I downloaded the source code for the examples of the OpenGL superbible 5th edition from here:
It was a file called XCode.zip
The projects there were actually never updated for the latest Xcode for OpenGL 3.0.
I wonder if someone already walked this perilous and dark way and made these projects work, or if there is a new zip file for the latest XCode.
The issue is that the examples use GLUT, which hasn't been updated to be able to use OpenGL 3 on OS X yet.
Apple didn't update GLUT. Trying to make time to adopt GLFW as the new framework.
— Richard S. Wright Jr., post on Twitter
Hope that this is the right forum to ask this question. If not please help me by redirecting to the best place to ask this.
I'm looking for usage statistics of Xcode by version.
More specifically, with which versions of Xcode are new apps, or updates, compiled with.
Googling this doesn't bring anything relevant.
This is of interest to me since I am supplying a Swift compiled framework which requires a specific Swift runtime per compilation version.
Xcode 7.3.x was updated to use Swift 2.2 compiler rather than version 2.1 used in Xcode 7.2.x.
I would like to fully migrate to 2.2 , but only when there is a high enough adoption rate of Xcode 7.3.
I just freshly installed Xcode 6.1 and SDL 1.25. I am trying to link them and get a simple template going so I can finally get this underway.
I have searched far and wide through the internet to find this but there doesn't seem to be any tutorials with correct information on how to set up an SDL_Template and linking the directory correctly.
I would highly recommend you use SDL 2.0 rather than SDL 1.2 but if you really must use 1.2 Lazy Foo's tutorial will still work even though it was done in Xcode 4.4
If you want to use SDL 2.0 then this tutorial shows the setup for it and also comes with a handy template pre-made
I've been using Qt for several months now with no problems. I originally downloaded the Qt 4.8 library with the most recent Qt Creator as of summer 2012, and I was able to start constructing my application. My application has demanding graphics needs, so I've been using the great windowing context Qt provides for OpenGL.
I've been slowly building my skills. I have explored programable shaders with success, and I wanted to leverage the power of Geometry Shaders. I am running OS X 10.7.5 on a MacBookPro6,2 with a GeForce GT 330M GPU. According to what I've read from others here, the upgrade to OS X Lion included a driver to run this GPU under the OpenGL 3.2 Core Specification, including support for programable Geometry Shaders. I also read here that while Qt 4.8 did not support OpenGL 3.2 on OS X, this support was included in their recent release of Qt 5.
I saw that Digia had also released an update to Qt Creator, so (being a little too excited for this potential breakthrough in my work) I uninstalled Qt and downloaded the Qt 5.0.0 library + Qt Creator 2.6.1. I went through the steps in the wizard, started up the new Qt Creator and now nothing works, haha. I have developed a love-hate relationship with my compiler and the cryptic messages it gives me, but this is different. The errors that are being thrown make it sound like it doesn't know how to read the code any more (just to pick one example out of several hundred errors "#include "). The wizard installed Qt fine, and all the guts are there, but I think the link to my gcc compiler has somehow been broken. Not even the examples that came with Qt 5 compile.
Qt has introduced a new "kit" paradigm to make developing on multiple platforms easier, and I have made efforts to change the setup of the kit. Qt detects several gcc compiler options, which I have tried, and I have manually pointed it to the path I get from the terminal command:
which gcc
It appears to be gcc 4.2. I see that the most current version is gcc 4.7, but I have the most up-to-date version XCode provides. I also downloaded "Command Line Tools" from XCode and restarted, but it did not remedy my problems as magically as I had hoped. I am trying to update gcc manually, but I'm running into issues because it is asking me to update gmp and mpfr as well, and they are not fully cooperating.
Since the kit paradigm allows multiple libraries to co-exist in Qt, I re-downloaded the Qt 4.8 library, but it suffers from the same problem. I have pointed Qt Creator to qmake for both the 4.8 and 5.0 libraries, but that doesn't seem to be the problem either.
I haven't been able to see evidence of anyone else running into such a crippling problem, so that suggests that I am missing something simple. But even for being a newbie last summer, I felt I had gotten pretty comfortable with Qt, C++, and OpenGL from what I have managed to piece together from the Internet.
If anyone can nudge me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. I am willing to rebuild my application from scratch in Qt 5.0, but I can't use Qt at all at the moment.
I finally got it to work! In the directory /usr/bin/ there was more than one g++ executable. They were labeled with different version numbers (g++-4.0, g++-4.2), but they showed up in Qt's automatic detection. All I needed to do was delete the extras. Leave only the g++ executable that is not labeled with a version number. By limiting the options available to Qt, it automatically selected a compiler and now it works.
It is embarrassing that it took so long for me to find such a fast solution, but it is still a relief. I hope others save time from my experience.
I've decided to learn c++ and try to make a game with SDL framework. The problem is that I don't know how to use SDL together with Xcode 4.3, since I can't use it like a template, as seen in other guides. Would be great if someone could help me get SDL to work with Xcode 4.3.
I try add SDL to Xcode project following http://meandmark.com/blog/2012/01/using-sdl-with-xcode-4/
When I try to compile I get this error:
The following article should help you:
Using SDL with Xcode 4
It took a quite long time until I got SDL and Xcode running. So, don't care. :-)
I uploaded here a simple SDL template for Xcode 4.5 and Mac OS X 10.7 and 10.8 (also using OpenGL 3.2 Core Profile possible). Step by Step instructions:
Download SDL (at the moment version 1.2.15)
Open the downloaded .dmg file
copy the SDL.framework into /Library/Frameworks/
Done. You can use the Xcode template (you should see a red area):
Further details and an image on my Blog (only german, sorry).
I'm in the process of converting/migrating a Visual Studio OpenGL project to an Xcode (iPhone) OpenGL project.
Do you have any experience or suggestions?
You need to understand the limitations of OpenGL ES 1.1 and the performance of the hw in the iPhone, ie one can't use glBegin/glEnd so all vertex data has to be passed as arrays and GLU things are missing. See here for some performance stats.
If your OpenGL code is fairly straight forward Apple supplies a good template to get going with it. I have created a screencast where I demo a AC3D lib, 15s in I start with a clean Xcode OpenGL ES project.