How to uniquely identify a process on windows? - windows

Let's take for example notepad. How can I in my application be 100% sure whether notepad is running or not?
By 100% I mean, if there is another process whose name is "notepad.exe" which in fact is not a real notepad but for example an imitation, I don't want to detect it. Only real notepads.
I've already thought about reading the process memory but it's more difficult than it appears to be, because of memory displacements etc.
The standard way is by name, right? But for me it is really important, that it is not any other program since I want to interact with it what would critical fail if I found a wrong process.
Does anyone know a good way of doing this?
PS: There is no specific programming language to do it in. If possible I would prefer an indipendent solution. But if required, I specifically use .Net/C#.

The only way to be 99.9%1 sure you're looking at the right executable is to validate the file's digital signature. For example, you'd ensure that the notepad.exe in question was signed by "Microsoft Corporation".
I'd do something like this:
Get the list of running processes.
Filter down to name of interest (notepad.exe)
Get each process' image [executable] path.
Validate that the Authenticode signature is valid and trusted.
Compare the name of the signer to the expected value.
Success! You can be very certain this is the correct file.
This method avoids issues like having to know ahead of time where the file should be located (which is nearly impossible – Notepad is installed in two locations), what its hash value should be (obviously bound to change), or strange user behavior (replacing Notepad with some other text editor).
1 - of course, it's impossible to be 100% sure. Someone really determined could self-sign an executable with the expected signer name and add the certificate to their machine's root store, causing the signature to appear valid.

Well, I haven't been confronted to that kind of problem, but you can first check if the process is running by searching by name (in your case, that would be notepad.exe), parse the Process.GetProcesses() list for that, then get
and see if this is the path to the Notepad executable, that would do the deal, right ?

What exactly do you know of the executable we want to be running? If you knew the filesize that could work as a "hack". Use #josh3736 's method, but replace point 4 and 5 by comparing the filesize with the one you know [different versions will have different sizes, but if there are not too many you can hardcode them]. Calculation a Md5-Hashtag would look more professional, but would do basicly the same thing.
If your process has a GUI: you could use EnumWindows for the children to get Edit-Boxes etc. Find something destinctive for your "notepad.exe" and check if it's there.


Applescript: system-wide global variable accessible by all scripts

We have a PDF document processing system, implemented in AppleScript (where we call the scripts from the shell using osascript). In some of the scripts, we call Acrobat Preflight Droplets from the Applescript.
This does usually work without problems. However, in some cases, where the processed document is big or/and complex. the droplet returns control to the script before the report is written and the document is moved to the "success" or "failure" folder. The consequence is that the process continues, but without the moved file, it eventually fails.
The workaround so far has been to add a delay after those droplet calls. This does help, but it is a waste of time for small documents, and there will always be a document big and complex enough to take longer than the delay.
We also found out that the time needed for finishing writing the report and moving the document depends on the speed of the system (had to be expected…).
The workaround would be to calculate the delay from the document size, its number of pages, and a machine-dependent parameter. Document size, and number of pages are no big deal; they can be retrieved in the Applescript.
The problem is the machine-dependent parameter, which can be determined experimentally. But how do I make that parameter available to all the scripts needing it?
Incorporating it into the scripts is not an option, because we have a number of systems installed, and if we would do that, we'd end up in a maintenance nightmare. Passing it as an argument in the initial system call is also not possible, because the calls are many, and again would lead to a maintenance nightmare.
So, is there a way to set up a place where that machine parameter can be stored and easily called from any Applescript, no matter how it itself is called.
Thanks a lot for your advice.
You might find the Property List Suite in System Events useful. It’s a standard means of storing and then retrieving such information. Property List files themselves are simply XML files, so you can even create them outside of AppleScript and then read them within your scripts.
There’s a description with examples at
A simple suggestion if you only have one paramater to keep track of would be to just have a text file in a known location on each machine. The only content of the text file would be the machine paramater. I like to use the Application Support folder this kind of thing.
Assuming your machine parameter is CPU speed. You can save a text file in /Library/Application Support/Preflight Scripts/machinecpu.txt with the contents:
Then in Applescript, you would just read the text file.:
set machineParam to read file "Macintosh HD:Library:Application Support:Preflight Scripts:machinecpu.txt"

identify portable executable

I want to write a program that allows or blocks processes while openning a file depending on a policy.
I could make a control by checking the name of the program. However, it would not be enough because user can change the name to pass the policy. i.e. let's say that policy doesn't allow a.exe to access txt files whereas b.exe is allowed. If user change a.exe with b.exe, i cannot block it.
On the other hand, verifying portable executable signature is not enough for me, because i don't care whether the executable signed or not. I just want to identify the executable that is wanted to execute even its name is changed.
For this type of case, what would you propose? Any solutions are welcome.
Thanks in advance
There are many ways to identify an executable file. Here is a simple list:
The most simple and straightforward approach is to identify a file by its name. But it is one of the easiest things to change, and you already ruled that out.
Files have an access, creation, and modification date, and they are managed by the operating system. They are not foolproof, or maybe not even accurate.
Also, they are very simple to change.
Version Information:
Since we are talking about executable files, then most executable files have version information attached to it. For example, original file name, file version, product version, company, description, etc. You can check these fields if you are sure the user cannot modify them by editing your executable. It doesn't require you to keep a database of allowed files. However, it does require you to have something to compare to, like company name, or a product name. Also, If someone made an executable with the same value
they can run instead of the allowed one and bypass your protection.
If the file is located in a specific place and is protected by file system access rights, and it cannot be changed, then you can use that. You can, for example, put the allowed files in a folder where the user (without admin rights) can only read/execute them, but not rename/move. Then identify the file with its location. If it is run from this location, then allow it, else block it. It is good as it doesn't need a database of
allowed/blocked files, it just compares the location, it it is a valid one, then allow, and you can keep adding and removing files to allowed locations
without affecting your program.
If the file has a specific file size, you can quickly check its size and compare it. But it is unreliable as files can be changed/patched and without any change in size. You can avoid that by also applying a CRC check to detect if the content of the file changed.
But, both size and CRC can be changed. Also, this requires you to have a list of file names and their sizes/CRC, and keeping it up to date.
Deanna mentioned that you can self-sign your executable files. Then check if the signature matches yours and allow/deny based on that. This seems to be a good way if
it is okay for you to sign all the executable files you want to allow. It doesn't require you to keep an updated list of allowed files.
arx also pointed out, that you can hash the files. It is one of the slowest methods, as it requires the file to be hashed every time it is executed, then compared to a list of files. But it very reliable as it can uniquely identify each file and hard to break. But, you will need to keep an up to date database of every file hash.
Finally, and depend on your needs and options, you can mix two or more ways together to get the results you want. Like, checking file name + location, etc.
I hope I covered most of things, but I'm sure there are more ways. Anyone can freely edit my post to include anything that I have missed.
I would recommend using the signature, if it has one, or the hash otherwise. Apps such as Office that update frequently are more likely to be signed, whereas smaller apps downloaded off the Internet are unlikely to ever be updated and so should have a consistent hash.

OSX: How to force multiple-file-copy operation to plough through errors

This is so wrong.
I want to perform a large copy operation; moving 250 GB from my laptop hard drive to an external drive.
OSX lion claims this will take about five hours.
After a couple of hours of chugging, it reports that one particular file could not be copied (for whatever reason; I cannot remember and I don't have the patience to repeat the experiment at the moment).
And on that note it bails.
I am frankly left aghast.
That this problem persists in this day and age is to me scarcely believable. I remember hitting up against the same scenario 20 years back with Windows 3.1.
How hard would it be for the folks at Apple (or Microsoft for that matter) to implement file copying in such a way that it skips over failures, writing a list of failed operations on-the-fly to stderr? And how much more useful would that implementation be? (both these questions are rhetorical by the way; simply an expression of my utter bewilderment; please don't answer them unless by means of comments or supplements to an answer to the actual question, which follows:).
More to the point (and this is my actual question), how can I implement this myself in OS X?
PS I'm open to all solutions here: programmatic / scripting / third-party software
I hear and understand your rant, but this is bordering on being a SuperUser-type question and not a programming question (saved only by the fact you said you would like to implement this yourself).
From the description, it sounds like the Finder bailed when it couldn't copy one particular file (my guess is that it was looking for admin and/or root permission for some priviledged folder).
For massive copies like this, you can use the Terminal command line:
sudo cp
with options like "-R" (which continues copying even if errors are detected -- unless you're using "legacy" mode) or "-n" (don't copy if the file already exists at the destination). You can see all the possible options by typing in "man cp" at the Terminal command line.
If you really wanted to do this programatically, there are options in NSWorkspace (the performFileoperation:source:destination:files:tag: method (documentation linked for you, look at the NSWorkspaceCopyOperation constant). You can also do more low level stuff via "NSFileManager" and it's copyItemAtPath:toPath:error: method, but that's really getting to brute-force approaches there.

Is it possible to create a file that cannot be copied?

To restrict the scope, let assume we are in Windows world only.
Also assume we don't want to play with permission policy.
Is it possible for us to create a file that cannot be copied?
Thank you in advance.
"Trying to make digital files uncopyable is like trying to make water not wet." ~ Bruce Schneier
No. You can't create a file that a SYSADMIN can't copy. You could encrypt it, though.
Well, how about creating a file that uses up more than 50% of the total space on that machine and that is not compressible?
For instance, let us assume that you want to save a boolean (true or false) in such a fashion.
Depending on its value, you could then write a bit stream of ones or zeroes and encrypt said stream using some kind of encryption algorith, such as AES in CBC mode. This gives you the added advantage of error correction. Even in case of massive data corruption, you should be able to recover your boolean by checking whether ones or zeroes are prevalent in the decrypted stream.
In that case you cannot copy it around (completely) on the machine...
Of course, any type of external memory that can be added to the system would pose a problem in this scenario. But the file would be already encrypted, so don't worry about it too much...
Any file that can be read can have its contents written to another location (such as another file, i.e. copied).
The only thing you can do is limit who/what can read the file.
What is the motivation behind? If it is a read-only file, you can have it as embedded resources within your assembly.
Nice try, RIAA.
But seriously, no you can not. It is always possible to copy, you can just make it it more difficult for people to make sense of the file or try to hide it using like encryption. Spotify does it.
If you really try hard thou, you cold make a root-kit for windows and use it to prevent windows from even knowing about the file and also prevent copies. The file will still be there and copy-able by other tools, or Linux accessing the ntfs.
If in a running process you open a file and hold an exclusive lock, then other processes cannot read the file until you close the handle or your process terminates. However, as admin you could forcibly remove the lock handle.
Short answer: No.
You can, of course, use security settings to limit who can read the file. But if someone can read it, then they can copy it. Even if you found some operating system trick to disable "ordinary" copying, if someone can read the file, they can extract the contents, store it in memory, and then write it somewhere else.
You can encrypt the contents so it's only useful to your own program, that knows how to decrypt it.
That's about it.
When using Windows 7 to copy some files from a hard drive, certain files popped up a message saying they could not be copied in their entirety; certain data would be omitted from the copy. I suspect that had something to do with slack space at the end of the files, though I thought the message was curious. I would have expected the copy operation to just ignore the slack space.
If you are running old (OLD) versions of windows, there are certain characters you can put in the filename that make it invalid, not listed in folders, etc. They were used a lot in the old pub ftp days of filesharing ;)
In the old DOS days, you used to be able to flag disk sectors as bad and still read from them. This meant the OS ignored the sector in question but your application would know where to look and be able to get the data. Not sure this would work these days.
Another old MS-DOS trick was to put a space character in the middle of the filename (yes, spaces were valid characters for filenames). Since there was no method on the command line to escape a space, the file couldn't be copied using the DOS commands.
This answer is outside Windows so yeah
Dont know if its already been said but what about a file that is an inseperable part of the firmware so that it is always on AND running, perhaps it has firmware that generates a sequence that is required for the other . AN incedental effect of its running is to prevent any 80% or more of its code from being replicated. Lets say its on an entirely different board, protected by surge protectors, heavy em proof shielding and anything else required to make it completely unerasable.
If its possible to make a program that is ALWAYS on and running as long as the copying software is running then yes.
I have another way and this IS with windows. I will come to your house and give you a disk, i will then proceed to destroy every single computer you put the disk into. This doesnt work on XP
Well technically you could create and write to a write-only network share.

Should I deal with files longer than MAX_PATH?

Just had an interesting case.
My software reported back a failure caused by a path being longer than MAX_PATH.
The path was just a plain old document in My Documents, e.g.:
C:\Documents and Settings\Bill\Some Stupid FOlder Name\A really ridiculously long file thats really very very very..........very long.pdf
Total length 269 characters (MAX_PATH==260).
The user wasn't using a external hard drive or anything like that. This was a file on an Windows managed drive.
So my question is this. Should I care?
I'm not saying can I deal with the long paths, I'm asking should I. Yes I'm aware of the "\?\" unicode hack on some Win32 APIs, but it seems this hack is not without risk (as it's changing the behaviour of the way the APIs parse paths) and also isn't supported by all APIs .
So anyway, let me just state my position/assertions:
First presumably the only way the user was able to break this limit is if the app she used uses the special Unicode hack. It's a PDF file, so maybe the PDF tool she used uses this hack.
I tried to reproduce this (by using the unicode hack) and experimented. What I found was that although the file appears in Explorer, I can do nothing with it. I can't open it, I can't choose "Properties" (Windows 7). Other common apps can't open the file (e.g. IE, Firefox, Notepad). Explorer will also not let me create files/dirs which are too long - it just refuses. Ditto for command line tool cmd.exe.
So basically, one could look at it this way: a rouge tool has allowed the user to create a file which is not accessible by a lot of Windows (e.g. Explorer). I could take the view that I shouldn't have to deal with this.
(As an aside, this isn't an vote of approval for a short max path length: I think 260 chars is a joke, I'm just saying that if Windows shell and some APIs can't handle > 260 then why should I?).
So, is this a fair view? Should I say "Not my problem"?
UPDATE: Just had another user with the same problem. This time an mp3 file. Am I missing something? How can these users be creating files that violate the MAX_PATH rule?
It's not a real problem. NTFS support filenames up to 32K (32,767 wide characters). You need only use correct API and correct syntax of filenames. The base rule is: the filename should start with '\\?\' (see like \\?\C:\Temp. The same syntax you can use with UNC: \\?\UNC\Server\share\Path. Important to understand that you can use only a small subset of API function. For example look at MSDN description of functions
and so on
you will find text like :
In the ANSI version of this function,
the name is limited to MAX_PATH
characters. To extend this limit to
32,767 wide characters, call the
Unicode version of the function and
prepend "\?\" to the path. For more
information, see Naming a File.
This functions you can safe use. If you have a file handle from CreateFile you can use all other functions used hFile (ReadFile, WriteFile etc.) without any restriction.
If you write a program like virus scanner or backup software or some good software running on a server you should write your program so, that all file operations support filenames up to 32K characters and not MAX_PATH characters.
This limitation is baked into a lot of software written in C or C++. Including MSFT code, although they've been chipping away at it. It is only partly a Win32 limitation, it still has a hard upper limit on the length of a file name (not path) through WIN32_FIND_DATA for example. One reason that even .NET has length restrictions. This is not going away any time soon, Win32 is still going strong and the stone-age C string won't disappear.
Your customer will have little sympathy with it, no doubt, probably until you can show them another program that fails the same way. Do however make sure that your code reliably can detect the potential string buffer overflow, followed by a reasonable diagnostic. No sympathy for programs bombing on heap corruption.
As you mentioned many of the Windows Shell functions only work on paths up to MAX_PATH. Windows XP and I believe Vista both have problems in Explorer when nesting directories with long file names. I've not checked Windows 7 - perhaps they have fixed that. This unfortunately means that users have a hard time browsing these file.
If you really wish to support long paths you'll need to check any functions you are using in Shell32.dll that take paths to ensure they support long paths. For those that don't you'll have to use write them yourself using Kernel32 functions.
If you decide to use Shell32 and be limited to MAX_PATH, writing your code to support long file paths would be advisable. If Microsoft later change Shell32 (or create an alternative), you will be better positioned to add support for them.
Just to add another couple of dimensions to the problem, remember that filenames are UTF-16, and you may encounter non NTFS or FAT filesystems that may be case sensitive!
Your own APIs should not hard-code a fixed limit on the path length (or any other hard limits); however, you shouldn't violate the preconditions of the system APIs in order to accomplish some task. IMHO, the fact that Windows limits the length of path names is absurd and should be considered a bug. That said, no I would suggest you not attempt to use the various system APIs other than as documented, even if that results in certain undesireable behavior such as limits to the maximum path length. So, in short, your view is completely fair; if the OS doesn't support it, then the OS doesn't support it. That said, you may want to make it clear to users that this is a limitation of Windows and not of your own code.
One easy way how these files with long paths could be created even by software that does not support paths longer than MAX_PATH: through a file share.
"C:\My veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery looooooooooooooooooong folder" could be shared as "data". Users could then access that folder through the UNC path \\computer\data or (even shorter) through a drive letter (M:\) assuming that M: is mapped to \\computer\data.
This often happens on file servers.
Paths often can be bigger than 260, one example would be when symlinks get nested and repeat over and over sometimes even on purpose. I think programmers should think about whether they want their program to handle these insanely large paths or not. IMO, 260 is PLENTY of space but thats just me. My answer to this is:
if you have to ask yourself so deeply about breaking the 260 char limit, then thats probably what you should do. We often look for confirmation when we are about to do something that we are unsure about...
I think the maximum path anywhere in the API is about 32k long but thats up to you. Back in the day that was a pretty big chunk of change (half of an entire memory segment!! sheesh!) but nowdays, in the segment-transparent addressing environment in which we live, where all memory is heaped together on the flat, 32k is nothin'... AFAIK paths wouldn't need to be that long unless you are using some fancy unicode language that requires lots of other characters, etc, etc.. we could blab about this all day but you get the idea. I hope this helps..... or hurts?
I am doung some C programming and I was searching for a way to get the maximum length of a given filename, after a search for MAX_PATH I stumbled to this thread and after som thoughts on this matter and after reading the comments on this thread I have come to the following conclusion.
So I understand that NTFS support filenames up to 32.767 characters in length, however, according to knowledge FAT16 only support 11 character filenames, 8 + 3, so in reallity operating systems should have a function which our program can call to dertemine the maximum filename size, simply because all filesystems have different limitations including the length of the filename.
So the end conclusion must be that since us, the developers, don't know anything about which filesystem the data is going to be stored in, so therefore the only solution must be an try and error method.
Not strictly an answer to your specific question, but it might help those who do need to handle long file names.
The Delimon library is a .NET Framework 4 based library on Microsoft TechNet for overcoming the long filenames problem:
Delimon.Win32.I​O Library (V4.0).
It has its own versions of key methods from System.IO. For example, you would replace:
which will let you handle long files and folders.
From the website:
Delimon.Win32.IO replaces basic file functions of System.IO and
supports File & Folder names up to up to 32,767 Characters.
This Library is written on .NET Framework 4.0 and can be used either
on x86 & x64 systems. The File & Folder limitations of the standard
System.IO namespace can work with files that have 260 characters in a
filename and 240 characters in a folder name (MAX_PATH is usually
configured as 260 characters). Typically you run into the
System.IO.PathTooLongException Error with the Standard .NET Library.
