How can I change an index defined on a table? - ruby

I have an index defined like
add_index :users, :email, :unique => true
Is there any way to change this index to drop the UNIQUE constraint, something like 'change_index'?
Or is it the only way to drop the index and add it again without the UNIQUE constraint?

There is no "change_index" in migrations so you can do:
remove_index :users, :email
add_index :users, :email, :unique => false

Different index types are typically implemented in very different ways in the database you are using. A primary index is very different from any secondary index. And unique indexes are typically different from search indexes to facilitate their primary use case: to quickly determine if a value is already present in a column vs. allowing efficient searches.
As such, (depending on your DBMS) you can't change an existing index. You safest bet in any case is to drop the index and create a new one. This can be done during live operations. There is no need to shutdown neither the database nor your rails app.

This should be done in two steps - first creating the index you need in one migration file and dropping the existing one in another.
First file:
class AddNewIndex < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
unique: false,
name: "index_non_unique_emails_on_users",
algorithm: :concurrently
Second file:
class DropOldListCIndexFromPushLogs < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
name: <existing unique index name> # have a look in db/schema.rb
) if index_exists?(:users, name: "index_non_unique_emails_on_users")
Please have a look at Zero Downtime Migrations' readme if you're new to safe migrations.


Rails Newby: Strong parameters in Rails 5 not letting specified parameter Through - HABTM

I'm new to rails, and I'm currently trying to develop an API based app using Rails 5, on one of my controllers I have a function to filter the allow parameters like so
def provider_params
params.require(:provider).permit(:name, :phone, :email, :website, :address, :provider_id, :bio, :specialty_ids => [])
Then posting from Paw I noticed that the arguments that are not attributes of the table are no included in provider_params, the parameter I'm supposed to receive is an array, which is defined by a HABTM relation-ship.
This is how my models look like
class Specialty < ApplicationRecord
has_and_belongs_to_many :providers
class Provider < ApplicationRecord
has_and_belongs_to_many :specialties
And this is how the join table was created via migration
class CreateProvidersSpecialties < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
def change
create_table :providers_specialties, :id => false do |t|
t.integer :provider_id
t.integer :specialty_id
add_index :providers_specialties, :provider_id
add_index :providers_specialties, :specialty_id
The JSON I'm posting
"name": "the name",
"specialty_ids": [
So as I mentioned, the array specialty_ids doesn't seem to be coming through, and even if it did, I suspect there's still something else I need to do in order for rails to insert the content of specialty_ids in the ProvidersSpecialties Table
So the problem was finally solved by removing the requir call from the method provider_params, since I wasn't wrapping the json-payload in a provider key. Apparently once you add the require(:key) call you would only be able to add parameters that belong to the Model, which is weird since an error should be raised when the key is not present, what was the case with my payload, lacking the provider key.

Configuring the proper join column in Rails Admin

I have two models, which associate with each other through a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship.
class Band < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :stages, association_foreign_key: :stage_number
class Stage < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :bands
Assume both tables have an id field, and that stage has a stage_name field.
They're related to each other through a table called bands_stages, with a schema that looks similar to this:
create_table :bands_stages, id: false do |t|
t.integer :band_id
t.integer :stage_number
My intention is to use Rails Admin to allow us to modify certain fields on the Stage, but every time that runs, I get an SQL error doing so:
column does not exist
It seems that Rails Admin is picking the wrong column by default to join on. How would I inform Rails Admin that I want it to join on a column that actually exists in my join table?
Note that I can't actually make use of the ID in the stages table. The intention is that only ten stages exist at any given time, denoted by their stage number, but every band can visit each stage. Since an ID would automatically increment, it seems to be safer and more explicit to its intent to leverage the more concrete :stage_number field instead.
I'm sure that it's not a problem of rails admin but habtm association.
To make habtm use the right column in sql primary key must be specified for stage model and foreign key for association.
And it is the only way to make it works right.
class Stage < ActiveRecord::Base
self.primary_key = "stage_number"
has_and_belongs_to_many :bands, foreign_key: :stage_number
But I think the best way is to use joint model and has_many/belongs_to because for has_many/belongs_to it's possible to set any column to be used as primary key via :primary_key option.
class BandStageLink < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = "bands_stages"
belongs_to :band
belongs_to :stage, foreign_key: :stage_number, primary_key: :stage_number
class Band < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :band_stage_links
has_many :stages, through: :band_stage_links, foreign_key: :stage_number
class Stage < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :band_stage_links, primary_key: :stage_number, foreign_key: :stage_number
has_many :bands, through: :band_stage_links
Update: Note that in this case there is still no need to specify any primary keys for stage table. For instance my migration is:
class CreateStageBandTables < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :bands_stages, id: false do |t|
t.integer :band_id
t.integer :stage_number
create_table :bands do |t|
t.string :name
create_table :stages, id: false do |t|
t.integer :stage_number
t.string :name
I tested both cases for rails 4.2.5 and everything works just fine.
Edit - I did mis-understand the primary key bit, I think the desire was to tell Rails to use different attribute as PK, which should be less problematic than re-purposing the auto-increment-by-default PK ID. In that case, the Stage model should include self.primary_key = "stage_number", and the rest of the details at the bottom of this answer relating to HABTM alongside that. Of course has-many-through would still be my preferred solution here.
I think there's a bigger problem with the models and approach, than Rails Admin.
If I understand what you're trying to do, then you'd also need to turn off auto-increment for the primary key in stages table, to hold arbitrary numbers (representing stage numbers) as primary key IDs. It could end badly very quickly, so I'd advise against it.
If the data is genuinely static (10 stages ever), you could even keep it as a constant in the Band model and scrap Stage completely (unless there's more there), e.g.
class Band < ActiveRecord::Base
POSSIBLE_STAGES = [1, 2, ...]
validates :stage, inclusion: { in: POSSIBLE_STAGES, message: "%{value} is not a stage we know of!" }
For a table-based approach, I would suggest has-many-through, it'll save you a lot of pain in the future (even if you don't need additional attributes on the join table, things like nested forms are a little easier to work with than in HABTM). Something like this:
class Band < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :events
has_many :stages, through :events
# band details go into this model
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :band
belongs_to :stage
# you could later add attributes here, such as date/time of event, used_capacity, attendee rating, and
# even validations such as no more than X bands on any given stage at the same time etc.
class Stage < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :events
has_many :bands, through :events
# stage number/details go into this model
The migration for that could look something like this:
create_table :bands do |t|
t.string :bandname
# whatever else
create_table :events do |t|
t.belongs_to :band
t.belongs_to :stage
# you could add attributes here as well, e.g. t.integer :used_capacity
create_table :stages do |t|
t.integer :number
t.integer :total_capacity
# whatever else
As you can see primary key IDs are not touched here at all, and I would always avoid storing business data in Rails' and databases' plumbing of any sort (which is what I consider IDs to be, they're there to ensure relation/integrity of the data in a relational database, as well as nice and consistent mapping to ActiveRecord - all business data should be beside that, in actual attributes, not plumbing used to connect models).
If you still want HABTM and re-purposing of primary ID, then I think Stage should include a foreign_key statement to "advertise" itself to the bands_stages join table as having a custom key name (in bands_stages only), while keeping the association_foreign_key on the Band end to show what you want to query in the join table to reach the other side. The stages table would still utilise id though as its primary key, you'd just want to turn off auto-increment with something like t.integer :id, :options => 'PRIMARY KEY' (might be dependent on the database flavour - and again, I would advise against this).
Your models would look like this:
class Band < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :stages, association_foreign_key: "stage_number"
class Stage < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :bands, foreign_key: "stage_number"
The connection between bands and bands_stages would be = bands_stages.band_id, for which many bands_stages.stage_number would be found, and each would be connected to stage via bands_stages.stage_number = (where has been re-purposed to represent business data at a likely future peril).
Change the association_foreign_key value to be a string instead of symbol.
class Band < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :stages, association_foreign_key: 'stage_number'
class Stage < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :bands, foreign_key: 'stage_number'

Securely pass ID param in URL rails

I have a link like this:{}.
How do I make sure, that client's id will be passed securely (hashed/encrypted), and not just naked number?
So the goal is to get something like:
instead of
How can I achieve it?
And what's more, I would also like to ensure, that on the other end the client ID is gotten correctly
Thank you!
Probably the best way to do this would be to add an extra column (non-null, unique) to your User model, which is randomized upon the User creation.
before_create do
self.uuid = SecureRandom.uuid
Then you can use uuid to identify the user instead of id.
Naturally you will need to modify all your existing user when adding this column.
Implementation details
Your migration needs to have 3 parts. Firstly you need to add a uniq, nullable column uuid to users table. Then, you need to loop over your existing customers and populate this column. After it you can make the column not-nullable. It would most likely look like this:
class Blah000000000 < ActiveRecord::Migration
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
before_save { self.uuid ||= SecureRandom.uuid }
def up
add_column :users, :uuid, :string, unique: true
User.all.each &:save!
change_column :user, :uuid, string, unique: true, null: false
def down
remove_column :users, :uuid
You could add an extra parameter which is the HMAC or digital signature of the id. The recipient can verify that id has not changed.

Sequel : DRY between schema migration and model validate method

I'm wondering if I miss a way to avoid repeat validation code in my Sequel::Model#validate subclass method since I've already put all constraints into my migration file.
Here's a simple example of what I'm talking about :
Sequel.migration do
change do
create_table :users do
primary_key :id
String :name, :null => false, :unique => true
class User < Sequel::Model
def validate
validates_presence :name
validates_unique :name
validates_type String :name
It seems very painful and errors prone to have to repeat all the constraints in the validate method. Did I miss something or there's no other way to do that ?
Any advice will be appreciated, thanks
Sequel has some nice plugins and extensions.
The auto_validations plugin automatically sets up three types of
validations for your model columns:
type validations for all columns
not_null validations on NOT NULL columns (optionally, presence
unique validations on columns or sets of columns with unique indexes
The constraint_validations extension is designed to easily create
database constraints inside create_table and alter_table blocks. It
also adds relevant metadata about the constraints to a separate table,
which the constraint_validations model plugin uses to setup automatic
Your example would look like this
Sequel.migration do
up do
create_table :users do
primary_key :id
String :name, :null => false, :unique => true
validate do
presence :name,
name: :presence_name
down do
class User < Sequel::Model
I think, it's normal. Don't worry.

Ruby datamapper - callback upon creating a table?

I'd like to do this on Ruby's Datamapper:
Create a table, then execute an SQL statement (raw) after. My DB right now is SQLite. I checked out but it doesn't have anything on adding a callback after the table is constructed. I'm saying this because I need to add a constraint directly or something like an alter table after all of my tables have been generated. The constraint is a unique_index over multiple keys from another table. Something like this:
class Score
belongs_to :pageant, :unique_index => :single_score
belongs_to :candidate, :unique_index => :single_score
belongs_to :category, :unique_index => :single_score
belongs_to :judge, :unique_index => :single_score
Anyway what I want to happen is that each pageant-candidate-category-judge combination should be unique. The :unique_index thing doesn't work unless I include another field that isn't linked to another table. So I just thought of adding a constraint via raw SQL (which I would be doing if I wasn't using an ORM).
I just solved this by creating a custom validation. Silly me.
validates_with_method :check_uniqueness_of_score
def check_uniqueness_of_score
!(Score.all(pageant_id: self.pageant_id, candidate_id: self.candidate_id,
category_id: self.category_id, judge_id: self.judge_id).count > 0)
