NSButton is highlighted after setTransparent:NO setEnabled:YES - macos

I have 2 NSButtons, both are bordered momentary push-in buttons. I have a main window to which other views are swapped in and out. These two buttons are in the main window custom view (next,previous) which helps to navigate through the views.
When I reach the 2 view with the help of next button, I make the previous button enabled and visible. So if I press the previous button at this point the 1st view will be swapped in and I make the previous button transparent and enabled.
At this point if you press the next button to navigate to second view, the 2nd view will be swapped in and the previous button is displayed again. But it is highlighted here. How can I get rid of this?

I hope you will get some better answers, but a general technique that I have found to work in cases like this is to wait with enable/disable actions until things have settled down for the new configuration of the views.
After all (if I have read your description correctly), you are hiding a button in the middle of its own action handler.
Postponing this is easily obtained by dispatching your enable/disable code on the next (or, more correctly, a later) invocation of the run loop of the main thread:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Enable or disable your buttons here.
As a solution it is somewhat of a hack, but on the other hand, waiting until your main view is no longer in a state of flux before you re-configure your navigation UI is not a bad approach.


Kendo UI Toolbar and Grid - strange save behavior when triggered from Toolbar control

I have some pages where I have a kendo ui grid (wired up to full CRUD services), but use a separate Kendo UI Toolbar control (as opposed to the toolbar configuration in the grid itself). I have a number of different buttons/menus on the toolbar, but am seeing a strange behavior when calling saveChanges() on the grid. If a cell is being edited when the save button is clicked, the grid is saved, but the edited value is lost (it reverts back to where it was). The following details what I see in different situations:
When using a save button configured in the grid (command: "save"), any changes in a cell being edited are committed with the save.
When using a plain html button that calls the saveChanges() method of the grid, any changes in a cell being edited are committed with the save.
When using a save button configured in a toolbar control, the changes in a cell being edited are LOST when saveChanges() is called.
The following jsbin shows the behavior of all three:
I have tried calling the save from the toolbar button a number of different ways (even trying to trigger the click event of the external button), but nothing seems to correct the behavior. I also tried calling closeCell() on the grid (to try to force the value back into the data, but that doesn't work either). I haven't been able to debug the javascript enough to figure out what is different. I'm hoping someone with a deeper understanding of these controls can help me out.
For some reason, the mouse down event on the toolbar button doesn't cause a blur on the editor.
You can try it yourself by clicking in the cell to edit it, then click and hold the mouse button down on the "normal" button. The editor closes on mouse down, causing a blur of the editor, and persists the change.
If you do the same thing, click and hold mouse down, on the toolbar button, the editor stays open.
I've been poking through the source, but haven't figured out exactly why this happens. My best guess would be that the mousedown handler on the toolbar prevents the event from bubbling or running its default action and the editor doesn't blur.
Additional detail: On mousedown on the grid header button and the normal button, the focused element changes (which is what causes the editor blur). But on mousedown of the toolbar button, the editor input element still has the focus.
Shifting the focus on mousedown of the toolbar might be a workaround.
Sort of a weird hack, but this works in Chrome (any should in any browser that supports activeElement
click: function (e) {

Page animation with visual feedback on drag gesture

I was wondering, I'm currently using a slide in and out page transition when the user presses a Next of Previous button on the appbar.
( concept: going through a set of articles inside a selected category )
This all looks great, I'm also able add the drag / flick gesture listeners to trigger this page transition... so no problems there.
But now I wanted to add the final part, when the user starts the drag / flick gesture, show this visually so that the page follows the gesture and 'slides' out of frame.
But how to do this? An example would be great :)
But there is also a small extra thing, I don't want the user to always do a full drag... so if we are over 2/3 of the screen, auto start the page transition IF the gesture stops ( so the user lifts up his finger )
So I would like to create a nice reading experience that shows the gesture visualy and performs the page transition...
You can check the following link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9915016/1565574
In the ManipulationCompleted you'll be able to detect the GestureType and take an action there.
And I found that link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4342558/1565574 (using the GestureService)
I first started with the DragFlickBehavior from #LocalJoost and it actually worked great!
But in the end I switched to a headerless pivot! Works also great!

xcode two uitabbarcontrollers one page. auto-rotate issue

I have a custom UITabBarAutoRotateController which returns YES from shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation. This has no effect.
If I minimize and show the app again, the rotation issue goes away.
How do I refresh the screen so the user does not have to do this (so rotation works again)?
Details (setup graphically, so no code):
I have two UITabBarController in MainWindow.xib. I only want one to show at a time. So I am linking graphically rootViewController = tabBarController_name1. There is also tabBarController_name2.
I will also have an alert MessageBox for a user to choose what type of application they need, and it will choose a tab bar controller based on their request (per customer definition). This is commented out for now.
There is a bug with Rotation when two UITabBarControllers exist on the same xib. When I try to rotate the screen, it stays upward with wherever the main screen button (power button looking button) faces. HandleOrientationChange does not get called on the active custom ViewController being shown.
The reason I believe it's a bug is because if I hit the main screen button (minimizing the application), and click back on the application (brings it back to the foreground), rotation works perfectly!
Sorry for making you read all that mumbo :). My true question is, "Is there anyway I could refresh the main window or likewise UITabBarController's to get rotation working (without requiring the program be minimized and shown)"? A work-around, if you will?
p.s. I cannot use Storyboard for backwards compatibility reasons. The customer will be receiving this code/project. So I would like to keep this in one graphical page, rather than hiding/showing UITabBarItem's.
EDIT: two-uitabbarcontrollers-and-autorotation and uitabbarcontrollers-and-uinavigationcontrollers were both helpful, but did not address "why" this issue happens. "noob" here when it comes to xcode :)
Tab bar controller inside a navigation controller, or sharing a navigation root view is the answer. Do not use a TabBarViewController. Which, as a noob, I'm not quite sure why TabBarViewController exists (or at least isn't depreciated).
Dragging two TabBarViewControllers into the same page should result in a warning saying that you probably want to implement TabBarViewController by making a custom UIViewController and attaching a plain UITabBar to it.
Frustrating...but finally making progress :)

How do I check if a NSView is being displayed at the moment?

I got an application which has a NSToolbar in its main window. Depending on which icon is clicked a NSView is displayed in this window. My problem is, that one of these views shows data in a NSTableView that I want to be reloaded each time the view is visible. Since -init is only called once, I don't know how to do that.
(example: When the application starts it shows the Documents section [on of the sub views of the window]. Now when I click on Employees [which displays another sub view instead of the first one] and then on Documents again, I want the data in Documents' NSTableView to reload.)
How do I do that?
Thanks in advance.
I got an application which has a NSToolbar in its main window. Depending on which icon is clicked a NSView is displayed in this window.
Use a tab view. You can hide the tabs, then implement your action methods for the toolbar items to act as the tabs, changing the selected tab view item to whichever one corresponds to the pressed toolbar item.
Now when I click on Employees [which displays another sub view instead of the first one] and then on Documents again, I want the data in Documents' NSTableView to reload.
Why? Why not reload it only when the data changes?
You don't have to hold NSTableView's hand; if it needs the data from you again, it'll ask you for it again.
And if you're concerned about reloading the data while the view is not visible, that's premature optimization. Don't worry about it until you prove via profiling that it is a real performance problem.

Programmatically closing an NSWindow when it loses focus

I am making an image picker that will display an n by n grid of selectable button when the picker is popped up. This grid of buttons will be contained within an NSWindow but I would like for the window to be close automatically if the user clicks off the screen. Is there a flag that can be set so that when the window looses focus it will be closed automatically?
There are two notifications that you may be interested in: NSWindowDidResignKeyNotification and NSWindowDidResignMainNotification. You can simply register for the one you're interested in in awakeFromNib (or windowDidLoad if you have a custom controller) and then close or hide the window as appropriate when you receive the notifications.
I won't delve too much into whether or not this is a good idea from UI standpoint. But, it might be a better idea to have either an overlay view or a panel for the functionality you describe.
You might check out NSPanel. It's an NSWindow subclass that will hide itself when the app is in the background, and that behavior sounds very similar to what you are looking for.
