Facebook object debugger: Could not retrieve data from URL. (200) - debugging

When i use the object debugger, the scraper is not able to see my OG content on my page. The debugger says "Can't download: Could not retrieve data from URL.", even though it's a 200 OK and shows the correct fetched and canonical URL. I have a subdomain on it, and it work fine.So not sure what happen to my main domain.
When click on Scraped URL See exactly what our scraper sees for your URL , it just show blank page.

Your site seems to have some HTML errors: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fspandooly.de
You should fix them before attempting to validate your site.
Funny thing, I create a copy of your page, and it seems to validate with no changes in the HTML. Your webserver might be doing something weird (according to the headers, the charset is missing or none):


"Fetch as Google" renders all pages to look like my homepage

I am trying to figure out why my website's posts and pages such as my resume are getting a "Complete" status with a green check mark (seemingly no errors or redirects) when fetching and rendering as google, but all of them "render" and look like my homepage. The page speed insights tool seems to be using the same rendering engine as it seems to have the same issue.
The html served from my website on initial page load is the correct HTML and content. No redirects occur. The initial page load does not fetch content via JS. I mention this because although my website is not a one page application (I'm using Wordpress), I do use ajax in combination with a post variable flag to fetch new page content when the user navigates to the next page (after the initial page load).
I have verified that all of my pages have been indexed using the "site:" trick in Google search. They are indexed properly, but they aren't "rendering" properly.
Should I be worried? Should I just ignore that the pages aren't rendering properly? It doesn't make any sense. Is anyone else having this issue?
Your resume page has a response type of content-type image/gif so google thinks that the page is an image??

Ajax used for image loading causes 404 errors

We have a page with over 1000 image, we show only 10 on each page, we load them with ajax, when people "see the images", also using datatable.
Everything works fine, however in Google webmaster tools, I just got thousands of 404 errors, with pages like this:
Of course if I go to this page, I get a 404 error, because no page like this exists, but I don't understand then why Google fetches URLs like this.
A card url looks like this: example.com/image/a 4 digit number here/image-name
As it gets loaded with ajax it creates that kind of url, which you (as a visitor) never sees but somehow Google fetches it.
Now I added /ajax to robots.txt to disallow fetching it, but I'm not sure if that's the best idea.
Any help would be appreciated.
The most likely reason is that your ajax directory (and possible other directories) is readable and lists your PHP files, which Google can access and parse for more URLs.
For example, if one of your scripts echos JSON with strings like the following, Google will find
<a class=\"quality1\" href=\"http:\/\/example.com\/card\/22\/inner-rage\">
and try to navigate to that link which resolves to
which is a 404.
You should stop http://example.com/ajax/ from displaying directory contents with either an .htaccess, or drop an empty index.html there.
You've also disallowed /ajax in your robots.txt, so this should also work. Try both.

Delphi: Log the GET request URLs used in Websites that are updating content via AJAX (TWebbrowser)

Using a TWebBrowser in Delphi, I'm showing a website that uses JSON to update its content. To get the source code of the newly updated content and load it into a Memo, I believe I have to get the URLs of the GET requests. Unfortunately, these are always different and generated with an encrypted Javascript. Is there any way to list the URLs the GET requests go to in a similar way like FireBug does in its console view?
Thanks a bunch!!!

og:image content is recognized as a valid URL but is unable to retrieve image

We recently moved servers and I've been having this problem since.
I tried parsing this url1 in the Facebook Debug tool, and the thumbnail retrieved using the content of the og:image tag is displayed fine, but it won't display when I 'like' the story and it appears in my profile . This was a story posted before switching servers.
Now when I try parsing this url2 in the Facebook Debug tool, the thumbnail is not retrieved and with previous case the thumbnail won't display in my profile when I like this story. This is a story posted after switching servers.
The funny thing I try repeating these actions and the thumbnail does pop up randomly.
How does Facebook retrieve the image from my server? Does the problem have something to do with how this is done?
At one point, I thought FB would not show a thumbnail on a second post. Or something. It seemed to show the thumbnail again, if I changed the URL a bit (put some fake parameters in the url).
Remove every og meta tags from the page, debug it into the facebook debugger tool, when it shows nothing, put the correct og meta tags again and debug again with facebok debugger tool.
This is a weird problem with facebook. It caches the old incorrect values sometimes.

Ajax generated pages with different URLs

I couldn't really word the title very well, but here's my problem: I've got a webpage that reads from a database each time the user clicks a button, the content is then replaced for part of the page.
Because it is an ajax load, everything is done in the background, and so the URL stays the same. This wasn't be a problem at all until I realised that I will want to have a different Facebook comments box for each set of content that is loaded - so if someone comments, it is posted to their facebook profile, people click on the link and are then taken to different content.
So... what I need is some way of referencing each set of content, and I've found a site that does exactly that (I'm sure there are a lot of them).
Here's the link.
Each set of content has a different 'hash code' (because I don't know the actual name for it) which is appended to the URL - in this case the code is "#1922934", this allows people to post links to it that specific set of content on Facebook etc. - and also allows a different Facebook comment box for each set of content.
Does anyone know how such a set-up can be achieved or how these 'hash codes' work?
Here's a document from wikipedia on it.
The main idea is that URI fragments are used because they don't cause a page reload. They also can be used to refer to anchors on a web page.
What I would do is on page load use JavaScript to read the URI fragment (location.hash) then make a request to your server to load the comments etc. The URI fragment cannot be read by a server and is only found through a client (browser)
Sounds like you want something like SammyJS.
