Did anyone hear about Valkyrie RCP, the Spring 3.0 port of the current Spring Rich Client codebase ?
I want to try something with this framework because i'm familiar with Spring, but i didn't find any tutorials about that on the internet, where can I find some docs and guides ?
I actively maintain Valkyrie RCP here Valkyrie RPC # github.
You can find documentation for Valkyrie RPC here and there a quite a few demo applications in the repository.
To get started quickly use maven to generate a skeleton project like this:
mvn archetype:generate
I think the project Valkyrie RCP is dead. But I'm not sure.
In fact there is a fork of this project here: ndeverge.
There is some documentation.
Someone have another news about this project. I am also interested.
If you're interested in rich client apps you might want to have a look at Eclipse Scout. It is Java/Eclipse based and available under the EPL.
Scout primarily addresses building client server business applications. With its clean separation of the client ui model from the actual ui rendering you have the options to run your app with SWT, Swing, or web application (based on Eclipse RAP).
There is a video tutorial, wiki tutorials, and a forum for questions.
Have fun!
I'm new to fbinfer. I need to integrate my maven project with fbinfer for static code analysis.
Answering this a little late but Sonatype just launched a free Code quality and Software Composition Analysis (SCA) solution called Lift for devs using GitHub: http://lift.dev/
The list of included analyzers includes FBInfer and it takes two clicks (authorize GitHub app) to integrate your Maven application with Lift/FBInfer, thereby eliminating the pain of manually setting up an analyzer.
I am looking into eman functionality. Can anyone please suggest me link to some tutorials or example which would help me understand this feature.
As outlined in Why eman project is dropped from opendaylight oxygen release., the eman project is no longer actively maintained so you're most likely on your own although you could try the eman-dev list. Other than that there's the project page https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/EMAN:Main and/or whatever online docs were provided in releases prior to Oxygen.
The closest thing I've found is their Elasticsearch Plugins and Integrations
page, which doesn't help. I was following their out of date tutorial to make a "hello world" plugin, but I can't find any documentation on the classes used. Is there a page with information on what each class does, or do I have to look at the code to figure it out on my own?
To quote elastic search developer Adrien Grand(jpountz) "No, there is no guide about writing plugins and the API is actually quite unstable. The plugin API is mainly a way for us to provide additional functionality through plugins so that we do not have to fold everything into a single release artifact that would be quite huge. Some community membors have writter plugins by taking inspiration of existing plugins but we do not want to commit on a stable API for plugins as this might prevent us from improving other areas of elasticsearch."
The only real way of learning about developing a plugin is trying to find something similar and modifying it to suite your needs. Developing anything remotely complex will require an extensive knowledge of the ES codebase. I suggest you look into some plugins developed by jprante to get started.
I was trying to understand deployment scenarios for Sling/JCR when I started wondering if I could simply use the Sling Launchpad and simply start the server using the jar. My project needs simplicity more than performance, but is there something seriously wrong with this approach? Alternatively, is there a good place where Sling/JCR deployment is discussed in detail?
I don't think we have a detailed description on how to deploy Sling applications, the best might be to ask on the users mailing list ( http://sling.apache.org/site/project-information.html#ProjectInformation-lists ) so that others can share their experiences.
As for starting with the launchpad I don't see a problem with that, that's pretty much how we are using Sling in Adobe CQ5. We have our own customized launcher that adds a few features, mostly related to upgrades management, but the basics are the same.
Although the few details of your project, I can say that Sling-Launchpad is a very useful tool to start an OSGi environment with selectable bundles. You just make a list of bundles to be included in the environment. It is very actively used in Apache Stanbol project. For the details you can investigate the various launchers of Stanbol e.g full, full-war, etc. Those launchers produce a single jar file including the necessary files to start the server.
Cryo-answer, maybe better late than never.
As long as you're not after a clustered config, the sling trunk build now has a debian contrib module that packages the launchpad jar in a debian package. It's a simplistic packaging mechanism that doesn't fully exploit all possible use cases, but it does setup logging and provide an etc/defaults for for config setup.
I'm working with an application that uses and manages a large amount of OSGi services and implementations for each service, with properties, dynamism and so. Using the command line of the Equinox console is useful, with commands like services or list -c . However, it is difficult to see specific implementations of services, and obtain a current snapshot of bounded or available services to consume. For example, you can see if the bundle references are satisfied, but you can't see which are the implementations of those satisfied references (although there are another mechanisms, of course).
So, the idea is to find a GUI with organized information (for example, using graphs) to increase the performance when you are developing in OSGi. Maybe there is one GUI in Eclipse plug-in perspective, but I can't find it.
If you don't know anything like this, I've in mind to create my own for my thesis :)
Eclipse has its Plug-in Registry view:
Window > Show View > Other... > Plug-in Development -> Plug-in Registry
This view comes with the Plug-in Development Environment (PDE), so you'll need to either use Eclipse Classic or Eclipse for Plug-in Developers or install it additionally through the standard Eclipse update mechanism.
The view can show the plugins, running in the current Eclipse instance and group them by plugin, extension points or services. I believe the last option is what you are searching for.
Although there was some work to make this view show remote content as well, it appears that this functionality hasn't made it to the normal Eclipse release.
Another tool, which can assist you in OSGi development is mToolkit. It is open source project, specifically aimed at helping developing in OSGi environments.
It provides similar view to the Plug-in Registry, but it only shows information about the OSGi bundles and services. It doesn't support nothing outside OSGi specification, so no plug-in registry inspection.
The Apache Felix console provides a web interface to manage OSGi services (and many other things) - I haven't tested it with Equinox but it has minimal dependencies so it should work in most OSGi environments. See http://felix.apache.org/site/apache-felix-web-console.html
I would checkout Peter Krien's Xray http://softwaresimplexity.blogspot.com/2012/07/xray-again.html
Have you looked at Knopflerfish and Apache Felix UIs? I think, they could be installed on top of Equinox as well.