Detect specific key regardless of language setting - windows

(Windows interop here)
ConEmu is a program I just found, very cool, allowing a lot of features for interacting with the command line. However, it has a "Quake" feature where you would hit a key and get a console dropping out of the top like in most FPS games. I found a bug where it would not work properly depending on the language setting of the user. You can check the bug report if you want to know about it.
Is there a way to hook a callback into a specific key (not character, but specific key on the keyboard), regardless of the language setting the user has?


Setting Default Keyboard Layout for Electron Application on Windows (Unable to copy UTF-8 text propely)

We have this problem where a Farsi UTF-8 text that is programmatically copied from an electron application, loses encoding when pasted into one specific application and is displayed as a set of ? characters. The issue persists even with manual text selection and copy command invoked via either context menu or Ctrl+C. Texts copied from other sources such as browsers or text editors are transferred just fine.
We tried clipboard API of electron. We also implemented our own helper to verify the issue is not with the clipboard itself.
We also prepended the text with UTF-8 BOM character before writing it to the clipboard.
One interesting observation was that once the text is pasted into some text editor and then recopied, target app received the text properly. We also noticed that changing the keyboard layout to target language when the electron app is focused, resolves the issue as well. In addition, we realized that Windows changes default keyboard layout to English when the application is launched.
Following on these clues, we configured NSIS bundler to set the default language to Persian so that maybe Windows detects it as default keyboard language as well. Description of the application shows Persian as the language but Windows does not respect it and reverts the language to system default upon launch.
We tried running a script on application startup to mimic a Farsi character keyboard input, creating temporary input fields, and a set of other hacks to maybe trick the Windows/application into properly handling these texts. Keep in mind we can't rely on user to perform idiotic actions on every application launch, to fix a problem that shouldn't exist in first place. That's why we need this issue to be resolved programmatically.
Right now the only solution that comes to mind is to force Windows to set the keyboard layout for our application to Persian via registry entries by some separate script that user need to run only once, or can be run after each installation. I'm not familiar with the windows registry entries. My searches came up empty and the results were focused on how to do it for the whole system, but we don't wanna mess with their whole system configurations since.
Any other suggestions regarding this issue is highly appreciated.
Other information that you might find relevant:
OS is Windows 7.
Target app is an accounting software and the vendor rejects to provide any support with the integration, so I have very little information about inner workings of that application.
html lang attribute of electron template is set to fa.
meta charset attribute is set to utf-8.
Application is bundled with electron-builder and NSIS.

I am editing mouse settings in the registry but they seem to do nothing

I have made a program to change the mouse sensivity in the same way as you can do it with the Control Panel.
The changes are made in the registry, the keys at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse and they are in fact done (I have checked them from regedit.exe) but the mouse works as if this changes are not made. In other words, the changes do not take any effect, they only do if you use the control panel. Why do they not take effect?
Windows registry isn't something that is refreshed all the time. The changes you made will be applied after the current user (that's why it's HKEY_CURRENT_USER) logs in again, or as you said after using control panel, which will read the registry. I don't know, what language your program is written in, but you should check out this link: ""
In general, tweaking registry settings directly is unsupported, especially when there's an API to tweak the setting. In this case, the API is SystemParametersInfo. In particular, you need to use the SPI_SETMOUSESPEED as the argument for the uiAction parameter.
In other words, the changes do not take any effect, they only do if you use the control panel. Why do they not take effect?
Because there's often a little more to it than setting the value in the registry. Often there is a notification that must be sent after changing the value in order to tell the all the other software on the machine to drop any cached values and replace them with the new value that's now in the registry. In many cases, the notification will be in the form of a broadcast message.
In the case of mouse driver settings, you probably need to use the SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE argument for the fWinIni parameter. You might also need to OR it with SPIF_SENDCHANGE to broadcast a WM_SETTINGCHANGE message, but I'm not sure about that.

Can the last opened file location be directly altered?

As I understand it, when a file open dialog box (such as GetOpenFileName) is used, Windows will automatically remember where the last file was that was opened by the program, and Windows remembers these locations separately for each program. Is there a way to directly alter this, in order to cause the file picking dialog for program X to start in C:\Example\Directory?
I'm attempting to automate a program which has been programmed to work only through a GUI, and I don't have any access to the internals of this program (such as being able to alter how it calls the file picker). Instead, I'm using a mouse macro (via AutoHotkey). If I can be completely sure that the file picker will start in a particular place, I should be able to automate the rest with mouse clicks.
If you had access to the source code, I'd suggest you just change the lpstrInitialDir property of the OPENFILENAME passed to GetOpenFileName().
Outside of that, you'll want to change the registry keys for the MRUs:
What might make more sense, and might fix the issue you're having, is also changing the Working Directory so that the default location isn't "My Documents", if you're experiencing that.
Depending on the operating system, the results vary:

Firefox 10.0 disable hot keys using user.js

I'm currently working on a project where I have firefox launching in one of three modes:
full - kiosk mode with only tabs, and home back and forward navigation showing.
Super - kiosk mode no tabs or anything showing just the content window (true kiosk mode)
Now due to time constraints I have implemented via pygtk rather than creating a custom Firefox extension as the requirements of the project would require a new flag adding to the command line in order to identify what mode it was to launch in. The approach I have used works beautifully, Great. . .
However the problem now is how can I disable all of the hot keys i.e. Ctrl + T, etc, without writing a extension. I am unable to use an existing extension because I need the shortcuts available when firefox is in normal mode and as firefox (for the project) can only be started via the command line programatically I would need a flag to determine weather to restrict the hot keys or not.
I was hoping to be able to achieve this using user.js which is placed programatically into the correct profiles when they are created in another bit of my application. I have tried using user.js by modifying accelKey, chromeAccess, contentAccess, generalAccessKey and menuAccessKey and setting their values to 0, which works for menu access but not for anything else.
Finally the Question
Is it possible to disable all shortcuts from user.js or can you only do it through an extension?
No, you cannot disable shortcut keys via preferences. Not all shortcut keys use the configurable Accel modifier, but even the ones that do cannot be disabled via preferences. In case you are interested, the code handling them only recognizes Meta, Alt and Ctrl as valid values, with Ctrl being the default for inputs that aren't recognized. You can try using Meta (the corresponding code is 224), it seems unmapped on PC keyboard. For anything more fancy than that you will need an extension.
I apologize if this sounds like an ad instead of an answer, it's not meant to.
If you do have time constraints and you just want to get a hold of the code you need, there is an open source kiosk project called Webconverger that has already done a lot of the heavy lifting.

Active windows in Windows and QWidget::activateWindow()

The Qt documentation for QWidget::activateWindow() states:
On Windows, if you are calling this
when the application is not currently
the active one then it will not make
it the active window. It will change
the color of the taskbar entry to
indicate that the window has changed
in some way. This is because Microsoft
does not allow an application to
interrupt what the user is currently
doing in another application.
However, Skype appears to defy this rule. If Skype is running but is not the active application, I can launch it from the start menu and it brings the existing instance to the foreground, activates it and grabs input focus.
And how can I do this?
(NOTE: This is specific to how QtSingleApplication works)
The solution is stupidly simple for my issue. Simply call AllowSetForegroundWindow(ASF_ANY); at the beginning of the application, and the original process will thus be allowed to bring itself to the foreground by use of SetForegroundWindow(). No strange hacks, just one line of code to add and no need to modify QtSingleApplication either.
I don't think you can do it reliably with the Qt API alone.
There are multiple solutions for windows. E.g. here, and here, and here.
The method I've used before is to declare a shared memory section, and write the application's window handle there. Later, when a second instance of your program is started, you can find the window handle of the first and activate it.
I don't think you have the issue of windows preventing you from doing this in this case, because your second instance is the active application, so it is allowed to 'pass focus' to other windows.
Use Single Application in Qt Solutions
For some applications it is useful or
even critical that they are started
only once by any user. Future attempts
to start the application should
activate any already running instance,
and possibly perform requested
actions, e.g. loading a file, in that
you can set the setWindowOpacity from 0 to 1 .the only thing is you may open it all the time
