. But personally, I don't think C++'s way is a particularly good one.
(Alternative would be to follow functional programming paradigms, which would love to see all their "variables" immutable.)

howto struct a code? e.g. at the top all variables, then all methods and last all event handlers

i'm currently working on a big projekt and i loose many time searching the right thing in the code. i need to get e.g. a method which makes someting special. so i scroll the whole code.
are there any common and effective methods to struct a file of code? e.g.
1. all global variables
2. constructor etc.
3. all methods
4. all event handlers
do you know common methods to do this??
It's more usual to break large projects into several source files, with logically related functionality. This helps with speeding up compilation and reducing coupling in your design as well as helping you navigate the code.
An example might be to have separate files for
UI functionality
helper classes (such as geometric/maths stuff)
file I/O
core functionality that connects the rest together
Design is a large topic, the book Code Complete by Steve McConnell might be a good starting point for you.
You shouldnt use global variables :)
Try spreading things out over different classes and files. Maks sure each class has only one purpose, instead of 1 class that manages a whole lot of different tasks.
That sounds like a sensible enough structure to me, what would really benefit you though is learning to use the tools you have available — whatever editor you're using it will have a search function, you can use that to quickly find what you're looking for.
Some editors will also include bookmarks too, and most offer a way to move back and forward through recent positions in the file.
Seen this sort of things started, never seen it kept on under the pressure to turn out code though.
Basically my rule of thumb is, if I feel the need to do this, break the code file up.

STL on custom OS - std::list works, but std::vector doesn't

I'm just playing around with a grub-bootable C++ kernel in visual studio 2010.
I've gotten to the point where I have new and delete written and things such as dynamically allocated arrays work. I can use STL lists, for example. I can even sort them, after I wrote a memcpy routine. The problem is when I use the std::vector type. Simply constructing the vector sends the kernel off into la la land.
Obviously I'm missing a function implementation of some kind, but I looked through STL searching for it and came up empty-handed. It fails at the push_back:
vector<int> v;
and disappears into the ether.
Any guesses as to what I'm missing?
Edit yes it's vector of int. Sorry for the confusion. Not only that, but it's not the constructor it fails on, it's a call to push_back.
Stab in the dark: do you have new[] and delete[] implemented? A list will create one item at a time with new while a vector will likely allocate larger blocks of memory with new[].
As per our discussion above, creating a
std::vector<mySimpleStruct> v;
instead of a
std::vector<int> v;
appears to work correctly. This must mean the problem is with something being done in the specialization of some functions for std::vector in your standard template library. I'm assuming you're familiar with template specialization already, but in case you're not:
Also, once you've figured out where the real problem is, could you come back and post the answer here? You have me curious about where the real problem is now, plus the answer may be helpful to others trying to build their own OS kernels.
Do you use a custom allocator or a default one?
You might try using a custom one just to see what allocations vector peforms that might destroy your implementation of the memory manager (this is probably what actually fails).
And yes, please post back once you solve it - it helps all other OSdevers out there.

How do I extend scala.swing?

In response to a previous question on how to achieve a certain effect with Swing, I was directed to JDesktopPane and JInternalFrame. Unfortunately, scala.swing doesn't seem to have any wrapper for either class, so I'm left with extending it.
What do I have to know and do to make minimally usable wrappers for these classes, to be used with and by scala.swing, and what would be the additional steps to make most of them?
As suggested by someone, let me explain the effect I intend to achieve. My program controls (personal) lottery bets. So I have a number of different tickets, each of which can have a number of different bets, and varying validities.
The idea is displaying each of these tickets in a separate "space", and the JInternalFrames seems to be just what I want, and letting people create new tickets, load them from files, save them to files, and generally checking or editing the information in each.
Besides that, there needs to be a space to display the lottery results, and I intend to evolve the program to be able to control collective bets -- who contributed with how much, and how any winning should be split. I haven't considered the interface for that yet.
Please note that:
I can't "just use" the Java classes, and still take full advantage of Scala swing features. The answers in the previous question already tell me how to do what I want with the Java classes, and that is not what I'm asking here.
Reading the source code of existing scala.swing classes to learn how to do it is the work I'm trying to avoid with this question.
You might consider Scala's "implicit conversions" mechanism. You could do something like this:
implicit def enrichJInternalFrame(ji : JInternalFrame) =
new RichJInternalFrame(ji)
You now define a class RichJInternalFrame() which takes a JInternalFrame, and has whatever methods you'd like to extend JInternalFrame with, eg:
class RichJInternalFrame(wrapped : JInternalFrame) {
def showThis = {
This creates a new method showThis which just calls show on the JInternalFrame. You could now call this method on a JInternalFrame:
val jif = new JInternalFrame()
Scala will automatically convert jif into a RichJInternalFrame and let you call this method on it.
You can import all java libraries directly into your scala code.
Try the scala tutorial section: "interaction with Java".
Java in scala
You might be be able to use the scala.swing source as reference e.g.
What sort of scala features are you trying to use with it? That might help in coming up with with an answer. I.e. - what is it you're trying to do with it, potentially in Java? Then we can try to come up with a nicer way to do it with Scala and/or create a wrapper for the classes which would make what you're trying to do even easier.
In JRuby, you could mix in one (or more) traits into JDesktopPane or JInternalFrame instead of extending them. This way you wouldn't have to wrap the classes but just use the existing objects. As far as I know, this is not possible with Scala traits.
Luckily, there is a solution, almost as flexible as Ruby's: lexically open classes. This blog article gives an excellent introduction, IMHO.
