Moving Windows 7 encrypted file - windows

I am testing Windows 7 file encryption. A test file was encrypted ( I see green colored file name). that file was shared across the network and it still can opened from other station. That green color file name is also viewable from other computer as well. What am I doing wrong? I admit that I don't know the encryption concept yet.
If I moved that file to shared folder of other computers, message appeared asking "Confirm encryption loss". How can I copy that file with encryption?
I know Truecrypt software but I am testing with Windows Encryption.

The NTFS file encryption is using your password hash to encrypt the file.
If you connect to the file from another computer you need to supply the user's password, which means the remote computer has the key to decrypt the file.
If you copy the file from the share to the local computer windows will save the key in the remote computer.
The whole idea in the filesystem encryption is that another user cannot use your encrypted files, or someone that get a hold on your hard-drive. But, if you're logged in, all the running applications that has been executed by you or have access to your token (for example, SYSTEM user) can access the file without ever knowing it is encrypted on the disk.

Be careful of encryption! Some encryption systems for Windows will automatically encrypt your files/folders for you. This is common in gov't/corporate computers. If you do NOT have this set, and then another user on your computer who DOES have this set accesses your file/folder, the file/folder can get encrypted with that other user's token, and then you won't be able to access your own file/folder!
This actually happened to me last week. Took a whole day to figure it out, because Windows won't tell you WHO encrypted the file, just that it wasn't done with your current token. Aaargh!
(This won't happen if permissions are set to ReadOnly, but in a collaborative environment sometimes permissions aren't set that way.)


Windows RDP with AWS EC2 - used to include password, now doesn't

I haven't logged on to my EC2 recently in a few months. Last time I did, it seems like the RDP file that I downloaded had the password in it. That laptop died.
Today, it seems like AWS/EC2 has changed how things work. I'm able to download the RDP file, but it is prompting for a password. When I try to decrypt the password, it wants me to paste or browse to a file on my disk, which I don't have.
Is there a way to re-download my key info? On security then "Key Pairs", I see the key for this server. Can I download that to my disk, or open it somehow?
I see these steps, but they look overwhelming, i.e. I don't have time for that now; I have real work to do:
I was able to create a new key pair, but not sure if I can associate it with the instance.
When I click "Get Password" this screen appears:
UPDATE 1: I did find my .pem file, so I was able to use that to logon.
Had I not found it, what would I do?
UPDATE 1: I did find my .pem file, so I was able to use that to logon. Had I not found it, what would I do?
Not much really! This is by design. AWS doesn't store your encryption key, and this prevents AWS personnel to access your instance. That's why you get such an ominous warning when pem file is generated: this is your one and only opportunity to see it - don't lose it.
That said, there are several however.
If you changed your Windows password in windows, or created a new AMI and launched a new instance from it - the pem file won't really help. You can probably create 2 administrator accounts; so if one forgets their password, you can reset it with another one.
Second - if your EBS is not encrypted, you can detach it, launch another instance, and attach EBS to new instance. You won't get your instance back, but you will get the data from that drive.
Finally, the "overwhelming" steps from the link that you posted. Follow good security posture, and you won't need them. But if you get sloppy, it may become your real work... better than polishing a resume...

Setting permissions specific to a process in windows

There is some confidential data of user that I am encrypting using DPAPI. This encrypted data is being stored in a file and is placed in %LOCALAPPDATA% folder.
How can I prevent other processes from accessing that file, since any other process running in the user session can decrypt it. Does windows have some provision to facilitate my requirement or is this a path that should not be pursued to protect the data?

How to use the "cipher" command properly

I am using the cipher command to encrypt a file so that nobody can read that.
I tried this command : cipher /e /a exp\test.txt
I noticed the content of the file remained same. Only the file properties changed to encrypted. (Also the color of the filename changed to green. :P). I can still read, modify and delete the file.
Later I tried to decrypt: cipher /d /a exp\test.txt
The content as before same and in properties encrypted is unchecked.
I can read write and delete the file after encryption, what is the meaning of encryption then? How to use it properly? Am I missing something? Can anybody help me on this cipher command?
The cipher command on Windows allows you to control the encryption of files/directories provided by the Encrypting File System (EFS).
The important thing to note about EFS is that it is transparent encryption from the point of view of those granted access to the files. In other words, whilst the file data is encrypted on disk, providing you have keys to the file, you don't need to explicitly decrypt it in order to view the contents, it can just be read as any other file and the file system handles decrypting the data automatically. However, if you were to try and access the file as another user on the machine, or by reading data directly off the disk the file would be inaccessible.
You're not doing anything "wrong" here, it's just that cipher and EFS don't do what you expect them to.
The file is indeed encrypted at the file system level. That is, it's encrypted on disk, but NFTS will automatically decrypt on behalf of any application that is attempting to read that file running under your account.
Copy the encrypted file to a shared (NTFS) disk directory and validate it's still green in explorer. Then sign out and sign in with another account on this PC. I don't think you'll be able to read the file.

Encrypted FTP Storage

I guess this is kind of a programming question, because I'm going to write a program if this doesn't exist.
So I found a very cheap web-host (I don't really care about the actual web hosting). They will give me a domain name and ftp server with a ton of storage space. Anyway, I want to backup a few hundred gigs of data (mostly family photos and scans of important documents). I also want to backup any future family photos / documents. I don't care if everything on my local NAS dies in a fire, I just want to have the photos and important documents backed up off-site.
So I want some program that lets me select folders locally and schedules them to be backed up to the ftp server. I'm a bit of a security nut, so i'd like the files to be encrypted locally before being transferred up onto the server.
I know I can do this with truecrypt volumes, but I don't want to transfer an entire encrypted volume blob up to the server ever time I change a file in it. So I could do multiple true crypt volumes but that will be a pain to manage
Also this must be mac/linux compatible although I'll primarily be on linux.
I basically need rsync + truecrypt + cron + sftp all rolled into a cryptographically secure program.
I've been searching for days with no luck. Any ideas?
mozyBackup does this - it doesn't use FTP, it has a custom uploader.
ps. Remember a typical home ADSL connection only does about 1Gb/day upstream
Linux option.
Out of the box option probably duplicity ( for example see )
Otherwise if these are basically rarely changed archive copies of files - I would roll my own gnupg (or dpad) individual file encryption, a file changed script, and ftp or rsync.

Not able to access network drive from VB.NET Windows Service

I have a Windows service developed in VB.NET. This Windows service picks a file every night at 8 PM from copies a file from my C:\ftpDocs to Y:\FtpDocs folder.
Y: is a mapped drive which is \\sourceServer\Output files. When I run the same code from a VB.NET Windows application instead of a Windows service it is working absolutely fine. But from the service it is throwing access denied error accessing \\sourceServer\Output.
It seems the Windows service runs from C:\windows\system32. For this reason I tried changing the current directory to C:\ftpService (This is the folder where my application is).
To access the mapped drive I provide a userid and password which is not my Windows userid and password. Do you think this is the reason why it is not able to access it from the Windows service?
If yes, how is it working from Windows application? This issue is not going away for the past one month now.
What drives are currently mapped is maintained per user -- it'd be a big no-no for me to be able to access files on a share on which you have credentials just because we're both logged on at the same time.
Your service will need to map the share itself using saved credentials of some kind (you could hard code them, if you like, though that's not terribly secure and represents a maintainability burden besides). A good example of how to do this is here -- though, I haven't used this code, I've just read the article.
Typically a Windows service runs under an id whose credentials are not authorized to access files on the network. Try running your windows service under the domain account which can access the network files. Make sure that this account has access to both the network and local folders/files that it will be reading and writing.
Also, you'll want to use the UNC path, not a mapped drive. The mapped drive won't be mounted for the service.
