I'm looking for a way to run a jmeter from command line,
collect the data from Summary Report to some file (say every x seconds) during the execution.
Then load the saved file to the jmeter to see the limeline graphs of the collected metrics.
How can I do such thing?
The simplest way automate getting a graph from results is to use a shell script coupled with the 'JMeterPluginsCMD' plugin that allows you to create a graph image from the command line.
Something like:
cd /where/jmeter/is/installed
# Run Test
./jmeter.sh -n -t /path/to/mytest.jmx -l /directory/to/store/results.jtl
# Generate PNG File using plugin
java -jar CMDRunner.jar --tool Reporter --generate-png test.png --input-jtl /directory/to/store/results.jtl --plugin-type ResponseTimesOverTime --width 800 --height 600
To litterally read data from the Summary Report would take a lot more work but I imagine you could do something with awk, however I suspect that this method is not explicitly required and that reading the jtl file (after the test has completed) would work.
Since this is already answered question I'll offer an alternative to .png image and that is .html page. Please take a look at this answer :
I have a Listener element that calculates some results from samples executed. I can manually save these results at the end of the test, but i would like to save them at the end of the test automatically to a file.
What do i need to do reacte to the End of test notification that seems to be sent by the JMeterEngine? Or is there a better solution do something at the end of the test?
In listeners there is a section named Filename just mention the path with the filename extension in which you want to save the result set, In this way J Meter will automatically saves the results that you want to store at the end of the test execution.
Consider using JMeterPluginsCMD Command Line Tool
Install JMeter Plugins Manager
Install JMeterPluginsCMD Command Line Tool
Install Synthesis Report
Run your JMeter test in command-line non-GUI mode like
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl
Generate textual representation of the Aggregate Report table like:
JMeterPluginsCMD.bat --generate-csv my-table.csv --input-jtl result.jtl --plugin-type AggregateReport
That's it, now you can open my-table.csv and enjoy your test results
You can generate other reports and charts similarly, check out How to Use the JMeterPluginsCMD Command Line article for more details.
I'm using GNU parallel to run a Stata do file for many different data sets.
I have a Bash script that contains the following:
parallel -a arguments.txt -j 3 stata -b do $dofileloc {}
Since the do file has several different parts for each dataset, I would like to have the progress shown "real-time" (e.g. display "data loaded for XYZ" after a part of the Stata do file finishes for a dataset etc.).
So I'd like to redirect messages from Stata to the command line, but I'm having trouble doing this.
If I don't run Stata in batch mode I can see everything, which is a bit messy. I have tried using the shell command in Stata but I can't seem to figure out the correct combination.
I would appreciate any tips.
Does this do what you want?
parallel --tag --linebuffer -a arguments.txt -j 3 stata -b do $dofileloc {}
I am currently hard coding a password in my jmeter .jmx test file.
I want to be able to either set this in the config.yaml or on the command line using something like a "-o modules.jmeter.properties" switch (to replace this in the CI pipeline)
However I cant get either of these to actually replace the value in the .jmx file.
I have looked through the Taurus doco and ended up trying the following.
Updating the config.yaml file:
- executor: jmeter
script: ../scripts/apigee_loadtesting.jmx
- ../datafiles/
concurrency: 2
ramp-up: 30s
hold-for: 1m
steps: 2
es.password: P#ssw0rd!
Also tried this from the commandline:
bzt ../config.yaml -o modules.jmeter.path=/usr/local/apache-jmeter-4.0.2/bin/jmeter \
-o modules.jmeter.properties.espassword=P#ssw0rd! config.yaml
But neither of them seem to do anything meaning, Any suggestions would be appreciated
Taurus itself will not change anything in the .jmx script, just make sure that you refer the property using __P() function as ${__P(es.password,)} in the .jmx script and the value will be substituted with the one from .jmx file or command-line override.
I would avoid using dots in properties names as it might cause problems with overriding properties values from the command-line. So stick to espassword everywhere if possible
The change your command line so config.yaml would be the last argument like:
bzt -o modules.jmeter.path=/usr/local/apache-jmeter-4.0.2/bin/jmeter -o modules.jmeter.properties.espassword=P#ssw0rd! config.yaml
See Navigating your First Steps Using Taurus article for more information on running JMeter tests using Taurus
I am just two days old in using JMeter. I have been asked (at the current scenario) to use the console to run Test Plans. I have been able to generate the logs in the console. Now, what I am required to show in the log is a Summary Report something like that of the GUI. I tried using the summariser of JMeter but didn't get the exact results (may be because I don't know how to use it exactly).
I want the following in the summary:
Average Response Time
Min Response Time
Maximum Response Time
Standard Deviation
Average Bytes
These have to be shown for each HTTP Request present in the Test Group. I have been working around to get through this for about a day or so. But, am unable to do so.
Please guide me along this. Is it even possible to do this?
Use http://code.google.com/p/jmeter-plugins/wiki/JMeterPluginsCMD like this:
java -jar CMDRunner.jar --tool Reporter --generate-csv test.csv --input-jtl results.jtl --plugin-type AggregateReport
Then you'll have test.csv containing your test summary data.
You can generate Stunning HTML report using Jmeter
For this use below commands to run jmeter through command prompt
jmeter -n -t \path to jmx file -l \location to csv file -e -o \location for html report
After running completed you can see the html report generated in the folder you have mentioned
I would like to know if there any flag for the following command to know the test result on the command line itself?
jmeter.bat -n -t "../Tests/testPlan.jmx" -l "../Tests/testResult.xml"
I don't want to open testResult.xml to learn if the test is pass or fail.
Use Summary properties
The Non-GUI mode needs other properties set in order to print to System.out. See the blog above.
# Write messages to System.out
As far as I know there isn't. You can check all the options available here. Although, if the output is more or less similar you could write a script to automate that process.
Actually there is some other command-line way: http://code.google.com/p/jmeter-plugins/wiki/JMeterPluginsCMD