Why do these images load so slowly in Opera? - image

In FireFox and IE, the images on this page load almost instantly (especially when they're cached by the browser).
But in Opera they load super slow. Even had to select one of them to "reload" to get it to appear. Can anyone see why this would be? Is it a problem with the webpage or how the images are served, or is it a problem with Opera settings? Been looking for image cache settings, but haven't really found anything that looks abnormal...

Here they load about as slowly in Chrome, but the animation seems to appear somewhat slower in Opera. I think the reason they load slowly is that all images redirect somewhere else - for example http://www.triangelos.no/u/10/thumb redirecting to http://www.triangelos.no/uploads/2012/05/4fc4028947b4b_875e059c43d1aaafab4db5afe569f10c.jpg_thumb.jpeg . Browsers are reluctant to cache redirects because they might redirect somewhere else next time, so you'll have to wait while each URL is re-checked before the actual images are loaded from cache.


No images are loading in Google Chrome - works fine in Firefox/IE

For some reason when I use Chrome to test out my website, no images load at all, not even tiny ones like loading icons or the simple "back to top of page" arrow icon at the bottom. The browser tab just hangs on the spinning circle loading state. If I refresh it like 10 times or something then a portion of the images might load. Interestingly my Nivo-Slider images never load... there is a large empty space at where the Nivo-Slider gallery should be at the top left of my page no matter how many times I refresh.
The console is completely clean of errors if you check.
Can anyone check for me why my website is not working in Chrome? It works perfectly in Firefox/IE. I admit some images might have large file sizes but it shouldn't cause Chrome to hang for like half an hour?
I'm using latest Chrome/IE/Firefox. Windows 7 64-bit.
My website: www.symphonyofpromise.com/inspiration/en
By the way my website is a completely fictional museum/gallery project, it's not the official site for some museum!
I cannot be 100% certain on this, but judging from the Network panel, you might be loading too many MP3 files at the same time, thus maxing out the number of simultaneous requests. Chrome might use a different prioritization algorithm.
I would recommend removing some of those MP3 files and deferring loading until after the initial load.
Nevermind that, it appears that the MP3s load fine, but other resources are definitely blocking it. A request should never be pending this long. Poke around further in the Network panel and you'll find the problem.

My site seems to be loading scripts first on Firefox, preloader not working

So it seems that Firefox loads the background images after everything else. I reorganized my site so the first image is not a background image and thus it seems to load first. Great news...but the other images continue to load at the very end. I intend to optimize them further but I don't think that is the issue.

is chrome faster because it doesn't reload images?

I have this issue for a while and I want to know if it is just me or it is the way chrome works. When I make changes to an image and upload it, on reload chrome fails to show the new image, instead it shows the old image. Firefox shows the new image. This happens mostly with big images, like background. So I have to wait for a few minutes before chrome shows the new image... Is this a rule or it happens just with my browser?
This might happen because your local clock isn't synchronized with the web server. When you upload an image, a new file is created. The server will return the time stamp of the file when the browser asks for it. If that time stamp is older than what you have in your cache, the browser won't load the image again (assuming it's still good enough).
You should inspect the image (right click on it) and then look at the network activity. Chrome will tell you there whether it did load the image and why not.
Looks like it's caching issue. This logic is different for different browsers.
You can clear Chrome cach by pressing Ctrl+Shitf+F12 and set option "Empty the cache". After this action new image should load always.

Strange website loading redirect issue in IE9

I run and manage the website http://onedirection.net, and we've spent a lot of time recently trying to improve the loading speed of the site. There's a lot of content on the site which requires load time, but everything else is going smoothly.
In Chrome, we're very happy with the load speed, but things don't seem as good in IE9. In fact when we load the homepage up, it seems to pause for a while, but worse still when I click and hold the Back button, I can see about 6-7 redirects from the initial page load!
What is causing this? There are no redirects on the site, but it looks like the social media links and a couple of adverts are causing strange problems.
I've never seen this before, so I'm a bit stumped!
Also, the chat bar at the bottom of the site doesn't load properly on the homepage, but does on other pages.
Can anyone shed any light into what is causing these issues, and better still how to solve it?
To be honest performance in Chrome isn't that great - from my home connection the page takes 11 seconds to load in Chrome.
Here's a waterfall for the home page in IE9 from a server in Dublin - http://www.webpagetest.org/result/120901_NC_f64ed067693fda62238e67cce432f964/1/details/
The waterfall is pretty horrible to be honest - too many requests, too many domains, no prioritisation of content, javascript in the head loading in a blocking manner
I'd need to look in more depth but essentially due to the number of third party components you've lost control of your page load.

Page cache inconsistency across browsers

Ive done all my Wordpress development in Firefox and I am using a caching plugin called W3 Total Cache.
The only problem I'm facing is that in Safari and Chrome, my navigation is being reloaded each time a user works their way through the navigation, I understand this is how the web works, that assets and content are being reloaded with each click. But in FF, its perfect, the nav appears to stay in place while the navigation is extended underneath > see http://spunfilms.samuelcane.com/ then http://spunfilms.samuelcane.com/work and then that pages children. Have a look at the site in Firefox and then in Chrome/Safari.
Has anyone got any ideas why I'm getting this inconsistency across browsers?
Is there a way around it?
By using W3TC plugin in Wordpress, I managed to optimize the site to make the page load almost instantaneous. My problem was that the plugin wasn't configured properly. I took a look at some other sites using the plugin and tried to configure it accordingly.
