Creating a Custom Keyboard in Windows Phone 7 - windows-phone-7

What is best way to create a custom keyboard for my Application in windows phone7? If I do So will it accepted in Market?And how to disable Windows phone 7 default keypad?

I used this as a start point when i wrote Slydr (Sliding keyboard app)
just so you know, you cannot replace system keyboard.


What API/protocol is used to implement `Share` feature in windows explorer

I want to know the API or protocol of the Share feature in the windows explorer like this
Does anybody have any ideas?
ShowShareUIForWindow (MSDN says it requires Windows 8 but it actually only works in Windows 10/11 in a normal desktop application).
How do I show the sharing pane from a Win32 desktop application?

How to add my protocol into default programs in windows 10?

Hi I have a new protocol URL:myTest, how can I add it in windows 10 so I can see it listed in default programs? Shall I add it in registry? How/Where exactly could I do that?
I want to associate a program with this protocol.
The registration for "Default Programs" is in the registry under SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications. If your application fits one of the client types then you should point your RegisteredApplications value to Software\Clients\%ClientType%\%YourCanonicalName%\Capabilities, otherwise you can use any key like Software\%YourCompany%\%YourApp%\Capabilities or Software\Classes\Applications\%Filename%\Capabilities.
The most important subkey in your case is UrlAssociations.
You must also register your protocol in the normal way.
Some of this changed in Windows 10 and I would recommend that you test on Windows 7 or 8 as well. "Default Programs" has been deprecated in Windows 10.
You should also register yourself in the Applications key for integration with the "Open with" dialog.
This is the way it works for pure desktop apps, I'm not sure what happens if you convert a desktop app to UWP. Modern apps declare their protocol in the manifest.

How to create cyrillic input on windows phone?

On my Nexus 7 input keyboard I have an option to switch languages (Bulgarian, Russian and English).
I want to create such input on windows phone application, but was not able to find a way to do that?
I am not going to deploy the application on the store, just wanted to enabled this on the emulator.
Users can set this for themselves in the keyboard settings. You can't interact with the keyboard as a developer aside from setting it's inputscope (eg. web address, e-mail, numbers).

Windows button on windows tablet in custom shell

I am developing a custom shell for a windows 8 tablet. I would like to intercept the tablets windows button press event. I am not sure how to do so. I am currently working in c#, but would be willing to consider any possible solutions. I have tried autohotkey, but the tablet button must not be the same as the keyboard windows key. Any suggestions?
I vaguely remember reading that Windows 8 requires running with admin rights. Could you try that?

Live tile inside windows phone 7 application

Is it possible to create a live tile inside our windows phone 7 application? I am asking the similar functionality as in AppHub app "...i'm a WP7!".
Please provide me input, how i can achieve this functionality?
Check out the HubTile control from the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone over at codeplex.
Just be careful that it looks good and makes sense in your app - it's a very dynamic control and you can't see the Title of the control all the time.
