Moving one add on website to a new cPanel host - hosting

For several years now I have freely hosted several local organizations web pages at no cost. One of those organizations wishes to move to their own server that they manage with their own server provider (alas, not A Small Orange--a little too expensive for them).
They have
a couple add on domains/websites
advanced DNS records with Google Apps
several mailing lists
a database or two
and of course their hosting directory
I was just wondering if there is a way to just export that stuff, so it can be imported in another cPanel?
OPTION ONE: One by one move all the stuff to the new host. Create the mailing lists, manually import the databases, set up the DNSs, and upload the files.
OPTION TWO: I could export the entire site, download the entire site, go to the new provider and upload it, and then delete all my content.
OPTION THREE: Is it possible to export their parts of the site, and import that to the other hosts cPanel?
Or another option all together? No email, and I don't even need the hosting history to be there (but it would be nice).

if you are moving from cpanel hosting to another cpanel hosting then just create a full backup of the website that you want to move from WHM which will backed up emails , databases , SSLs , sub domains , addon domains , everything in .tar.gz file format. Download that back up file then upload it to the new servers and restore it from WHM from Restore backup option in WHM.
You can do live migration from WHM itself with Copy Accounts function from WHM which will be easier option to move the websites and the stuff.
However after migration you will need to make sure that you have assigned dedicated IPs , have configured the name servers properly ( the DNS part ) etc..
I would suggest to hire an expert to do this migration in order to avoid any possible issues.


Accessing old / new site at the same time using hosts file

This is an odd request, but one I can't get my head around. We are currently building a new site on a new server, but don't want to update the DNS settings until it's ready to go, since we need a live, working site. In order to gain access to this to build it, I changed my hosts file (in Terminal) so that it would pull from that IP. Example
The problem is, I need to import images from the old site into the new site, but since I have the hosts file setup it's not able to pull it. Any ideas of a workaround? I have multiple computers, but it needs to be done on the same computer since I need access to the backend of the new site at the exact same time of the old site, so that it can pull that image over.

Transfer a Joomla website to another server

We had a company that developed a website for us, for a large amount of money. When the site was done we wanted to put it up on GoDaddy's hosting and the company said that it wouldn't work on GoDaddy and that we would have to leave it on their hosting servers at a cost of $300/mo, they say that because they have custom-built software that allows the customer to edit the website, that looks just like Joomla's editor. I am about 90% sure that the website was built with Joomla. I have built many websites, none with Joomla, so my question is, I want them to just give us the website files and database that we paid for, so we can go to another hosting company with our website that is a lot cheaper $25/mo. So what files do I ask the company for that developed the website to make sure we have all the correct files to transfer the website to another hosting company?
They are being very difficult to work with so I just want to make sure I know what files to ask for.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
A Joomla install consists of files and the database so you need to ask for the files (probably as a zip file or similar) and an export of the database.
You can then restore the files and database on the destination server.
You will need to update the configuration.php file with the new database host, database name, database user and database password once you have restored the files to the destination host.
Alternatively you could ask for an Akeeba Backup file if they are using Akeeba Backup (which most Joomla website owners do). Akeeba backups up files and the database into one convenient compressed backup file which makes it easy to restore to the destination using the free Kickstart install tool.
Browsing certain urls can help verify if they are using Joomla. For example:

Showcase website that will reinstall itself every day?

I have built a showcase Magento installation that I am about to deploy public. I'd like to give people backend access but indeed I don't want their changes to stick - not sure how to go about this. What's the best way?
I have seen a Magento showcase somewhere that gave the backend access stating the website will be renewed every 12 hours. So I suppose there is a cron job starting a script that will copy contents of one directory into the other (the public one) every 12 hours?
There are two good solutions:
1. Virtual Machine
Run the entire site in a virtual machine or VPS. Make a snapshot of the machine when it is in the state you want to reset it to. Have a cronjob that triggers the "return to snapshot" routine. The exact details vary between hosts but look for a host with an API.
2. File Copy and DB Reset
Keep a copy of all the files in another folder, together with a dump of the database. You can use mysqldump to create a database dump. You can then go back to that state by having a cronjob that removes the current folder, copies back the old folder and imports the database dump.
There are a few ways to import the database dump file, including the SOURCE command:
SOURCE dumpfile.sql;

Incrementally updating a remote joomla web site?

I have a Joomla 1.5 site on my localhost. It's hosted on a public hosting server as well.
I was wondering what is the best way to do incremental updates to the site? I mean I don't want to update the whole site, if I just changed one source file (html, php, images, etc) or made changes to the database. I understand, to be safe I'd have to update the database every time (export from local and import in remote), but I'm sure we can avoid unnecessary uploads of unchanged files.
I've seen and it doesn't offer what I need. One option is to use an ftp client (like Filezilla) which does folder synchronizations, but I'm not sure they work very well.
For database you could use master-master replication, which is quite easy to set up but you need GRANT privileges in MySQL, which most likely won't be possible on a shared hosting. I'd also suggest connection both machines via VPN to make it more secure.
The other easy way to sync databases is "Synchronisation" tool if you're using phpmyadmin.
If not, look at any MySQL planning software like MySQL Workbench, which also has this feature built-in.
You didn't tell what privileges you have to access the public hosting server.
If you're an admin you can have SVN admin installed and configured to sync files with your local data.
You can also have a GIT repository to do exactly the same, or LDAP set-up via VPN to keep your files in sync.
If you're not an admin just see or ask your hosting company what's of the above is available, I'm sure they'll be able to help you. Nowadays, hosting companies have SVN or GIT installed, which should be what you need.
I often use SVN tools built-in PHP Designer 8, but you can have SVN, GIT and many more also in NetBeans.

Moving magento site from one server to another server

i have a magento site version
And i upgraded the site to
Now want to move the upgraded magento into another server .
How can i do this?
i planed to do this by downloading all files and upload it into new server.and import the database into the same databsae name.
If there is any problem occur when i following the above steps.
Or if there is any rules to move magento site from one server to another server?
If your sites are not publick then just move the files and db and fix base_urls on db.
If your site is live then here's a thing or two to note down on moving sites:
this is straightforward, static assets can be moved beforehand to new server
easy enough to perform with rsync or version control or even with plain old ftp
verify file-structure and permissions
this is more complicated as you have to avoid the gap of getting more orders on old server database after you have switched to move your site database you need to take our site down for the time you move your database
first step move the database to new server for testing , test if everything works
make a not of all queries you need to run to make it work on new server (base urls etc)
repeat this process when you take down the site and open the other
add a maintenance page on your old page with proper http header
while site is down move the database to new server
open up your new site and do a short run on verifying if all works
next step is to change the domains to point to a new server
again moving domains is a bit tricky thing as there is a possible DNS blackout that some clients will see the old site and some are seeing the new.
change your domain rules to point to a new server
clients who's DNS is not changed jet will see the maintenance page
clients who have the new DNS already will end up on moved sites
this way you can ensure that you will not get orders on both sites. If your domain-changes completely then you also need to remap your URLS to new domains for every search engine
