I'm new to asp.net devexpress tools. I want to identify column value of ASPxGridView component.
How can i do this.Please help me to solve this problem
(can we do as below/or similar way)
You can get those values with:
List of all ASPxGridView members.
I want to know if there is any way to change the attribute state from managed to unmanaged in crm 2015
There is no supported way of changing an attribute from managed to unmanaged. However it certainly is possible and I have done quite a bit of this sort of work over the last half year. This involves directly changing the ismanaged property of selected records in the attribute and related metadata tables.
The primary reason you would want to make a component managed is so that you can remove it. So far I have been able to remove the following managed components by first setting underlying ismanaged values to false and then deleting normally through the CRM customizations page:
Text fields
Decimal fields
Yes/No values and Option Sets
1:N and N:N Relationships
I have not worked out removing the following components
Money Fields - conceptually no harder than option sets
Entities - Much more complicated
Entity Properties such as notes and activities - Very complicated
No, there is not. You'd have to uninstall the managed solution, create the attribute in the environment (which would be created as unmanaged), remove the attribute from your managed solution, then reimport your managed solution.
You also need to change the base column for money fields to IsManaged false
I am interesting into how implement "frozen" columns inside Eclipse Scout table.
I see solution with two tables https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/99484/, but I am looking if anyone has different solution, or this is the only one.
You are looking at what Excel describes as freeze panes?
I afraid there is no support in Scout for this at the moment. You can file a change request in Bugzilla, but without any sponsoring (money or code contribution), it will be hard to implement this.
You can have a look at the approach chosen by Karsten Thoms for the RAP-UI: Scout tables with fixed columns. He uses a custom field (he has extended the default RAP table).
In my opinion, if we include this feature in Scout, it should be a property on each column (frozen = true / false) and not on the table.
I'm starting with Oracle ADF. I'm trying my first examples with basic components.
Starting from classic HR schema for Oracle ADF (Departments, Employees, Regions, Countries, etc.), I drop a SelectOneChoice for DepartmentsView1, and then I drop a SelectManyCheckbox for related EmployeesView3.
So, the data are well matched and, all employees from selected department are displayed.
Well, my two questions are:
How can I preselect all checkboxes in the SelectManyCheckbox componente? I need that all related employees were preselected.
If I had an input text box, a button and a SelectManyCheckbox component, how can I bind typed value in input box to the query (View Object) and then list the result in the SelectManyCheckbox component?
Maybe they are very basic questions, but I've recently started with Oracle ADF, coming from Java Spring Framwork and I'm changing the problem and programming approach and my mind too.
Any help is very appreciated, because this is a great change for me.
For your first question you've asked, you need to get the binding
(and cast it to JControlListBinding) of the selectManyCheckbox from the bindings
and set its selected values via setSelectedIndices method.
If you want them all to be preselected, you can iterate through all
values, find their indexes, put them in an array and then pass as a
parameter to the setSelectedIndices method.
For the second one,
I have no idea about the reason behind such an operation, but i
guess you could create an appropiate Row with the value the has been
typed in to the box, then you could add it to the RowSet
(via createRow() method of the ViewObjectImpl.) that is bound the selectManyCheckbox.
Maybe because of my rookieness, I don't think that the questions you've asked can considered to be basic. :)
Bonne chance in your ADF adventure by the way.
I'm a beginner using Joomla 1.5. I have a page which shows articles in a blog format. My objective is to show/filter the articles per year (which isn't that many) based on user input. I'm planning to create a module on the right side, showing a dropdown box of the years, and retrieve the results by passing the year parameter as part of the URL
What is the best, simplest way of passing and processing additional parameters to com_content via URL? Can I do so using extensions such as K2 and flexicontent? If not, can someone advise me what code to add and where, in com_content? If I have to extend com_content itself, can someone guide me how to or point some useful articles?
Appreciate the help. Thanks
I don't know if K2 or flexicontent offer this option, but com_content appears NOT to have this feature.
I would just build a module, create a query and use the table jos_content, select only the fields that you need (like title) and check the field created to be in the year you need.
I have a linq to sql generated object MyObject and this contains an EntitySet.
Now i use an XtraReport with a BindingSource.DataSource = MyObject. I have a xrTable in the Detail band (which is the only one i use btw) with four xrTableCells binded binded to properties from MyObject.MyotherObject.Property. It keeps showing me only the first record and not all of them.
Anyone with an idea?
I believe you'll need to implement the ITypedList with your custom object to use it as a datasource. Check out this online documentation article for more info:
I have just solved a similar problem. Did you use typed datasets to help you layout the report at design time? If you did then clear the Data Source in design view. If you apply LINQ to SQL Data Source at runtime without clearing the typed dataset Data Source in the design view, you may get only one row showing in the detail band.
i have similar problem and tried above answers, but it was so simple
just set your report DataMember to the name of your sub collection MyObject.MyotherObject
and the table will load all items in your sub collection.
XtraReport report = new XtraReport(){DataSource = MyObject,DataMember="MyotherObject" };