Capistrano's run_locally doesn't print to console? - ruby

Assume I have a custom task in my recipe as such:
task :custom_task1 do
run_locally "cap -S config=blah another_custom_task
task :another_custom_task do
puts "hi"
Then, "hi" won't be printed.
How to fix or overcome the situation? It is not allowing me to use command line whatsoever.
Why can't I use logger?
Capistrano, by default talks too much - so I have a setting that sets its logger to shout only important errors. So can't use or something as such.

Try to use Logger: "hi"


How to pass command line parameters to capistrano

I am using Capistrano v2.9.0.
I run this command:
cap deploy:tryout -S testvar=thing
and my deploy.rb contains this:
namespace :deploy do
task :tryout do
if defined? testvar
puts "param: #{testvar}\n"
puts "no branch!\n"
The output is "no branch!". How do I pass values from the command line? I tried looking into the code, and I can see options.rb where it adds the passed parameter to options[:pre_vars], but that seems to be an instance variable, and I can't figure out how to access it from my deploy script.
The options can be accessed via #parent.variables hash, so if the command line string is testvar=thing, then #parent.variables[:testvar] has the value string.
This seems really ugly and hacky, but it works.
Turns out it is also available locally via variables[:testvar]

log in non sidekiq class

I have a worker that delegates the work to another class like this:
class SynJob
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options queue: :sync
def perform(user_id), blah, blah)
class OtherClass
def initialize
puts "we are in OtherClass"
My question is, how do I log to stdout from OtherClass.
My puts statements do not show up in the heroku stdout log.
The literal answer to your question is to use puts or other Ruby APIs for writing to stdout. You can call this both in your SynJob or your OtherClass code and it will execute the same, writing to the stdout of the sidekiq worker process.
However, this probably is not what you want to do. If this is a Rails app, you probably want to write to the Rails logger, which should be available both in your worker and in other code: "I'm a debug message"
This will show up in the appropriate log both locally and when running deployed on Heroku.

Creating interactive ruby console application

I want make interactive application where user launches it and can do various task by typing commands (some kind of shell)
App says Hi
help - display help about command
open - open task
do - do action
Start>help open
open <TaskName>
opens specified task
Start>open Something
Something>do SomeAction
Something> (blinking cursor here)
I searched but couldn't find any ruby gems that I could use specially for console interaction, so I'm about to my make my own...
I looked at Thor, but that's not exactly as I want, maybe I could use it, but not sure...
it could look something like:
class Tasks
attr_reader :opened_task
desc "open <TaskName>", "opens specified task"
def open(params)
desc "do <ActionName>", "do specified action"
def do(params)
tasks =
# theoretical Console class
console =
console.addCommand("open",tasks.method(:open),"open task")
console.addCommand("do",tasks.method(:do),"do action")
so my question is, what gems I could use to make such console class? maybe someone have already made something similar?
I plan using HighLine for input/output, but any other suggestion what could I use?
What you want is a REPL – Read → Evaluate → Print Loop.
IRB, for example, implements a REPL for the Ruby language.
Here's a very simple implementation of your application's REPL:
loop do
input = gets.chomp
command, *params = input.split /\s/
case command
when /\Ahelp\z/i
puts Application::Console.help_text
when /\Aopen\z/i params.first
when /\Ado\z/i
Application::Action.perform *params
else puts 'Invalid command'
\A and \z match the start of the string and the end of the string, respectively.
You could also try ripl. (from the documentation):
Creating and starting a custom shell is as simple as:
require 'ripl'
# Define plugins, load files, etc...
There is a comprehensive list of plugins for ripl as well as list of console applications using ripl on the projects website.
ok, so I made this library for creating console applications in ruby. Actually it was some while ago, but only just decided to release it. It does support auto-completion if used with HighLine and Readline.
When I wrote it there wasn't any documentation nor tests/specs, but now I made some. Still not much but for beginning should be ok.
So gem cli-console and
code is at GitHub, here's usage example
TTY is a really good gem for easily doing this sort of things. You have plenty of tools which can work alone or with the full toolKit. You can use colors, prompts, execute shell natives, interact with the screen, print tables, progressbars and many other useful elements of command lines whith the easy of a goop api.
Particularly tty-prompt is really useful for asking for user input.
A brief example for the case you proposed:
require 'tty-prompt'
require 'pastel'
prompt =
loop do
cmd, parms* = prompt.ask('user#machine$ ').split /\s/
case cmd
when "hola"
puts "Hola amigo " parms
when "exit"
break if prompt.yes?('Do you really want to exit?')
Take a look at cliqr ruby gem. It looks like exactly what you need. Here is the github link with a descriptive readme:
It can execute the commands directly or within a inbuilt shell.
Here is a test case from its git repo:
it 'can execute a sub action from shell' do
cli = Cliqr.interface do
name 'my-command'
handler do
puts 'base command executed'
action :foo do
handler do
puts 'foo executed'
action :bar do
handler do
puts 'bar executed'
with_input(['', 'my-command', 'foo', 'foo bar', 'foo bar help']) do
result = cli.execute %w(my-command shell), output: :buffer
expect(result[:stdout]).to eq <<-EOS
Starting shell for command "my-command"
my-command > .
base command executed
my-command > my-command.
base command executed
my-command > foo.
foo executed
my-command > foo bar.
bar executed
my-command > foo bar help.
my-command foo bar
my-command foo bar [actions] [options] [arguments]
Available options:
--help, -h : Get helpful information for action "my-command foo bar" along with its usage information.
Available actions:
[ Type "my-command foo bar help [action-name]" to get more information about that action ]
help -- The help action for command "my-command foo bar" which provides details and usage information on how to use the command.
my-command > exit.
shell exited with code 0
class MyAPI
def self.__is__(text)
#__is__ = text
def self.method_added(method)
#__help__ ||= {}
#__help__[method.to_s] = #__is__
#__is__ = nil
__is__ "open file <file>"
def open(file)
__is__ "do X"
def do(*params)
__is__ "calls help, use help <command>"
def help(*args, &block)*args, &block)
Or you could use pry commands, but that defeats the
turing-completeness. Help might be implemented using commands, as I'm
not sure how well my approach works out. Those methods need to be
coded defensive. I can't remember how to use class variables :-/

how can I enable a specific debug output in ruby?

I want to write a script in ruby. The goal of the script
is to automate the build process of a cmake project.
I want to add a lot of debug out but if I use puts or
print the output will always be visible and I don't want that.
I want to do something like
my_script --debug $foo
and to have output related with the development of the script.
thanks in advance
You should try out Logger.
require 'logger'
$log =
$log.level = Logger::DEBUG
$log.debug "Sample debug message"
$ "Sample info message"
$log.error "Sample error message"
You only need to change one line to decide which messages should be printed (i.e. $log.level = Logger::DEBUG). Alternatively, you can parse the command line options to set the Logger level.
If you think the output is too verbose, you can redefine it like so:
class Logger
def format_message(severity, timestamp, progname, msg)
"#{timestamp} #{msg}\n"
You can use Logger
By setting the level of logging like this
log.level = Logger::DEBUG
you can manage to print out or not print out the debug messages.
Also you can choose the output stream, it could be console or file like this
log =

How do I return early from a rake task?

I have a rake task where I do some checks at the beginning, if one of the checks fails I would like to return early from the rake task, I don't want to execute any of the remaining code.
I thought the solution would be to place a return where I wanted to return from the code but I get the following error
unexpected return
A Rake task is basically a block. A block, except lambdas, doesn't support return but you can skip to the next statement using next which in a rake task has the same effect of using return in a method.
task :foo do
puts "printed"
puts "never printed"
Or you can move the code in a method and use return in the method.
task :foo do
def do_something
puts "startd"
puts "end"
I prefer the second choice.
You can use abort(message) from inside the task to abort that task with a message.
Return with an Error ❌
If you're returning with an error (i.e. an exit code of 1) you'll want to use abort, which also takes an optional string param that will get outputted on exit:
task :check do
# If any of your checks fail, you can exit early like this.
abort( "One of the checks has failed!" ) if check_failed?
On the command line:
$ rake check && echo "All good"
#=> One of the checks has failed!
Return with Success ✅
If you're returning without an error (i.e. an exit code of 0) you'll want to use exit, which does not take a string param.
task :check do
# If any of your checks fail, you can exit early like this.
exit if check_failed?
On the command line:
$ rake check && echo "All good"
#=> All good
This is important if you're using this in a cron job or something that needs to do something afterwards based on whether the rake task was successful or not.
Bonus: Return with an Error from a rescue block without the stacktrace.
By default, if you use abort inside of a rescue block, it will output the entire stack trace, even if you just use abort without re-raising the error.
To get around this, you can supply a non-zero exit code to the exit command, like:
task :check do
rescue => error
puts error.message
exit( 1 )
I tend to use abort which is a better alternative in such situations, for example:
task :foo do
something = false
abort 'Failed to proceed' unless something
If you need to break out of multiple block levels, you can use fail.
For example
task :something do
[1,2,3].each do |i|
fail "some error" if ...
If you meant exiting from a rake task without causing the "rake aborted!" message to be printed, then you can use either "abort" or "exit". But "abort", when used in a rescue block, terminates the task as well as prints the whole error (even without using --trace). So "exit" is what I use.
I used next approach suggested by Simone Carletti, since when testing rake task, abort, which in fact is just a wrapper for exit, is not the desired behavior.
task auto_invoice: :environment do
if Application.feature_disabled?(:auto_invoice)
$stderr.puts 'Feature is disabled, aborting.'
