git extensions causing visual studio buttons to disappear - windows

I have VS 2008 installed and have put Git and Git Extensions on my system. I'm running Windows 7. When I launch my VS and work, the buttons will go grey. If I run the mouse pointer over them, they show up again. If I minimize the window and bring it back up, they are there. If I click on one of the buttons, it works as expected. I'm trying to get other engineers to start using this tool, but this concerns them as to why it's happening. Has anyone else seen this and does anyone have any idea how to get it to stop happening?

I have the same behavior with Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012.
Disabling the GitExtension toolbar resolves the issue.
I have this issue only with projects without GIT repository.

Disabling the GitExtensions toolbar solved the issue for me. You can still use the add-in from the Git menu item in the Visual Studio menu bar. To disable it right-click the toolbar area and uncheck the checkbox next to the GitExtensions item.
Before I disabled the GitExtensions toolbar Visual Studio was unresponsive whenever I maximized or restored the size of the main window. I think this is a bug in the add-in. The VS2008 version seems to be pretty old and I'm not experiencing unresponsive behavior in VS2010 where a newer version is available.


Updated toUnity 5.4.f2f - VS Autocorrect stopped working

I reecently updated my Unity editor from 5.1 to 5.4.f2f, and my IDEs started misbehaving. I use Visual Studio 2015 Community, and when I updated its Intellisense stopped recognizing all Unity terms. When I open scripts from the Inspector, VS opens nothing first, and open the script with broken Intellisense if I try and open it a second time. Monodevelop also cannot recognize any Unity terms. When I try and "Open C# Project," Visual Studio opens nothing.
The Unity editor also keeps on mentioning in the Inspector that GameObject scripts are missing too.
I'd really appreciate some help here guys. Keep in mind that I've also accidentally pressed the "Publish" button at the bottom of the VS window, but It was after the issue surfaced, so I'm not sure if it has any ties to this.
I think I solved the Problem.
It involved manually opening the Unity project in Explorer and opening the projects .sln file.
Apparently, this is a Windows OS flaw.
I got this answer from This link

Visual Studio's Toolbox is empty

I am using visual studio 2015. I have my toolbox open and I checked on Show All. I unchecked this an now my entire toolbox is empty except for the General Tab (which there is nothing in). I tried resetting the toolbox but that did not fix the problem. Has anyone encountered this before? If so, what was the fix? Thanks.
Try right clicking in the toolbox and select 'show all'... I hope this help. =)
you can also start /reset
Thank you for posting.
Could you please capture some screenshots for me?
From your description, it seems that your issue might be related with IDE. I suggest you to try to execute the following command.
Devenv.exe /SafeMode
Devenv.exe /ResetSettings
If you have any concern, please feel free to let me know.
Best Regards,
I just had the same thing happen to me in Visual Studio 2022 with a .NET 6 WinForms application. After updating VS 2022 to version 17.2.0, my Toolbox entries were blank when I tried to use them to drag and drop into the designer of a project I had just recently created in version 17.1.x.
I ended up fixing this by:
Right-click the Toolbox
Select Choose Items from the resulting context menu
Press the Reset button in the resulting Choose Toolbox Items dialog
Press the OK button when the reset process completed.
I have that problem still after using repair in VisualStudio Instaler. But find solution her :
. The localization off that files can be in diffrent places, for VS 2022 i find her: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\17.0_dbab3d69
That files are hiden.
I had the same problem. I have tried with right click on the design windows and add " Toolbox" (SSIS Toolbox in my case). This worked for me.
In the case of an SSIS toolbox not appearing. On the top ribbon menu click on View -> Other Windows -> SSIS Toolbox, this will show the toolbox with SSIS related items.
SSIS Menu image
I had a similar problem(Visual Studio 2022). None of the solutions solved my problem. Eventually my problem was solved by repairing the visual studio.
Go to Start >> All Programs >> “Visual Studio 2022” >> “Visual Studio Installer”. Now, click Visual Studio Installer.
After clicking repair options progress options open. The repair will take some minutes to complete.
I encountered the same problem and solved it by:
closing the toggled/opened toolbox
opening any windows form [designer]
re-opening the toolbox
toolbox components will be reloaded again
I don't know why this bug exists, but I fixed mine using the steps below:
Right click on toolbox -> Show All -> Check.
Wait it to load the controls, then click OK
Rigth click on Toolbox and select -> Show All -> Uncheck
This is an old question but I could fix it easily by just stopping the program running.
If you run your app to test it the toolbox will be empty until you stop the debugger!
In my case, I had opened with ctrl+alt+x. I noticed in the newer versions of VS, there is some confused crossover of toolboxes. In my case, it opened the SSRS toolbox, which was not applicable to my SSIS file.
Closed that, right-clicked in design area, and chose SSIS Toolbox. This opened a toolbox called "SSIS Toolbox" rather than just "Toolbox". All fixed.
I just right-clicked on toolbox area and choose "show all" :) Now it works
Just restart visual studio and it will pop right back
In Visual Studio 2019 you can just right click the dark area inside the toolbox and select "Reset Toolbox".
This will remove custom-added controls or any other auto-detected control, and you will be left only with the standard controls.
The issue should be fixed without completely reseting Visual Studio's settings.

Visual Studio 2010 events button has disappeared

Hi I have been working with visual studio 2010 ultimate all day developing an webforms application.
I just realized that on the properties for controls window the button for events is missing , the one that looks like a thunderbolt.
An hour ago that button was there and now somehow it has disapeared and I can't figure out how to make it visible again.
I have tryed reseting the visual studio settings and reseting the computer but nothing worked
How can I get the button back?
I had the same problem. This helped me.
1.Restart visual studio 2010.
2.Click and select a control in markup page(.aspx)(like
3.After selecting , Click "View" in menu and select "Property window".
Check the property box, Thunderbolt ll be available. It just happened for me!
If the above solution not working go on with this!
1.Select design view in markup(.aspx)
2.Select any individual control like a button or label..
3.Now, you will be able to see a ">" button on the right side? Click it.
4.Remember to select only one control./.now check your property window! Whoohoo..
Actually while the solution above works, it puts you through more steps than you need. You can resolve this famous disappearing thunderbolt by simply clicking on Design view, and then clicking back on Source view, then clicking again to select the control in source view.
The Thunderbolt icon and events for the control will magically reappear.
You do not need to restart Visual Studio, and you do not need to select anything while in Design view.
And now, for my RANT about this annoying bug:
Even though this is easy to resolve, it is a MAJOR inconvenience to developers in my opinion, because we have to do this silly workaround all the freaking time.
This is in fact a BUG in Visual Studio. It has existed since at least Visual Studio 2010 (many users have reported it here and in MS forums across this and all later versions of VS). I have confirmed that this bug still exists in the latest build of Visual Studio 2022. So clearly MS has no plans to fix it.
[Rant Mode Off]

Right Pop up menu coming slowly

When i right click in the text editor in Visual studio 2008 IDE, the Pop Up menu comes at a slower pace. Is there any setting in visual studio that can control this behavior?
After a windows crash my IntelliSense context menu (when clicked over a member/class/declaration) became very slow (~10s to open it). Solution was to close my VS2012, and delete solution cache files (solutionname.suo).
Keep in mind that .suo files are hidden.
After reloading the solution all came back to normal!
You may make VS GUI faster by disabling animation.
Uncheck "Animate environment tools" checkbox in tools - options - environment - general.
This may help...
The problem is possibly a timeout trying to connect to a Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. To disable this in VS 2012:
Tools > Options > Source Control > Plug-in Selection > Current Source control plugin-in > None
This worked for me and I read about it in a comment on this answer: .

Visual studio does not show content of files

Picture says it all, it should currently be showing a file but as you can see its having issues drawing the content of the file.
I have unloaded all addons and restart visual studio.
If it mathers the previus project was a VS 2k8.
New Info:
If i wait a good 5min ( I have a Quad core I7 with 6gb ram, 295gtx. VS is running from a SSD).
It will load the text, but im unable to "edit", as it will have loaded some document (.cs ) but when i select the one i want to edit it not realy open that file.
It can best be described as visual studio having a 5min lag.
I had this precise bug. I would open files from the solution explorer but the editor window would either not appear, only 1-2 lines of 100+ line files would display, or the file would display but I could not scroll or otherwise edit the file. Some parts of VS were working, i.e. little tooltips would appear if I moused over the right part of the (invisible) text but I obviously couldn't do much in this state.
I have a lot of VS stuff installed so I thought it was some sort of plugin or extension that was causing things to go screwy. These installed items include:
Visual Studio 2010 10.0.30319.1
ReSharper 5.1.3000.12 (JetBrains)
DevExpress DXCore 10.1.5 (free community edition)
DX Source Outliner (reason for DXCore, from sbohlen)
Tabs Studio 2.0.6 (
Productivity Power Tools 10.0.11019.3 (Microsoft)
Snippet Designer 1.3.0 (Matt Manela)
I solved it (2/18/2011) by Tools... Extension Manager... disabling the Productivity Power Tools and Snippet Designer. No idea what was going on but this fixed it for me and I was back to work. Probably something in the system drawing and/or display options.
The issue continues. Unfortunately it is intermittent and I have not be able to reproduce it reliably. Now the suspects are the BugShooting and CaptureWiz screen capture tools. I've had the behavior show up and then disappear in and around the time of logging bugs with them.
2nd EDIT
The issue continually continues. I have not yet been able to determine the cause but usually quitting VS and restarting resolves the issue(s). Other parts of the behavior includes the menu options (File, Edit, View, etc.) not operating properly as they show only the highlight but not the actual menu items. The solution will build and run just fine, but things still won't show up properly.
I had a similar issue whereby VS2012 was telling me that I had active (open) files, but the text editor was not displaying them. Clicking on the file(s) in the solution explorer seemingly did nothing. Alt + Tab just cycled through the open files, but still, nothing rendered on screen.
I solved it by clicking on the "WINDOW" menu item and then"Close All Documents". Visual Studio then behaved as expected and opened (and rendered) the files correctly.
This bug was created by mumble 1.2.x, but is fixed in the snapshot versions of 1.3.x. YOu can likely get simular bugs by other software that does DirectX overlay.
I had the same issue in Visual Studio 2012. It was fixed by running a repair of Visual Studio 2012 via Add/ Remove Programs.
The following had no effect:
Closing and reopening a solution
Opening different file types
Restarting Visual Studio
Adding and removing plugins
Resetting options via the 'Reset all Settings' option in Visual Studio's 'Import and Export Settings'
Rebooting windows
I had this problem in Visual Studio 2013. Problem was: extension "Regex Tester". I had to uninstall this extension.
