How to get TFS build on a dedicated server - visual-studio-2010

I have my desktop with VS 2010 professional installed, a virtual machine with TFS 2010 installed and a second virtual machine on which I want the builds to work onto.
Thats what I'm trying to say.
The two virtual machines are on the same domain, the VS 2010 is on a different domain.
Is it just configuring the build agent?
Hope this makes sence.

To make your Visual Studio project build on a dedicated server you have to setup a Team Build definition, see this page on the MSDN for more information.


TFS Online and Visual Studio 2013

I am trying to automate my builds/releases. I'm using VS 2013 for development and I put my team project on VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services). I downloaded "Build and Release Agent" and installed a private agent on my machine. Agent connected successfully and listening for jobs as well. But when I am trying to create a build from Visual Studio Online it doesn't build and fails. The error that I am getting is
Error: Visual Studio 2015 is not found. Try again with a version that exists on your build agent machine
Do I need to get Visual Studio 2015? But I don't have a license for that.
VSTS checks the agent to see what capabilities it supports - basically what other dev tools are installed on the agent machine - and it sounds like that's the check that's failing here.
But why not update to Visual Studio 2017, the latest, now? The Community edition is free and quite full featured. I expect you'd be happy going that route.
When you register an agent, Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) scans the machine to determine which tools are installed and can be used for building software. This can be versions of Visual Studio, Java, NPM etc. This makes up the capabilities of your agent. If you navigate to, you can then select your pool and agent (by default, the pool is default and the agent name is your machine name). You can then view the capabilities of the agent like shown here:
Now when you create a build, each task also has a set of demands. When you queue a build, VSTS looks for an agent that has the right set of capabilities to meet the demands of the build definition. When such an agent cannot be found, you get an error like what you're seeing.
So you've probably added a task that requires VS 2015. Some tasks allow you to specify the VS version you want to use. If that's not possible, you could look into using another task or maybe using one of the free Community Editions to upgrade your machine.

Visual Studio & SharePoint distant Server

I have VisualStudio 2015 on my computer and i would like to connect it in SharePoint Server which is put on another computer (Using VM)
I know that, VS works only with SP in local.
Is it possible?
Thanks :)
One option is to publish the solution locally. For a farm solution, publishing from Visual Studio will produce a .wsp file.
You can then copy that file to the computer with SharePoint installed on it, and use Powershell (running on the remote computer) to deploy it in to SharePoint via the add-spsolution and install-spsolution cmdlets.
For more detailed information and instructions, you can refer to Microsoft's documentation here: Install and manage solutions for SharePoint 2013.

Can Visual Studio Online synchronize with TFS on a given project

We have a project source-controlled by local TFS installation (both are 2013 version).
The scenario that we want to accomplish is:
Developers located in the company use the local TFS as usual.
When they finish they check-in the code to the local TFs and Visual Studio Online.
Developers working from outside the company, get latest from the Visual studio Online.
When they finish, they check-in the changes back to Visual Studio Online.
The target is to have local and online code repositories that can be synchronized either manually or automatically. Is this possible using Visual Studio Online? If not, are there any workaround to achieve this scenario?
You can synchronise the work using the TFS Integration Tools. They are complicated to setup and will be painfull to run. There are commercial options that are ridiculously expensive, like OpsHub, and I would suggest you just pick a server.
Either have your local server with remote users on VPN, or have a VSO server that everyone accesses. I would recommend VSO with local Build servers.
You can check here. How to access VS 2010 TFS over the internet from remote office
It is about vs2010 but i guess the second answer is for you.

installing VS2010 express on server

Visual Studio 2010, C#, ASP.NET & SQL Server 2008 are my main development tools, recently I've bought a VDS (virtual dedicated server) which runs on Win server 2008 R2, my vendor has install SQL server 2008 express on my server, but I'm going to have VS2010 on my server also, as I think running and debugging my web apps on server would be much faster and easier than remote tests, is it possible at all to use VS2010 and code in my server? I can use remote desktop to view my server so I think it should be possible.
I use VS2010 ultimate on my local machine, what is the difference between VS2010 express and ultimate as I've that VS express is free of charge, so it is easy to download and install it on server
what should I do now? guide me please
You can also use remote debugging. Depending on how much control you have on your server you may be able to get it working. In Visual Studio when you choose Debug -> Attach To Process it allows you to specify a remote machine to connect to. On the remote machine you'd connect to the w3wp.exe process associated with your AppPool. If you went this route you would not need Visual Studio on your production machine.
I do not know the details of your situation but why would you want to debug your application on your (production) server? That is what your development environment (local machine) is for. Once you are satisfied with your local build you deploy it to your server.

I am setting up a SharePoint Development environment. Can I setup Sharepoint on a VM and Visual Studio on my production computer?

I am going to be learning how to do SharePoint 2010 development and as such I am setting up my environment? I have a couple of questions about that.
First, I am following a couple of helpful articles on how to do it as follows...
Both of these article recommend setting up Sharepoint on a server environment or VM and THEN setup Visual Studio on that same environment.
I was wondering if it will work to setup Sharepoint on a VM Guest and use my existing installation of Visual Studio (my VM host) to do the work. To do Sharepoint development do you HAVE to install Visual Studio on the VM Guest with Sharepoint? What do I lose if I just use my production install of Visual Studio (or will it just plain not work?).
It just seems counter-productive to have two development environments (and I refuse to install Sharepoint on my production least right now.)
Also, will SharePoint Foundation edition (rather than full server version) function just fine for learning and development or will I find that I am eventually going to hit barriers and limitations with it.
Thanks in advance for your help.
In order for many of the SharePoint features Visual Studio 2010 to work, both must be installed on the same machine (or VM). Visual Studio can't deploy to another machine, and the debugger (F5 Debugging) won't work remotely. If you choose to not install VS on the VM, then you will have to package and deploy the solutions yourself, as well as debug them yourself, either through the remote debugger, or trace logs on the machine. Its worth installing VS on your VM.
The SharePoint Foundation will work fine for learning, unless you are trying to learn about some of the features specific to SharePoint Server. Here is a good chart showing the differences.
You need to have SharePoint installed on your development machine so that you can write code utilizing the SharePoint assemblies.
As for just using SharePoint Foundation, I would recommend that you identify what sort of functionality you want to work with and let that determine if you can get away with just using SharePoint Foundation or not. Personally, I would use the full version so that you can learn about the the functionality it offers as well. Otherwise, you won't really be learning everything that SharePoint can provide for you.
