Any Magento extension for implementing 'hamper' - magento

I would like to know how can I implement a 'hamper' function in Magento? I googled but still cannot find any solutions..
Bascially I would like to build a page such that the user has a 'basket' with a fixed maximum weight. He then can insert any item into the basket provided that the total weight of items does not exceed the basket capacity.
Anyone can suggest me how to implement it ? Thanks!


Shopify Script for Fixed Discount of a set price based on tags

Using Shopify Scripts :::
I am trying to achieve the below but getting issue. Could you please let me know how to do this.
$25 off a purchase of $125 or more from the "sale" section. These products have a tag "sale" and are also in a collection "sale" based on that tag.
Looking forward for your quick response.
Great Thanks
If you examine the documentation for Shopify Scripts you'll notice that there is no support for auditing the line item for tags. So you should try the other approach which is proven, and works well.
Look for an item with a compare at price. If you find one, then that typically means the item is on sale. So you can rig your logic to look for items with a compare at price, and if they have one, then determine if the cart has exceeded the $125 in value, and if so, apply your discount.
I can't give you the exact code as I don't know the structure of your code. But this is what you need to do.
Wherever a product can be added to the cart assign a JavaScript function to check if the product is of "Sale" collection. If yes, add an attribute cart.attributes.something.something and keep changing it as and when required.
When the checkout mechanism is present in the page, and if your conditions satisfy the Sale discount, take then to /checkout?DISCOUNT=<CODE> and click of checkout. It'll automatically apply the discount.

How do I override the base price against Custom option Pricing?

Hi this was a question from magento forum on their site.. However I am looking for the same thing for a while, could any answer this ?
*I need the exact area in which Magento adds Base price and Custom option price *
I have been looking across these forums so many apologies if this is a
duplicate, but I am having a lot of trouble with the custom option
pricing on front-end not being absolute, but adding itself onto the
base price of the product.
I have been looking at a few modules, which I am happy to purchase, if
easy to implement, but there are quite a few that are going around.
Attached are some images if anyone has a solution.
The base price on the product (is a product with many different custom
options, could be size options also) is £7.32, which is fine as the
page states ‘From £7.32’
However, there are a few options selectable, which rather than show
(+) and ultimately add to the base price, should show the actual price
and not onto of the base price.
So Rhynogrip 70 x 198 price is actually £48.96, however when selected
it adds this to the £7.32, rather than replace it. The attached all
show this.
If anyone could help that would be great!
Thanks in advance.
I recommend you set the price of Rhinogrip 70x198 to 48.96 - 7.32 because that is what MAgento expects.

Magento: Decrease stock after a product is added to cart

I would like to ask for your help to solve a problem. I need to know how to decrease stock not after an order is placed but after the product is added to cart. How can I do this programming? Does anybody have an idea? Yes, I know this is not recommended and it's crazy however I’m working on a development of an online store and the customer (store owner) requested this to my boss and I have to do, simply. Please, anybody could help me with this damn idea?
Thousands of thank you!
Even if I strongly not recommend to do so. Here are some advice.
1°) Create your own module, with an event handler on add_to_cart_after.
This event is fired when you successfully add an item to your cart.
2°) Then look at Mage_CatalogInventory_Model_Observer : subtractQuoteInventory function to see how to decrease stock.
3°) Now you have to alternate this Observer by rewriting to avoid item removed from stock a second time when order is placed.

Magento - show price range of simple products

Is it possible in Magento to show the price range of simple products as opposed to the price set for the main configurable product.
For example, say we have a t shirt, configurable by size and each with a different price. It doesnt make sense to show a fixed price on the catalog page does it?
I would expect to see something similar to Prices from £3.99.
Does anyone know if this is possible without any custom modification.
I know, it is NOT good solution but worth to try.
Create simple products of each t-shirt based size then group this products like "Polo T-Shirt". Users will see only "Polo T-Shirt" but they can choose what they want from drop-down list.

Multi-part clothing store in Magento

EDIT: This has been resolved thanks to:
The guy who runs this blog was very, very helpful. We can now add configurable products to a grouped product. Problem solved.
I'm trying to do something very simple, but can't figure out how to execute.
We've got a Magento store that sells lingerie. Tops and bottoms that each have their own size.
So a customer could order a top in small and a bottom in medium.
On the front end, I need to customer to see:
Product name
Top: S, M, L (dropdown)
Bottom: S, M, L (dropdown)
Just can't figure out how to do this in the Magento admin. Each product is entered as a simple product with the attribute "size" defined: "Small" for example.
But, when I create a configurable product and select the attributes "sizes_tops" & "sizes_bottoms" it only allows me to select products that have both defined, so obviously that won't work.
How on earth do I do this simply in Magento?
We could also have a situation where there are two types of bottoms to choose from, like full and g-string.
If there wasn't the restriction on adding simple products to a configurable product with only one of the attributes defined I'd be all set (I think anyway).
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I have seen this post: How to Have a Bundled Configurable Product in Magento? - "Note: At this point, we are selling this bundle as-is. ie, we are not providing implementation support for this module. If you purchase the module and it doesn't work for your needs, we can deactivate your license and refund your money." - So it seems there is no support for the product, not very promising.
mag-manager - Site does not load
tinybrick- Does not fit the requirements
As you intimated in your post, this is not something that is possible with a vanilla installation of Magento. Having (attempted) to implement this feature repeatedly in the past, I can also say that it is highly complex and difficult to accomplish.
Hopefully, one of those modules will work well for you. Ask to see a live customer site with the module installed to get an idea of whether it will work. If not, you will be in for a significant implementation effort.
Hope that helps!
I guess you just have to define your tops and bottoms make them configurable separately and then make grouped items over tops and bottoms
We have turned our blog post into an easy to install module called Grouped Options. Simple products with required custom options and configurable products can now be associated with grouped products in Magento.
I know this post is old, but for anyone that is coming across this post now, Classy Llama Studios has released a new version of the Configurable Bundle extension and it is supported. You can find it here: Configurable Bundle Module on Classy Llama's Store
