Multiple Readers - Single Writer in Akka - actor

I would like to use Akka to implement a multiple-readers / one-writer pattern on a data structure, but I am stuck in the design of the actor model.
My initial thought was to have a supervisor actor which would receive external requests (read or write). Read requests would be forwarded to reader actors for asynchronous processing. Write requests would wait for all readers to finish and then be processed synchronously.
My problem is how to implement the "wait for all readers to finish" part.
I first thought of keeping a counter at the supervisor. The counter would be incremented every time the supervisor forwards a message to a reader. The reader would then send an "I am done" message back to the supervisor when it finished, which would then decrease the counter. However, I think this would lead to deadlocks, since the "I am done" messages would go to the same mailbox as the external requests. If the supervisor was processing a write request synchronously then the "I am done" would never reach it.
I am really stuck with the design. Any help would be appreciated.

Per the comments above.
Add a queue to your supervisor actor to queue incoming requests. When the readers send back the finished message, take a task off the queue and give it to the readers.

The post is old but it might help someone.
Using Futures with Await and where the future completes (onComplete or onSuccess), handle the write action.


Shutting down Akka actor if AskTimeout reached

Say I am doing an Ask() on actor with some timeout, if the ask timesout, is there a way to get the underlying actor to stop processing things? For example, I don't want the main thread / caller to continue and this actor is still processing the timed out request
Short answer is no, you cannot do it.
Long answer is it depends.
You could move actor's work to another execution context via a Future for example. This will allow your actor react on other messages but that Future that actor has started cannot be cancelled if it was picked up by an execution context and not hanging in the queue of the execution context.
You could write some smart Future wrapper that would check if future was cancelled before starting the work. But if processing has started, the only thing you can do is calling interrupt on the thread executing the future (meaning that you need to capture this thread somehow) and hopping that the work will hit Object.wait or Thread.sleep methods, ie the only places when the interrupt exception can be received. But there is no guarantee of this ever happening.
No you can't. The only thing you can do to an actor is send a message to it. You can't 'get' the actor in any kind of other kind of way to interrupt it. And since, under normal circumstances, messages are processed in order any subsequent "stop processing" message will only be processed after the first message was already completed.
I think the solution to your problem will depend a bit on why you suspect the actor may "time out" in responding.
For example, where you might expect the Actor may sometimes have a backlog of messages, I think the best solution may be to include the timeout as part of the message. In your receiveMessage handler you can check this "request expiry" time before doing actual work, and if the timeout has already passed, just discard the message.

Usage of non-blocking send and blocking receive in MPI?

I am trying to implement master-worker program.
My master has jobs that the workers are going to do. Every time a worker completes a job, he asks for a new job from the master, and the master sends it to him. The workers are calculating minimal paths. When a worker finds a minimum that is better than the global minimum he got, he sends it to everyone including the master.
I plan for the workers and masters to send data using MPI_ISEND. Also, I think that the receive should be blocking. The master has nothing to do when no one has asked for work or has updated the best result, so he should block waiting for a receive. Also, each worker should, after he has done his work, wait on a receive to get a new one.
Nevertheless, I'm not sure of the impact of using non-blocking asynchronous send, and blocking synchronous receive.
An alternative I think is using MPI_IPROBE, but I'm not sure that this will give me any optimization.
Please help me understand whether what I'm doing is right. Is this the right solution?
You can match blocking sends with nonblocking receives and vice versa, that won't cause any problems. However, if the master really has nothing to do while the workers work, and the workers should block after completing their work unit, then there's no reason for non-blocking communication on that front. The master can post a blocking receive with MPI_ANY_SOURCE, and the workers can just use a blocking send to post back their results, since the matching receive at the master will already have been posted.
So, I'd have Send-Recv for exchanging work units between master and worker, and Isend-Irecv for broadcasting the new global minima.

ZeroMQ XREP -- Endpoint disappearing

I am using a standard LRU queue as defined by the ZeroMQ guide figure 41, and I am wondering how to add in protection so that I don't send messages to end points that have disappeared (server crash, OOM killer, anything along those lines).
From the documentation I read that XREP will just drop the message if it is going to a non-existant end-point, and there is no way I get notified about that. Is there a way to get such a notification? Should I just send out a "ping" first and if I don't get a response then that "worker" is dead meat to me? How will I know that it is the same client that I just sent the ping to that I am getting the message back from?
Or is my use case not a good one for ZeroMQ? I just want to make sure that a message has been received, I don't want it being dropped on the floor without my knowledge...
Pinging a worker to know if it is alive will cause a race condition: the worker might well answer the ping just before it dies.
However, if you assume that a worker will not die during a request processing (you can do little in this case), you can reverse the flow of communication between the workers and the central queue. Let the worker fetch a request from the queue (using a REQ/REP connection) and have it send the answer along with the original envelope when the processing is done (using the same socket as above, or even better through a separate PUSH/PULL connection).
With this scenario, you know that a dead worker will not be sent requests, as it will be unable to fetch them (being dead…). Moreover, your central queue can even ensure that it receives an answer to every request in a given time. If it does not, it can put the request back in the queue so that a new worker will fetch it shortly after. This way, even if a worker dies while processing a request, the request will eventually be served.
(as a side note: be careful if the worker crashes because of a particular request - you do not want to kill your workers one by one, and might want to put a maximum number of tries for a request)
Edit: I wrote some code implementing the other direction to explain what I mean.

Async Request-Response Algorithm with response time limit

I am writing a Message Handler for an ebXML message passing application. The message follow the Request-Response Pattern. The process is straightforward: The Sender sends a message, the Receiver receives the message and sends back a response. So far so good.
On receipt of a message, the Receiver has a set Time To Respond (TTR) to the message. This could be anywhere from seconds to hours/days.
My question is this: How should the Sender deal with the TTR? I need this to be an async process, as the TTR could be quite long (several days). How can I somehow count down the timer, but not tie up system resources for large periods of time. There could be large volumes of messages.
My initial idea is to have a "Waiting" Collection, to which the message Id is added, along with its TTR expiry time. I would then poll the collection on a regular basis. When the timer expires, the message Id would be moved to an "Expired" Collection and the message transaction would be terminated.
When the Sender receives a response, it can check the "Waiting" collection for its matching sent message, and confirm the response was received in time. The message would then be removed from the collection for the next stage of processing.
Does this sound like a robust solution. I am sure this is a solved problem, but there is precious little information about this type of algorithm. I plan to implement it in C#, but the implementation language is kind of irrelevant at this stage I think.
Thanks for your input
Depending on number of clients you can use persistent JMS queues. One queue per client ID. The message will stay in the queue until a client connects to it to retrieve it.
I'm not understanding the purpose of the TTR. Is it more of a client side measure to mean that if the response cannot be returned within certain time then just don't bother sending it? Or is it to be used on the server to schedule the work and do what's required now and push the requests with later response time to be done later?
It's a broad question...

Broadcasting message to multiple processes (Point-to-Point Message Queue with multiple readers)

I want to share a data with multiple processes. My first attempt is to use Point to point message queue with multiple readers since I read that P2P Msg Queue is very fast.
During my test, it seems like multiple readers are reading from the same queue and once a message is fetched by one reader, other readers will not be able to fetch the same message.
What is a better IPC for sharing data to multiple processes?
The data is updated frequently (multiple times per second) so I think WM_COPYDATA is not a good choice and will interfere with the "normal" message queue.
My second attempt will probably be a shared memory + mutex + events
Point-to-point queues will work fine. Yes, when you send, only one receiver will get the message but the sender can query the queue (by calling GetMsgQueueInfo) to see how many listeners (wNumReaders member of the MSGQUEUEINFO) there are and simply repeat the message that number of times.
Finally, it's perfectly valid for more than one thread or process to open the same queue for read access or for write access. Point-to-point message queues support multiple readers and multiple writers. This practice allows, for example, one writer process to send messages to multiple client processes or multiple writer processes to send messages to a single reader process. There is, however, no way to address a message to a specific reader process. When a process, or a thread, reads the queue, it will read the next available message. There is also no way to broadcast a message to multiple readers.
Programming Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Developer Reference, Fourth Edition, Douglas Boiling, Page 304
Despite the warning, ctacke's ide seems to be fine for my use cases.
My queue readers need to Sleep(10) after they fetch their share of message to allow other readers to go and fetch messages. Without Sleep(), only one reader process is signaled from waiting.
