How come the close button link doesn't work for the telerik:RadNotification control on DotNetNuke? - telerik

I'm using the telerik:RadNotification control, with VisibleTitlebar="true" ShowTitleMenu="false" and ShowCloseButton="true".
When I hover over the little X (close button) the URL is "http://localhost/mySite/href". When I click on it it takes me to an HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found page.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Is there any way to programmaticly fix the bad link?
I tried adding an OnClientHiding="OnClientHiding" and adding an javascript alert in the OnClientHiding method but it goes to the error page first.

My problem was that I was not getting into the OnClientHiding event handler. It looks like some code in the OnClientShown event handler was causing this issue.


Moodle Moove Child Theme

I am trying to make a child theme for 'Moove' in moodle 3.6! But as soon as I update my database and click on theme selector button, I get an HTTP 500 error!
I follow the instruction from the blog below, but apparently, I am doing something wrong. Can sb help me please?
Error 500 usually means there is something wrong in your scripts/configuration.
First thing to do would be to enable debugging messages to see what exactly is wrong.
Here you can find how to enable debug output to get more detailed error messages:

CKEditor Error on Image Upload

I receive the following message when I select an image to upload and then click "send it to the Server":
Unable to get property 'setCustomData' of undefined or null reference.
I searched for CKEditor setcustomdata but came up with nothing...
Making an assumption that you are using the CKSource Image plugin. I received this error when I used the advice from this post about setting the default open tab to the Upload tab. I moved the this.selectPage('Upload'); into the onLoad event and no longer receive the error but it doesn't default the selected tab to upload on subsequent show events.
I hope this helps or at least gives you a direction to look.

Get the redirected URL of an Ajax call / Open an hidden InAppBrowser Sencha 2.2.1

I am working with a Sencha Touch 2.2.1 application. In my application, I am using Ajax call to perform an activity. The URL I specified in Ajax request will redirect to some other URL after execution. To complete my process I need to get that URL. I went through almost all questions regarding the topic in stackoverflow. Unfortunately nothing works. I tried getAllResponseHeaders() and some other answers I found in stackoverflow.
I tried to open that Ajax url: value in function in InAppBrowser. But It Opens a new window. I don't need it. So to solve this problem, that is to get the new URL, I think there are 2 ways.
Any mechanism to return(get) the redirected URL to the Ajax call
Any way to open a hidden InAppBrowser and execute the URL & get the result.
Second way is the best I think, But any helps regarding the topic is appreciated.
OMG !!
Finally I found out it.
To get the Redirected URL I give the URL to an InAppBrowser. My problem was how to open the browser window in hidden mode..!! The latest Cordova docs explains about it. I was referring the old docs. That's why I didn't get the answer. The Solution I found out is this: when open InAppBrowser open it in hidden mode..! That's all..!!
var ref =, '_blank', 'location=no,hidden=yes');
This hidden=yes solved my problem.

Error Displaying Error page:Application installation Error in joomla 3.0

I am facing the problem in Joomla Component. I have attached the Screen in which I am facing the error.
I have made my own component for show time. When I add show using my component it works fine.Everything goes right but sometime I am getting this error.
When my client see this error, he gets hyper.
but do not know why this error comes.
Is there any solution?
Please help me guys.
Here is the screen shot of Error.
Thanks in advance.
Looking that screen, I suppose the error is on the instance of the controller (that call the particular action) ... check if is it istantiate proprely. Also check the action calling... I suppose that is here the error..

Displaying Error Page in WP7 app

Just want to check I have not missed anything obvious. There is no way to Navigate the user to a "ooops something bad has happened" page from the UnhandledException handler is there?
What is everyone else doing
I know I can "handle" the error and popup up messagebox but I would prefer a whole page offering them the oppurtunity to file a bug report.
The samples I have seen simply set the RootFrame directly but I have seen that just makes for a messy UI with what looks like a Page displayed on top of another page
If you get an UnhandledException it occurs while your applicaiton is about to be shut down. The best you can do in this situation is warn the user that something went wrong (using a messagebox or similar) but be prepared that this may not be displayed to the user for long, depending on the actual exception.
Rather than try and continue executing application functionality when an unhandled exception occurs, simply save the details of the exception. Then, when the application is next started, display a message to the user to indicate that "the last time that app ran there was a problem". You can also use this opportunity to send exception details to yourself/ your web reporting service so you can analyse the issues and fix/prevent them in a future version.
You can call RootFrame.Navigate(your errorPage) to navigate to your custom error page in the UnhandledException handler.
Basically, using a custom MessageBox to show a nice easy-going error info and providing an button to send bug report is very common. And this article is MSDN pointed out that errorinfo not be a separate page in best practice.
