Export results of a query to a set of INSERT statements? - oracle

In Oracle I have the requirement to produce a set of INSERT statements using the results of a SELECT statement. Basically the same way that Toad for Oracle will export the contents of a table to a set of Insert Statements either in a file or on the clip board. Is this possible?
The reason for this is that some of my geometric data is in WGS84 format and when I access it it needs to be British National Grid. This is not a problem in Oracle as I can simply use SDO_CS.Transform(date, srid) however in SQL Server this is not possible. My intention is to produce the INSERTS in Toad and them run them on SQL Server in order to populate the geometry column with the pre-transformed data. This means applying the transform in Oracle during the SELECT.

I don't quite understand how you're trying to export the data from TOAD. But it should work as follows:
Run your SELECT statement in a TOAD editor window.
Press the right mouse button in the data grid with the result and select "Export dataset...".
Choose "Insert Statements" from the first drop down.
Click OK.


how to find the query used for creation of Temporary table in Oracle sql developer

I have created a temporary table in oracle sql developer but I forgot to save it and now I want to reuse the query but I don't remember the code used then. Is there a process to get query used creation of temp table?
You can use dbms_metadata.get_ddl()
select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE', 'YOUR_TABLE_NAME_HERE')
from dual;
The result is a CLOB with the complete DDL. You might need to adjust the display in SQL Developer to make the content of that value fully visible (I don't use SQL Developer, so I don't know if that is necessary and if so, what you would need to do)
It seems SQL Developer can't display the result of this query properly unless you use the "Run Script" option. And with that you need to use a SET LONG 60000 (or some other big number) before you run it, to see the complete source code:

How to export large amount of data using sql developer - Oracle

I want to upload some data from UAT DB to DEV DB. When I try to do this from Export function in SQL Developer, I got an error File C:\Users\xxx\export.sql was not opened because it exceeds the maximum automatic open size
How can I copy the UAT data to DEV ?
ORACLE Version 12C
SQL Developer Version
found the below answer from a SQL Developer forum :
It appears that the "maximum automatic open size" is hard-coded to a value of 500000 (bytes, I believe) with no way to override it. By
limiting this, we nip in the bud any potential complaints of Java
OutOfMemory upon trying to open a huge file.
To view the file from within SQL Developer despite this limitation,
just use the File|Open menu. For those huge files, please use an
external editor. And if you don't want to open files automatically in
order to suppress the warning dialog, use
Tools|Preferences|Database|Export/View DDL Options and un-check the
"Open Sql File When Exported" box.
Are you certain the export file does not contain all the insert rows?
That would be a bug unless you hit an OutOfMemory or disk full
condition. I just tried your scenario on at 55000 row table that
produced an export.sql of about 20MB. All rows were included.
Gary Graham
SQL Developer Team
and as the summary, it suggested that the SQL developer is not the best tool to open a large size of data file.
hope Gary's answer will guide you to some extent.
If you need to get an idea of some tools that you can open large files, check this LINK
Solution 1:
Set these values to some higher value!
Solution 2:
change "save to" to worksheet!
I was having this error when exporting database in insert format, selecting loader format on the 1st Export wizard screen fixed the issue.
This is probably because insert format creates a single SQL script with DDL and data as insert statements. So all the database is dumped in a single script file.
loader option produces multiple files: control file, data file, and sql files. And there are separate files for each table. As a result the export will consist of hundreds of files and no one file will reach the size limit.
This may not however work with single tables with very large amounts of data as that table's data file would hit the limit.
You can try different options like below.
On SQL developer, when right click on Table and click export, export wizard will be launched you can select either "Save As" - "separate files" that will export data in same SQL file.
OR you can change the format type on the same wizard to CSV that will export data in CSV format.
If you want to transfer large amounts of data (or small amounts, too) from one database to another, you should consider the tools that were specifically designed for such tasks.
First and foremost, look into data pump. It has a bit of a learning curve, though.
exp and imp (also by Oracle) are a bit easier to handle, but they're older and not nearly as powerful as data pump.
You might also want to look into the SQL*Plus copy command.
There is a trick to copy large chunk of data (from SQL developer) into excel sheet.
steps to be followed : Right click ---> export data ----> select format type as 'Text' ---> select type as "Clipboard" ----> open an excel sheet and try to paste keeping the below in mind :)
Then paste the data
NOTE : **Do Not paste the data on the first cell of the excel. Ctrl+v in any of the columns **
This will work.
You can use spool the query and save the results as CSV or XLSX files for larger results. For example:
spool "D:\Temp\Report.csv"
SELECT /*csv*/ select id,name,age from EMP;
spool off;
1-You can create a database link (db link) on DEV DB pointing to UAT DB, to INSERT rows in DEV DB.
2-Or you can build in PL/SQL a procedure in UAT DB to export data to a file in CSV format and in DEV DB use oracle external tables to SELECT from that files.
Be carefull about DATE acolumns, write down using TO_CHAR.
3-Use Datapump to export data from UAT DB and then import into DEV DB; it's a bit tricky.
Oracle database commands can run both in SqlCl by Oracle and in SQL developer, so this is easy:
set feedback only -- for Oracle 12.2+, turn off terminal output
set sqlformat insert -- data in "insert into ..." format
-- set sqlformat csv -- data in csv format
spool /path/to/your/file.sql
select * from t; -- lines to export
spool off
set feedback off -- restore terminal output
Simplest way to this is to modify the "Save As" below in the screenshot to save to multiple files instead of single file while exporting-

How to copy data from one database/table to another database/table in oracle using toad

I am trying to copy a table data from dev box db to uat db which are 2 different data bases . I am trying in toad.All the connection details are correct but its not working and throwing the following error.
[Error] Execution (12: 1): ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
This is what i am trying
copy from abc/cde#//abc.abc.com:1521/devbox to abc/cde#//abc.abc.com/uatbox
If your table doesn't have a huge number of rows you can use Toad's Export function: it creates an insert statement for each row. You can then run these statements in destination DB to re-create your table's data.
Here are the steps:
A. Create a copy of the table in destination DB
in source DB in a schema browser window click on the table you want to copy, select "script" tab in the right part of the window: you will find the script to re-create your table; copy this script
paste the script in a new SQL editor window in destination DB and run it. This should create the new table
B. Copy data in new table
in a schema browser window right click on table name in source DB
select "Export Data" from context menu
write "where" statement of your export query (leave it blank if you want to copy the entire table)
select destination: clipboard
click "ok" (now insert statements are stored in your clipboard)
paste insert statements in a new SQL editor window in destination DB
run statements as script (shortcut F5)
copy is a SQL*Plus command, not a SQL statement. I would be surprised if Toad had implemented that particular SQL*Plus command (it does implement many of the simpler commands). If you want to use the copy command, you would need to use SQL*Plus, not Toad.
If you want to use Toad, you would need to use a SQL statement to copy the data. You could create a database link in the destination database that points to the source database and then
INSERT INTO tool_service_mapping
FROM tool_service_mapping#<<db link to source database>>
The easyest and most error-free way I have experienced so far is: Database->Compare->Schemas
It's not too complicated as it looks (lots of checkboxes), but you tick boxes for objects you need to be created in an empty database, and at the end of comparison you end up with SQL script including all objects (triggers, views, sequences, packges) that you selected (checkboxes).
I clearly see all tables, triggers, data, etc in generated sql script and even can tick these I don't wish to create (if any)... Before executing script, TOAD asks you to confirm against which database you are running the script - saved me few times... As ackward as it looks, it works perfectly.
I have arround 200 tables I don't know if this is suitable for huge databases.

Oracle query output in excel

I have an Oracle 10G database and I need to write a fairly straightforward query that joins two tables and selects some data. However, I'd like to export the result list to an excel, so end users can use this .xls document to see the results and filter by one of the fields (location)
When I write the query, is there an easy way I can generate/ create an excel document that would hold these results as described above? The SQL doesn't need to run from within excel, but I guess that would be a useful feature now that I think about it!
There is simple solution for your request.
By using ora_excel, small pl/sql package which generates Excel xlsx file, you can select data and export selected data to Excel and set filtering.
Please see following example:
ORA_EXCEL.add_sheet('My sheet');
ORA_EXCEL.query_to_sheet('select * from employees'); -- Select data from database
ORA_EXCEL.set_cells_filter('A1', 'K1'); -- Add cell filtering from column A1 to column K1
-- Save generated Excel to file with name example.xlsx to Oracle folder EXAMPLE_XLSX
ORA_EXCEL.save_to_file('EXPORT_DIR', 'example.xlsx');
For more details please check here
Pretty easy to do in excel; and when done user can right click the data and say "Refresh" to get the latest updates.
but why reinvent the wheel lots of online articles already explain how to do this... Here's one
After you've connected to a table, you can edit the properties on the connection and enter custom SQL (copy and paste from your developer tools)
Since you cannot use OLE DB in your version of Excel. Use SPOOL to create a CSV file.
SQL> SET echo off
SQL> SET verify off
SQL> SET colsep ,
SQL> SET pagesize 0
SQL> SET trimspool on
SQL> SET feedback off
SQL> SPOOL C:\data.csv
The .csv file should open in Excel by default. Use proper column aliases so that users understand the column headers.
Quick way:
At first create a view which contains your Query(Best way because you might need to change this query later).
Be sure to properly have installed oracle client.
In Excel(2007 and above) in Data tab go this way:
From Other sources -> From Data Connection Wizard -> Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Provider for Oracle
Now Enter your DataSource Name(Stored in tnsnames.ora) and user password
Find you view and Then You'll have what you need.
You can save password and set option to refresh automatically in connection properties.
You are able to query an oracle database directly from Excel 2003 however, your sql statements are interpreted by MS Query and because of this it can often be frustrating. I will assume the machine in question already has the ability to query your database and has properly configured the database naming.
To query your database from excel 2003 you must:
Install and configure oracle's ODBC Driver (You must have the 32bit drivers installed since excel03 is a 32bit application). ODBC can be configured under start > administrative tools > ODBC Data Source Administrator
Open excel 2003 and goto data > import external data > new database query.
This should bring up MS Query which is an Access-like interface.
Obviously this is a very brief starter to get you stepping in the right direction. If you have any specific questions, please comment and I will try and help you.
Step 1
Run Your Query
Right Click on Resultenter image description here
Step 2
Click on Export
enter image description here
Step 3
Select Format To Excel
Enter datasheet name and location
Step 4
Click on Next and then finish
enter image description here
You can do one thing.
First generate the output in a form that includes column separators using symbols (like , or #).
Import the data to the excel and then define the placeholders as the column separators.

Oracle Execution Plan

I am using Oracle 11g and Toad for Oracle. How can I display execution plan for queries?
In Sql server management studio execution plan can be displayed as graphical format. Is there any functionality/tool like that on Toad for oracle?
Make sure you've ended the query with a semi-colon (and the query above)
You need to set-up the TOAD plan table for use. If you think it's already setup on your DB then you may just need to be granted access. Alternatively in my slightly older version of TOAD it's under:
Database --> Administer --> Server Side Objects Wizard. From here you can create the plan table(s) in a schema that you choose.
You should create the PLAN_TABLE using a script provided by Oracle
which is named UTLXPLAN.SQL and is located in one of the installation folders
on the database server.
Then, you should use the EXPLAIN PLAN statement for generating a plan for a SQL statement, like this:
EXPLAIN PLAN SET STATEMENT_ID = 'your_identifier_for_this_plan'
... your statement ... ;
Then, you can use either a select from PLAN_TABLE (usually using a hierarchical query) or the DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_PLAN procedure to display the plan.
In the same folder where the UTLXPLAN.SQL file is located, there usually exist
examples of using this procedure.
Also, in SQL*PLUS you can use the SET AUTOTRACE feature.
this helped me How do I view the Explain Plan in Oracle Sql developer?, I just write what they did in sql developer and wrote in the toad editor and then execute.
explain plan for select field1, field2 from TABLE_NAME;
Check that all queries end with a semicolon, put the cursor on the query you want to analyze and hit CTRL-E.
The first time you could get a popup that asks for the name of the plan table, it suggests TOAD_PLAN_TABLE but it's better to use the standard Oracle table PLAN_TABLE that should be already available. So enter PLAN_TABLE in place of TOAD_PLAN_TABLE (do not specify a schema) and hit OK. You should get a message saying that the object already exists: hit OK again to acknowledge it. Now try CTRL-E again and you'll get the explain plan.
To view/change the currently configured plan table name go to menu "View / Toad Options / Oracle General".
