Quickly testing a function that is a part of a big DLL project - visual-studio

I use VS2010 for C++ development, and I often end up doing work in some dll project and after everything compiles nicely I would like to try to run dummy data on some classes, but ofc the fact that it is a dll and not an exe with main makes that a no go. So is there a simple way to do what I want, or Im cursed till eternity to c/p parts of a big project into small testing one?
Ofc changing the type of the project also works, but I would like to have some almost like iteractive shell way of testing functions.

I know this isn't a library or anything, but if you want to run the dll on windows simply without framing it into anything, or writing a script, you can use rundll32.exe within windows. It allows you to run any of the exported functions in the dll. The syntax should be similiar to:
rundll32.exe PathAndNameofDll,exportedFunctionName [ArgsToTheExportedFunction]
http://best-windows.vlaurie.com/rundll32.html -- is a good simple still relevant tutorial on how to use this binary. Its got some cool tricks in there that may surprise you.
If you are wondering about a 64-bit version, it has the same name (seriously microsoft?) check it out here:
rundll32.exe equivalent for 64-bit DLLs
Furthermore, if you wanted to go low level, you could in theory utilize OllyDbg which comes with a DLL loader for running DLL's you want to debug (in assembly), which you can do the same type of stuff in (call exported functions and pass args) but the debugger is more for reverse engineering than code debugging.

I think you have basically two options.
First, is to use some sort of unit tests on the function. For C++ you can find a variety of implementations, for one take a look at CppUnit
The second option is to open the DLL, get the function via the Win32API and call it that way (this would still qualify as unit testing on some level). You could generalize this approach somewhat by creating an executable that does the above parametrized with the required information (e.g. dll path, function name) to achieve the "interactive shell" you mentioned -- if you decide to take this path, you can check out this CodeProject article on loading DLLs from C++

Besides using unit tests as provided by CppUnit, you can still write your own
small testing framework. That way you can setup your Dll projects as needed,
load it, link it, whatever you want and prove it with some simple data as
you like.
This is valueable if you have many Dlls that depend on each other to do a certain job.
(legacy Dlls projects in C++ tend to be hardly testable in my experience).
Having done some frame application, you can also inspect the possibilities that
CppUnit will give you and combine it with your test frame.
That way you will end up with a good set of automated test, which still are
valueable unit tests. It is somewhat hard starting to make unit tests if
a project already has a certain size. Having your own framework will let you
write tests whenever you make some change to a dll. Just insert it into your
framework, test what you expect it to do and enhance your frame more and more.
The basic idea is to separate the test, the testrunner, the testdata and the asserts
to be made.

I’m using python + ctypes to build quick testing routines for my DLL applications.
If you are using the extended attribute syntax, will be easy for you.
Google for Python + ctypes + test unit and you will find several examples.

I would recommend Window Powershell commandlets.
If you look at the article here - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163430.aspx you can see how easy it is to set up. Of course this article is mostly about testing C# code, but you can see how they talk about also being able to load any COM enabled DLL in the same way.
Here you can see how to load a COM assembly - http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2009/01/26/how-do-i-use-windows-powershell-to-work-with-junk-e-mail-in-office-outlook.aspx
EDIT: I know a very successful storage virtualization software company that uses Powershell extensively to test both it's managaged and unmanaged (drivers) code.


How to Publish/Export wxWidgets Application

newbie here.
Want to ask for any advice on how to Publish/Export, CodeBlocks Application made by using wxWidgets. After some research, i discovered that i should use DLL, or something like that, but since I am really new into it, I am missing the logic on how I should actually implement that. Since CodeBlocks offers wxWidgets and DLL as separate projects. So I am not really sure how to properly combine. Thanks in advance.
If you used wxWidgets as .dll, to get a self-standing package you have to distribute all the requested libraries. The simplest way is just to copy them from their source folder (in your case [wxWidgets root]\lib\gcc_dll) in the same folder as your executable. There could be many of them, but usually only two or three are needed. For simplicity you can copy them all, or you can try repeatedly to start the program, and add each time the library indicated in the error message.
Please note that to distribute your application you will probably want to compile it in Release mode, and consequently you should ship the Release .dlls (i.e. beginning with wx...28_ instead of wx...28d_).

Visual Studio: use the results of Profile Guided Optimization from one exe to a different dll?

I have a dll, call it core.dll which I want to optimize using Visual Studio's excellent Profile Guided Optimization. Most of the code is the dll actually compiles into a library called core.lib which is then wrapped by core.dll.
To unit-test this code I also have a tester executable called test_core.exe. this executable links to core.lib and activates various functions from it. The DLL core.dll has very few exports, only enough to start its main functionality. It cannot be unit tested fully using these exports.
What I want is to do the PGO data collection by activating some of the tests in test_core.exe and then to use this PGO data to link and optimize core.dll.
It seems that the Visual Studio framework was designed so that the collecting executable and optimized executable are the same.
One option is to add the relevant tests to be inside core.dll and run them using a special export but that would bloat core.dll with test code which is not used in any other circumstance.
It seems that the Visual Studio framework was designed so that the collecting executable and optimized executable are the same.
That was very, very intentional. Profile guided optimization can only work properly when it uses profile data that was collected from a realistic simulation of the way your users are going to run your program. That requires the actual executables as deployed to the user and using realistic data that's a reasonable match with the data the program is going to process at the user's site.
Trying to spike it with test unit profile results will achieve the opposite, your user isn't going to run the code the same way. Significant odds that you'd end up with a less optimized program it that was possible. The profile data you've gather is only good enough to optimize the unit test, that's not useful.
Don't try to cook the profile data, it can't work. This does mean that you can't necessarily easily measure the effectiveness of the optimization if you require a unit test to see a signal. In that case you need to just assume that PGO gets the job done.
It seems that the Visual Studio framework was designed so that the
collecting executable and optimized executable are the same.
This is true, but in you're case, you want to optimize a DLL, not an executable. You can compile the static library and the DLL using the /GL switch and link the DLL using the /LTCG:PGINSTRUMENT switch. This creates a DLL that is instrumented. The test_core.exe image doesn't have to be instrumented, so you can just compile it normally (in Debug or Release mode). Then, by running test_core.exe, a PGC file will be generated containing a profile of the behavior of core.dll only. This profile can then be used to optimize core.dll by compiling it again and specifying the /LTCG:PGOPTIMIZE switch. As long as test_core.exe exercises core.dll for common usage scenarios, you'll certainly benefit from it. See this for more information.

In Ruby, what's the equivalent of Java's technique of limiting access to source in a cowork situation?

In Java when you compile a .java file which defines a class, it creates a .class file. If you provide these class files to your coworkers then they cannot modify your source. You can also bundle all of these class files into a jar file to package it up more neatly and distribute it as a single library.
Does Ruby have any features like these when you want to share your functionality with your coworkers but you don't want them to be able to modify the source (unless they ask you for the actual .rb source file and tell you that they want to change it)?
I believe the feature you are looking for is called "trust" (and a source code control repository). Ruby isn't compiled in the same way that Java is, so no you can't do this.
I have to say your are in a rough position, not wanting to share code with a coworker. However, given that this is an unassailable constraint perhaps you could change the nature of the problem.
If you have a coworker that needs access to some service provided by a library of yours, perhaps you could expose it by providing a web/rest service instead of as a .rb file.
This way you can hide your code behind a web server, and if there is a network architecture that allows for low latency making these service calls, you can effectively achive the same goal.
Trust is a lot easier though.
Just saw this on HN: http://blog.astrails.com/2009/5/12/ruby-http-require, allows a ruby file to include another file through http instead of the filesystem.
Ruby is
A dynamic, interpreted, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity.
So like all interpreted languages, you need to give the source code to anyone who want's to execute your program/script.
By the way searching "compiled ruby" on google returned quiet a few results.
I don't think there is one. Ruby is purely an interpreted language, which means ruby interprets your source code directly in order to run it. Java is compiled, so there's an intermediate bytecode (the .class). You can obfuscate your ruby if you really wish, but it's probably more trouble than it's worth.
Just to make sure you realize, however, upwards of 95% of Java can be decompiled back into source using various free utilities, so in reality, Java's compilation isn't much better than distributing Ruby source.
This is not a language specific problem and one that can be managed more effectively through source control software.
There is a library called ruby2c that compiles a subset of Ruby into C code (which you can then compile into native code, if you want).
It was actually originally written as a Ruby code obfuscator (but has since been used for lots of other stuff, including Ruby Arduino development).

Find Programming Language Used

Whats the easiest way to find out what programming language an application was written in?
I would like to know if its vb or c++ or delphi or .net etc from the program exe file.
Try PEiD
of course if they used a packer, some unpacking will need to be done first :)
Start it up and check what run-time DLLs it uses with Process Explorer.
If that doesn't make it immediately obvious, search the web for references to those DLLs.
Most disassemblers (including Olly I think) can easily show you the text contained in an EXE or DLL, and that can also sometimes give a clue. Delphi types are often prefixed with T as in TMyClass.
If it's a small executable with no DLL references and no text you might be SOL. At that point you'd need to look for idioms of particular compilers, and it would be mostly guesswork.
There is an art to detecting what language a program was written in. It is possible but there are no hard and fast rules. It takes a lot of experience (and it also leads to the question "Why would you want to..." but here are a few ideas on how to go about it.
What you're looking for is a "signature". The signature could be a certain string that is included by the compiler, a reference to an API that is quite common in the programming tool being used, or even a style of programing that is common to the tools being used, visible in the strings contained in the application.
In addition, there are styles to how an application is deployed: various configuration files found in the deployment directory, dlls and assemblies and even images, directories or icons.
Java applications wrapped in a self-launching executable will contain references to java libs, and will likely have certain libraries or files included in the same directory that indicate that it's java.
As indicated in other answers a managed assembly will show certain signs as well: you can open it in Reflector etc. While it is correct that c# and VB are "interchangable" once compiled, it is not true that they are identical. If you use Reflector to disassemble VB code you will quite often see that the assembly references the Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll assembly. You'll be able to tell the difference between Mono applications because they will most likely contain references to the mono assemblies.
Many compilers assemble and link code in certain ways, and leave footprints behind. For example, examining a window executable using "strings: tab in Process Explorer, you'll see a lot of strings. Using these you may be able to determine programming styles, methods called, error or trace methods withint the exe.
An example is that compilers use different mechanisms for localization: Microsoft stores localized strings in XML files or resource files. Other compilers will use a different tactic.
Another example is c++ name mangling. The CodeWarrior compiler uses a different algorithm to mangle the names of the member variables and functions of a call than Visual Studio.
I suppose you could write a book on the subject of accurately determining the lineage of any executable. This subject would probably be called "programming archeology".
You could try using Depends to see what runtime dependancies it has, which might give some clues.
The easiest way is to ask the developer of the program. It does not require any knowledge and utility programs.
Determine Delphi Application
Use eda_preview270.exe (from here) or some other spy tool and check the window class names. If they read like TButton or TfrmBlubb, it's a VCL app. If there is an "Afx" in them, it's probably MFC.
Compiled languages (by this I mean no scripting languages, or Java, .NET, etc.) are compiled into CPU assembly instructions, which is essentially a one-way conversion. It is not usually possible to determine which language a program was written in. However, using a dependency walker, you could potentially determine which runtime library the program was loading (if any) and therefore determine which language it used (e.g. MS Visual C++ 9 uses msvcr90.dll).
you can check is that a .net assembly or not by trying to open with ildasm.exe tool
PE Detective works best for me.
In general, you can't.
If you can load it into Reflector, you know it is a managed assembly.
That's a good question. There isn't any general way to tell, but I bet most compilers and libraries leave a mark in the resulting EXE file. If you wanted to spend a lot of time on it, you could gather a bunch of EXEs written in known languages and scan for common strings. I would image you'd find some.
Dependancy Walker, which someone else mentioned would be a good way to look for telltale dependencies, like versions of MSVCRT, etc
i'd try running the .exe thru a 'strings' program to get assorted hints.
If I remember correctly PE Explorer Disassembler gives some information about compiler that creates given not .net and java binary, for .net use Reflector or ILDAsm tool
The easiest way that I found (at least in computer games) was to look in the "redist" folder nested within the game's main folder. It might be obvious to some of you that are more experienced in programming yourself, but the specific purpose of the MSI in this folder is to allow the setup.exe file to automatically install the prerequisites for the game itself.
For example:
In Empire Total War, there is an MSI called "vcredist_x86-sp1.exe". This indicates that the game/program was written in Microsoft's "Visual C 2005" in the .NET Framework (usually).
In fact, if you open the MSI/EXE, the installer should immediately indicate the language it's written in and which version.
The reason I'm familiar is because I code in C# and VB in the .NET Framework and we auto-install the prerequisites for our business app.
Hope this helps!

Is it possible to get Code Coverage Analysis on an Interop Assembly?

I've asked this question over on the MSDN forums also and haven't found a resolution:
The basic problem here as I see it is that an interop assembly doesn't actually contain any IL that can be instrumented (except for maybe a few delegates). So, although I can put together a test project that exercises the interop layer, I can't get a sense for how many of those methods and properties I'm actually calling.
Plan B is to go and write a code generator that creates a library of RCWWs (Runtime Callable Wrapper Wrappers), and instrument that for the purposes of code coverage.
Edit: #Franci Penov,
Yes that's exactly what I want to do. The COM components delivered to us constitute a library of some dozen DLLs containing approx. 3000 types. We consume that library in our application and are charged with testing that Interop layer, since the group delivering the libraries to us does minimal testing. Code coverage would allow us to ensure that all interfaces and coclasses are exercised. That's all I'm attempting to do. We have separate test projects that exercise our own managed code.
Yes, ideally the COM server team should be testing and analyzing their own code, but we don't live in an ideal world and I have to deliver a quality product based on their work. If can produce a test report indicating that I've tested 80% of their code interfaces and 50% of those don't work as advertised, I can get fixes done where fixes need to be done, and not workaround problems.
The mock layer you mentioned would be useful, but wouldn't ultimately be achieving the goal of testing the Interop layer itself, and I certainly would not want to be maintaining it by hand -- we are at the mercy of the COM guys in terms of changes to the interfaces.
Like I mentioned above -- the next step is to generate wrappers for the wrappers and instrument those for testing purposes.
To answer your question - it's not possible to instrument interop assemblies for code coverage. They contain only metadata, and no executable code as you mention yourself.
Besides, I don't see much point in trying to code coverage the interop assembly. You should be measuring the code coverage of code you write.
From the MDN forums thread you mention, it seems to me you actually want to measure how your code uses the COM component. Unless your code's goal is to enumerate and explicitly call all methods and properties of the COM object, you don't need to measure code coverage. You need unit/scenario testing to ensure that your code is calling the right methods/properties at the right time.
Imho, the right way to do this would be to write a mock layer for the COM object and test that you are calling all the methods/properties as expected.
Plan C:
use something like Mono.Cecil to weave simple execution counters into the interop assembly. For example, check out this one section in the Faq: "I would like to add some tracing functionality to an assembly I can’t debug, is it possible using Cecil?"
