Play 2.0 framework - POST parameters - model-view-controller

I'm trying to POST parameters to Action, and wrote in the routes:
# Home page
GET / controllers.Application.index()
POST /login/name:/password: controllers.Application.login(name, password)
and I have an Action
public static Result login(String name, String password) {
return ok(name + " " + password);
my form is
<form action="/login" method="post">
<input name="name" type="text" id="name">
<input name="password" type="password" id="password">
<input type="submit" value="Login">
And it doesn't work
For request 'POST /login' [Missing parameter: name]
What am i doing wrong?

Simply change the route to the following:
POST /login controllers.Application.login(name, password)
By NOT including the dynamic names (:name and :password) in the routing path, the assumption is that the variables come from the request (IE: your html inputs)
The error you are getting indicates that name and password do not appear in the url path... which is correct because the path you specified in your routes indicates the path should look something like this:
Please check and look at the section called "Call to action generator method"

your route should not include dynamic parts (name, password) since the data is in the body and not the url

Though an old post, but if anyone new comes to the question. We should not add parameters, when you are using post, also if you did use parameters, it would be
GET /login/:name/:password controllers.Application.login(name: String, password: String)
For post, don't add parameters and bind it to a case class inside the controllers and access the variables.


Missing request attribute 'projektId' of type String | Thymleaf Form with just a String

I'm working on a Projekt where you can add workers to projects with their ids.I am using springboot, thymeleaf and a database means you give a project and a worker Id and the programm adds the worker to the project.workerlist. The Problem ist that I get this error:
Required request parameter 'projektId' for method parameter type String is not present
My HTML Form looks like this
<form action="#" th:action="#{neuenMitarbeiterzuProjektHinzufuegen}" method="post">
Projekt ID: <input type="text" th:value="*{projektId}" required/><br>
Mitarbeiter ID: <input type="text" th:value="*{mitarbeiterId}" required/><br>
<input type="submit" value="Mitarbeiter hinzufügen"/>
<input type="reset" value="Clear"/>
My Post Route Handler Method looks like this
public String neuenMitarbeiterzuProjektHinzufuegen(#RequestAttribute(value = "projektId") String projektID, #RequestAttribute(value = "mitarbeiterId") String mitarbeiterID,Model m)
Optional<Projekt> projekt = projektRepository.findById(Long.parseLong(projektID));
return "redirect:Projekte";
Looking at your code example I think you should be using #RequestParam not #RequestAttribute. Param is for things posted from the user (web) side and attribute you can set on the server side.
This blog has some explanation on the difference of #RequestAttribute

how to display validation errors from another form submit

Imagine a form with a single field where the user provides their email. On POST, the controller action method sends a confirmation code to that email and displays a second form in which the user is supposed to enter the confirmation code they received. If the code does not match I then return the original view and I would like to display an error message next to the email ("email was not confirmed").
Sample code below:
1st view (asking the email)
Please provide the following information to sign-up:
<form:form modelAttribute="newAccountInfo" action="" method="POST">
<div><form:label path="email">Email:</form:label>
<form:input type="text" path="email"/><form:errors path="email" cssClass="error" element="div"/>
1st view controller method
#RequestMapping(path="/signup-submit", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String signupSubmit(HttpServletRequest request
, #ModelAttribute("newAccountInfo") #Valid NewAccountInfo newAccountInfo
, BindingResult result
, Model model) {
String confirmCode = generateRandomSecret();
// send confirmCode by email to (omitted)
model.addAttribute("emailConfirmation" , new EmailConfirmation());
request.getSession().setAttribute("newAccountInfo", newAccountInfo);
request.getSession(false).setAttribute("email-code", confirmCode);
2nd view (asking the confirmation code)
Enter the confirmation code that was sent to your email:
<form:form modelAttribute="emailConfirmation" action="" method="POST">
<form:label path="code">Confirmation code:</form:label>
<form:input type="text" path="code"/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
2nd view controller method
#RequestMapping(path="/signup-email-confirmation-submit", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String signupEmailConfirmationSubmit(
#ModelAttribute("emailConfirmation") EmailConfirmation emailConfirmation
, BindingResult result
, Model model) {
if (emailConfirmation.getCode().equals(request.getSession(false).getAttribute("email-code")))
else {
model.addAttribute("newAccountInfo", request.getSession(false).getAttribute("newAccountInfo"));
// TODO - what should I do here ?
Assuming the confirmation code was not correctly entered, what should I do in the second view controller method so that when the first view is displayed (for the second time), there is a field validation error message next to the email with description "email was not confirmed" ?
In the line marked with the TODO comment I 've tried the following:
result.rejectValue("email", null, "email was not confirmed");
… but that results in the following exception:
org.springframework.beans.NotReadablePropertyException: Invalid property 'email' of bean class [EmailConfirmation]: Bean property 'email' is not readable or has an invalid getter method: Does the return type of the getter match the parameter type of the setter?
(which makes sense as the email is not a field of EmailConfirmation).
However, the below also fails (silently, without an exception, the 1st view is displayed, I just don't see the validation error message):
result.addError(new FieldError("newAccountInfo", "email", "email could not be confirmed"));
In the end, the only way I could get this to work was to add a custom model property by adding the following (in the TODO line of the second view controller method always):
model.addAttribute("emailConfirmationError", true);
… and then modifying the 1st view as follows:
<div><form:label path="email">Email:</form:label>
<form:input type="text" path="email"/>
<form:errors path="email" cssClass="error" element="div"/>
<c:if test="${not empty emailConfirmationError}">
<span class="error">The email could not be confirmed</span>
The above succeeds but feels like a hack as I am not using the validation machinery of Spring MVC.
My questions are:
what is the idiomatic way to achieve the above
are there any other flawed mental models or misunderstandings present in the above code?

Spring mvc: I cant map form action url to controller action

I apologize in advance if this or a similar question has already been asked, but I could not find a suitable answer.
I have a simple form like this in EditUser.jsp (mapped to: .../admin/users/edit/{userId}):
<form action="/admin/users/edit/addRole/${user.userId}" method="POST">
<select name="role">
<c:forEach var="role" items="${roles}">
<option value="${role}">${role}</option>
<button type="submit" value="AddRole">Add Role</button>
And #RequestMapping like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/admin/users/edit/addRole/${userId}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String addUserRole(
Model model,
#RequestParam("role") String role,
#PathVariable(value="userId") long userId)
return "redirect:/admin/users/edit/${userId}";
The problem is the result of the request: HTTP Status 404 - /admin/users/edit/addRole/7- "The requested resource is not available" (7 is some user id). A cannot map the POST request to the controller action. I already tried with th:action but it redirects me to the previous page .../admin/users.
Any help pointers appreciated .
I think you url is wrong. As long as you do not deploy the application in the servlets container root path, it will not work because the url is missing the applications name. So a correct url would be something like:
<form action="myAppName/admin/users/edit/addRole/${user.userId}" method="POST">
But better would been using <c:url> or <spring:url>-tag this adds the application name to the url (if the given url starts with an /)
<form action="<c:url value="/admin/users/edit/addRole/${user.userId}" />" method="POST">
for some more information have a look at this two answers:
How to use relative paths without including the context root name? (the highes ranked answer of BalusC is for an quite old jsp version (<2.0)) so take the answer with the c:url tag
How to use with an tag?
I finally found the error - $ sign in #RequestMapping annotation. A just removе $ from annotation and from return "...url" and that's all.

play framework: how to repopulate form on validation-failure when using datamodel?

I'm building some crude CMS-like functionality (to get acquinted with Play Framework). For this test-case I've build 2 pages, 1 for listing tags and 1 for creating/editing/saving tags.
The flow is like this (routes-file):
#list tags
GET /tags Application.listTags
#view/edit existing tag
GET /tag/{<(?!new$)(.+)>name} Application.showTag
#new tag
GET /tag/new Application.showTag
the create/view/edit page displays a form which gets it's values from a tagDTO.
The normal flow works without problems, but when the form gives validation-errors (e.g: the tag-name must exist) I want to display the page again, repopulating the form with the edited values.
For this (following the Play Framework conventions) I could use the 'flash'-object which contains these last values, but the form is already bound to the tagDTO (which is null on redirect) instead of the 'flash'-object.
First the code:
public static void showTag(String name) {
TagDTO tagDTO = TagDTO.buildDTOFromModelOrNew(name);
* Save tag and redirect to Show
* #param name
* #param displayname
* #param isnew
public static void saveTag(
#Required(message="Name is required") String name,
String displayname,
boolean isnew)
if(validation.hasErrors()) {
//fetch tagDTO based on backend or create new if not exist
TagDTO tag = TagDTO.buildDTOFromModelOrNew(name);
// Append / Overwrite values
tag.displayname = displayname; = name;
//save result to model
flash.success("Thanks for " + (isnew?"creating":"updating") + " tag " +;
//redirect to show
And ShowTag.html
#{extends 'main.html' /}
#{if flash.success}
<p class="success">${flash.success}</p>
<p class="errors">Oops...</p>
#{form #Application.saveTag()}
#{authenticityToken /}
<label for="name">Name: </label>
<input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="${}" />
<span class="error">#{error 'name' /}</span>
<label for="displayname">Displayname: </label>
<input type="text" name="displayname" id="displayname" value="${tagDTO.displayname}" />
<span class="error">#{error 'displayname' /}</span>
<input type="hidden" name="isnew" value="${tagDTO.isnew}" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit your comment" />
Now I could think of some ways to make it work, but none really elegant:
bind the form to the flash-object (or params-object) and populate the flas/params- object from the tagDTO
on validation-failure, refetch the tagDTO (not avail anymore so DB-call necessary) and overwrite values in tagDTO with values available in flash-object, bind form to tagDTO.
like 2, but using some sort of cache to quickly fetch tagDTO (so no need for db-call)
Some general mechanism to (de)serialize tagDTO from/to the session.
In short, I don't like any of them really.
What would you consider to be a best practice in this situation? Or is there any functionality in the Play Framework that I'm missing?
This is where the explicit render calls comes handy. Retain the form values from previous submission and give it back (if validation fails) as follows,
if(validation.hasErrors()) {
render("#showTag", name, displayname, isnew);
This will avoid the extra redirect (307 in case of Play!) that would have happened if you had called 'action from another action'.
Render the form again and avoid the redirect is a solution. I think it's OK if a user press F5 he will get the error again. But I think you should create a reload/cancel button, so the user can dismiss all the information.
To have always the correct URL you can do the following in the routes.conf:
GET /tag/create TagController.create
POST /tag/create TagController.insert
The flash solution has the disadvantage that your cookie can get really big.

Grails Duplicate Error Messages

I'm new to grails and I have a problem:
I have this snippet of GSP:
<g:form url="[controller:'main',action:'login']">
<label for="name">Usuario:</label><br/>
<input type="text" name="name" /><br/>
<label for="pass">Password:</label><br/>
<input type="password" name="password"/><br/>
<input type="submit" value="Login"/><br/>
<g:renderErrors bean="${cmd}"/>
The Controller (MainController.groovy) uses a Command Object, here's the code for both:
def login = { LoginCommand cmd ->
class LoginCommand {
String name
String password
static constraints = {
The problem is that when I enter a bad name or pass (blank or outside the range) it shows me 4 errors, two for the password and two for the username. They are the same, but duplicated.
I found that creating a method "bool validateCommand(){ name && password }" and replacing it for command.validate() does not throw duplicates, but I want to use the constraints features of Grails to keep things DRY.
Any idea why this happens? Thanks so much!
When you inject command objects into controller actions, Grails executes validate() automatically, so there is no need to call it manually. Try
instead of
It seems, that every call to validate() adds new (duplicate) errors to the command object. IMHO this shouldn't happen and probably is a bug in Grails. You should consider reporting this issue.
