What does this phrase about producing randomized online surveys mean? - survey

In regards to online surveys, there are 3 basic types of questions - single punch, multi-punch, and grid qualification. The grid type is basically a series of single-punch questions - maybe to rate a restaurants food, decor, air, etc.
So I'm asked to:
Allow the ability to randomize the responses for single punch,
multi-punch, and grid qualification types(including the ability to
anchor certain ones).
I think I get the randomized part - just make random answers. I'm confused at what "anchor certain ones" means.

So j08691 was right - it means to have certain choices always show up in certain spots . Usually the choice "none of above".


A simple explanation of Random Forest

I'm trying to understand how random forest works in plain English instead of mathematics. Can anybody give me a really simple explanation of how this algorithm works?
As far as I understand, we feed the features and labels without telling the algorithm which feature should be classified as which label? As I used to do Naive Bayes which is based on probability we need to tell which feature should be which label. Am I completely far off?
If I can get any very simple explanation I'd be really appreciated.
RandomForest uses a so-called bagging approach. The idea is based on the classic bias-variance trade off. Suppose that we have a set (say N) of overfitted estimators that have low bias but high cross-sample-variance. So low bias is good and we want to keep it, high variance is bad and we want to reduce it. RandomForest tries to achieve this by doing a so-called bootstraps/sub-sampling (as #Alexander mentioned, this is a combination of bootstrap sampling on both observations and features). The prediction is the average of individual estimators so the low-bias property is successfully preserved. And further by Central Limit Theorem, the variance of this sample average has a variance equal to variance of individual estimator divided by square root of N. So now, it has both low-bias and low-variance properties, and this is why RandomForest often outperforms stand-alone estimator.
Adding on to the above two answers, Since you mentioned a simple explanation. Here is a write up that I feel is the most simple way you can explain random forests.
Credits go to Edwin Chen for the simple explanation here in layman terms for random forests. Posting the same below.
Suppose you’re very indecisive, so whenever you want to watch a movie, you ask your friend Willow if she thinks you’ll like it. In order to answer, Willow first needs to figure out what movies you like, so you give her a bunch of movies and tell her whether you liked each one or not (i.e., you give her a labeled training set). Then, when you ask her if she thinks you’ll like movie X or not, she plays a 20 questions-like game with IMDB, asking questions like “Is X a romantic movie?”, “Does Johnny Depp star in X?”, and so on. She asks more informative questions first (i.e., she maximizes the information gain of each question), and gives you a yes/no answer at the end.
Thus, Willow is a decision tree for your movie preferences.
But Willow is only human, so she doesn’t always generalize your preferences very well (i.e., she overfits). In order to get more accurate recommendations, you’d like to ask a bunch of your friends and watch movie X if most of them say they think you’ll like it. That is, instead of asking only Willow, you want to ask Woody, Apple, and Cartman as well, and they vote on whether you’ll like a movie (i.e., you build an ensemble classifier, aka a forest in this case).
Now you don’t want each of your friends to do the same thing and give you the same answer, so you first give each of them slightly different data. After all, you’re not absolutely sure of your preferences yourself – you told Willow you loved Titanic, but maybe you were just happy that day because it was your birthday, so maybe some of your friends shouldn’t use the fact that you liked Titanic in making their recommendations. Or maybe you told her you loved Cinderella, but actually you really really loved it, so some of your friends should give Cinderella more weight. So instead of giving your friends the same data you gave Willow, you give them slightly perturbed versions. You don’t change your love/hate decisions, you just say you love/hate some movies a little more or less (formally, you give each of your friends a bootstrapped version of your original training data). For example, whereas you told Willow that you liked Black Swan and Harry Potter and disliked Avatar, you tell Woody that you liked Black Swan so much you watched it twice, you disliked Avatar, and don’t mention Harry Potter at all.
By using this ensemble, you hope that while each of your friends gives somewhat idiosyncratic recommendations (Willow thinks you like vampire movies more than you do, Woody thinks you like Pixar movies, and Cartman thinks you just hate everything), the errors get canceled out in the majority. Thus, your friends now form a bagged (bootstrap aggregated) forest of your movie preferences.
There’s still one problem with your data, however. While you loved both Titanic and Inception, it wasn’t because you like movies that star Leonardo DiCaprio. Maybe you liked both movies for other reasons. Thus, you don’t want your friends to all base their recommendations on whether Leo is in a movie or not. So when each friend asks IMDB a question, only a random subset of the possible questions is allowed (i.e., when you’re building a decision tree, at each node you use some randomness in selecting the attribute to split on, say by randomly selecting an attribute or by selecting an attribute from a random subset). This means your friends aren’t allowed to ask whether Leonardo DiCaprio is in the movie whenever they want. So whereas previously you injected randomness at the data level, by perturbing your movie preferences slightly, now you’re injecting randomness at the model level, by making your friends ask different questions at different times.
And so your friends now form a random forest.
I will try to give another complementary explanation with simple words.
A random forest is a collection of random decision trees (of number n_estimators in sklearn).
What you need to understand is how to build one random decision tree.
Roughly speaking, to build a random decision tree you start from a subset of your training samples. At each node you will draw randomly a subset of features (number determined by max_features in sklearn). For each of these features you will test different thresholds and see how they split your samples according to a given criterion (generally entropy or gini, criterion parameter in sklearn). Then you will keep the feature and its threshold that best split your data and record it in the node.
When the construction of the tree ends (it can be for different reasons: maximum depth is reached (max_depth in sklearn), minimum sample number is reached (min_samples_leaf in sklearn) etc.) you look at the samples in each leaf and keep the frequency of the labels.
As a result, it is like the tree gives you a partition of your training samples according to meaningful features.
As each node is built from features taken randomly, you understand that each tree built in this way will be different. This contributes to the good compromise between bias and variance, as explained by #Jianxun Li.
Then in testing mode, a test sample will go through each tree, giving you label frequencies for each tree. The most represented label is generally the final classification result.

Algorithm to find odd word in a list of english words? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Suppose i am having following list of words
banana,apple,orange,tree In this list odd word is tree.Can any one give the idea to write a algorithm.
What is it about tree that makes it the odd one out? Why not banana (since it's a herb, where the others are trees, and also because it's the only one in the list that doesn't end with 'e'). Or why not orange (since it's a colour as well as a plant, where the others are just plants).
You need to define the criteria that you're trying to filter by: something may be obvious to a human reader, but a computer algorithm can't see that without knowing all the facts that make it obvious to a human. Or at least sufficient facts that are relevant to draw a reliable conclusion.
You're basically talking about a large knowledge-base, not a simple algorithm.
Disclaimer: This is not an easy to do task, and thus my suggested solutions will be high level and include references to academic papers that aim to solve a part of your problem:
You can try a semantic relatedness approach:
Find relatedness between every two pairs of words, filter out the word that is least related to all others.
Semantic relatedness can be done using semantic sort in a supervised learning, for example.
Another alternative is to model a semantic representation of each word.
Each word will be represented by a vector representing its meaning.
This vector can be obtained for example using the wikipedia articles
that mention this word. More information on this approach can be
found in Markovitch et al Wikipedia-based Semantic Interpretation
for Natural Language Processing
After you represent your data as vectors, it is a question of finding
the word which is least similar to the others. It can be done using
supervised learning, or other alternative is choosing the point
which is most distant from the median of all vectors.
One more possible solution is using WordNet
Note that all methods are heuristics that I would try, and are expected to fail for some cases, but I believe will work pretty well for most of the cases.
Have a look at ontologies and reasoning algorithms. If you have an ontology that models the specific area of knowledge you will have a source of information that will allow you to distinguish words, e.g. by using the partial order and the relations and then check if the words are in the same "sub branch" of the partial order. You might even define a metric to get a "level of closeness" or something similar.
Edit: also check SPARQ, a language to query such structures. And check out triple stores which allow to get information by subject, predicate object combinations. This matches your problem since it allows you to compare two objects of your list by a predicate.
You can try create some database of categorized words like:
banana {food, plant, fruit, yellow}
apple {food, plant, fruit, computer, phone}
orange {food, plant, fruit, phone}
tree {plant}
And then you can see that all words other than tree belong to fruit category. That kind of check would be easy to code.
Biggest problem here is getting the database - i don't think you would like to create it manually and have to idea where to find it. Also it could not work. Imagine we add
eclair{food, phone}
to this database (phone because android 2.1 is called eclair). Then for query orange, apple, banana, eclair there is two possible answers - eclair, which is not fruit or banana which is not connected with mobile phones.

How to count votes for qualitative survey answers

We are creating a website for a client that wants a website based around a survey of peoples' '10 favourite things'. There are 10 questions that each user must answer, e.g. 'What is your favourite colour', 'Who is your favourite celebrity', etc., and then the results are collated into a global Top 10 list on the home page.
The conundrum lies in both allowing the user to input anything they want, e.g. their favourite holiday destination might be 'Grandma's house', and being able to accurately count the votes accurately, e.g. User A might say their favourite celebrity is 'The Queen' and User B might says it's 'Queen of England' - we need those two answers to be counted as two votes for the same 'thing'.
If we force the user to choose from a large but predetermined list for each question, it restricts users' ability to define literally anything as their 'favourite thing'. Whereas, if we have a plain text input field and try to interpret answers after they have been submitted, it's going to be much more difficult to count votes where there are variations in names or spelling for the same answer.
Is it possible to automatically moderate their answers in real-time through some form of search phrase suggestion engine? How can we make sure that, if a plain text field is the input method, we make allowances for variations in spelling?
If anyone has any ideas as to possible solutions to this functionality, perhaps a piece of software, a plugin, an API, anything, then please do let us know.
Thank you and please just ask for any clarification.
If you want to automate counting "The Queen" and "The Queen of England", you're in for work that might be more complex than it's worth for a "fun little survey". If the volume is light enough, consider just manually counting the results. Just to give you a feeling, what if someone enters "The Queen of Sweden" or "Queen Letifah Concerts"?
If you really want to go down that route, look into Natural Language Processing (NLP). Specifically, the field of categorization.
For a general introduction to NLP, I recommend the relevant Wikipedia article
RapidMiner is an open source NLP solution that would be worth looking into.
As Eric J said, this is getting into cutting edge NLP applications. These are fields of study that are very important for AI/automation researchers and computer science in general, but are still very fledgeling. There are a number of programs and algorithms you can use, the drawbacks and benefits of which very widely. RapidMiner is good, WordNet is widely used in medical applications and should be relatively easy to adjust to your own corpus, and there are more advanced methods like latent Dirichlet allocation. Here are a few resources you should start with (in addition to the Wikipedia article provided above)
http://marimba.d.umn.edu/ (try the SenseClusters calculator)
The best to classify short answers is k-means clustering. You need to apply stemming. Then you need to convert words into indexes using elementary dictionary. You can use EverGroingDictionary.cs from sematicsearchart.com. After throwing phrase to a dictionary it will be converted to sequence of numbers or vector. Introduce measure of proximity as number of coincidences in words and apply k-means, which is lightning fast algorithm. k-means will organize all answers into groups. Most frequent words in each group will be a signature of the group. Your whole program in C++ or C# or Java must be less than 1000 lines.

Discover user behind multiple different user accounts according to words he uses

I would like to create algorithm to distinguish the persons writing on forum under different nicknames.
The goal is to discover people registring new account to flame forum anonymously, not under their main account.
Basicaly I was thinking about stemming words they use and compare users according to similarities or these words.
As shown on the picture there is user3 and user4 who uses same words. It means there is probably one person behind the computer.
Its clear that there are lot of common words which are being used by all users. So I should focus on "user specific" words.
Input is (related to the image above):
<word1, user1>
<word2, user1>
<word2, user2>
<word3, user2>
<word4, user2>
<word5, user3>
<word5, user4>
... etc. The order doesnt matter
Output should be:
user3 = user4
I am doing this in Java but I want this question to be language independent.
Any ideas how to do it?
1) how to store words/users? What data structures?
2) how to get rid of common words everybody use? I have to somehow ignore them among user specific words. Maybe I could just ignore them because they get lost. I am afraid that they will hide significant difference of "user specific words"
3) how to recognize same users? - somehow count same words between each user?
I am very thankful for every advice in advance.
In general this is task of author identification, and there are several good papers like this that may give you a lot of information. Here are my own suggestions on this topic.
1. User recognition/author identification itself
The most simple kind of text classification is classification by topic, and there you take meaningful words first of all. That is, if you want to distinguish text about Apple the company and apple the fruit, you count words like "eat", "oranges", "iPhone", etc., but you commonly ignore things like articles, forms of words, part-of-speech (POS) information and so on. However many people may talk about same topics, but use different styles of speech, that is articles, forms of words and all the things you ignore when classifying by topic. So the first and the main thing you should consider is collecting the most useful features for your algorithm. Author's style may be expressed by frequency of words like "a" and "the", POS-information (e.g. some people tend to use present time, others - future), common phrases ("I would like" vs. "I'd like" vs. "I want") and so on. Note that topic words should not be discarded completely - they still show themes the user is interested in. However you should treat them somehow specially, e.g. you can pre-classify texts by topic and then discriminate users not interested in it.
When you are done with feature collection, you may use one of machine learning algorithm to find best guess for an author of the text. As for me, 2 best suggestions here are probability and cosine similarity between text vector and user's common vector.
2. Discriminating common words
Or, in latest context, common features. The best way I can think of to get rid of the words that are used by all people more or less equally is to compute entropy for each such feature:
entropy(x) = -sum(P(Ui|x) * log(P(Ui|x)))
where x is a feature, U - user, P(Ui|x) - conditional probability of i-th user given feature x, and sum is the sum over all users.
High value of entropy indicates that distribution for this feature is close to uniform and thus is almost useless.
3. Data representation
Common approach here is to have user-feature matrix. That is, you just build table where rows are user ids and columns are features. E.g. cell [3][12] shows normalized how many times user #3 used feature #12 (don't forget to normalize these frequencies by total number of features user ever used!).
Depending on features your are going to use and size of the matrix, you may want to use sparse matrix implementation instead of dense. E.g. if you use 1000 features and for every particular user around 90% of cells are 0, it doesn't make sense to keep all these zeros in memory and sparse implementation is better option.
I recommend a language modelling approach. You can train a language model (unigram, bigram, parsimonious, ...) on each of your user accounts' words. That gives you a mapping from words to probabilities, i.e. numbers between 0 and 1 (inclusive) expressing how likely it is that a user uses each of the words you encountered in the complete training set. Language models can be stored as arrays of pairs, hash tables or sparse vectors. There are plenty of libraries on the web for fitting LMs.
Such a mapping can be considered a high-dimensional vector, in the same way documents are considered as vector in the vector space model of information retrieval. You can then compare these vectors by using KL-divergence or any of the popular distance metrics: Euclidean distance, cosine distance, etc. A strong similarity/small distance between two users' vectors might then indicate that they belong to one and the same user.
how to store words/users? What data structures?
You probably have some kind of representation for the users and the posts that they have made. I think you should have a list of words, and a list corresponding to each word containing the users who use it. Something like:
<word: <user#1, user#4, user#5, ...> >
how to get rid of common words everybody use?
Hopefully, you have a set of stopwords. Why not extend it to include commonly used words from your forum? For example, for stackoverflow, some of the most frequently used tags' names should qualify for it.
how to recognize same users?
In addition to using similarity or word-frequency based measures, you can also try using interactions between users. For example, user3 likes/upvotes/comments each and every post by user8, or a new user doing similar things for some other (older) user in this way.

algorithms to evaluate user responses

I'm working on a web application which will be used for classifying photos of automobiles. The users will be presented with photos of various vehicles, and will be asked to answer a series of questions about what they see. The results will be recorded to a database, averaged, and displayed.
I'm looking for algorithms to help me identify users which frequently don't vote with the group, indicating that they're probably either not paying attention to the photos, or that they're lying about what they see. I then want to exclude these users, and recalculate the results, such that I can say, with a known amount of confidence, that this particular photo shows a vehicle that is this and that.
This question goes out to all you computer science guys, where to find such algorithms or to give myself the theoretical background to design such algorithms. I'm assuming I'm going to have to learn some probability and statics, maybe some data mining. Some book recommendations would be great. Thanks!
P.S. These are multiple choice questions.
All of these are good suggestions. Thank you! I wish there was a way on stack overflow to select multiple correct answers so more of you could be acknowledged for your contributions!!
Read The Elements of Statistical Learning, it is a great compendium on data mining.
You can be interested especially in unsupervised algorithms, for example clustering. Assuming that most people do not lie, the biggest cluster is right and the rest is wrong. Mark people accordingly, then apply some bayesian statistics and you'll be done.
Of course, most data mining technologies are pretty experimentative, so don't count on that they will be always right... or even in most cases.
I believe what you described is solved using outlier/anomaly detection.
A number of techniques exist:
statistical-based methods
distance-based methods
model-based methods
I suggest you take a look at these slides from the excellent book Introduction to Data Mining
If you know what answers you are expecting why do you ask people to vote? By excluding some values you basically turn the vote in something that you like. Automobiles make different impression to different individuals. If 100 ppl loved a car then when someone comes and says that he/she doesn't like it, you exclude the vote?
But anyway, considering that you still want to do this, first of all you will need a large set o data from "trusted" voters. This will give you an idea of "good" answer and from this point you can choose the exclude threshold.
Without an initial set of data you cannot apply any algorithm because you will get false results. Consider just one vote of 100 from on a scale from 0 to 100. The second vote is "1" The you will exclude this vote because is too far away from the average.
I think a pretty simple algorithm could accomplish this for you. You could try and get fancier by calculating the standard deviations and such, but I wouldn't bother.
Here's a simple approach that should be sufficient:
For each of your users, calculate the number of questions they answered and the number of times they selected the most popular answer for the question. The users which have the lowest ratio of picking the popular answer versus total answers you can guess are providing bogus data.
You probably would not want to throw out the data from users where they've only answered a small number of questions because they likely have just disagreed on a few versus putting in bogus data.
What kind of questions are they (Yes/No, or 1 to 10?).
You may be able to get away with not discarding anything by using a mean instead of an average. With averages if there are extreme outliers in the response it could affect the average, but if you use median you may get a better answer. So for example if you had 5 answers, order them and pick the middle one.
I think what you are saying is that you are concerned that certain people are "outliers", and they are adding noise to your data, making the categorizations less reliable. So, if you have a Chevy Camaro, and most people say it is either a pony car, a muscle car, or a sports car, but you have some goofball who says it's a family sedan, you would want to minimize the impact of his vote.
One thing you could do is provide a Stack Overflow-like reputation score for users:
The more a user is "in agreement" with other users, the better his or her score would be. For a given user (User X), this could be determined by a simple calculation of what percentage of users who responded to a question chose the same category as User X, then averaging this value over all questions answered.
You may want to to multiply this value by the total number of question answered to encourage people to answer as many questions as possible. (Note: if you choose to do this, it would be equivalent to just summing the percentage agreement scores rather than averaging them.)
You could present the final reputation score to users, making sure to explain that they will be rewarded for how well their responses agree with those of other users. This will encourage people to answer more questions but also to take care in their answers.
Finally, you could calculate a certainty score for a given categorization by adding up the total reputation score of all people who chose a given category.
Some of these ideas may need some refinement, especially since I don't know your exact situation. Certainly, if people can see what other people chose before they vote, it would be way too easy to game the system.
If you were to collect votes like "on a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate this car", you could probably use simple average and standard deviation: the smaller the standard deviation, the more unanimous the general consensus is among your voters, and you can flag users who are e.g. 3 standard devs from the average.
For multiple choice, you need to be more careful. Simply discarding all but the most-voted option will do nothing but disgruntle the voters. You need to establish a measure of how significant the winner is w.r.t. the other options, e.g. flag users who voted for options with less than 1/3 of the winning options count.
Note that I wrote "flag users", not discard votes. If you discard votes, you can't tell how confident you are about the result ("91% voted this to be a Ford Mustang"). If a user has more than a certain percentage of his votes flagged - well, that's up to you.
Your trickiest problem, however, will probably be to collect sufficient votes. Depending on how easy the multiple choice problem is, you probably need several times the number of options as votes, per photo. Otherwise the statistics are meaningless.
