How do I move my WAMP local host from firefox to chrome? - firefox

I recently installed the WAMP server on my computer and when I open the localhost it automatically opens in firefox. I want it to open in chrome so I can use the chrome developer tools. How can make my local host open in chrome instead of firefox. Thanks in advance for taking the time to help me.

To change the default browser of the Wamp server
Go to the Wamp installation directory
Open wampmanager.conf file in a text editor.
Change the navigator to your browser
example:- navigator = “C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe”
save and restart your server

Go to the wampmanager.conf and change the navigator to Google Chrome.

Go in C Drive
Open wamp64 folder
Open wampmanager.config file
In last step see navigator queue and paste this statement given below
navigator ="C:/Program Files/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe"
"C:/Program Files/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe"
and close the all folder.
Go wamp server and right click on wamp server
click on exits option and restart the wamp server
automatically open localhost in chrome browser or search http://localhost in your browser.


SQLDeveloper: Connection node vanished from Connections tab

I recently switched to a new computer. Oracle SQLDeveloper (18.2) was one of the software folders that I copied from old computer.
But when I tried opening the sqldeveloper.exe, I see the Connections node is not there in the Connections tab.
I tried doing "Reset Window To Factory Settings", Deleting SQL developer folder from User/AppData/ folder. But no help. Right click, Left click in the Connections tab does not give any popups.
I even tried deleting the entire folder and unzipped the original zip file I had backed up long back, but did not help either.
Has anyone faced this issue before?
Delete your connections.xml file in your AppData, Roaming Profiles folder in the system18... directory.
Start sqldev.
Then on old machine, export connections.
Then bring that file to your new machine.
Step by step here

Chrome extension in developer mode (unpacked) not showing up if stored in Downloads folder (Windows)

I am developing a Chrome extension and sharing it with colleagues to test/use. It turns out that if I share my extension as a zipped file and send it to them for testing, those using Windows OS and who uncompress the file there where they got it (Downloads folder) can't see it listed in the file explorer dialog after clicking the "Load unpacked extension..." under chrome//extensions. If they move the extracted folder elsewhere (i.e. Desktop) they can see it without problem.
Is this normal? I haven't been found any reference to such problem anywhere.

Accessing ExternalStoragePublicDirectory in Google Chrome ARC app

We have a feature in our app which can save file to ExternalStoragePublicDirectory. Below is the directory path we are using.
It looks like file is getting saved in the directory. But I cant locate the saved file in Desktop or Chromebook. Can anybody please point me to right direction?
Under ARC, your external storage files are being read and written to the HTML5 filesystem. Under Chrome app (yours included) gets its own filesystem.
You can view this filesystem with Chrome (desktop or Chromebook) using some experimental developer tools. You have to enable them and then restart the browser. Here is how:
Visit "chrome://flags" in your browser.
Search for "Enable Developer Tools experiments", and click the "Enable" link.
A prompt to restart your browser should have appeared. Go ahead and click it to restart your browser.
Go ahead and launch your app. It needs to be running so that you can browse the filesystem.
Next visit the "chrome://inspect/#apps" page in your browser, and find your app in the list. Click the "inspect" link to bring up the inspector window.
Click the gear icon in the upper right of the window.
Click the "Experiments" tab listed on the left side of the popup. This is only visible if you enabled the experimental features at all.
Click the "Filesystem Inspection" checkbox to enable the filesystem viewer.
Finish up by closing the options page with the "x" at the top left.
Now you can view your app's filesystem.
From the inspector window for your app, click the "Resources" tab along the top.
You should see a "FileSystem" option appear in the list on the left side. Click it to expand it.
Click the "persistent -chrome extension:" subpanel.
You should be able to then navigate to the download directory by expanding the view that appears. I believe for downloads you want "/storage/sdcard/Download".
Selecting the directory will display basic metadata on all the files in the directory. Selecting the file might display it if it is supported. Or you might just get a "Binary File" message if not.
If you want to actually manipulate the data beyond that, you will need to connect with the browser with the Android adb command/shell, and you should be able to "adb pull" the file. See to get going on that.
You can also add {"enableExternalDirectory": true} to your application's metadata. Enabling this option means that ARC will prompt you for the directory to use for for the external directory, and you can pick a real directory on your system to use. But if you already download a file prior to enabling this feature, you will have to download it again.

Make the file download manager window the front window in Firefox/Safari

If Safari/Firefox have already downloaded files then they keep a download manager window open. When the user downloads a new file from my site, is there any way to force that download manager window to the front of all windows?
I don't think so. The Download manager is not under the site's control. Maybe through a Firefox extension, but definitely not using normal JavaScript.
Can't you make the download window close on completion? Then it will re-open each time, which usually results in it being on top.

How do you install Firebug if your computer is isolated from the internet?

I have noticed that Firebug and some other addons I have browsed require that Firefox be installed and running for them to be installed.
That's a little inconvenient, given that my development machine is not connected to the internet. Is there a way to download and install the addins using a flash drive?
To manually install a Firefox extension into Firefox, download the add-on to your computer. If the download option isn't available, right click on the extension install link and select "Save Link As..". Be sure not to change the file extension. A Firefox extension will usually be a .XPI file.
Next, go to the Firefox drop down menus at the top of the browser. Select File > Open File then select the addon.xpi file and click on Open. The Software Installation window will appear, click install, restart Firefox.
open any indexes of version u want,
right click on any of the link and choose "save as"
There will be one ".xpi" file which l b downloaded locally to ur computer.
Copy tat .xpi file and paste it in ur computer/server where there is no internet connection.
In that PC/sever,open firefox-->go to tools -->add ons
Drag tat copied .xpi file into add ons window and click on install
restart firefox
ur work is done :)
some different way to solve this by using portable version of firefox, you can pack them with all what you need and save it in your flash drive.
Much easier than download any extension for each instance and install them.
You could trick the program into thinking that you're connected to the Internet
