How do I bind a simple POST value in ASP.NET WebAPI RC? -

I have a POST method on one of my API controllers that takes a single string value:
public string Post([FromBody] string foo) {
return(fooOracle.ValidateFoo(foo) ? "success" : "failure");
I'm POSTing to this with the body of the post request as:
(i.e. it's a regular HTTP POST that you can initiate by submitting a browser form as well as using an HTTP client)
In the release candidate of WebAPI, this has silently stopped working - it just doesn't bind foo any more. To get the code working, I've had to replace the method with this:
public string Post(FormDataCollection form) {
var foo = form.Get("foo");
return(fooOracle.ValidateFoo(foo) ? "success" : "failure");
This works, but it's kinda messy and involves rather more plumbing to test than the previous version.
Have I missed some subtle change, or has the [FromBody] binding syntax been deprecated in favour of this rather verbose binding syntax? The attribute is still there but it's really not clear what it actually does in the RC version.

It's actually there is a subtle change that it cannot handle inputs like 'foo=123412341234' but will handle '=123412341234' as the input. Can you make the client send it as later?
If not you could create a wrapper class as below and make your action expect stringwrapper as a parameter rather than String itself.
Class StringWrapper { public string Foo {get; set;} }


How to get Swagger UI to display similar Spring Boot REST endpoints?

I have a controller class with two endpoints
public class TestController {
value= "/test",
method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getTest() {
return "test without params";
value= "/test",
params = {"param"},
method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getTest(#PathParam("param") int param) {
return "test with param";
One has a parameter, one doesn't, and the both work.
If I use curl or a web browser to hit the endpoints
test without params
test with param
but the swagger ui only shows the one without a parameter.
If I change the value in the request mapping for the request with a parameter to
value= "/testbyparam",
params = {"param"},
method = RequestMethod.GET)
Swagger UI displays both endpoints correctly, but I'd rather not define my endpoints based on what swagger will or won't display.
Is there any way for me to get swagger ui to properly display endpoints with matching values, but different parameters?
Edit for Clarification:
The endpoints work perfectly fine; /test and /test?param=1 both work perfectly, the issue is that swagger-ui won't display them.
I would like for swagger ui to display the endpoints I have defined, but if it can't, then I'll just have to live with swagger-ui missing some of my endpoints.
Edit with reference:
The people answering here: Proper REST formatted URL with date ranges
explicitly say not to seperate the query string with a slash
They also said "There shouldn't be a slash before the query string."
The issue is in your Request Mapping, The second method declaration is overriding the first method. As Resource Mapping value is same.
Try changing the second method to below. As you want to give input in QueryParam rather than path variable, you should use #RequestParam not #PathParam.
Note that you have to give /test/, In order to tell Spring that your mapping is not ambiguous. Hope it helps.
value= "/test/",
method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getTest (#RequestParam("param") int param) {
return "test with param"+param;
Upon reading clarifications, the issue here is that swagger-ui is doing the correct thing.
You have two controller endpoints, but they are for the same RESOURCE /test that takes a set of optional query parameters.
Effectively, all mapped controller endpoints that have the same method (GET) and request mapping (/test) represent a single logical resource. GET operation on the test resource, and a set of optional parameters which may affect the results of invoking that operation.
The fact that you've implemented this as two separate controller endpoints is an implementation detail and does not change the fact that there is a single /test resource that can be operated upon.
What would be the benefit to consumers of your API by listing this as two separate endpoints in swagger UI vs a single endpoint with optional parameters? Perhaps it could constrain the set of allowed valid query parameters (if you set ?foo you MUST set &bar) but this can also be done in descriptive text, and is a much more standard approach. Personally, I am unfamiliar with any publicly documented api that distinguishes multiple operations for the same resource differentiated by query params.
As per Open API Specification 3
OpenAPI defines a unique operation as a combination of a path and an
HTTP method. This means that two GET or two POST methods for the same
path are not allowed – even if they have different parameters
(parameters have no effect on uniqueness).
Reference -
This was also raised as an issue but it was closed because OAS3 doesn't allow that -
Try including the param in the path as below.
public String getTest(#PathVariable final int param) {
return "test with param";
I'm unclear exactly what you're attempting to do, but I'll give two solutions:
If you want to have PATH parameters e.g. GET /test & GET /test/123 you can do:
public String getTest() {
return "test without params";
public String getTest(#PathVariable("param") int param) {
return "test with param";
If you want query parameters (GET /test and GET /test?param=123) then you need a single endpoint that takes an optional parameter:
public String getTest(#RequestParam("param") Integer param) {
if(param == null) {
return "test without params";
} else {
return "test with param";

Web API 2 attribute routing returning 404

I'm having trouble getting the Web API 2 attribute routing to work.
I've been trying everything I could find this whole evening but I can't find the problem.
What I want to achieve is the following:
Make a POST request to http://localhost:xxxx/api/chat/joingroup/1234 to get to the following API call:
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> JoinGroup(string id, string connectionID)
await hubContext.Groups.Add(connectionID, id);
return Ok(hubContext.Groups.ToString());
This keeps getting me a http 400 message.
{"message":"No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:41021/api/chat/joingroup/123'.",
"messageDetail":"No action was found on the controller 'Chat' that matches the request."}
But sending a post to: http://localhost:41021/api/chat/sendmessage/pm/123123 and also to http://localhost:41021/api/chat/joingroup gives me a 200
The chatcontroller:
public class ChatController : ApiController
IHubContext hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<ChatHub>();
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> JoinGroup(string id, string connectionID)
await hubContext.Groups.Add(connectionID, id);
return Ok(hubContext.Groups.ToString());
HTTP POSTS to http://localhost:xxxx/api/chat/sendmessage are working fine.
I cannot figure out why it isn't going to the correct method when I'm calling a POST on http://localhost:xxxx/api/chat/joingroup/1234.
The solution was to reference both values that are needed in the JoinGroup method, id and connectionID. Now the request will hit this method.
http://localhost:xxxx/api/chat/joingroup/john?connectionid=123 will work.
I noticed two things on the code you sent through:
the path you POST to is: localhost:xxxx/joingroup/1234 , this
should be localhost:xxxx/api/chat/joingroup/1234
because you have 2 parameters for the joingroup, you will need to pass both of them through, may be like this localhost:xxxx/api/chat/joingroup/1234?connectionID=value or you can pass it on the request body
if the connectionID is optional you can modify the method to use option al parameters like this
public string JoinGroup(string id, string connectionID = "")
please let me know if this helps.
I assume the connectionID parameter references the POSTed data. The easiest thing to make it work is to decorate it with the [FromBody] attribute and put an = in front of the value being sent like this: =MyConnection1.
Web API expects an object with properties or an array otherwise. Alternatively, you can wrap the connection ID with a custom class and pass it serialized as JSON/XML.

Web API - JObject from URI

Web API allows me to capture the body of a POST request in a JObject:
$.post('/api/Query/DoSomething', { Foo: "one", Bar: 4 });
public string Post(JObject data)
// data is populated
However the same technique does not work with a get request and URI parameters.
$.get('/api/Controller', { Foo : "one", Bar : 4 });
public string Get([FromUri]JObject data)
// data is empty
Any workaround here?
It doesn't work because a GET request does not have a body, and hence no content type. Therefore, Web API does not know that you have JSON in your URL. You have a few choices:
Pass your data as query string parameters, as is traditionally done in GET requests, and change your method to accept those parameters individually, or in a regular class (POCO).
Change your GET method to accept a string instead of a JObject, then use JSON.Net to deserialize it manually, e.g. JObject obj = JObject.Parse(data);
If you're feeling ambitious, you might be able to implement a custom binder to do this.
My recommendation is option 1. Traditionally, a GET method is just intended to look something up, so you really should only be passing IDs and simple query options anyway. It is unusual to be passing JSON data in a URL. Also the length of URLs can be limited by some browsers. If you find you are needing to pass JSON data, use POST (or PUT) instead.
You can create an object and bind to it using the FromUri.
Check out this solution which I am using

Controller not filtering data in Breeze query in DotNetNuke Module

I am trying to include the basic Breeze sample in a DotNetNuke module (it works fine in a standalone WebAPI project). To simplify things I remove the client and will just refer to the URL JSON calls I make in the Chrome browser.
I can see my metadata and a full list of items, eg:
however, when I try to filter the list from the URL, it always returns the full list, e.g.
I think it is something to do with the way I have declared the MapHTTRoute. The problem is that DotNetNuke modules do not have a Global.ascx. I have copied the BreezeWebApiconfig.cs file into my App_Start folder and this does fire when I debug, however DotNetNuke uses mechanism for registering routes:
using DotNetNuke.Web.Api;
namespace SmartThinker.Modules.Framework
public class RouteMapper : IServiceRouteMapper
public void RegisterRoutes(IMapRoute mapRouteManager)
mapRouteManager.MapHttpRoute("framework", "BreezeApi", "breeze/{controller}/{action}", new[] { "SmartThinker.Modules.Framework.Controllers" });
I have read up on and but it seems that it's something to do with the way DNN registers the routes. Is there anyway to do this without using BreezeWebApiConfig.cs?
My controller code has the BreezeController attribute. (When I do connect the sample client to it I do get a list of items - it just does not filter, so I think it is something to with the OData Action filters. How can I debug where the problem is?
Update 1)
Here is the metadata:
The GetUsers method:
and the GetUsers method trying to filter by UserID (which doesn't work, which is the issue) (this returns IQueryable)
Here is the controller:
public class DareController : DnnApiController
private readonly EFContextProvider<FrameworkContext> contextProvider = new EFContextProvider<FrameworkContext>();
public HttpResponseMessage Metadata()
var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, contextProvider.Metadata());
return GetResponseWithCorsHeader(response);
public HttpResponseMessage GetUsers()
var userInfoController = new UserInfoController();
var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, userInfoController.GetUsers());
return GetResponseWithCorsHeader(response);
public IQueryable<User> GetUsersWithoutCors()
return contextProvider.Context.Users;
The routing is not really a Breeze issue. How your server routes requests to your controller is up to you. What we do out-of-the-box is just one way among innumerable many.
You have the [BreezeController] attribute on your controller yes? Can you put a sample endpoint up where we could hit it. Might get some clues from that. Also post the controller. A tiny example should do ... something returning metadata and one method returning IQueryable.
Update 25 Jun 2013
I think you've discovered a bug in the way our [BreezeController] discovers methods returning IQueryable<T>.
The [BreezeController] attribute scans your Web API controller methods and (in effect) applies the [BreezeQueryable] attribute to methods returning IQueryable<T>.
[BreezeQueryable] is an extension of the Web API's [Queryable] that adds support for $select, $expand, and nested $orderby ... all missing from the current [Queryable].
I see now that your GetUsers() method returns HttpResponseMessage rather than IQueryable<User>. Let's assume that the userInfoController.GetUsers() method inside your method returns IQueryable<User>. Otherwise, the OData query parameters will not apply and we'll have to take this in a different direction. Moving along ...
I checked with v.1.3.6 of the Breeze.WebApi.dll and it does not detect that the HttpResponseMessage is wrapping IQueryable<T>. Therefore, it does not apply the client's OData query criteria (or any other OData modifiers for that matter). This shortcoming (in my opinion) is a bug. The following should be equivalent implementations:
public IQueryable<TodoItem> Todos() {
return _repository.Todos;
public HttpResponseMessage TodosWrapped()
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, _repository.Todos);
The second, "wrapped" method does not respect the OData query parameters.
Fortunately, there is a workaround until we get this fixed. Just add the [BreezeQueryable] attribute explicitly ... as in:
public HttpResponseMessage TodosWrapped()
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, _repository.Todos);
I confirmed that this approach does work.
Thanks for finding this.
Use OData query syntax
A colleague also noticed that your query URL does not use the OData query syntax. You wrote:
... /todos?=DareId%20eq%204
when it should be
... /todos/?$filter=DareId%20eq%204
Make sure you use ?$filter=

MVC Routes based on POST parameters

We have an a PHP application that we are converting to MVC. The goal is to have the application remain identical in terms of URLs and HTML (SEO and the like + PHP site is still being worked on). We have a booking process made of 3 views and in the current PHP site, all these view post back to the same URL, sending a hidden field to differentiate which page/step in the booking process is being sent back (data between pages is stored in state as the query is built up).
To replicate this in MVC, we could have a single action method that all 3 pages post to, with a single binder that only populates a portion of the model depending on which page it was posted from, and the controller looks at the model and decides what stage is next in the booking process. Or if this is possible (and this is my question), set up a route that can read the POST parameters and based on the values of the POST parameters, route to a differen action method.
As far as i understand there is no support for this in MVC routing as it stands (but i would love to be wrong on this), so where would i need to look at extending MVC in order to support this? (i think multiple action methods is cleaner somehow).
Your help would be much appreciated.
I have come upon two solutions, one devised by someone I work with and then another more elegant solution by me!
The first solution was to specify a class that extends MVcRouteHandler for the specified route. This route handler could examine the route in Form of the HttpContext, read the Form data and then update the RouteData in the RequestContext.
new { controller = "Reservation", action = "Index" }).RouteHandler = new ReservationRouteHandler();
The ReservationRouteHandler looks like this:
public class ReservationRouteHandler: MvcRouteHandler
protected override IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
var request = requestContext.HttpContext.Request;
// First attempt to match one of the posted tab types
var action = ReservationNavigationHandler.GetActionFromPostData(request);
requestContext.RouteData.Values["action"] = action.ActionName;
requestContext.RouteData.Values["viewStage"] = action.ViewStage;
return base.GetHttpHandler(requestContext);
The NavigationHandler actually does the job of looking in the form data but you get the idea.
This solution works, however, it feels a bit clunky and from looking at the controller class you would never know this was happening and wouldn't realise why en-gb/book would point to different methods, not to mention that this doesn't really feel that reusable.
A better solution is to have overloaded methods on the controller i.e. they are all called book in this case and then define your own custome ActionMethodSelectorAttribute. This is what the HttpPost Attribute derives from.
public class FormPostFilterAttribute : ActionMethodSelectorAttribute
private readonly string _elementId;
private readonly string _requiredValue;
public FormPostFilterAttribute(string elementId, string requiredValue)
_elementId = elementId;
_requiredValue = requiredValue;
public override bool IsValidForRequest(ControllerContext controllerContext, System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Form[_elementId]))
return false;
if (controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Form[_elementId] != _requiredValue)
return false;
return true;
MVC calls this class when it tries to resolve the correct action method on a controller given a URL. We then declare the action methods as follows:
public ActionResult Book(HotelSummaryPostData hotelSummary)
return View("CustomerDetails");
[FormFieldFilter("stepID", "1")]
public ActionResult Book(YourDetailsPostData yourDetails, RequestedViewPostData requestedView)
return View(requestedView.RequestedView);
[FormFieldFilter("stepID", "2")]
public ActionResult Book(RoomDetailsPostData roomDetails, RequestedViewPostData requestedView)
return View(requestedView.RequestedView);
public ActionResult Book()
return View();
We have to define the hidden field stepID on the different pages so that when the forms on these pages post back to the common URL the SelectorAttributes correctly determines which action method to invoke. I was suprised that it correctly selects an action method when an identically named method exists with not attribute set, but also glad.
I haven't looked into whether you can stack these method selectors, i imagine that you can though which would make this a pretty damn cool feature in MVC.
I hope this answer is of some use to somebody other than me. :)
