How to prevent Theme Resources for Windows Phone - windows-phone-7

I'm trying to avoid applying WP7's scheme settings to the UI in my application.
What should i do to make my UI elements that are in disabled, accented states are independent from theme switching?

Apparently you need to create your own custom theme.
Here is a quote from
"Creating a custom application theme is a good solution when you want your application to look in the same way in all themes i.e. to be theme independent. "


CS-CART Themeing

I have been looking into using CS-CART as a shopping cart and started looking through the themes and it appears to me the only way to build a theme is to extend a default theme and use the theme editor and visual designer to construct themes. Is this the only way or is there a way to code custom themes without being limited to designing in the administration section?
The theme editor is intended to be used as a customization tool for the site administrator, not for the theme developer.
A theme may provide configuration for the theme editor - what colors can be changed, etc.
For the deep customization of how the site looks you can create you own theme with your own CSS code.
Check out this guide on how to create your custom theme -
Also there is an official Bootstrap 3 theme for CS-Cart which can be easily customized -
You are not limited, you have all the tools that you need to develop as you desire, the responsive theme is the base because this theme was tested enough so far and have good feedback and for somebody to start from scratch will take to much time and until you finish CS-Cart will do a big change and you will need to do another work ;)
Please check and let me know if you find any limitations here :D
It's very easy modift cs-cart theme, cs-cart theme base on bootstrap and and smarty engine, firt you need looking for "index.tpl", "common/script.tpl", "common/style.tpl", "view/block_manager/render/grid.tpl || container.tpl || block.tpl || location.tpl. and you will understand cs-cart theme structure
You need to know smarty engine syntax here
and cs-cart developer doc here

Custom Theme for NWBC creating issue in Fiori

I've created a custom theme for NWBC (just with a different background image) and it turns out that this is connected to Fiori too. The theme was created just like the tutorial on this link: How to create and assign custom theme to NWBC
When I try to run Fiori, I get the following error:
GET http://<machine_name>/sap/public/bc/themes/~client-200/~cac…p1hMouOcijKd4xZRPUAZhLJ3E/UI5/sap/m/themes/zsap_goldreflection/library.css 404 (Not found)
The name of my new custom theme is zsap_goldreflection and, as it appears, the file library.css (and also library-parameters.json) is not being found.
Any idea why?
Thank you.
Regards, Eva
Custom themes support various clients and frameworks (depending on which SAP theme they are based on).
Your custom theme seems to be based on SAP Gold Reflection: (zsap_goldreflection/library.css).
However, custom themes based on SAP Gold Reflection are not supported by SAPUI5 mobile libraries, which is why there is no css file and the request fails.
One possible solution would be to try to use SAP Blue Crystal as a basis for your custom theme since it supports SAP Fiori (if this is your main use case).
For an overview, please see the following link: SAP Standard Themes.

Creating custom windows in NSIS

I want to customize our installer which is based on NSIS. My question is could we create custom windows? Where I mean not customizing Modern UI or other built-in surface, but building a totally new look with custom Window header, buttons and other elements like list where all element have other state, and all of the states are represented with an animated item before the text.
So I want to develop my look from ground to the peak. This can be done somehow?
You can do this using a resource hacker of your choice, e.g. PE Explorer, XNResourceEditor, Resource Hacker FX or good old ResHacker. You'll have to make sure to use the same IDs for the controls, so you probably best start by editing on of the existing UIs.
Like idleberg said you have to edit one of the .exe resource files (in the Contrib folder) with a resource editor. To apply the new UI you have to use the ChangeUI instruction. You can change all pages or just a single page...

Making TextBox text theme aware

I created a page.i want to change the background of Textbox when theme of emulator is changed to light.The letters cant be visible while changing the there any solution?
If you use the default TextBox control inside Visual Studio it is fully theme aware. If you have set the colours yourself then you need to perform the theme aware changes in code behind.
For more information, please see the following :-
I assume you are referring to TextBlock rather than TextBox (as the latter automatically has style support).
You should never declare a TextBlock without a Style attribute, such as Style={StaticResource PhoneTextNormalStyle}. A full list of available styles can be found on MSDN: Theme Resources for Windows Phone
Also of relevance is: How to: Apply Theme Resources for Windows Phone
NB: Due to the way Mango was designed, backing into your application after changing themes will not apply the new theme. You will need to restart the application to see the changed theme.
Based on your screenshots, you have two choices:
Reskin ("Edit Template" in Blend) each of the controls that you use to redefine a style in which the various colour-related properties are hardcoded
Use an alternate, lighter, background image when in the white theme in order to improve the contrast. I've blogged about how you can define theme-aware resources (and also mentioned it on other SO questions).
Put simply, you can either submit to the theme or force it to remain the way you want it.
We can set a theme as default to our application.When we log in our application the phone theme will be changed to its suitable theme and when we log out change back to original
here s the link .

changing theme of C# windows application

in ASP we have so many ways to change theme .
but is there any way for chanigngthe whole theme of a windows application/?
By default a winform app will inherit windows theme but you can explicitly change some ui properties like color,font etc.
You can also consider moving to WPF for better and easy to implement UI.
Nope, at least not easily.
But you could give WPF a try, you will need to upgrade to C# 3.0 for that.
Some 3rd party component sets support theming.
Example : Developer express
