Rack/Sinatra LoadError: cannot load such file - ruby

I'm trying to build an app using Sinatra, Ruby, rack, haml, pony and SendGrid, with git and RVM for deployment on Heroku. The app is a blog variant that should send out an email with commentary submitted on a form. On my local server, when the form submits I get the following error:
LoadError at /
cannot load such file -- pony
file: tools.rb location: require line: 314
/Users/Kevin/prog/ruby/Sinatra/Noobs/noobs.rb in block in <top (required)>
require 'pony'
When run on Heroku, form submittal results in an internal server error. The 'cannot load such file' error suggests that the file is not on the gem path, but if I understand correctly, the OS disagrees:
➜ noobs git:(master) ✗ bundle show pony
➜ noobs git:(master) echo $GEM_PATH
Here is the code where pony is required (noobs.rb):
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'haml'
require "sinatra/reloader" if development?
# ...
post '/' do
require 'pony'
Pony.mail(:from => params[:name] + "<" + params[:contact] + ">",
What do I need to do to get pony to work?

require "bundler/setup"
Will probably fix your error.
Since you are using Bundler with Sinatra you need to require Bundler for the bundled gems to work. You probably have your gems split between Bundler and your gemset. If you have Sinatra and Haml in your gemset but Pony in your Gemfile you will see a LoadError.

I write down name of the gem (pony - in my case) in Gemfile - and it starts to work.
Just open Jemfile - and write down words jem "pony" in the new line I get the following paste2.org/6hVxHXKH


internal server error heroku

im developing a application in ruby with sinatra. evrything worked finely until i put it on heroku. heroku gives me internal server error but no error code ):
currently my workstation is a windows computer.
my log loooks like this: http://i.imgur.com/Xd3QAms.png
require 'tilt/haml'
require 'sass/plugin/rack'
require '4c96748'
run Sinatra::Application
source 'https://rubygems.org'
ruby '2.2.3'
gem 'sinatra', '1.1.0'
web: bundle exec rackup config.ru -p $PORT
require 'sinatra'
require 'tilt/haml'
get '/' do
haml :index
pleaase help me, what do i need to do?
try following in your 6c96748.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'haml'
get '/' do
haml :index
From your logfile:
LoadError - cannot load such file -- haml
There is no Haml installed on Heroku. Every dependency you need on Heroku needs to be in your Gemfile.
Add the following Line to Gemfile:
gem 'haml'
Don't forget to run bundle before commiting your changes and pushing to heroku again.
(As a sidenote, your Sinatra version is quite outdated. The current version is 1.4.6 (see https://rubygems.org/gems/sinatra))

can't require 'graylog2_exceptions' in sinatra

I have a sinatra app which runs on
ruby 1.9.3-p327with gemset exampleGemset (.rvmrc file)
when I run
bundle exec gem list
I get the gem
friendlyfashion-graylog2_exceptions (1.3.2)
but when I try to require it with require 'graylog2_exceptions' I get this error
LoadError: cannot load such file -- graylog2_exceptions
any ideas??
the problem was resloved by using the gem graylog2_exceptions
simply gem install graylog2_exceptions did the trick

Ruby not finding gems, but they appear on gem list, and work in irb console?

I've got a Ruby app using deamon-kit to create a daemon that runs a cron task every 3 seconds.
Problem is I'm trying to add some error checking using Errbit, so that requires me to:
require 'hoptoad_notifier'
in my script. However, the script is complaining it can't find the file?
.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p320#stitch/gems/activesupport-3.0.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:239:in `require': no such file to load -- hoptoad_notifier (LoadError)
What confuses me is that the gem is installed, when I run
gem list | grep hoptoad_notifier
I get
hoptoad_notifier (2.4.11)
Another test I did was to pop into irb console, on the same terminal window, after making sure I'm inside the correct RVM gemset off course:
1.9.2p320 :001 > require 'hoptoad_notifier'
=> true
1.9.2p320 :002 >
And voila, hoptoad is loading. It's only when loading my deamon-kit deamon, that I get the error.
What further confuses me is that when I look at my require block:
require 'rubygems'
require 'resque'
require 'hoptoad_notifier'
It's finding rubygems and resque, but not hoptoad_notifier? Why, when I comment out hoptoad, it doesn't also complain about resque and rubygems?
dameon-kit uses bundler, so you don't need to include rubygems. Include the following lines to your Gemfile :
gem 'resque'
gem 'hoptoad_notifier'
Run bundle install
and include your gems as usual :
require 'resque'
require 'hoptoad_notifier'
It worked for me.

Error loading Active Record gem with sinatra app using RVM

I set up a project level RVM gemset for a sinatra app I am starting that will connect to a local database with Active Record. In order to test it I tried to run the below test app:
require 'rubygems' # may not be needed, depending on platform
require 'sinatra'
require 'activerecord'
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
get '/' do
:adapter => "sqlite3",
:database => "hw.db"
(Taken from the answer to this question: What's the best way to talk to a database while using Sinatra?)
When I run ruby -rubygems test.rb I get this error:
/Users/[user]/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p0/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': cannot load such file -- activerecord (LoadError)
I've already installed the Active Record gem and it shows up in gem list and rvm current displays the correct gemset. I am new to RVM and I think this is something to do with the it not having the correct load path but I feel like I've set everything up correctly so I'd appreciate suggestions on what's wrong. Thanks.
As far as I can tell require 'activerecord' has been deprecated. Try using
require 'active_record'
If you have not already installed the activerecord gem, you will also get that error:
Open a command prompt and run these commands in the terminal:
#Find if the active record gem is already installed on your computer:
gem query --local
#See the downloadable gems, and see if activerecord is still available:
gem query --remote --name-matches activerecord
#Install your gem:
gem install --remote activerecord
#See if it installed successfully and is in the installed gem list:
gem query --local
Here is some code that uses the ActiveRecord gem to see if everything is configured right:
#Ruby code
require 'active_record'
class Dog < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :dog_tags
puts "activerecord gem is installed";
If everything is working, it will print "activerecord gem is installed" without any errors.

Sinatra + Bundler?

I'm wondering how one can use Bundler with Sinatra. The idea is to use the gems that Bundler downloads inside the .gems folder.
Inside your Sinatra app, you just have to require the bundler setup:
require "bundler/setup"
require "sinatra"
get "/" do
"Hello world!"
Alternatively, if you don't want to add the additional require "bundler/setup" at the top of your app, you can instead invoke sinatra via bundle exec (e.g. bundle exec ruby myapp.rb)
This assumes that you have a Gemfile in the root of your application. It might look like this:
source "http://rubygems.org"
gem "sinatra"
This also assumes that you've already installed bundler (gem install bundler) and that you ran bundle install to install all the gem dependencies.
I believe the best way is described here on EngineYard blog:
# This makes sure the bundled gems are in our $LOAD_PATH
require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'vendor', 'gems', 'environment'))
# This actually requires the bundled gems
class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
# stuff
As my original answer was quite old but there seems to be still attention to this topic here's the latest version of bundler/sinatra setup which will cover most of the use case:
A minimal config.ru
require './my_sinatra_app'
run MySinatraApp
An environment env.rb file that requires all the bundled gems (also supports loading the current environment's group):
require 'bundler/setup'
APP_ENV = ENV["RACK_ENV"] || "development"
Bundler.require :default, APP_ENV.to_sym
Then your app file (requiring the environment) with your sinatra app (Sinatra::Base):
require_relative 'env'
class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
get "/" do
"hello world"
Start your development server with rackup, and Sinatra will be loaded via Bundler, your app will be accessible from http://localhost:9292.
$ rackup
or bundle exec rackup if needed
Make sure you have a Gemfile like the following one and you run the bundle command before starting the app
source "https://rubygems.org"
gem "sinatra"
gem "puma" # a better rack server than the default webrick
+1 for the guide on the bundler website, but if you have a simple app and use Sinatra's dsl at the top level, then you need to do the following:
in your Gemfile (tell bundler not require sinatra):
gem 'sinatra', :require => false
and in the app's file (explicitly require sinatra):
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'
require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
'hello world'
To use bundler with a Sinatra application, you only need to do two things. First, create a Gemfile.
gem 'sinatra'
Then, set up your config.ru file to load the bundle before it loads your Sinatra app.
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'
require './my_sinatra_app'
run MySinatraApp
Start your development server with rackup, and Sinatra will be loaded via Bundler.
source bundler docs
