NSButton with image - how to get image subview? - image

I can't find, how to get image subview from NSButton. I need it to get actual image scale.

There is no subview, it is painted by button cell. Use e.g. -[NSCell imageRectForBounds:] to get information about its position.

You can loop through the button subview and you will see NSImageView & NSTextfield.
Something like this pseudo code:
foreach (NSView view in Subviews)
if (view.GetType() == typeof(NSImageView))
imageView = (NSImageView)view;
else if (view.GetType() == typeof(NSTextField))
textField = (NSTextField)view;


Xcode How do you make circular hitboxes on buttons?

I'm using Xcode 5 to make an UIButton. I made the button in storyboard and set the background image to a .png of a circle with transparency. I set up a simple action for the button to display how many times it was pressed in a label.
When I press the corners of the circle on the screen, it still adds to the score. So the button is still keeping its square hitbox, even though it has a round image as its background. I searched everywhere for a way to make a circular hitbox, but I can't find anything. Is this even possible? Is there an alternative way to do this?
The button responds to touch on corners because the bounding box of the button is a rectangle no matter what image you set for background.
To achieve a circular UIButton you must make a circular bounding box by simply using this code:
- (UIView *)setRoundedView:(UIView *)roundedView toDiameter:(float)newSize {
CGPoint saveCenter = roundedView.center;
CGRect newFrame = CGRectMake(roundedView.frame.origin.x, roundedView.frame.origin.y, newSize, newSize);
roundedView.frame = newFrame;
roundedView.layer.cornerRadius = newSize / 2.0;
roundedView.center = saveCenter;
roundedView.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
return roundedView;
In this method you can pass any UIView or subclass of UIView in your case UIButton. So in code you must create an IBOutlet of you button and in your -viewDidLoad method simply put this line of code:
self.btnMyButton = (UIButton *)[self setRoundedView:self.profilePic toDiameter:34];
Assuming you UIButton outlet is btnMyButton and set the diameter as per your requirement.
Hope this helps.
Don't forget to import QuartzCore Framework.

InAppStoreWindow, how to reposition the NSView in NSWindow's title bar when resize?

I'm using InAppStorewindow (https://github.com/indragiek/INAppStoreWindow) to cuztomize my NSWindows's title bar. What i'm trying to do is to add a logo (image) to my title bar in center position:
NSSize logoSize = self.logo.frame.size;
NSRect logoFrame = NSMakeRect(NSMidX(self.window.titleBarView.bounds) - (logoSize.width / 2.f),
NSMidY(self.window.titleBarView.bounds) - (logoSize.height / 2.f),
logoSize.width, logoSize.height);
self.logo.frame = logoFrame;
I put the above code in applicationDidFinishedLaunching method.
it works fine, however if I click on the green resize button, the position won't change. So how am I going to call the above code to reposition my logo, when the resize button is clicked and performZoom: is called?
You can use the NSWindowDelegate Method
- (void)windowDidResize:(NSNotification *)notification
By that you will know when the window is resized so you can recalculate the position of your logo.

NSScrollView position is always bottom [duplicate]

I am developing Mac app. In this app, I am using a NSScrollView's instance as scrollView.
And I have set a customView which is an instance of NSView in this ScrollView as:
[scrollView setDocumentView:customView];
But, the NSScrollView's vertical Slider always points to the bottom of the view as:
I want that the slider always points to the top of the custom View as:
How can I make this change?
Plz help.
I have solved my problem by setting the scrollToPoint property of ScrollView's ContentView.
Here is the code:
[[scrollView verticalScroller] setFloatValue:0.0];
[[scrollView contentView] scrollToPoint:NSMakePoint(0.0, y)];
// here y = (difference b/w scrollView's content size height and scrollView's height)

NSSplitView resizes the custom NSView contained

I've a vertical NSSplitView, the bottom subview contains a custom view (eg NSView) and a NSTextView.
The NSView contains inside it two NSButtons.
When I resize the splitView, making it smaller, the NSView containing the buttons is resized, too.
I don't want this behavior.
To better explain my problem please view the attached image.
Image 1: the window at application startup, everything is ok
Image 2: I've resized making smaller the split view, only a little part of buttons is visible
Image 3: I've enlarged again the split view but as you can see the NSView remains smaller and buttons are no longer visible (if I resize the splitView to bottom the NSView 'disappears')
This is a vicious problem that's based on the legacy workings of Cocoa views. The best solution I've seen is to constrain the minimum dimension of any portion of the split view. If the subviews never collapse, their metrics don't cross into another dimension and they should re-enlarge just fine.
To do this, set up a delegate for your split view, which will implement - splitView:constrainMaxCoordinate:ofSubviewAt:. The split view will call your delegate method hoping it can leave the max divider position at the height of the split view (passing this in as the second argument), but you can simply subtract some quantity from that value (say, 60) to return it as the minimum height for the bottom view.
- (CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)aSplitView
ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)dividerIndex {
return proposedMin - 60;
Of course, you'll probably want to do more checking in this method to make sure you're talking about the right split view, and the right subview, to avoid overreaching effects, but this is the basic idea.
(See also this fabulicious article on the subject.)
Constraining the divider position did not help in my case, as I'm animating the subviews and subviews can be collapsed.
I managed to achieve an acceptable solution by implementing the splitView delegate method -splitviewWillResizeSubviews: (means, you have to connect the delegate property from the split view to your controller in IB or in code) to maintain a minimum width by setting the subview to hidden instead of shrinking it to zero:
- (void)splitViewWillResizeSubviews:(NSNotification *)notification {
NSUInteger divider = [[[notification userInfo] valueForKey:#"NSSplitViewDividerIndex"] intValue];
NSView *subview = nil;
subview = (NSView*)[self.splitView.subviews objectAtIndex:SPLITVIEW_SIDEBAR_INDEX];
if(subview) {
if(subview.frame.size.width < SPLITVIEW_MINIMUM_SIDEBAR_WIDTH) {
CGRect correctedFrame = subview.frame;
correctedFrame.size.width = SPLITVIEW_MINIMUM_SIDEBAR_WIDTH;
subview.frame = correctedFrame;
subview.hidden = YES;
} else {
subview.hidden = NO;

In NSScrollView the vertical slider always points to bottom of the view

I am developing Mac app. In this app, I am using a NSScrollView's instance as scrollView.
And I have set a customView which is an instance of NSView in this ScrollView as:
[scrollView setDocumentView:customView];
But, the NSScrollView's vertical Slider always points to the bottom of the view as:
I want that the slider always points to the top of the custom View as:
How can I make this change?
Plz help.
I have solved my problem by setting the scrollToPoint property of ScrollView's ContentView.
Here is the code:
[[scrollView verticalScroller] setFloatValue:0.0];
[[scrollView contentView] scrollToPoint:NSMakePoint(0.0, y)];
// here y = (difference b/w scrollView's content size height and scrollView's height)
