I read the input buffer from a console application (CMD) like this:
pBuffer : array [0..2400] of Widechar;
dBuffer : array [0..2400] of WideChar;
CReadBuffer : Cardinal;
BytesRead : Cardinal;
// ....
ReadFile(BuffHandle, pBuffer[0], CReadBuffer, BytesRead, nil);
pBuffer[BytesRead] := #0; // Finish/End the WideString
OemToCharW(pBuffer, dBuffer);
MessageBoxW (0, dBuffer, '', 0);
// ....
For some reason I get weird chars...
CMD should have the oem charset. I used OEMtoCharA before and it worked fine.
What do I do wrong?
Thanks for help.
I use Delphi7
As you said, CMD has the OEM charset, which means the pBuffer should be declared as
pBuffer: array[0..2400] of AnsiChar;
Now try again (can't check this right now myself).
It transpires that the declaration of OemToCharW is incorrect in Delphi 7. In Delphi 7 the first parameter is incorrectly declared as PWideChar when it should be PAnsiChar. You should redeclare OemToCharW correctly in your code and possibly consider using OemToCharBuffW instead.
I am currently trying to enum all resource languages from the RT_VERSION resourcetype.
This is what I have so far with no luck, since my callback procedure doesn't fire at all.
function TEnumResLangProc (hModule: HMODULE; lpszType, lpszName : PChar; wIDLanguage : Word; lParam : Longint) : Bool; stdcall;
MessageBox(0, lpszName, '', 0); // For testing
MessageBox(0, lpszType, '', 0); // For testing
result := true;
if not EnumResourceLanguages (HINSTANCE, RT_VERSION, PChar('1'), #TEnumResLangProc, 0)
then RaiseLastOSError;
I always get the errorcode 1813 and I couldn't find any documentation about it. I'm also not sure about the "Index" Paramater PChar('1') What do I do wrong and how can I enum all RT_VERSION languages?
The value 1031 is wanted
This error code is ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND. It means that there are no resources of that type and name in the specified module.
The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.
Note that the error codes are documented: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms681381.aspx
Quite likely the name is wrong. Did you mean to pass MakeIntResource(1) or '#1'?
Your callback function should set the return value. The compiler will warn you of that mistake. You really should enable and heed warnings. Also, the type declarations are not 64 bit compatible, but I doubt that matters here.
Here is the code I had used to detect default system language:
Buffer : PChar;
Size : integer;
LocaleName: String;
GetMem(Buffer, Size);
LocaleName := string(Buffer);
This code works great, alas for as long as the code is there my application will not quit until I use the Task Manager to stop it. Finally I found this little code that also does the trick and allow my application to quit:
MyLang: PChar
LocaleName: string;
Ident: integer;
GetMem(MyLang, 250);
VerLanguageName(Ident, MyLang, 250);
LocaleName := StrPas(MyLang);
Can anyone guess the reason for that?
Second call to GetLocaleInfo overwrites memory, because GetLocaleInfo returns number of chars, and you are using unicode version of Delphi, then you need allocate 2 bytes per char.
You can fix it by: GetMem(Buffer, Size * SizeOf(Char)); // SizeOf(Char)==SizeOf(WideChar) on >= D2009
I use this code to read binary data from the registry to a string
function ReadBinary (RootKey: HKEY; SubKey,ValueName: WideString; var Data : String): Bool;
Key : HKey;
Buffer : array of char;
Size : Cardinal;
RegType : DWORD;
result := FALSE;
RegType := REG_BINARY;
if RegOpenKeyExW(RootKey, pwidechar(SubKey), 0, KEY_READ, Key) = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin
if RegQueryValueExW(Key,pwidechar(ValueName),NIL,#RegType, NIL,#Size) = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin
SetLength (Buffer, Size + 1);
FillChar(Buffer, SizeOf (Buffer), #0);
if RegQueryValueExW(Key,pwidechar(ValueName),NIL,#RegType, #Buffer[0],#Size) = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin
result := TRUE;
Data := String (Buffer); // Shows empty or sometimes 1 random char.
RegCloseKey (Key);
It works fine with a fixed declared array of byte/char
function ReadBinary (RootKey: HKEY; SubKey,ValueName: WideString; var Data : String): Bool;
Key : HKey;
Buffer : array [0..200] of char;
Size : Cardinal;
RegType : DWORD;
result := FALSE;
RegType := REG_BINARY;
if RegOpenKeyExW(RootKey, pwidechar(SubKey), 0, KEY_READ, Key) = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin
if RegQueryValueExW(Key,pwidechar(ValueName),NIL,#RegType, NIL,#Size) = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin
FillChar(Buffer, SizeOf (Buffer), #0);
if RegQueryValueExW(Key,pwidechar(ValueName),NIL,#RegType, #Buffer,#Size) = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin
result := TRUE;
Data := String (Buffer);
RegCloseKey (Key);
I'm stuck.
What do I do wrong and what is the solution?
Thank you for your help.
I am aware of that I am reading binary data from the registry. So it might be already 0 terminated and can return false results. I can guarantee that there are no #0 chars in the binary data because I wrote a long text (String with CR/LF) in the Value before.
Buffer: array of char;
is dynamic array of chars, that is, in fact, pointer variable. And this string resets the pointer to Nil:
FillChar(Buffer, SizeOf (Buffer), #0);
So dynamic array is not valid now.
To fill the contents of dynamic array by zeroes, you have to use
FillChar(Buffer[0], SizeOf(Buffer[0]) * Length(Buffer), #0)
but this is not necessary, because SetLength makes the job.
dynamic array is somethign like pointer. In C/C++ it would be exactly the same. In Delphi it is not, but you may for semantics think this way. #Buffer is not address of 1st car, but the address of the pointer itself. Ib both calls to FillChar and RegQueryValueExW you should pass Buffer[0] and #Buffer[0] instead
Why do u use Windows API instead of standard TRegistry ? Or maybe TNT Unicode Controls or somethign similar have readymade unicode-aware registry access.
Win API xxxxxxxW functions are unicode aware. Did you checked what data you got ? Is it 8-but or 16-bit ? look received data as array of bytes in HEX - do they contain $00 bytes or not ? It looks like they do and you got unicode data into the buffer. Then it would be expected and correct behaviour of string to only accept 1 letter (or 0, depending on intel or motorola byte order). Check what binary data you've got in Buffer.
Personally, i'd made Buffer as array of bytes. Then after registry access i'd used SetString procedure to get value if D7 has it. If not, then i'd copy it like SetLength(Data, Size); Move(Buffer[0], Data[1], Size); And i'd remove FillChar completely. This way copying would be both slightly faster and not break on 1st stray #0 byte.
I'd not use ambiguous char and string types when doing low-level binary data typecasting, but rather use concrete AnsiString and AnsiChar types. If your code would somewhen be compiled by newer Unicode-capable Delphi or FreePascal, that would keep it working. Shortcuts "char" and "string" may change their meaning depending on compiler version. And then you would have hard time determining why and where it broke and what to do.
The information on the version Exe-file I receive by means of VerQueryValue. Is there an inverse function (WinApi or Delphi) which can register (establish or change) such information?
Here, for example, there is a program which is able to do so. How may it work (http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker)?
The version information is stored via resources; to edit that you simply need to edit that resource. Here is a unit I found that can clone an existing file version information and attach it to another file. It's very easy to do what you want starting from this code (it's coded by a friend of mine and is available public):
unit cloneinfo;
uses Windows, SysUtils;
wLanguage: Word;
wCodePage: Word;
procedure clone(sFile,output:string);
procedure clone(sFile,output:string);
dwHandle, cbTranslate: cardinal;
sizeVers: DWord;
lpData, langData: Pointer;
hRes : THandle;
sizeVers := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(sFile), dwHandle);
If sizeVers = 0 then
GetMem(lpData, sizeVers);
ZeroMemory(lpData, sizeVers);
GetFileVersionInfo (PChar(sFile), 0, sizeVers, lpData);
If not VerQueryValue (lpData, '\VarFileInfo\Translation', langData, cbTranslate) then
hRes := BeginUpdateResource(pchar(output), FALSE);
//For i := 0 to (cbTranslate div sizeof(LANGANDCODEPAGE)) do
lpTranslate := Pointer(Integer(langData) + sizeof(LANGANDCODEPAGE));
UpdateResource(hRes, RT_VERSION, MAKEINTRESOURCE(VS_VERSION_INFO), lpTranslate^.wLanguage,lpData, sizeVers);
EndUpdateResource(hRes, FALSE);
How to convert a WideString (or other long string) to byte array in UTF-8?
A function like this will do what you need:
function UTF8Bytes(const s: UTF8String): TBytes;
SetLength(Result, Length(s));
if Length(Result)>0 then
Move(s[1], Result[0], Length(s));
You can call it with any type of string and the RTL will convert from the encoding of the string that is passed to UTF-8. So don't be tricked into thinking you must convert to UTF-8 before calling, just pass in any string and let the RTL do the work.
After that it's a fairly standard array copy. Note the assertion that explicitly calls out the assumption on string element size for a UTF-8 encoded string.
If you want to get the zero-terminator you would write it so:
function UTF8Bytes(const s: UTF8String): TBytes;
SetLength(Result, Length(s)+1);
if Length(Result)>0 then
Move(s[1], Result[0], Length(s));
Result[high(Result)] := 0;
You can use TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes in SysUtils.pas
If you're using Delphi 2009 or later (the Unicode versions), converting a WideString to a UTF8String is a simple assignment statement:
ws: WideString;
u8s: UTF8String;
u8s := ws;
The compiler will call the right library function to do the conversion because it knows that values of type UTF8String have a "code page" of CP_UTF8.
In Delphi 7 and later, you can use the provided library function Utf8Encode. For even earlier versions, you can get that function from other libraries, such as the JCL.
You can also write your own conversion function using the Windows API:
function CustomUtf8Encode(const ws: WideString): UTF8String;
n: Integer;
n := WideCharToMultiByte(cp_UTF8, 0, PWideChar(ws), Length(ws), nil, 0, nil, nil);
Win32Check(n <> 0);
SetLength(Result, n);
n := WideCharToMultiByte(cp_UTF8, 0, PWideChar(ws), Length(ws), PAnsiChar(Result), n, nil, nil);
Win32Check(n = Length(Result));
A lot of the time, you can simply use a UTF8String as an array, but if you really need a byte array, you can use David's and Cosmin's functions. If you're writing your own character-conversion function, you can skip the UTF8String and go directly to a byte array; just change the return type to TBytes or array of Byte. (You may also wish to increase the length by one, if you want the array to be null-terminated. SetLength will do that to the string implicitly, but to an array.)
If you have some other string type that's neither WideString, UnicodeString, nor UTF8String, then the way to convert it to UTF-8 is to first convert it to WideString or UnicodeString, and then convert it back to UTF-8.
var S: UTF8String;
B: TBytes;
S := 'Șase sași în șase saci';
SetLength(B, Length(S)); // Length(s) = 26 for this 22 char string.
CopyMemory(#B[0], #S[1], Length(S));
Depending on what you need the bytes for, you might want to include an NULL terminator.
For production code make sure you test for empty string. Adding the 3-4 LOC required would just make the sample harder to read.
I have the following two routines (source code can be downloaded here - http://www.csinnovations.com/framework_utilities.htm):
function CsiBytesToStr(const pInData: TByteDynArray; pStringEncoding: TECsiStringEncoding; pIncludesBom: Boolean): string;
function CsiStrToBytes(const pInStr: string; pStringEncoding: TECsiStringEncoding;
pIncludeBom: Boolean): TByteDynArray;
widestring -> UTF8:
the opposite:
Note that assigning a widestring to an ansistring in a pre D2009 system (including current Free Pascal) will convert to the local ansi encoding, garbling characters.
For the TBytes part, see the remark of Rob Kennedy above.