Rails 3.1 Application does not automatically update div - ruby

I have a Rails 3.1 application where the view has the following link:
<%= link_to("Answer Question",question_ajaxans_path(#question.id),:remote=>true)%>
Which has the controller option:
def answer
#answer = Answer.new(:question_id=>params[:question_id])
respond_to do |format|
Which renders this partial code:
alert("it worked");
$("div#answers").append(<%= escape_javascript(render :partial=>"answers/form") %>);
Firebug shows the partial is rendered, and I have double checked my view to verify that a div with an id of answers was there.
This turorial , http://railscasts.com/episodes/205-unobtrusive-javascript?view=asciicast, seems to show that it should just load and so do other ones I find on the web. But, I don't think that is the case.

Thanks to this post http://rails3stuff.posterous.com/#!/59899595 I realized that my problem resides in .append(). I didn't wrap the interior in quotes.


I want to make different views for mobiles on rails 4

I installed rack-user_agent gem and edited application_controller like below but doesn't work. Mine is rails4.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
before_action :detect_mobile
def detect_mobile
case request.user_agent
when /mobile/i
request.variant = :mobile
app > views > pages > home.html.erb & mobile.html.erb
Does anyone know how to fix this? or someone knows better ways to suggest on this?
If the content all almost same foe web and mobile view then you have to use same html code just use css #media screen
w3schools css
If you want a particular file render under mobile view only then you can use rack-user_agent gem
just create an helper in application_helper.rb
def is_mobile?
and put use this helper in views where you need to render file only on mobile like:
if is_mobile?
render "mobile_file"
If you have two different views for mobile and web and you want controller will return views based on the variant
then you can use like
class YourController < ApplicationController
def your_method
#your code
if view_context.is_mobile?
render "mobile_view"
render "web_view"
Try this Gem ......
gem 'mobile-fu'
Hope this will work for you.

Rails 4 Close current tab from controller

So, I have this html.erb and this controller (shown below). What I want is to, if simple_captcha.valid? to increment reports, save, AND close current tab. I want to do it from controller, if possible! (And also, would it be a good practice?)
I saw several examples of this done on view page using javascript, but I know nothing of javascript and, if possible, I'd like to deal with it on controller. But, in case I really have to learn javascript to achieve what I want, which direction should I take?
#view (html.erb)
<h4>To report, complete captcha</h4>
<%= show_simple_captcha %>
<%= button_to "report post", create_report_post_path(#forum_post.id) %>
def new_report_post
#forum_post = ForumPost.find(params[:id])
def create_report_post
#forum_post = ForumPost.find(params[:id])
if simple_captcha_valid?
#forum_post.reports += 1
redirect_to ???
flash[:success] = "Mandou ver."
redirect_to report_post_path
flash[:warning] = "Captcha inválido."
I don't think, you can close a tab, unless that tab was explicitly opened by javascript.
You can refer to this question: link
If however, you are opening the view using javascript. you can send window.close() using a js.erb view.
Instead of redirect_to, it would be something like
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render "js_erb_view" }
Inside your js.erb view file,you can send
This would only work if you send an ajax request. One of the possible solutions to make this work :)

Rendering partial that belongs to another controller

I've got a menu controller, which is set as my root controller in routes.rb. In my menu view, i try and render the _lights.slim partial with = render :partial => 'lights/lights' but i get the following error: undefined method `lights' for nil:NilClass
class MenuController < ApplicationController
def index
Menu View (index.slim)
ul.tabs.vertical data-tab=""
a href="#panel1a" Tab 1
= render :partial => 'lights/lights'
class LightsController < ApplicationController
before_action :discover_lights
include LIFX
#client = LIFX::Client.lan
3.times do
sleep (0.5)
puts "Found #{#client.lights.count} with labels #{#client.lights}"
def index
def new
def light_toggle
light = #client.lights.with_label(params[:label])
light.on? ? light.turn_off : light.turn_on
redirect_to '/'
def discover_lights
#client = LIFX::Client.lan
Lights View (_lights.slim)
h1.subheader LIFX Lights
th Light
th Status
th Power On/Off
th Brightness
-#client.lights.map do |c|
th #{c.label}
th #{c.power}
th =link_to 'Toggle', light_path(:label => c.label)
th #{c.color.brightness.round(2) * 100}%
root 'menu#index'
get '/lights', to: 'lights#index'
get '/lights/:label', to: 'lights#light_toggle', as: 'light'
I know this is a no brainer, but i'm stuck as to what to do here. I'm thinking it must be an issue with the way that when Menu#Index is called, I never knows about my LightsController, and so #client.blablabla will never make sense. But how will I make my app know about my LightsController when the view is loaded as a partial
You must appreciate that Partials are not controller-dependent (being stored in a controllers' view directory does not tie them for use with that controller)
This means if you have the functionality to support the partial in another controller, you should be able to use it in different parts of your app
This leads us to the identification of the problem you're receiving.
It's not the calling of the partial which causes an issue - it's how you're referring to the code inside it:
undefined method `lights' for nil:NilClass
The error is clearly that you're trying to call the lights method on an object / variable which doesn't exist. This is defined inside the partial itself here:
#client.lights.map do |c|
Therefore, you need to be able to pass the correct data to the partial, enabling it to load the #client object without being dependent on the controller
To do this, you may wish to consider using partial locals -
<%= render partial: "lights/lights", locals: {client: #client} %>
This means that every time you call the partial, you'll have to pass the #client object into the client local var, thus allowing the partial to run controller-independently.
Here's how you'd handle it in the partial itself:
- client.lights.map do |c|

Sinatra App Not Using Erb in Links

The problem I'm having is that Sinatra apps don't always seem to show my ERB when it is used in some specific context of hyperlinks. I have no idea how much is relevant to show for this question, so I'll do the best I can .Basically, I have a file in my Sinatra app called book_show.erb. It has the following line:
<p>Edit Book</p>
However, when that link is rendered in the browser, it links like this:
The #{#book.id} was not replaced with the actual ID value. There is a #book object and I do use it in other contexts in that very same file. For example:
<h1><%= #book.series %></h2>
<h2><%= #book.title %></h2>
<p><%= #book.timeframe %></p>
I don't even know if my routes would make a difference here for diagnosing this but all of the relevant routes for my books functionality are:
get '/books' do
#title = 'Book Database'
#books = Book.all
erb :books
get '/books/new' do
#book = Book.new
erb :book_add
get '/books/:id' do
#book = Book.get(params[:id])
erb :book_show
post '/books' do
book = Book.create(params[:book])
redirect to("/books/#{book.id}")
I don't know what else to show to help diagnose this problem. I'm hoping someone sees something terribly obvious that I'm missing.
Adding a book to the database works just fine; it's only that edit link that I can't get to work correctly -- and that would seem to be pure HTML/ERB. In order to test it, I also added this line to the page:
<p>Testing: <%= "/books/#{#book.id}/edit" %>
That came back and returned this text:
Testing: /books/4/edit
So I know the ID is getting stored. It has to be something to do with the hyperlink but I can find nothing useful on Sinatra that helps at all with this.
ERB template does not behave like a ruby string - you need to explicitly tell it you exit the 'template' part into the 'logic' part. It looks very odd when it comes to attributes:
<p>Edit Book</p>
You could use link_to helpers to make it look better:
link_to('Edit Book', controller: 'books', action: 'edit', id: #book.id)

Rails calling action from view

Hopefully have a simple question here but I cannot for the life of me seem to find the answer. Just started working with RoR but came from ASP MVC before. I am having an issue rendering partial views whose local variables are not necessarily tied to the variables of the main view. For instance, with a blog I am trying to render a sidebar that will link to the archive.
def sidebar
#blog_posts = Blog.all(:select => "created_at")
#post_months = #blog_posts.group_by { |m| m.created_at.beginning_of_month }
The partial view _sidebar is as follows:
<div class="archives">
<h4>Blog Archive</h4>
<% #post_months.sort.reverse.each do |month, posts| %>
<%= link_to "#{h month.strftime("%B %Y")}: #{posts.count}", archive_path(:timeframe => month) %>
<% end %>
The problem I am having is that if I simply do a render 'sidebar' within my main view the action does not seem to be called and #post_months is always nil. Is it possible to call the action directly from the view and simply have that render 'sidebar'? In ASP MVC I used to just make the sidebar a ChildActionOnly and Render.Action from the mainview, but in RoR I am completely clueless. Any help is appreciated!
I think what's happening here is that yout sidebar is being treated as a partial and your controller method is never being called. In that case I'd put the code currently contained in the sidebar controller method into either the ApplicationHelper module or the helper module of the current view, depending on whether or not you'd need to render the sidebar from other views.
You'd need to adapt the code a bit to work in a module. Rather than setting a session variable you should have the methods return the values you want.
Module SomeModule
def blog_posts
Blog.all :select => "created_at"
def post_months
blog_posts.group_by { |m| m.created_at.beginning_of_month }
Of course, that may very well need to be refactored and might not work as written, but that's the general idea I'd go with.
Good Luck.
