Remote Execution in Ruby (Capistrano or MCollective) to collect cloud server performance metrics - ruby

I am looking for a way to collect data remotely from various cloud instances (EC2, Rackpsace). The Rackspace API provides no way for collecting server performance metrics (ie load average, cpu usage, memory) via it's API, otherwise this would have never been asked.
I started looking at solutions like Capistrano or Mcollective (I have also considered collectd), but I am unsure of which one would best suit my application. I am trying to avoid using ssh keys for trending purposes (I don't want to have to keep logging in to collect these metrics) The script I am writing is a Ruby script which reboots a cloud server if it's load average is over a certain number. Because these providers don't expose these metrics via their API, I am looking at a way to gather them myself, and I am new to the Ruby community so after briefing over the documentation for all of these tools, I still haven't been able to get a sense of which framework would work best, or if there are other alternatives.
It sounds like Capistrano is more suited to be a deployment tool, although it can perform remote tasks, so after I read the documentation for that it was pretty much out for the purposes of my script.
MCollective looks really attractive for what I am trying to do but it seems I would have to write my own RPC style plugin for this purpose.
I've also considered plugging into some greater monitoring system such as Nagios, Munin, Zenoss, Hyperic, etc, but I'd rather not install some large bulk monitoring system when all I want to collect is but a few simple metrics.

If your intention is to trigger certain actions based on the system performance (like restarting when cpu usage is too high), you should check out god.
I'm not sure if this is also useful when you want to generate some performance statistics over a longer time period. Personally, I'm using Munin for this, but if you don't like it maybe you can find something on Ruby Toolbox | Server Monitoring.


What would be the advantages of using ELK for log management over a simple python logging + existing database log table combo?

Assuming I have many Python processes running on an automation server such as Jenkins, let's say I want to use Python's native logging module and, other than writing to the Jenkins console or to a log file, I want to store & centralize the logs somewhere.
I thought of using ELK for that, but then I realized that I can just as well create a dedicated log table in an existing database (I'm using Redshift), use something like Grafana for log dashboards/visualization and save myself the trouble of deploying a new system (most of the people in my team are familiar with Redshift but not with ElasticSearch).
Although it sounds straightforward, I feel like I'm not looking at the big picture and that I would be missing some powerful capabilities that components like Logstash were written for the in the first place. What would these capabilities be and how would it be advantageous to use ELK instead of my solution?
Thank you!
I have implemented a full ELK stack in my company in the past year.
The project was huge and took a lot of time to properly implement. The advantages of using ELK and not implementing our own centralized logging solution would be:
Not needing to re-invent the wheel- There is already a product that is doing just that. (and the installation part is extremely easy)
It is battle tested and can stand huge amount of logs in a short time.
As your business and product grows and shift you will need to parse more logs with different structure which will mean DB changes on self built system. logstash will give you endless possibilities of filtering and parsing those new formatted logs.
It has Cluster and HA capabilities, and you can scale your logging system vertically and horizontally.
Very easy to maintain and change over time.
It can send the needed output to a variety of products including Zabbix, Grafana, elasticsearch and many more.
Kibana will give you ability to view the logs, build graphs and dashboards, alerts and more...
The options with ELK are really endless and the more I work with it, the more I find new ways it can help me. not just from viewing logs on distributed remote server systems, but also security alerts and SLA graphs and many other insights.

Monitoring solution for EC2 based deployment

We have some 20 or so servers in EC2, most are dynamically spawned (scaling groups).
We're looking for a solution to monitor the uptime of our application.
As an added bonus this solution could also extend to actually monitoring the servers involved so its easy to go back in time and see what happened just before a downtime or whatnot.
We're looking for a hosted solution ideally, and it should be easy to scale with it (it needs to somehow dynamically deal with servers being added/removed with no interaction from us).
Anyways, hoping for some recommendations from you guys.
A bit of background ...
We're currently using a custom Nagios setup, its been reduced to basically doing a simple http check now that the servers have become fully dynamic. We've already been using PagerDuty to deliver the pages. It does ok, but for the maintenance cost we could well be using a http check # Server Density of Pingdom.
I've looked briefly at ServerDensity, and it does look promising, I especially like their install mechanism of just dumping their files into your AMI and it takes care of the rest.
I'd like to know what options there are tho before diving deeper into any particular solution.
We use a combination of Server Density for monitoring and PagerDuty for alerting. The two work quite well together.

Which is better, Nagios or Sensu? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am unsure about which monitoring framework to use. Currently I am looking at either Nagios or Sensu.
Can anybody give me a good reference which shows a comparison of these two (or any other monitoring tool which may be a good solution)? My main intention is to scale-out on EC2. I am using Opscode Chef for system integration.
One important difference between Nagios and Sensu -
Nagios requires all the configuration for 1)checks 2)handlers but most importantly 3)hosts to be written in configuration files on the Nagios server. This means that each time one of the 3 above is changed (for example new hosts added, old hosts removed) you need to re-write the configuration files and restart Nagios.
Sensu is almost the same as the above, with one important difference -- when hosts are added or removed from your architecture (as is the case in most auto-scaling cloud deployments) -- the hosts themselves run a sensu-client that "subscribes" to different available checks. So when a new server comes into existence and says "I'm a webserver", the sensu-client running on it will ask the sensu-server "what checks should a webserver run on itself?" and run those.
Other than this, operations wise both Nagios (also Icinga) and Sensu are great and have a lot of facilities for checks, handlers, and visibility through a dashboard (YMMV).
From a little recent experience with Sensu and quite a bit of experience with Nagios I'd say both are excellent choices.
Sensu is definitely the new kid. It has a nice UI and nice API. It does however require Redis and RabbitMQ in your setup to work. So consider if you'll therefore want something to monitor those dependencies outside the sensu monitoring stack. Sonian provide Chef recipes for trying it out too.
Nagios has been around for an awfully long time. It's generally packaged for most distros which makes installation simple and it has few dependencies. It's track record also means that finding people who know it or that have used it and can offer advice is easy. On the other hand the UI is ugly and programatic access is often hacky or via third party add-ons. Chef recipes also exist for Nagios:
If you have time I'd try both, there is little harm in having two monitoring systems running as a trial. The main think to focus on, especially in a dynamic EC2 setup, is how easily the monitoring configuration files can be generated by your configuration management tool.
In terms of other tools I'd personally include something to record time series data, for instance requests per second or load over time. Graphs are a great help with monitoring, and can be used to drive alerting via Nagios or similar. Personally I'm a fan of both Ganglia and Graphite while Librato Metrics ( is a very nice non-free option.
I tried using Nagios for a while: I got the feeling that the only reason that it's common is that 'everyone else uses it', because it's absolutely hideous to work with. Massively overcomplicated, difficult and long-winded to make it do anything new: if you find something it doesn't do, you know you're in for a week of swearing at crummy documentation of an archaic design. At the end of all your efforts and it's all working, it looks hideous. Scrapping it made me sleep better.
Cacti looks nice, but again it's unnecessarily complex when creating new plugins.
For graphing I'd recommend Munin: it's completely trivial to write new plugins in any language, there are hundreds available, and it looks reasonable. It's incredibly easy to install - one command to install and set one access rule, so works well for automated deployments, easy to wrap into a chef recipe. 2.0 is out soon and addresses most of its shortcomings (in particular adding variable update intervals, zoomable graphs, ssh transport). Munin can talk to Nagios for notifications, or it can do that itself, and it provides a basic dashboard.
For local process/file/service monitoring, monit is simpler and works better than god. I've not tried it with m/monit.
When compared with Sensu and Nagios... The pick would be Sensu monitoring systems.
Below is the are the main reasons,
1.Easy Setup.. There is lot of reduction of restarting of Clients.. which is major trouble in the large enterprise
2. Nagios Plugins can be used with the Sensu Ecosystem.
3. Scalable and easily for the Cloud environment.
Has anyone heard about Zabbix.It has lot many features and comes as a single package. I doubt the scalability
As long as enterprise it consists of databases, sap, network devices, webservers, filers, backup libraries.... there is barely an alternative to nagios (or it's cousins icinga, shinken)
Maybe one day everything will come out of clouds automagically but still a few years there will be static servers (physical or virtual, it doesn't matter) with a defined purpose resting at least for a few months. We will still have to monitor interface bandwidth, tablespaces, business processes, database sessions, logfiles, jmx metrics. All things where the plugin concept of the nagios world has an advantage.

Performance logging/monitoring API/product

I'm not sure how to categorize this question, so let me just explain what I would like and hopefully it will make sense.
I'm after a product (with an API) which I can send different numbers to with tags, and it will take care of all the monitoring/logging stuff.
So for example, say I have a program that downloads a file from a website every 10 seconds. I would like to monitor how long each of these downloads is taking. It is quite easy in my application to time how long it takes. I would now like to send this number and tag (e.g., tag='download time', value = '1.234') to a 3rd party product. The 3rd party product will now store this value/tag for me. The product will have a website I can go to, and configure a bunch of things. So in this example, I could setup an alert like "if 'download time' > 5 send me an email". I could also visit a website, and view a graph of the logged values and maybe some random statistics (e.g., how often the value has been in the warning/error zone).
I think that's about it. Sure it wouldn't be too hard to do this myself, but I'm no web designer and it'd end up looking pretty ugly. The more user friendly this kind of product is the more willing users will be to look at the data and actually monitor stuff.
Does such a service exist?
EDIT: Products similar to this: This is pretty much exactly what I was after, but am still searching around.
There are many monitoring tools out there. Nagios or RHQ ( come to mind. Most of the tools work a little different: rather than throwing stuff at them, they have plugins that actively go out and do something to do the measuring. In your example, the plugin would download the file and then report the measurement data to the central server, which can then show you graphs or run alerts on it.
On Windows, you can use this:
(Windows Performance Monitor)
It pretty much does what you are looking for:
Passively collects performance data (E.g. CPU Usage)
Can be fed App specific performance metrics (E.g. download time)
Can alert you on various thresholds
Has a reporting interface for analyzing metrics
EDIT : , more documentation on this.
This answer is specific to Windows.
If you are looking to analyze events from various systems and you also what the opportunity to create your own events you should consider ETW.
The ETW system allows you to consume data events from any number of sub-systems. You can look at an exhaustive list of built in providers by running the following command:
logman query providers
The beauty of ETW is that you also have the opportunity to create your own providers and push your own data into the resulting report. This is a high-performance logging mechanism and is used by Windows itself for many performance investigations.
The resulting report will be an ETL file. This is a standard file that can be viewed using xPerf, ships with Windows SDK, or the build-in ETL analyzer, tracerpt.exe.

Measuring Application Performance

I was wondering if there is a tool to keep track of application performance. What I have in mind is a tool that will listen for updates and register performance metrics published by an application. i.e. time to serve a request, time a certain operation took to finish. And this tool would then aggregate the data and measure performance trends.
If you want to measure your application from outside, then you can use RRDtool to collect the data.
You can use slamd for webapp written in Java.
For Django use hotshot.
Search for profiler + your language, framework
Take a look at HP SiteScope. It's ability to drive the system with a Web User Script, to monitor the metrics on the backend, even to the extent of creation of custom shell scripts and database queries, plus the ability to add logic for report/alert against these combined data sets appears to be what you need.
Other mechanisms that you might consider would be a roll your own service using CURL to push information in, queries to the systems involved to pull metrics or database information and then your own interface for alerting and reporting.
Then it becomes a cost question, can you roll the level of functionality for less money than you can purchase an already existing solution on the open market.
HP SiteScope Wiki Page
