How to turn off Background Audio Agents in Windows Phone 7.5? - windows-phone-7

I'm following this Hands on Lab
And then I've a small question: how to turn off this program completely?
I tried: BackgroundAudioPlayer.Instance.Close();
but it stills running. I wanna remove this control when program is turned off.
See this picture. thanks so much :)

BackgroundAudioPlayer.Instance.Stop() ?
Also, this 3 part series is really good.

I use BackgroundAudioPlayer.Instance.Close() and the agent is shut down
Closes the player and removes all resources reserved for it, including
the current AudioTrack.
You can see the Shut down event is fired in OnPlayStateChanged event handler
Also, when seeing at the Output window, the Background Task is terminated


Getting memory leaks from Appcelerator Alloy app

I have an Alloy app. It has got 7 windows and opens at same time. When user close a opened window $.removeListener(); $.destroy(); codes runs at window close event. But I am getting memory leaks on Android device. %90 windows has got ListView, every window has got max 2 Listview. What is the right approach for multiple windows?
First of all, why you would want to open 7 windows at same time when user can only see max 1 window at a time.
It's dead simple, open only that window which user should see first, & create a link-flow to other window in previous window.
Can you think of any app on Play Store which does so, if you have, then please send me its link, I would really love to review it?
But if you mean to say that user will see all windows at same time in a scrolling behaviour or like paging, then go to Ti.UI.TabGroup
Are you 100% sure that your event listeners are being removed?
I don't know the function $.removeListener(); is this a custom function?
As a general rule I try and put as many of my event listeners into the xml, as these are automatically removed, and have a custom function destroyMe() that runs onClose which removes any other listeners that I may have used and $.destroy()
Ti.App.addEventListener is a killer too, make sure these are removed if you use them!
ps: i totally understand the 7 windows bit :-)

Turn off computer when screen is powered down ( windows 7)

Mostly out of curiosity, i was wondering how should i approach this. I'd like to make it so that when i turn off my screen, the computer shuts down. In essence, i'd like to make a service that constantly check whether the screen is on or off.
Any ideas/suggestions are welcome. Thank you for taking the time and i wish you all a plesant day.
Well, if there would be a way to check the status of the connected monitors and you shut your computer down when the screen goes off, how do you plan to turn your computer on again? I expect then you have to use the normal hardware button on your tower. Why not stick to these buttons? It has worked the last 30 years or so...
To make an actual suggestion:
Setup a webcam to monitor your screen. Using simple picture analysis you can detect if the screen is on or off
Shutdown your computer down when screen goes off
Also you can monitor the szenario when turning your screen on. You should see a manufacturers logo for a few seconds or somethinglike this. (Now you need a second computer with a second webcam)
With the second computer you can build some little machine that pushes the power on button on your first computer to turn it on
But how to turn on/off the second computer? Well, you need another one for that...

take a screenshot of a desktop created using createdesktop api

i am using the createdesktop api to create a desktop and i would like to take a screenshot or send input mouse/keyboard without dispalying the desktop to the user.any ideeas on how to implement this???
The short answer that I've found is that you can't. You can't take a screenshot of an inactive desktop because there are no paint calls because there are no visible windows to redraw.
You can do a SwitchDesktop() call, screen shot, then SwitchDesktop() back. The user won't notice it, but you likely won't get much in the screen shot because in this short time the windows haven't had time to redraw.
Another thing is, you have to make a new thread to call SetThreadDesktop(). If you use your main thread to do so, it will fail when using a GUI application. SetThreadDesktop() fails when you have a window in the current desktop.
SysInternals has an application to manage multiple desktops (like the linux desktop switch). When your about to pick a desktop to switch to it will show you a thumbnail of the desktop. This thumbnail is not live, it is captured by the last known full redraw when the user is in that desktop. In short, if SysInternals can't do a live screenshot I doubt any of us will.
This is of course based on my own research of this exact feature. If someone has actually gotten it to work I'd love to know so I can't use it too!
Edit: This won't work for invisible desktops, I've looked to my old code, and I see that I needed that for catching screenshot of active desktop (which was not 'WinSta0\Default'), to get handle of active user desktop I've used OpenInputDesktop.
+1 ThievingSix you are right.
Sorry everyone for my misunderstanding.
You need to use SetThreadDesktop (if you are creating desktop by CreateDestkop, then you have handle for it which you pass to SetThreadDesktop). After switching desktop for thread, you can catch screenshot. Good idea would be revert to previous desktop for thread (to not 'break' other/future code).
lOldDesktop: HDESK;
lOldDesktop:= GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId);
if not SetThreadDesktop(ADesktop) then // pass handle to your desktop, or dekstop handle obtained from OpenInputDesktop
{error handle, like RaiseLastOSError or Exit(False)};
// your screenshot/input/mouse code here
if lOldDesktop<> 0 then // GetThreadDesktop can fail (I don't know condition when this GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId) could fail)
SetThreadDesktop(lOldDesktop); // revert thread to previous desktop
This code should run in non-main thread, as ThievingSix pointed because SetThreadDesktop can fail in that case. Safe way is spawn thread to make screenshot.
PS. I'm not sure if this will work with "send input mouse/keyboard" (it should), but for screenshot works.
More on sessions, window stations, desktops here
Desktop tool (SysInternals) -

Receive screensaver notification

I want to receive a notification in my C++ application when a screensaver is about to start. I tried listening to WM_SYSCOMMAND messages with wParam == SC_SCREENSAVE which some people think should do the trick.
That didn't work. Spy++ even showed that my window didn't receive any WM_SYSCOMMAND message. Interesting thing is when I turned off the monitor I did receive the message with wParam == SC_MONITORPOWER. Am I understanding it wrong? Or did I just miss something?
Edit: For testing I used the default windows screensaver (the one with windows logo).
It appears that I will receive the SC_SCREENSAVE message only when my window has focus. The way around this is to set global hook. That would require me to put the callback function in a separate DLL and there is also this scary message about hooks slowing down the system so I decided to drop the idea of responding to screensaver start.
This is a relatively complex task (although it would be nice if it were easy).
Some of these tests you'll find online only work if your window is in focus. If it's running in the background it may not receive such messages.
Other tests rely on a screensaver program running (check the currently set screensaver, and then watch the process list to see if it's active) but don't work if you go into powersave mode, or if your screensaver is a black screen (ie, no program, just monitor off).
I don't believe there's an ideal way to do this. You might want to go back to the beginning and think more carefully about why you need to detect this state, and what you are trying to accomplish. You might need a different solution.
Probably my answer comes too late.
The MSDN handles screensavers under "Legacy".
On a notebook they waste battery and on a PC they are also useless.
It is better to turn the monitor off than letting it show a screensaver.
As you don't explain exactly what you want to do I don't know if you really need the notification BEFORE the saver starts or if it is enough to get notified when it already has just started.
In the latter case it is easy.
Write a thread that periodically checks:
BOOL b_SaverRunning;
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETSCREENSAVERRUNNING, 0, &b_SaverRunning, 0);

How to determine that a screensaver is running?

One solution that one could suggest is to periodically look for a special 'Screen-saver' desktop, and if it's present then count it as a running screensaver.
But apparently this is not the case for all screensavers as with some the mentioned desktop is always present.
Are there more reliable solutions for this?
See the WINAPI function SystemParametersInfo() with the SPI_GETSCREENSAVERRUNNING parameter. It's the only documented way to detect whether the screen saver is currently running. (You can also find out if a screen saver is even enabled, get and set the timeout value, and start the screen saver using this function.)
I think the key is to identify the screensaver by its window class ("WindowsScreenSaverClass"). I found this page
How do I start, detect and stop screen savers? that has some code examples and explanations.
HOW TO: Determine If Screen Saver Is Running by Using Visual Basic 6.0
I know this is for VB6, but it's bound to be a good place to start.
This is my implementation of screen saver event detection.
SPI_GETSCREENSAVERRUNNING detects Windows Event id 4802 and 4803 which weren't accurate in my case, see my problem hence user idle time calculation is added
GetLastInputInfo apparently doesn't work if process is a service.
search processes for a process with .scr in its .MainModule.FileName
