How do OnModelCreating and non automatic Migrations relate? - entity-framework-4.3

When I add a new table that has some relations to my database and then run Add-Migration I see that code is generated in the Up method to add the table and its relations.
However, I prefer to define the relation using the fluent API in the OnModelCreating method. How do these two methods interact? Can I delete the code from the Up method that defines the relation for instance?

Each of them has completely different purpose:
OnModelCreating is used for inline fluent-API definitions of your model. These definitions together with default conventions, data annotations and configuration classes forms the complete definition of the model.
Explicit migration defines what must be done to database to migrate it to the form required by your current model
Now, how those two relate? Migration has two inputs which are used to generate migration code (Up and Down methods). One input is the last migration record stored in __MigrationHistory table in the database. This record contains serialized model representing the database. This input is optional because first migration must work without it. The second input is mandatory - it is your current model which is retrieved by executing the code in your current assembly => Add-Migration will execute your OnModelCreating to get the current model and compare it with the model retrieved from the database. The result of comparison is content of Up and Down methods in the explicit migration.


Entity Framework: Implement interface when generating from database

I'm having a few tables on SQL Server, which have similar structure - int Id and string Value.
This tables linked to main table via foreign key, so I'm wrote a bit of logic for mapping a string values to id's in models in MVC Razor. This feature requires that models used as dictionary implement simple IKeyValue interface with Id and Value, but after updating model from database I can loose interface implementation from models and must write it again.
Any way to automate this?
Are you modifying the auto-generated file? If so, you should not do this, for the exact reason you describe in your question -- it will get overwritten.
All of the classes in the generated file should be partial. You can take advantage of this by creating another class (in a different file, but in the same project), make sure it has the same declaration (and namespace), and have it implement the interface. This way the class will implement the interface, but will not be overwritten the next time you refresh the schema from the database.

LINQ-to-Entities, Ambiguous Column Name with association between two views with the same column name

I am just getting into Entity Framework for the first time beyond simple examples.
I am using the model-first approach and am querying the data source with LINQ-to-Entities.
I have created an entity model that I am exposing as an OData service against a database where I do not control the schema. In my model, I have two entities that are based off of two views in this database. I've created an association between the two entities. Both views have a column with the same name.
I am getting the error:
Ambiguous column name 'columnname'. Could not use view or function 'viewname' because of binding errors.
If I was writing the SQL statement myself, I'd qualify one of the column names with an alias to prevent this issue. EF apparently isn't doing that. How do I fix this, short of changing the view? (which I cannot do) I think this does have something to do with these entities being mapped to views, instead of being mapped to actual tables.
Assuming you can change the model have you tried going into the model and just changing one of the column names? I can still see how it might be problematic if the two views are pulling back the same column from the same table. I can tell that when working directly with a model mapped to tables, having identically named columns is not a problem. Even having multiple associations to the same table is handled correctly, the Navigation Properties are automatically given unique names. Depending on which version of EF you used you should be able to dig into the cs file either under the model or under the t4 template file and see what's going on. Then you can always create a partial class to bend it to your will.

Adding columns to DB after publishing using EF CodeF and mvc nugget Scaffold

I have created a web site using mvc 3 and Ef code first , now after publishing the site and it's DB I have found out that I need to add a new columns to one of my DB table,
(the DB already has a lot of data in it )
should I add the columns direct to the DB or should I add to the class?
(just a simple string with get and set)
And how can I do it without losing my data in the DB ?
Adding the columns to the class should be enough. Evidence you can find here.
Here is the full list of changes that migrations can take care of automatically:
Adding a property or class
Nullable columns will be assigned a value of null for any existing rows of data
Non-Nullable columns will be assigned the CLR default for the given data type for any existing rows of data
Renaming a property or class
See ‘Renaming Properties & Classes’ for the additional steps required here
Renaming an underlying column/table without renaming the property/class
(Using data annotations or the fluent API)
Migrations can automatically detect these renames without additional input
Removing a property
See ‘Automatic Migrations with Data Loss’ section for more information
I suggest you to add the columns direct to the DB and to the class, and test it on the local machine.

Adding a Stored Proc to complex type not showing up in .edmx (thus not mapped)?

1 (mvc3) I have added a stored proc to my model as mapped to a ComplextType.
Two Issues:
1) ComplextType.cs exists in class under BUT doesn't show up in .edmx?
2) When I try to create a controller with strongly typed views with that ComplexType.cs it errors stating that it can't be created because ComplextType.cs is not part of the DbContextEntities class?
How can I get this complex type added to the .edmx and mapped to my dbcontext (I have done this with tables but not sure what I'm missing for the stored procedures?
For those who just came here from googling,, :)I will give the what is basically has to be done to map a stored procedure into a ADO.Net entity.
When mapping the Database to the EDMX file(Entity Model).. the Entity Model automatically map the tables and complex types and ect.. But the stored procedures that are created in the database is not mapped with return complex types. We have to map it in the Function imports by creating our own complex type. This complex type can be accessed in the code.
This is done as below:
Right click on the function Import and add new Function import.
Give your name to the function and specify the stored procedure and
then select complex type(If stored procedure returns complex type)
or you can select scalar. IF you are selecting the complex type and
you can view the columns that are returning and you can create a complex there by create new complex type.
So the return data from the stored procedure will be a set of those complex type.
One thing that should be one should access the design or the model view to update the Entity Model. You can not update the Entity Model by just right clicking on the Entity Model. The option of updating the model is provided only on the Model Browser and the Database design diagram. This model browser can be taken from the Other windows of Views in VS2010/VS2012. These information will seems boring. But trust me if you are new to this these seems big at the beginning.
Most probably you are going to create this Entity Model from mapping an existing database.
Keep in mind that even you map the Entity model form the database you can customize the Entity model by deleting the unnecessary entities(tables) and creating complex types

Name conflicts in Entity Framework using database schemas?

I have these two tables in my database:
When I try to import this into entity framework I get two table objects created:
Is there a way to handle naming conflicts that will work better than this? And really, I would prefer that my schema is represented some how for non conflicting tables as well.
Unfortunately no. Information about schema is only included in storage description (SSDL) and it is not passed to conceptual model (CSDL) so in conceptual model you have two entities named Employee and EF is using the most basic way to resolve that. Another problem is that this probably cannot be modified because generating model from database is not driven by any T4 template which can be changed whereas reverse processing (generating SQL database creation script from model) is.
